Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 326 Constellation Sea

Chapter 326 Constellation Sea

Wang Chong went forward with some trepidation.

Yang Hongwang got off his horse and snorted coldly.

"Military envoy." Wang Chong's expression changed, he hesitated to speak.

"Tell me in the tent." Yang Hongwang threw the whip to the soldiers and strode towards the tent.

Surrounded by a large group of Uighur sergeants watching the excitement with their spears.

Before setting off, Ganzhou and Suzhou collected more than [-] light Tibetan spears and equipped them for the Silver Spear Capital, which is considered to be their long weapons.But these spears are generally only two meters long, and only a few are four or five meters long. After returning to Lingxia, they have to be replaced again.

Silver Gun now has [-] auxiliary soldiers, all from Suzhou.More than half of them are the strong and strong tribes of Uighurs in Suzhou, and there are also a small number of Tuyuhun, Tubo, Qiang, and Tatar tribesmen.

The whole army has [-] cavalry, [-] horses, and [-] auxiliary soldiers, which is already a large-scale army.But they are just the vanguard of the army, which shows the pressure on the Tibetans.

"What's going on this time? I don't want to listen to what the military newspaper said, tell me the truth." Yang Hongwang sat down on the main seat and asked.

He is the envoy of the Flying Bear Army that is about to be formed, and under his jurisdiction are the Silver Spear Capital and the Leopard Cavalry Capital. Ten generals obeyed the immediate boss.

"A few Tubo auxiliary soldiers dressed up as herdsmen and went to spy on information. They were attacked and killed, and their horses were taken away." Wang Chong said, "One of them came back wounded. past……"

"Three hundred levels will be beheaded this time?" Yang Hongwang glanced at him coldly: "I'm so stupid, seeing you killing thousands of horses, you can't tell the difference? Won't you hand over the murderer?"

Yang Hongwang sighed and understood.The gang of silver guns did not give them a chance to speak at all, so they must have carefully planned a surprise attack.A small tribe of less than 2000 people was attacked by [-] heavily armed cavalry, how could it survive?
"Forget it, the matter has come to this point, and the commander-in-chief didn't particularly blame you." Yang Hongwang looked at Wang Chong and said, "Let's raise our troops to the east first, to Huangshui County."

"What are you going to do in Huangshui County?" Wang Chong was stunned and asked.

Huangshui County (now Ledu, Qinghai Province) is located to the east of Shancheng, and is the seat of Shanzhou, where many Han people settled down.

"Just go if you are told, don't ask why." Yang Hongwang pulled his face, and said: "This time, even if it is justifiable, there will be no next time. If you want to retaliate, you have to order from the commander-in-chief, understand? "

"Obey." Wang Chong replied.

Yang Hongwang looked at his leaving back and smiled suddenly.

Of the three teenagers back then, he was the one who took the lead after all.This is the Marshal's grace and also an opportunity for the Yang family.After the formation of the Feixiong Army is completed, he will jump into the top ten generals of the military government, and Guangzong Yaozu will be at this time.

And just when the silver guns left the Anren army and the whole army was heading east.The Jinglue Army who stayed behind in Ganzhou also received a military order from the five-hundred-mile urgent messenger. The whole army marched to Jiankang Army, and then...

The Guiyi Army and Yumen Army at the back of the palace also received the order, turned around and returned to Dadouba Valley, and headed for the Weirong Army.

The Weirong Army was established in the 26th year of Kaiyuan, with thousands of soldiers in charge. It is near Haiyan today, north of Huangshui.

The main force of Shao Shude's army had already stopped advancing in the Xingsuchuan area.

Xingsuchuan, also known as Xingsuhai, is located in Datong, Qinghai and northwest of Huangyuan in later generations.In the early years of the Guo Dynasty, Hou Junji attacked Tuyuhun here and defeated it.

Shao Shude boarded a small hill overlooking the sparkling lake Haizi.

The sky was unreal blue, the air was clear, and the sun was shining brightly.

On the edge of the lake Haizi, gulls and birds gather, and the water plants are lush.

A large flock of sheep grazing with their heads down, the breeze blows, and the green grass is covered with white clouds.

Well, it's still a little out of sync.Because the herds are all rough men in the army, not shepherd girls.

Originally there were indeed some shepherds, but who would dare to stay here after the fierce warriors rushed over?The Sergeant Cai Ren of the Tianzhu Army who was in charge of clearing the field is not a good person. If you don't leave, you will be a spy, and you must be arrested first.Even if it is finally clear that you are let go, the sheep you are grazing will not be found...

Shao Dashuai stationed his troops here and sent envoys to various tribes in Tubo to invite the leaders to come to the alliance.

It was also the first time for Chen Cheng to see such a magnificent and vast scenery.

He has conquered the river and Wei, and seen the pastures of the Tubo people, but compared with the one in front of him, it seems different?
The large lake, Haizi, and the large fertile pastures are almost two worlds away from Liangzhou and Ganzhou where we stayed before.The Daxue Mountain (Qilian Mountain) that lies across has created two different regions.

"Does Deputy Chen know that the Heyuan army is not the real source of the great river?" After trying a step bow casually, Shao Shude's hands were itchy again, and he wanted to hunt.

"The commander-in-chief has used the army for many years, and he has never lost a single defeat. You should be familiar with the geography of mountains and rivers, and I am not far behind." Chen Cheng cupped his hands.

This - can also flatter?Shao Shude looked at Chen Cheng with a straight face, and was speechless.

"Commander, Tubo in Shanzhou, there should not be many people willing to come this time." Chen Cheng said again.

Tubo was terrified and hesitant when something bad happened in the Silver Spear Capital. It's really hard to say how many leaders will come at this time.Even the heads of the various tribes that I met on the road before were restless at this meeting, not knowing what fate awaited them.

At this time, the Tubo leaders should all rush to Qingtang City, right?I heard that there is a mage named Jiezan over there, who is quite prestigious. He once commanded the coalition forces of the Qing and Tang tribes and fought with the Qiang tribe.

Uh, the Tubo monks are indeed rather slack, just like the eunuchs in the Song Dynasty, commanding the army is a common thing.

Decades ago, the reason why Lang Dama wanted to exterminate the Buddha was because the previous Zanpu Chizu Dezan appointed the military power and political power to Buddhist monks, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the nobles, so they united and overthrew Chizu Dezan , Helped his son Lang Dama to take the throne.

As soon as Langda Mafu came to the throne, he started a vigorous movement to destroy Buddha.For example, turning temples into slaughterhouses, drawing pictures of monks drinking and having fun on the walls of temples, nailing Buddha statues and throwing them into rivers, and forcing monks to go hunting with bows and arrows, etc.

Now decades have passed, and Buddhism is gradually recovering in the old territory of Tubo.On the Qingtang City side, eminent monks have held power for many years. People have to sigh that the vitality of this religion is really tenacious.

The Central Plains also destroyed Buddha, but it was useless.It is still useless to destroy Buddha in Tubo.To truly defeat these monks, there is only one trick, magic against magic, but this may not be a good thing...

"It's definitely coming, but most of them are gathering troops." Shao Shude laughed, and said: "Shanzhou Tubo, they are not very honest. There are so many tribes under a certain rule, in terms of paying tribute, the Hengshan party item is the first First, the Pingxia party item. Second, the Hexi party item has fewer people for the time being. Even the Yinshan Tibetan tribe, which pays little tribute, is more than Shanzhou Tubo. Only [-] yaks and [-] sheep were sacrificed, which is almost the same as sending beggars."

Chen Cheng was speechless.Five hundred cows and ten thousand sheep are all integers. What does this mean?It shows that Qingtang Tubo has a complete will.The Marshal is very sensitive to these matters, which may be the biggest reason why he finally made up his mind to teach the Tubo people a lesson.

"The Qingtang and Tubo tribes, the harder they are, the better. There are more of them, and they just catch them all at once." Shao Shude tried the bowstring, and when he shot an arrow, a large flock of flying gulls by the sea was startled.

Chen Cheng looked at the handsome man who bent his bow and set his arrow, and for some reason, he suddenly felt emotional.

Marshal is 32 years old this year, full of energy, wise and powerful.No matter what enemy you face, you seem to have the confidence to win the battle. This is the time to forge ahead.

But 20 years later, when the commander-in-chief enters the year of knowing his destiny, do you still remember the hard shot at Xingxiu beach today?
When the weather is not here, the hero is late, that is the great tragedy of the warrior.

Time is running out!This time, it is best to pacify Tubo in Shanzhou in one fell swoop.

Suddenly a cloud floated in the sky, and it began to drizzle.

In Qingtang City, Master Jiezan sat at the top.There are dozens of people in the hall, all of whom are chieftains from nearby tribes.

The mage is very wise. He asked everyone to send their family members to the city, as well as their goods.

Therefore, Qingtang City is very busy these days, with cars and horses coming in and out everywhere.Groups of family members of tribal nobles entered the city, bringing with them a large amount of wealth, filling the city to the brim.

"Everyone, the tribes of the Qing and Tang Dynasties have always been here. In the current Tang Dynasty, people are talking about raising troops. The people who come are not good, and they just want to enslave us." Master Jiezan looked at the leaders of the tribes with piercing eyes and said: "At this time If you retire, everything will be suspended, and you will go out to fight wars, pay tribute to cattle and sheep, and sacrifice women, and you will never be able to get rid of slavery."

After Master Jie Zan finished speaking, someone immediately got up and echoed: "Yes! The Master has a great opinion and expressed my thoughts. The Qing and Tang Dynasties, there is no need for a new Zanpu!"

"What about other people's opinions?" Jie Zan asked again.

His eyes were filled with anticipation.Authority is established step by step in this way.Leading a coalition of multiple tribes to fight against the Qiang people has already gained him a high reputation.This time, if he persuaded the chiefs again to pull out the assembled soldiers and defeat the army of the Tang Dynasty, the prestige would reach an unimaginable height.

If we take this momentum of great victory and attack the Hewei states in the east, we will make our momentum bigger.Then it is not impossible to send people to Chang'an to let the emperor of Tang Dynasty canonize himself as Zanpu.Even if the matter fails, just like the Lunjiao fever back then, it's okay to be named a Jiedushi.

Take your time in everything, there is always a chance.

"If you have no objection, then follow the agreed plan. First send a unit to the north to provoke the Tang people and fight with them. The main force ambushed in the Changning Canyon. After the Tang army chases and defeats the soldiers into the valley, they will all go out and wipe them out." Master Zan said excitedly.

Lure the enemy to go deep, this is a tactic that Tubo people like to use very much, and it really works.The people of the Tang Dynasty believed in their military strength and did not pay attention to the Qing and Tang tribes, so they might as well take advantage of their mentality.Especially after sending one to fight against him, it can make the Tang people even more arrogant and dazzled by the victory.

Changning Canyon is the only way for the Anren Army to reach Qingtang City.Ambush here, it will be a miraculous effect.

There are many strategies that sometimes don't seem very clever, but people continue to be fooled.Master Jiezan came up with this plan and patiently waited for the Tang people to take the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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