Chapter 333 New Jobs

Qingtang in July is not very hot.

At an altitude of more than 2000 meters, there will be no altitude sickness, and the climate is cool.If it wasn't too far away, Shao Shude would have come here to hunt in summer.

Of course hunting was just a joke, but it was a very serious matter to strengthen Shao Dashuai's influence among the Qing and Tang tribes.

Don't win the battle, people will forget it in a few years, so isn't it a waste of fight?
Shanzhou, if you don't fight, it's fine. Now that you have already fought, you have to deal with the aftermath.As for the aftermath, the first thing to consider is the issue of the garrison.

Another difficulty!
"Marshal, look at the green mountains over there." Chen Cheng pointed to the lush mountains on the other side of the Huangshui River in the north of the city, and said, "The Tubo people first joined the Heyuan Army of the Tang Dynasty. When they saw the green mountains in the north of the city, they named this city Qingtang City."

"The name is average. I think it's better to call it Heyuan Jun." Shao Shude said.

Chen Cheng was stunned, and asked: "The commander-in-chief wants to place a new Heyuan army here?"

"Our army has won a new victory, and the hearts of the people are not yet solidified. It is impossible not to garrison troops." Shao Shude said: "What I am worried about is where the soldiers come from."

The Chishui Army in Liangzhou hadn't yet formed a plan, and they hoped to annex the Jingyuan Army and reorganize it. Now Qingtang City needs to garrison troops. If possible, the Jishi Army in the south will also garrison troops. Otherwise, it will be difficult to control this vast area.

"Marshal, you might as well transfer Yi to join the army and come here." Chen Cheng suggested.

Before the expedition, there were 6000 volunteers in the Yi Cong Army.In the left chamber, including Hengshan Capital, there are [-] infantry, and in the right chamber, Zhongyongdu, there are [-] cavalry.

The troops in the left wing mainly came from the Hengshan Dangxiang.

The three thousand knights of Zhongyongdu in the right wing were compiled by warriors donated by various ministries of the Pingxia Party. It was originally temporary, just like Khitan's palace tent army, but later Marshal Shao swallowed it directly and became a directly subordinate government army.

"It's inappropriate. Let's not mention the right wing of the Yi Congjun Army. The left wing is of great use. Once it goes out, it needs to be used as the backbone to expand the army." Shao Shude vetoed this proposal.

Chen Cheng frowned and thought hard, and then he had a flash of inspiration, and said, "Master, I have a plan!"

"Fart off!" Shao Shude scolded with a smile.

"The commander-in-chief might as well send his generals to Fuzhou, Yanzhou, Fengxiang Mansion and Xingyuan Mansion, select the government army of the four towns, the elite state soldiers, get thousands of soldiers, and add [-] cavalry from the Zhongyong Capital. The Heyuan Army will have a strong foundation. It is." Chen Cheng said.

Good guy!This is a good way to draw salary from the bottom of the pot!
Shao Shude glanced at Chen Cheng in surprise. He was not a time traveler, but it was not easy to think of the tricks of rectifying local feudal towns and selecting elites to join the central imperial army in the later Tang Dynasty.

This method can actually be tried.

The Baosai Army and the Baoda Army each have seven to eight thousand people.My father-in-law's Fengxiang army has just been rebuilt, mainly composed of the Binning army and the children of the Zhe family who moved to Linzhou, with 8000 soldiers.

There are still about 2 horses in Shannan West Road.

The two towns of Baosai and Baoda each sent 2000 people, Fengxiang sent 1 people, and Shannan West Road also sent [-] people, which is [-] people.Don't want their precious cavalry, just pure infantry, the cavalry Marshal Shao himself will provide it all.

[-] infantry troops from the four towns, plus [-] fine cavalry from the Zhongyongdu, and then recruit two to three thousand new recruits, wouldn't the Heyuan and Jishi armies come?
These are the dividends of the political battles I have won in the past ten years, and the benefits are no less than military battles.

There is also a Chishui army, continuing to follow the old method, starting from Jingyuan Town.

Thinking of this, Shao Shude immediately found Lu Siye and asked him to write a letter to Zhang Yanqiu who had returned to Xiazhou and Zhu Shuzong, the coach of the capital, to prepare for the matter.

The selection of elites from the four towns required a field trip of course.Otherwise, what people send are crooked melons and split dates, can they be used?

After this matter was resolved, Marshal Shao was in a good mood, so he led the army into the city.

The main ones who followed into the city were the Tianzhu Army, the Iron Cavalry Army, and the Leopard Cavalry Capital. The foreign army and the Fan family were stationed outside the city. The Feng'an Army remained in Anrenjun City to guard the Tubo prisoners.

"Marshal, all the captured items are here." Ten Generals of the Silver Spear Capital Wang Chong presented a list of spoils.

Shao Shude took a cursory glance and found that there were tens of thousands of pieces of silk, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.It seems that the Tubo people in Qingtang City are not idle, and the Hu merchants who detoured to their side also left a lot of good things.However, the composition is similar to that of Zendan, mainly Fanjin and Persian brocade.Hu merchants probably would rather take away the silk from the Central Plains than take it away for some other benefit.

The grain also looks like less than [-] hu.Not surprisingly, wheat, highland barley, and beans are the main crops, which are also the main crops of the Qing and Tang tribes.

There were also gold and silver wares, armor, swords, etc. Shao Shude handed the list to Chen Cheng and asked him to organize the transport, then he turned his attention to Wang Chong and said: "General Wang Shi has made great achievements this time. What reward?"

Wang Chong was agitated when he heard the words, but he still suppressed his emotions and said, "It is really a fluke to break the city. If there is no general to attract the main force of the captive army, it is impossible to take Qingtang City so easily."

"Great is merit, there is no such thing as a fluke. Once the formation of the Feixiong Army is completed, you will be appointed as a deputy envoy. You will still be in charge of the silver gun capital. The monthly salary will be raised to [-] yuan, and you will receive another Suizhou don't drive." A concurrent official, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan." Shao Shude said: "By the way, my sister is in the mansion, so you can come and walk around more."

Wang Chong was born in the family of Zangcai Wang in Fengzhou. His father Wang Xie was the inspector of Mula Mountain, and his younger sister Wang was a maid in the county prince's mansion.However, after Wang Chong captured Qingtang City and made great achievements, the status of the Wang family may change.The improvement of the Wang family's status may in turn promote the stability of the Toyosu royal family's status and power. The rise of a family seems to be imminent.

"Thank you, Marshal, for your kindness." Wang Chongxi said.

The development of the military is just like that.In the future, if he makes meritorious service, he will be a military envoy at most. This is already the limit under the feudal town system, unless the commander-in-chief goes further and is no longer limited to a corner of the Shuofang army.Otherwise, there is only room for improvement in terms of wealth and family wealth.

This is actually not bad!The commander-in-chief doesn't doubt the people below, and the people below can also enjoy wealth and honor in peace. Does it have to be like Li Keju and Li Quanzhong in Youzhou who trusted each other, and the tragedy ends in the end?

After Wang Chong retreated, Shao Shude found Zhang Huaishen and Long Jiu again.

"The two generals fought with the army and made great contributions. They also have a share in the capture of Qingtang City." Shao Shude laughed.

"This is all the work of the King of Lingwu County. I can't wait to run around, and I haven't made an inch of my work."

"Where is it?" Shao Shude waved his hand and said: "Fight with me, even if you don't shoot an arrow, as long as you send troops, you will be rewarded. For cattle, sheep, horses and camels, Fushi Chen will contact you two. Brocades and treasures in the treasury , Gold and silver wares, there is also a share, don't refuse."

Zhang and Long looked at each other, and then said in unison: "The king of Lingwu County has clear rewards and punishments, which is very convincing."

Shao Shude smiled.

In fact, the biggest capture in this battle was the artisans of Qingtang City.From blacksmiths to carpenters, from weavers to dyers, and even veterinarians and jewelry craftsmen, there are more than 2000 people. Shao Shude plans to move all of them out and set up the Lanzhou Duzuo Academy, which has Wuquan and Guangwuliang Academy under its jurisdiction.

In this way, Longyou Town has Weizhou and Lanzhou two capitals, and Shuofang Town has Suizhou, Xiazhou, and Lingzhou three capitals. The foundation of the government-run military manufacturing system has been consolidated a lot.

The skills of Tubo craftsmen are still remarkable.Before the collapse of the empire, it went south to India, robbed artisans, attacked the Central Asian countries, and robbed many artisans.After more than a hundred years of development, it has now formed its own system with strong strength.

After sending Zhang Huaishen and Long Jiu away, Shao Shude thought about how to deal with the Tubo surrender.

People will definitely take away a considerable part of it.He is the victor, there is no need to be hypocritical in this matter, otherwise people will think you are afraid.

The Iron Cavalry Army and the Silver Spear Army were short of some auxiliary soldiers, so they selected 5000 soldiers from Tubo and moved them to Lingzhou together with their families.

This is not enough, Shao Shude also plans to select an additional 5000 elite warriors among the surrendered tribes, and set up another one, named Qingtangdu, to be incorporated into the Yi Cong Army, which is the right wing.That is to say, from now on, the Yi Cong Army will be reorganized into 3000 people in Hengshan Capital on the left side and 5000 people in Qingtang City on the right side.

Of course, the families of five thousand soldiers in Qingtang Capital also moved to Lingzhou.With five thousand auxiliary soldiers supplying the Iron Cavalry Army and Silver Spears, that's [-] households.

After careful calculation, this expedition, not counting the surrender of Liugu Tubo sent to Shengzhou, there are quite a few families of Qianghu soldiers who moved to Lingzhou: there are [-] Uighur households in the Silver Spear Capital, with the Longjia tribe as the main force. There are [-] households in the Suzhou Tibetan tribe of the Lord, and this time there are [-] households in Qingtang Tubo, a full [-] households!
Lingzhou now has a total of [-] to [-] households, and another [-] households have poured into it in a short period of time, almost reaching the population limit at this stage.

Moreover, Hu Feng probably wants to raise his head!The next step is to devote more energy to education and assimilation.

After joining the army, it is certain to grow hair, adopt Chinese names, learn Chinese, and celebrate Han festivals, but this is only limited to the sergeant himself, and it is not enough!There are [-] sergeants, and it is estimated that there are more than [-] family members. The assimilation work of these people is the key point.

In addition, there are the Liangzhou Tubo Department and the Liugu Tubo in Shengzhou, which have registered households in Qimin. The workload is huge, and it is no easier than fighting.

Wenzhiwugong, likewise cannot be neglected.Sort out the inside without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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