Chapter 320 Bonus ([-])

Go through the long hallway.Sergeants of the Tianzhu Army standing on both sides are standing solemnly. Zhou Yiyan carefully observed the expressions and postures of these people, and compared them with the tribal army of Zendan, and finally came to the conclusion: this is probably the King of Lingwu. Personal guard, otherwise why are you so elite.

A tall military general stood in front of the palace. Seeing Zhou Yiyan approaching, he immediately asked, "But Zhou Yiyan?"

"The guilty general Zhou Yiyan, I have met the general."

The general signaled, and several sergeants stepped forward and searched carefully inside and out twice to ensure that there was no hidden weapon before leading Zhou Yiyan in alone, while the entourage was blocked from the outside.

Cheerful laughter came from the palace.

Zhou Yiyan took a sneak peek, and saw a general wearing a bright red military uniform sitting on the khan's seat, surrounded by several generals, talking and laughing happily.

"Master Mani, since your name is Mani, why don't you join the Manichaeism?" asked the general who was full of stars.

If nothing else happened, he would be Lingwu County King Shao Shude.Zhou Yiyan took another look, and at the same time noticed Master Mani sitting beside him.This monk is quite good at drilling camps!

"Going back to the king of Lingwu County, the Dharma is profound, so I wish to respect the Buddha." Monk Mani said gently.

"Since I wish to study Buddhism intensively, why do I always accompany Li Renmei and advise her?" Shao Shude asked again.

Zhou Yiyan was taken aback, it was not easy to answer this question.Strictly speaking, there is a little bit of asking questions.

"Buddhism is in the world, and you can't realize it apart from the world; seeking Bodhi outside the world is like seeking the horns of a rabbit." Master Mani replied.

Shao Shude smiled without saying a word.

Most Uighur nobles believed in Manichaeism, but the middle and lower classes believed in Buddhism.It is of great significance to Shimen that Master Mani can walk beside Khan.If it is managed well, it may not be able to replace the status of Manichaeism in time.

Of course, this is actually very difficult.The civilization of the Uighurs was almost brought by the Manichean monks. At first they used the Turkic Luni language, which was vigorously spread by the Manichean monks.Later, the Sogdian language was used to transcribe various official and private documents including scriptures. The Manichaean monks still played a huge role. They even adapted the Sogdian language into the Syriac Gospel script and completed the spelling of Persian.At that time, the Turkic, Sogdian, Syriac, Persian, and Chinese languages ​​used successively by the Uyghur Khanate had Manichean monks in each.Even the creation of the Uyghur script is the credit of the Manichaeism monks.

Shi family, if there is no adventure, why compare with others?
"Commander, Zhou Yiyan is here." Lu Ming reported.

Shao Shude restrained his smile, turned his head, and asked, "What's the matter with General Zhou?"

"A lot of people came back yesterday to surrender, and they have been temporarily detained in the barracks outside the city according to the order of Lingwu County King." Zhou Yiyan replied: "There is a shortage of food and grass in the camp, which is only enough for a few days. The King of Wujun allocated some food and grass to help the army."

"How many people have surrendered?" Shao Shude asked.

"There are more than seven thousand cavalry and nearly six thousand infantry."

Shao Shude pondered for a moment.

Before entering Zendan, more than a thousand soldiers from the Uighurs had been collected, and they were all detained in Liangzhou.After the battle of Zendan, there were even more soldiers, over ten thousand, most of them were Uighurs, and there were also soldiers from other tribes.

"Choose five thousand elite soldiers, don't set up an army, and I will reward you." Shao Shude said.

Zhou Yiyan seemed to have been aware of it for a long time, and immediately asked: "Dare to ask the commander-in-chief, how do you choose?"

"Those who are good at archery and riding can get two pieces of brocade and one hu of grain in the warehouse, and move to Lingzhou together with their families."

Zhou Yiyan looked complicated.

Is it really okay to leave the place where my ancestors lived for generations, and feel like a floating weed, without belonging, and working hard?

He knew that the King of Lingwu County would definitely conquer the Central Plains in the future, so how long would it take for so many feudal towns to fight one by one, five thousand Uighur soldiers?
After one batch dies, go to Ganzhou to recruit another batch.Fighting every day and attacking every night, Ganzhou's elite and strong men died in the Central Plains, achieving the hegemony and ambition of Lingwu County King.

How nice it is to stay in Ganzhou!There are many tribes farming here, and every year they harvest a large amount of white wheat, highland barley, Uighur beans (chickpeas) and many fruits and vegetables that are not found in the Central Plains and have been brought from the Western Regions; The number of sheep is huge, and life is still very comfortable.

Shao Shude just glanced at it, and he knew what Zhou Yiyan was thinking.

Good times nomads!Before the Anshi Rebellion, there were probably more than 250 million nomadic people living in the entire Hexi, Longyou, and Shuofang towns.This does not include the Tubo, Dangxiang, and Western Regions who cultivated land. If counted, the population is even larger.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the population declined slowly.After the collapse of the Tubo Empire, the decline accelerated.But the foundation is still there, and the climate has not changed significantly.Some fertile oases are even mainly based on settled agricultural and livestock production, such as the Hexi Corridor—pure nomadic pastoralism, which cannot support such a large population.

"Why, but the various ministries of Ganzhou feel that there are difficulties?" Shao Shude asked.

Zuo Wenyan, who surrounded him, all turned their eyes around.

Zhou Yiyan was sweating, and immediately replied: "Since the king of Lingwu County has issued a reward, the warriors of all tribes must have nothing to say."

People are knives, I am fish, what else can I say?

Serving as a soldier to Umm Lord Khan has not received all kinds of rewards, so he can only count on looting after the war to get three melons and two dates.Judging from the meaning of Lingwu County King, it should be recruiting people to be the Yamen Army, which is a good place to go.

But the heads of the ministries should be quite conflicted, especially if they have to take the sergeant's family away.If this goes to Lingxia to live for ten or eight years, what does it have to do with Uighur?The appearance of the Uighurs is not much different from that of the Han, Dangxiang, and Tubo people. After two generations, who still remembers the eight generations of their ancestors?

"These 5000 people are mainly Uighurs, known as the Silver Spear City." Shao Shude asked Zhou Yiyan to serve tea, and said at the same time.

"Silver gun capital?" Zhou Yiyan was taken aback.

Fighting with spears is not what the Uighurs are good at.When the commanders of the Central Plains went to the grasslands to recruit soldiers, they always valued their riding and shooting skills.It is better to go to Guanzhong to recruit soldiers with long spears, as many as you want.

Shao Shude smiled, knowing what he was thinking, and didn't bother to explain.

The silver guns are five thousand horses, and the weapons used are light spears. The diameter of the spear shaft is thinner than that of the horse lance, and the weight is much lighter. The spear head is only a dozen centimeters long. It's completely different-if you count the lance, the entire iron front end of the horse lance is one meter long.

Such a light spear can be hung on the side of the saddle, instead of having to be held like a lance.The freed hands, of course, can shoot arrows, and the skills of the Uighurs will not be wasted.

Both the Silver Spear Capital and the Leopard Cavalry will be combined into one army. Marshal Shao thought about it for a long time and planned to name it the Flying Bear Army.However, he was a little guilty, and he didn't dare to announce the name in public. He planned to ask the cultural people in the town to check in two days whether there was such a troop in history.If not, or if it is not as famous as in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", then feel free to satisfy your own evil tastes.

But if you have five thousand riders with silver guns, you should be more cautious about forming other troops.The food intake of horses is more than three times that of humans. There are many grasslands in Lingxia and Hexi, and these thousands of horses can be raised in normal times, but the logistical pressure is great in wartime.It is equivalent to sending at least [-] more infantry food. Even things like beans, grains, and wheat bran are not a small cost.

Basically, Marshal Shao only wanted to create a new army, that is, the Chishui Army stationed in the Liang and Gan areas.

There are too many places to defend, which takes up a lot of troops, leaving him with more than two million people in more than [-] states, but the mobile troops are pitifully small. How can he conquer the world in the future?This problem must be solved.

"General Zhou has to work harder these few days. Recruit more scattered people, and let them go back to the vicinity of Zendan, cultivate wasteland, and herd cattle and sheep. Lord Wumu has been defeated, and he is not a bloodthirsty person. All the tribes of Ganzhou , all innocent, you can come back boldly." Shao Shude said again.

The second bonus of conquest of Hexi is population.

At the end of Liangzhou, there were still more than 8 people. After taking back some of the captured Dingkou, there were still 4 people.For the other small tribes, there are still more than [-] people left in this society.Liugu Tubo suffered heavy losses, with a total of more than [-] left, all of which were forcibly relocated to Shengzhou.

That is to say, counting the Han Chinese, there are still about 15 people in Liangzhou at this time, and the population has dropped sharply, but it is not bad—Shao ​​Shude is planning to move more than 3000 captives and their families to Sheng If the trip takes place, another 6000 people will be gone.

Ganzhou originally had about 15 people, and suffered little losses in this war. However, about 5000 people will be forced to relocate, and there will probably be less than 12 people left.

The relocated population is also a dividend.Overall, after the capture of Liang and Gan prefectures, a population of about 31 was gained.As for the trophies, Shao Shude is most concerned about cattle and horses. Among them, there are more than 12 cattle, more than [-] horses, more than [-] camels, and more than one million sheep.

This is basically the amount of loot after convergence.Compared with the Khitan people in Liangzhou, the harvest is still a little less. Xixia has already strengthened its walls and cleared the wilderness, and the population of Xiliang Prefecture (Liangzhou) was not as large as that of the late Tang Dynasty, but they still took away 20 camels and millions of sheep. Marshal Shao The meat-cutting knife is still not hard enough.

After careful calculation, in fact, Ganzhou Uyghur alone has a population of more than 7 and more than 200 million livestock.Before the Anshi Rebellion, the 250 million nomadic tribes in Shuofang, Hexi, and Longyou towns had a total of about 8000 million livestock, including more than 1000 million cattle and other large livestock.Coupled with the food produced by farming, it is almost enough to feed these people.

But don't worry, in the future, the Hexi Corridor area will be Marshal Shao's treasury, which will continue to provide soldiers, horses, and commercial interests along the Silk Road.

Especially horses. Since the Northern Wei Dynasty, all dynasties have liked to raise horses in the Hexi Corridor. It is not without reason.Why has the horse breeding industry in Hetao, Hedong, and Yanshan been unable to develop, so that the number of war horses provided by the Hexi Corridor accounts for more than [-]% of the country?
Aside from the safety factor, the environment here is also unique.Liangzhou and Ganzhou will become horse breeding bases in the future. Compared with the three ranches in Yinchuan, Yongqing and Xishi currently controlled by Shao Dashuai, they can be completely thrown away.

Well, it seems there is Suzhou?

 Still taking care of people in the hospital, taking time to code words, turning day and night upside down. . .Once a chapter is coded, a chapter will be published.

(End of this chapter)

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