Chapter 351 Reply
Li Hang stood on a high platform with a calm expression, but he was very upset.

What is the meaning of pulling me as a guest envoy to observe the soldiers?Demonstration?
If Marshal Shao hadn't personally instructed him to restrain his temper and not to "pretend to act like a tiger", Li Hang would have shown embarrassment at this time.

There is no way, the small town is weak, and the court of Chang'an has run a lot.

Everywhere they went, people were polite, they bought wine and banquets, Meiji attended the bed, and they spoke nicely, which made Li Biejia's heart a little high.

Below the high platform is battalion after battalion of Hedong sergeants, covering the entire wilderness.Banners covered the sun, spears were like a forest, and there was a large group of cavalry running around, bringing up a large cloud of smoke and dust.

This is also the victory of soldiers.

After a while, a group of people slowly came from a distance.

Li Hang looked around and saw a group of unkempt captives.

Sha Tuozi is too deceptive!
Li Hang suddenly understood that this was not a military parade at all, but a prisoner offering ceremony!

With the prisoner (guó), the army must be behind.

Sure enough, the big carts and small carts brought a lot of spoils, mainly equipment and flags, and they should all be captured from Xingzhou.

The prisoners are displayed in the front, and the military is displayed in the back!
Li Hang glared at Li Keyong and said, "Is this the way the King of Longxi treats guests?"

"The envoy is a little restless, it's all here, and calm down." Li Ke stood at the front proudly and said with a smile.

Taking Xingzhou down and destroying Zhaoyi Town made him feel much better. He seemed to have found the pleasure he once had in Guanzhong and Henan, killing all directions.

During the battle against Huangchao in Guanzhong, the rebel army fought to the death. Wang Chongrong led the infantry to attack fiercely, prying the rebel army's position.Daibei's cavalry swarmed in, killing the nest thief several times a day, laying dead corpses hundreds of miles away.

There are two dozen yellow nests in Henan, and Zhu Quanzhong is in danger, begging for help with humble words and generous gifts.As soon as the Hedong army arrived, the Chao army was defeated and defeated.

The bad luck is about to pass, and Li Ke regained his feeling with self-consciousness.

The ups and downs of reciting sounded from the audience, and floated over with the breeze.

"...The thieves are connected with each other, and the madness is still hot. Send special personnel to spy on the thieves from afar... Personally carry the teacher's brigade, and go to the battle. Travel across the mountains and rivers, encounter frost and dew... Capture and kill, like transporting branches Refers to...Chengyuan Yunben, Zong is also popular. Take the rate of Fu Yu, and dedicate it to the state..."

Li Hang listened to Zhu Wen with a livid face.Now he is restless, thinking about how to report to the commander after he goes back.

One-eyed, deceiving too much.

After the lengthy message of congratulations, Li Keyong ordered to distribute wine and meat to the sergeants, which immediately attracted cheers.

Li Keyong laughed loudly, and said: "The envoy went back to see his brother-in-law, and told him that Tubo is weak, and bullying is meaningless. Now the Central Plains are full of wolves, arrogant and domineering. My two brothers should work together and fight together. Go south to seek the destruction of non-subjects."

"I don't agree with you." Li Hang said solemnly: "Tubo is cruel and harms the people. God and man share the anger. My family's general raised righteous soldiers, punished the ugly, and relieved the people. This is a heroic act. Meng Fangli's generation is notorious. , The bad deeds have not been revealed, the king of Longxi County launched a large army to fight against him, and after many years of fighting, the fields and crops were desolate, the people were displaced, and their corpses lay dead, this is not the work of a man."

Li Keyong didn't seem to hear, and turned his head to order something.

After a while, under the command of the food envoy, some auxiliary soldiers escorted a large amount of goods to the front of the battle.When the sergeants met, the atmosphere became more enthusiastic.

One by one the armies began to receive their rewards.

Yier Army, Left Camp Army, Right Camp Army, Decisive Victory Army, Hengchong Army, Shocking Army, Pro-Cavalry Army, Shock Cavalry Army, Flying Cavalry Army, Fifth Academy Army, Xiongwei Army, Tingzhi Army, Wansheng Army, Kuang Ba Army, Fei Teng Army, Ma Qian Zhi Army...

These are all the Hedong Yajun, with many trumpets, and only a part of each army came, but there are more than [-] infantry and seven to eight thousand cavalry in the field.

Li Hang was very angry on the face, but he was already secretly estimating the strength of Hedong in his heart.

Twelve infantry armies and four cavalry armies, the infantry armies actually included cavalry soldiers, and the first volunteer army to receive the reward came with hundreds of cavalry soldiers, as did other armies.I just don't know if the number of people in each army is the same, it should be impossible!

Based on an average of 6000 men, the twelve infantry armies should have around 6 men, and the four cavalry armies should have [-] to [-] men.Considering the cavalry in the infantry, there should be [-] to [-] infantry in Hedong, and about [-] cavalry?

It's a little more than the [-] government troops estimated by the commander-in-chief before.Could it be possible that Li Keyong recruited some of the Fan soldiers after conquering the three states of Zhaoyi?
This is really militaristic!
Well, no one is not militaristic these days.One by one, the generals desperately searched for money to support the sergeants, so that they would not have to be burdened by their livelihoods and could concentrate on honing their skills. At the same time, they provided the best equipment and armor as much as possible, in order to burst out superior combat power on the battlefield .

But there are still degrees.

On the surface, Shao Dashuai controlled more than 270 million Tibetan Han people and raised 140 to 10 Yamen troops (not counting state soldiers).Under Li Ke's rule, there were only [-] million Han people, but he supported [-] to [-] troops. The difference is not small.Moreover, the [-] people in Zhaoyi Town can't provide much goods now. This is the real militarism, even more ruthless than Zhu Quanzhong.

That is to say, the east of the river has a good foundation and can barely support it.But after a long time, can you continue to raise it?At least, the [-] cavalry could not be maintained for a long time, and it would be good to maintain [-] in the end with a little consumption in a high-intensity war.

"After the envoy returns, he can ask his sworn brother, is the Huayue Temple alliance in the past still countable?" Li Keyong suddenly turned his head and said, "Qibizhang belongs to him, Helianduo belongs to me, and the well water belongs to me." If you don’t violate the river water, don’t you want to renege on your promise now?”

The generals in Hedong also turned their heads to look at Li Hang with a fierce look in their eyes.

"Hedong is such a strong soldier, so majestic." Li Hang laughed suddenly: "Didn't you hear that my lord also started by fighting and killing? Cheng Huaixin was killed in the Daizhou formation, the nest of thieves in Guanzhong was repeatedly broken, and Tuoba Dangxiang in Xiping, Conquer Tuolu in the north, attack Lingzhou rebels again, and attack Hewei and Tubo again. The mortal enemy Zhu Quanzhong, the two towns of Chengde and Youzhou in the east, and the old enemy Helianduo in the north, if they are evil with my master and surrounded on all sides, will the King of Longxi have a chance of winning?"

Hearing Li Hang mention Cheng Huaixin, all the generals in Hedong changed expression, some even drew out their knives and asked, "Is the envoy not afraid of death?"

Li Hang didn't bother to talk to them, just looked at Li Keyong.

Li Keyong didn't look as angry as expected, it seemed that he was middle-aged and the city was much deeper.

"Why does the envoy have to engage in a verbal dispute? Why don't you go back and ask your brother-in-law's opinion first. Then send someone to write a letter, and the envoy can take it back and return." Li Ke said calmly.

The five-hundred-mile express courier rushed to the horse, and quickly sent Li Keyong's reply letter to Lingzhou.

After Shao Shude finished reading it, he immediately called Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng.

"Li Ke used this person, he was too stubborn, and he also held grudges." Shao Shude sighed: "In the past, Qi Bizhang and He Lianduo raided his tribe twice, and I always remember it."

"It's been a few years since the Huayue Temple alliance. Brother Yi wants to buy wine in Yunzhou. He invites me to go and form an alliance forever. Hehe, just listen to these words. This is a demonstration."

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng looked at each other, they both knew that this alliance was not easy.If one is not good, let Li Keyong see the opportunity, maybe there will be a fight.

"The commander in chief..." Chen Cheng couldn't figure out what Shao Shude was thinking, so he asked.

"Secretary Lu, pass on my order!" Shao Shude ordered without answering.

Lu Siye, the chief pen holder, immediately spread out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"Qian Shousu was the envoy of the Xiazhou town to contain the soldiers and horses, and led the Feng'an army to stay in Xiazhou."

"Guan Kairun was the envoy of Lingzhou to suppress soldiers and horses, and led the strategic army to stay in Lingzhou."

"Yang Jue of Linzhou is You Yi's strike envoy, commanding the state soldiers of Linzhou and Yinzhou, as well as the Tutuan villagers, patrolling along the river."

"Form the Yinshan Camp."

"Song Le served as the military envoy for the battalion, and Zhu Liang, the grain envoy, served as the deputy envoy of the army."

"Yang Yue served as Marquis of Yu, the capital of the camp, and led the Xinquan Army and Tianxiong Army to set off immediately to deploy defenses in Zhenwu Army City."

Having said that, Shao Shude went to the wall again and looked at the map for a while.

Lu Siye wrote like a snake, and quickly wrote down the main points, and he will draft a formal order in a while.

"Continue to write!" Shao Shude sat down under the picture of the tiger descending the mountain, and said: "Liangzhou's ministries, five thousand people; Hengshan party, ten thousand; Pingxia party, ten thousand! Hexi party, not many people."

"Yinshan Fanbu, Zhuanglang, Geshu, Hun, Wang, Qibi, Dafa!"

Lu Siye shook his hand.

Dafa and conscription are two different concepts.

Conscription is one out of three households.Dafa is a man over 15 years old and under 60 years old, one counts as one, and all of them are dispatched.

I am afraid that the Yinshan and Fan tribes will be able to mobilize 5 to [-] people!

Logistics, can you afford it?

Perhaps it is possible to transport grain, meat, and milk from Lingzhou down the river to Zhenwu Juncheng. Yinshan Fanbu also provides some cattle and sheep. , I'm afraid I'm going to be eaten up!
"To send an order to Li Yanling in Binning to adjust 20 bundles of grass fodder and send it to Lingzhou. Fengxiang Mansion transported 40 bundles of grass fodder to Lingzhou. Minister Xiao of Longyou sent 20 bundles of grass fodder to Huizhou. The 15 bundles of grass fodder, Collect and distribute in Lingzhou, and transport them to Zhenwu Army after the big river thaws. The officials run the herdsmen and count the number of Jie sheep. A sheep, also rushed to Shengzhou."

"Xiazhou and Suizhou both serve as academies, and the accumulated arrows and equipment are transported to Cangcheng, Yinzhou. If possible, they will be shipped to Zhenwu Army."

"All kinds of ordnance, go all out to build them, and make no mistakes!"

"Shannan West Road, Longjian Town, offering 30 pieces of fang cloth. It is said to be paid in advance. If you are not at ease, you can exchange it with a war horse."

"The two towns of Baosai and Baoda donated [-] hu of millet."

Lu Siye became more and more flustered as he wrote, but the brush in his hand never stopped.

Counting the main forces such as the Tielin Army, there are a total of 10,000+ troops. Is this going to launch a battle to destroy Hedong?
Shao Shude glanced at Lu Siye and laughed.

Hitting Hedong is not like this. 10,000+ troops, fighting from north to south, can't destroy Hedong, and fighting from south to north is still possible.

Before the Great White Fleet traveled around the world, no one could correctly understand the strength and heritage of the United States, an emerging industrial country.

This time, let Li Keyong see how much potential this war machine has once the Shuofang Army is fully mobilized, and then have a good chat with Yixiong about the Datong Army.

As for the matter in Guanzhong in the south, it is easy to say.Sooner or later, we will wait for the emperor to die. Don't worry about it. At this moment, you can even ask the staff to argue with the court first, and take your time.

"Marshal, in what name are you dispatching troops?" Lu Siye asked suddenly.

"Survey the north."

Lu Siye began to draft orders, and after finishing, he submitted them one by one.

Shao Shude read it carefully, then signed and stamped it.

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng, one supports Bao Datong and the other opposes it.

Shao Shude swayed from side to side, thought for a long time, and finally decided to keep Datong.Maybe Li Keyong can still find an opportunity to attack the Datong Army in the future, but this time he must protect it.

Youzhou Town can mobilize [-] pacers, and their determination to protect Datong is also very firm.

This guy, Helian Duo, seemed to have sensed the wind. A few days ago, he had sent the proton to Lingzhou, and even wrote a letter, with a very humble attitude. The 50-year-old man recognized Shao Shude as his elder brother and begged his teacher to help him.

It's not for a certain amount, why do you have to practice yourself like this?

Shao Shude's minimum goal is to keep Yunzhou, the channel to Youzhou.

However, after the northern tour this time, the relationship with the righteous brother should not be able to return to the past.

But if you don't show your strength, no one will take you seriously.

In the future, the expansion direction of the Shuofang Army will always be in Guanzhong, and at the same time slowly encroach on the three towns of Baosai, Baoda, and Jingyuan.If Li Keyong's ambition is not suppressed and he continues to fall into the quagmire of Hebei, there will always be a thorn in his back.

I have a showdown, are you ready for a showdown?
(End of this chapter)

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