Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 349 Discourage

Chapter 349 Discourage
"Yang Xingmi sent General Tian Kai (jūn) to attack Changzhou and entered the city. At midnight, tunnels were dug to Qian Liu's guard General Du Ling's bedroom, and he was taken captive, leaving [-] troops to guard Changzhou."

Sometimes you can find a lot of fun by reading and listening to the town briefings sent by Wang Si.

Back then, Wang Chucun sent [-] soldiers dressed in sheepskins as sheep in the middle of the night to lure Youzhou soldiers out of the city to rob them, which was very comical.

This time Tian Kai dug a tunnel to Du Leng's bedroom, which was also black humorous.

"Sun Ru crossed the river from Guangling and attacked Changzhou. Tian Kai didn't dare to fight and retreated. Sun Ru returned to Guangling and left Liu Jianfeng to guard Changzhou. Liu Jianfeng led his army to attack Runzhou, but Qian Liu defended General Cheng and dared not fight, so he led his troops to flee."

Yang Xingmi and Qian Liu were really useless, and they robbed Jiangnan, but when Liu Jianfeng came, they all ran away.

"Pang Shigu led an army to attack Huainan, numbering 10. He claimed to save Yang Xingmi, and fought Sun Ru in Lingting. Shigu was defeated and returned."

Cai thief is still fierce!
Among the generals of the Xuanwu Army, Pang Shigu's level should not be as good as Zhu Zhen, Ge Congzhou and others, but he is trusted by Zhu Quanzhong.

"Li Ke sent down to Xingzhou, with An Jinjun as the training envoy of the Xingming Regiment, and the army returned."

Shao Shude sighed, put down the military newspaper in his hand, and finally it was time to face it.

After breaking through Xingzhou, Li Keyong officially annexed Zhaoyi Town, and his next goal was either Chengde or Datong.

"Bring back the Tianxiong Army." Shao Shude said suddenly.

Lu Siye was drafting an iron material procurement plan, when he heard Shao Shude's words suddenly, he was stunned for a moment.However, he was very professional and didn't talk too much. He immediately put the original documents aside and drafted an order for troop deployment.

After the order was written, it was signed and sealed by Shao Shude, and then sent to the Duyu Marquis to go through the process.

The Tianxiong Army went to Qinzhou after the Spring Festival last year.

Because the prefecture was newly attached to Longyou Town, Shao Shude was worried about instability, so sending the Tianxiong Army there was also a kind of experience.

In the second year of Wende, 24 students from Xiazhou Martial Arts were sent to the army. They served as team deputy and team leader. After completing the last year of internship, they have officially entered the army this year.

At the beginning of this year, Xiazhou Wuxue had 17 "fifth grade" students going to Tianxiong Army for internships, and Lingzhou Wuxue had 15 students.Therefore, there are now a total of 56 martial arts students in the Tianxiong Army. Although it is not a big force, it must not be said to be small.

In fact, Shao Shude did not have much confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Tianxiong Army.

This army has a total of 5000 people, all infantry, most of them are recruits from Cai people in Henan, and less than 2000 people are drawn from old troops such as Tielin, Wuwei, and Jinglue.Moreover, there are many vacancies in the positions of team leader and team deputy at the grassroots level, which are filled by martial arts students.

That's all, take them to see the big scene.His old nest is in Qinzhou, and he can't make a name for himself by practicing.

Now Marshal Shao has three martial schools under his command, namely Xiazhou Martial Arts, Lingzhou Martial Arts and Lanzhou Martial Arts.

In the first year of Guangqi (885), the martial arts school in Shuofang County, Xiazhou recruited 50 children about ten years old to teach cultural knowledge and train various skills.By this year, the first batch of children were almost 15 years old, and they were officially promoted to Xiazhou martial arts school, where they continued to study for five years.

Huile County martial arts school in Lingzhou recruited 50 children in the second year of Guangqi. This year is their last school year in the county martial arts school, and they will be promoted to the state martial arts school next year.

The 50 children in Wuquan County, Lanzhou only started school last year.

As far as his heart is concerned, Shao Shude believes in these students who started from the county martial arts school, then advanced to the state martial arts school, and finally graduated to the army.

At present, those who have entered the Tianxiong Army are mostly recruited fifteen and sixteen-year-old boys, who directly started from the state martial arts.They generally have a background in skills, and many of them are directly from the family of generals.In terms of blood, he is not the purest martial arts student.

But Marshal Shao is patient.

Every major event he does has a span of ten or 20 years.

The three-crop crop rotation system requires three years of small-scale experiments, followed by three years of large-scale experiments. It may take four or five years for full promotion in Shuofang in the future.

For ordinary people, they can't wait long ago, and will only implement policies that will see immediate results.

But Marshal Shao endured loneliness, cultivated slowly, and finally reaped fat fruits.

Ma Zheng, he does not expect to be able to breed excellent war horses and draft horses that will shock the world within 30 years, but he just invests resources every year and keeps doing it.

The same is true for martial arts. It has been five years since it was first started, and it has finally begun to see some results.

In fact, there are quite a few similar ones. The shipbuilding industry in Lingzhou was developed for the purpose of attacking Hedong, but in recent years it has served the local economy.

This year, it began to engage in trade fair-style centralized trade, and introduced the concept of bookkeeping currency.This is a great initiative, and it will gradually develop in the future. Businessmen will gradually see some commercial papers and become familiar with them, which is equivalent to warming up and baptizing their thoughts. Amazing storm.

Laogou forced multi-line long-term operation, which is so stable.

Outsiders may not notice, but Marshal Shao did do a lot of things quietly, which is different from other military leaders in this era.

These things are not only conducive to military hegemony, but may also leave something for the people of this land.

According to Shao Dashuai's thinking, after completing these tasks, I can play with women with peace of mind.

"The Tianxiong Army will go to Zhenwu Army City first, and wait for my review." Shao Shude added.

Lu Siye quickly copied the order.

"The Wuwei Army is in Xingyuan Mansion, the Dingyuan Army is in Xingzhou, the Shunyi Army is in Liangzhou, the Zhenwu Army has already gone to Hezhou, the Heyuan Army and the Jishi Army have just been formed, and they have also gone to Hehuang..." Shao Shude slowly took stock I only heard him say: "The Qian Shousu Department of the Feng'an Army stayed in Xiazhou, and the Guan Kairun Department of the Jinglue Army stayed in Lingzhou. If something happens, the only ones who can go to Shengzhou with me are the Tielin Army, Xinquan Army, and the Tiantian Army." Zhu Army, Tiande Army, Tianxiong Army, Yi Cong Army, Iron Cavalry Army, Flying Bear Army, but enough! Sixty thousand cavalry!"

Shao Shude stood up suddenly, feeling a little agitated.

It's excitement, not excitement!
As a ten-thousand-year-old dog, I finally have a showdown with others, I don't pretend anymore, my mood is still very complicated.

"Is Li Hang still in Yunzhou?" Shao Shude asked.

"Back to Commander, he is still in Yunzhou and has not returned yet." Lu Siye replied.

"Write him a letter and ask him to go down to Taiyuan to meet Li Keyong. Li Keyong may transfer troops to attack Datong to stop him. As for how to word it, let Li Hang think for himself." Shao Shude ordered.

In fact, in history, after Li Keyong acquired Hedong, his first offensive target was likely to be Datong Town.But because Meng Fangli committed suicide, he was from Xingzhou, and he insisted on moving Zhaoyi Township Office to Xingzhou, so the people in Zezhou and Luzhou were upset, and troubles arose.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Keyong mobilized his troops to attack and easily captured Ze and Lu prefectures on Hedong Road.

With this attack, Zhaoyi Town will be immortal.So it wasn't until this year that he broke through Xingzhou that this grievance was completely settled.

Strictly speaking, it was Meng Fangli who attracted the firepower to Helian Duo, otherwise Datong would have been gone long ago.

It's actually quite boring for Li Ke to attack Datong now.

In history, he attacked Datong to solve his worries and at the same time obtain the passage to attack Youzhou.But after many years of war, Helian Duo's strength has been greatly weakened, and he no longer poses a threat to Hedong.

In addition, Li Keyong, can you take care of your own strategy?
We all know that you want to annex Hebei, but which one do you want to fight?

After occupying the three prefectures of Xing, Ming, and Ci, Chengde Wang Rong was terrified, afraid that you would come and beat him.

In the end, you went to attack Datong, which made the people of Youzhou panic.You are quite capable of dealing with the two major Hebei feudal towns at the same time!
Youzhou can ride [-] paces, and Chengde Wang Rong has assembled "[-] riders". It is difficult to predict the outcome of one fight, let alone two at the same time?
Normal people know that they should form a bond with one family before attacking the other.It is best to separate and provoke the relationship between them so that they cannot unite.

But you are lucky, provoking Chengde and Youzhou at the same time, you don't have a clue.

Another thing that didn't count was that once Datong Town was occupied, Marshal Shao would be a little panicked.

Are you going for one vs three?Is it really suitable?

It's better to keep Datong Town as a buffer zone, which is good for both Hedong and Shuofang.Youzhou Li Kuangwei brothers can also relax a little bit.

Li Hang was quite eloquent, and if he carefully analyzed these pros and cons to Li Keyong, he might be able to let go of his thoughts of attacking Helian Duo.

Fuck, Shao Shude felt that he was serving as an adviser to Li Keyong, telling him not to make mistakes and make too many enemies at the same time.It's such a mess, so fucking ironic!

"Let Li Hang pay attention to what he says, he is a little bit like the fox pretending to be the tiger." Shao Shude was worried, and said again: "Brother Yi, you have to follow the hair, eat the soft and not the hard. Now our attention Throw to the south, and nothing will happen to the north."

"Of order." Lu Siye scrapped the original letter and started drafting again.

"It would be best if you can dispel Yibro's thoughts with a few words, but if you can't..." Shao Shude sighed, and said: "Then I still have to invite Yixiong to the north to meet the alliance, and I will talk to him personally."

It is conceivable that this so-called alliance must be backed by a large army, and things are complicated.

But no matter what, once Li Hang goes to Taiyuan, the relationship between Shao and Li should be difficult to return to the past.

Wannian Laogou suddenly stood up and asked you not to do this or that. Can Li Keyong's mentality be adjusted?

Will it fly into a rage?Then send troops to Zhenwu Army?

Hope he is more sensible. People in their 30s don't feel like they are invincible all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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