Chapter 328 Pressure
At the crystal clear lake Haizi, a rider suddenly fell to the ground.

There was a feathered arrow stuck in his neck, and he opened his mouth a few times, spitting out blood foam.

Blood flowed into the lake, staining the clear water red.

On the grass next to the corpse, the fighting continued.

The Tubo people originally wanted to feign defeat, but they were rushed by the Leopard Riders. Nima didn't have to act, they really lost!

More than [-] riders were smashed and retreated all the way south.Five thousand cavalry troops rode one person and two horses, riding in rotation to pursue the enemy.

The Tubo people fled for tens of miles, and the male was so tired that he was foaming at the mouth, so he had to stop to rest. As a result, he encountered the iron cavalry who were chasing after changing horses.

Master Jiezan sat firmly in Qingtang City.

The bait has been dispatched, and more than [-] people have been ambushed in Changning Canyon in multiple sections.As long as the Tang army captures Anrenjun City, they will definitely not be able to resist chasing the defeated soldiers into the Changning Canyon, and rushing to Qingtang City to pick up bargains.

Human psychology is like this.If you win a battle and don't pursue it, it will be very difficult to pass that test, as the saying goes, taking advantage of it.

When encountering some ruthless generals, they would not give the enemy a chance to breathe, and chased them all the way to death—Master Jie Zan obviously did not know that the Qing soldiers of later generations chased them from Shanhaiguan to Beijing, then to Shanxi, Shaanxi, and then to Huguang , insisting on Li Zicheng, and no one else would ignore him, but the reason is interlinked and it is not difficult to understand.

Three thousand cavalrymen fought with the Tang army, but retreated to the Anren army after feigning defeat.

There are still thousands of soldiers in the city of the Anren army, but they will not resist resolutely. After fighting the Tang army, they will feign defeat again and retreat into the Changning Canyon to attract the main force of the Tang army to enter.Then more than [-] ambush soldiers rushed out, cutting the Tang army into several sections, and they couldn't look at each other from head to tail.

You must be patient in this battle.

When the leading troops of the Tang army entered the valley, they could not do anything first.We must wait for most of its main force to enter, and then close the door and beat the dogs. In the first battle, 3 or [-] enemy troops were killed and wounded, and then take advantage of the situation to counterattack and win a complete victory.

"Master, there are cavalrymen from the Tang army appearing in the area of ​​Yu Haijun, looting and massacring them wantonly." The Buddhist scriptures could not be read any longer, and when Master Jie Zan was about to go to the blacksmith shop outside the city, the leader of the Miaochuan tribe suddenly walked in. Said.

Master Jie Zan was taken aback.

The Miao Chuan family was his confidant, the tribe was in the lower reaches of the Huangshui River in the east, there were a few thousand men, women, and old, but there were more than fifteen thousand strong and strong. This time they brought ten thousand people, which can be said to be very obedient.

Master Jie Zan is also very supportive of it.For the weapons made in Qingtang City, priority should be given to supplementing the Miaochuan Department.There are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in this department, most of which are stationed in Qingtang City and its surrounding areas. Five thousand were transferred to the north before, and now there are still five thousand in the city.

"Fish Navy? Didn't you send troops to escort the various ministries before?"

"It was sent, but there were too few people, and they were overwhelmed by surprise. The Tang army had thousands of cavalry, and they slaughtered wantonly. Many Dingkou, cattle and sheep were captured by them."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to bring the people back to Miaochuan, where they may also be raided by the cavalry of the Tang army."

Master Jiezan was silent.

A tribal alliance is a country that is not as good as the establishment.These leaders left as soon as they said they wanted to, taking military and state affairs as a trifle, and they only had their own pastures, cattle and sheep in their eyes, how could they fight like this?
If news spread that the pastures around Yuhaijun had been looted by the Tang army, how would the ambush in the Changning Canyon continue?Are the tribal leaders going to break up with their young men and run all the way home?Or simply vote for Shao thief and deal with Qingtang City instead?

The Han people have a saying that "mud cannot support the wall", these leaders, alas!The soldiers are from the tribe, not from Qingtang City, this is too fatal.

Nations, tribes, institutions...

Master Jie Zan's Buddha's heart was a little unstable, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You can't take people away yet. As soon as the soldiers withdraw, the front line will be disbanded, and the fight can no longer continue." Master Jie Zan persuaded earnestly: "Do you think that if you take people back, you will have good fruit? No! The Shao bandits all the way Advance into Qingtang City, are you going to be enslaved by it? What did you say a few days ago? The Qingtang tribes don’t need a new Zanpu, and now the Shao thief just wants to be a Zanpu, how do you treat it?”

Miao Chuan hesitated a little.What the mage said made sense. After all the ministries gathered together, they planned to drive away the outsiders who wanted to enslave them, but they just gave up halfway.It will be difficult to organize it later.

The reason is also very simple. Without a prestige leader, it is impossible to bring all the ministries together.In fact, Shao thief is quite suitable for this role, with strong strength and strong appeal.Although I don't know how capable he is in dealing with affairs, but just looking at his ability to control the tribes of the Hewei states, he should be able to do so.

It's a pity that such a person is destined not to give up his "big tribe" and come to the small place of Qingtang.

"If Thief Shao just wants us to pay tribute to some cattle, sheep and horses and then leave, it seems not unacceptable." After hesitating for a long time, Miao Chuan was still a little worried.The total number of cattle, sheep and horses in my tribe is nearly 200 million. If you can offer [-] cattle and sheep to Shao thief in exchange for his retreat, it is better than fighting and killing.

Master Jiezan turned cold, and was about to say something when suddenly a general came in and reported in a low voice: "Tang army cavalry has approached Anren army city."

"Well done to lure the enemy!" Master Jie Zan shook his spirits and said, "We must reward him when we come back."

"Yupang is dead." The visitor reminded in a low voice.

Master Jiezan was taken aback, and asked, "How did you die?"

"The whole army was wiped out, and none of them came back."

"Yepang, in order to lure the enemy, took the lead, regardless of life and death." Master Jie Zan quickly reacted, turned his head to look at Miao Chuan, and said in a heavy tone: "Miao Chuan should work together. The Shao bandits have already been confused. , will definitely drive straight ahead, and this battle will surely be won. Don't worry, the spoils captured after the battle will definitely be shared with you."

The messenger who came to report has been invited out by Master Jie Zan.

Jie Zan pulled Miao Chuan's family, and persuaded earnestly: "Seeing that we are about to win a big victory, retreat at this time. After the battle, we will divide the population, cattle and sheep, but you will lose your share."

Miao Chuan made sense when he heard it, but he still hesitated.

The three thousand riders of the Yepang tribe went there with the mission of luring the enemy, and they didn't intend to fight to the death at all, but none of them ran back. What happened?
The main force of the Tang army in the Xingsuchuan area gave the Miaochuan family an increasingly unfathomable impression.Is there really a chance of winning against such an army?

Seeing that Miao Chuan was still a little hesitant, Master Jie Zan was a little anxious, so he added: "If you don't retreat, the crossbows made by Qingtang City will be divided into five hundred more every year."

The Miao Chuan family was tempted at once, and after thinking about it, the strategy of praising the mage should still have a great chance of success, so he nodded and said: "Well, it is really inappropriate that Qingtang City is not guarded by soldiers. The Miao Chuan tribe continued Stay here and fight to the death with Shao Bandit."

After sending Miao Chuan away, Master Jie Zan looked gloomy, and was about to carefully plan the course of the battle, when someone came to report: The leader of Zong Ge's tribe came and wanted to take the people away.

The rabble!Master Jiezan gritted his teeth for a long time, then calmed down his mind, pretended to be calm and calm, and let the head of Brother Zong come in.

Outside the Constellation River.

Shao Shude's banner started to move.

In the first battle with Tubo, the Leopard Cavalry and the Iron Cavalry fought very well.

Just like the Liangzhou and Zendan battles with the Uighurs in Ganzhou, the armored cavalry played a huge role. They took the lead in the assault and were invincible-fighting heavy armored infantry. The iron kite is enough to fight the enemy's light cavalry.

In fact, before the collapse of the Tubo Empire, there were also armored cavalry.

Their cavalry are equipped with chain mail, and their helmets are made of Eastern Roman style, and they don't know where they learned it.

The horses are also wearing chain mail, which is similar in style to that of Tang Dynasty.

Dunhuang historical records record the Tubo heavy cavalry: "The bow and arrow are weak but the armor is strong. Everyone uses the sword. If they don't fight, they walk with the sword. In every battle, the front team dies and the rear team advances. In the battle, they must dismount their horses and march in formation. They handed it over and received it, but they refused to retreat in the end. Both men and horses wore chain mail, and the system was very fine, covering all parts of the body, except for the two orifices, which could not be injured by a sharp blade."

In fact, it's not bad, at least there is a face curtain, leaving only the eyes and nostrils, and the face protection is quite in place.However, the armored cavalry of the Guo Dynasty did not have such a thing, and the "morbid" armored cavalry of the Southern and Northern Dynasties did have a curtain.

The next time the Tubo people will appear with armored cavalry will be during the reign of Jisiluo.

This person is indeed quite capable. He unified the ministries, trained the people and governed the army, and formed a political entity that is closer than the tribal alliance. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Zanpu.Xixia attacked several times and returned in defeat.Qingtang Tubo's armor is of good quality, and the crossbow's range and accuracy are quite good. It is indeed quite different from the general low-level tribal civilization. After all, it has the legacy of the empire.

After the iron cavalry defeated the Tubo cavalry, Shao Shude planned to move south.The nearby area was basically swept away, and the grassland was trampled by hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep, which was a bit unbearable.

Going south will put more pressure on the Tubo people, and at the same time, it can better appease the tribes.These days, seven or eight tribal leaders have come to visit, adding up to tens of thousands of tribesmen.

Shao Shude received more than [-] horses, more than [-] yaks, and more than [-] sheep in tribute.

Damn, the more cattle and sheep are beaten, the more cattle and sheep, this is what happened.Now the army is already killing sheep to make dried meat, and there is also a lot of milk produced every day.The Tibetans will continue to spend it, and see who can spend it better.

In addition, Shao Shude was also waiting for the news from the three groups of people who had been outflanking him.

Especially Silver Gundu, they need to be more active in sports warfare.The main force of Tubo has not been found yet, even if the silver spear is pulled hard, maybe the Tubo people will be able to follow suit.As soon as he moved, he couldn't hide his whereabouts.

Before leaving, he received a military report: Ganzhou Uyghur Yeluo Hemochu, Hexi Dangxiang Tuoba Renfu's troops attacked Lingzhou with thousands of horsemen, and were captured by the party Xiangzhuang Lang, Fengzhou Turkic Geshu and others. The Tielin Army's tens of thousands of cavalry joined forces to repel them.

Shao Shude looked at An Yan.This should be the backhand left by Lord Wumu at the beginning. He wanted to use his strength during the Dan Dan war, but he didn't succeed. It was probably because Hexi Dangxiang was not easy to talk to. Finally, he finally found Tuoba Renfu, but it was a pity that he launched it too late. Yes, the strength is also insufficient.

In fact, Lord Wumu has a backup, so why didn't Shao Shude arrange a backup?More than [-] Fan Han cavalry led by Tian Xing went out to fight and pull the valley, but they did not play any role.In the battle of deleting alchemy, it's the same with or without them.

This is the battlefield.No matter how clever the calculations are, no matter how careful the layout is, the chess pieces laid out may not necessarily be effective.

But in future battles, the chess pieces that should be laid out still have to continue to be laid out.Moreover, it needs to be distributed more to increase redundancy. If one route does not work, then I will use two or three routes to increase the chance of success.

This time to conquer Shanzhou and Tubo, Shao Dashuai frantically arranged three groups of troops to detour to the back of Tubo.

(End of this chapter)

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