Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 353 Collection

Chapter 353 Collection
The mountain wind blew across the stream, wrinkling the water in the pond.

Yeli Jingchen went back to the mountains.

After working as an official at the foot of the mountain for several years, I became increasingly unaccustomed to life on the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there are spacious and bright mansions, delicious meals, lively markets, rare goods from all over the world, and all kinds of people to communicate with...

Returning from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain is like returning to a dilapidated old house from a new residence, and there is a decayed and stale atmosphere everywhere.

No wonder the athletes who have gone down the mountain seldom return to the mountain!

Seeing the tribal leaders of the Yeli clan gathered here, Yeli Jingchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, he just wanted to finish the work quickly, and then go back to the mountain to drink tea, watch the sunset in the sky, and live a leisurely life The days of the rich and the idle.

When you get older, just pursue this.

"I don't need to say more? The commander-in-chief has ordered that the Hengshan party will pay 5000 people. If it lands on the Ye Li family, it will be [-] people. Let's divide it into each part and make up the head." Ye Li Jingchen shook his head. Dust off the non-existent dust on the seat, and then sat down.

Hengshan Dangxiang, in fact, is a bit organized, not that kind of ignorant tribe.Moreover, after returning to the Queen of Lingwu County, the level of civilization has been improved to a certain extent.

The principal and deputy directors of the Lifan Academy are Nori Jingchen and Meizang Qingxiang, but the middle and lower level officials are all from the Tang Dynasty.These officials went up to the mountain from time to time to help the chiefs to count the grain harvest, the number of cattle and sheep, and record the approximate number of Dingkou by the way.

The commander-in-chief issued an order: "Hengshan, Pingxia, and Hexi three parties, all boys must be registered when they reach the age of ten."

According to the latest compilation by Guang Qimo, the three major ethnic groups in Hengshan Dangxiang, namely the Eastern Duan ethnic group headed by the Yeli clan, the Hunzhouchuan ethnic group headed by the Wuzang clan, and the Dongshan Dangxiang ethnic group without large tribes. There are a total of males over ten years old There are more than 11 mouths, of which [-] are adults.

These [-] men are one of Shao Dashuai's sources of troops.

The population on the mountain has not increased for many years!Obviously there are no foreign enemies, and internal vendettas have gradually disappeared, so why hasn't the population increased?
Yeli Jingchen knew the truth, but he didn't want to say it.The bosses also understand, but because of reality, they don't want to talk about it.

"Since Wuzu has orders, he naturally obeys them."

"Which one will you fight this time? Is there any money to get?"

"Yeah, the cow and sheepskins I grab every time, I don't want this anymore."

"Grab some gold and silverware. I saw a lot of them at the foot of the mountain last time. They look much better than wine vessels with human heads."

After shooing away the noisy leaders, Nori Jingchen went to the tea mountain again.

This is the biggest source of income for the Yeli clan, and like the tribesmen, it is the foundation for the Yeli clan to gain a foothold in Shuofang.

Children and in-laws are not enough for a hero like Shao Shude.

Yeli Jingchen saw very clearly that women were just tools for Shao Shude to enjoy himself, or to consolidate his power.In order to become a wealthy family like the Dugu family and the Changsun family, the Ye Li family must reflect greater value.

Chashan Iron Mine and tens of thousands of people are indispensable.

There was a sound of horseshoes under the hills. It was the cronies who went to the vassal tribes to deliver orders.


On the mountain plateau, a horse is stationed.

The ear-piercing sound of the gong alarmed the mountain people who were trimming their skins.

"Wu Zu ordered troops, you send out 50 men, quickly bring buckwheat cakes, and follow me down the mountain."

"Can I bring equipment?"

"How do you fight without weapons? Don't talk nonsense, the descendants of King Mi Yao, no matter how brave they are, still need spears and bows."

"Where are you going to fight this time? My family is short of a cow."

"There are plenty of cattle on the grassland. Take a steer back and exchange it for a calf. It's up to you!"

"Go, I can't wait."


By the side of Jianquan, a large group of men with hair and hair rushed into the house with hoes and rakes.

"Quick, bring the bow tip, and the string."

"This string can't be used anymore, change it. Get another one, lest it breaks and there is no place to replace it."

"Boy, hurry up and sharpen the knife. When Grandpa returns from the expedition, he will be able to exchange for an iron hoe."

"The seeds will be planted next month. Can't Wuzu wait? It's good to go out after finishing the work in the field."

"Planting a fart! Is it enough to harvest dozens of catties of buckwheat per mu of land?"

"You can't live at home by farming, you have to go out with Wuzu. If you didn't bring back the four sheep last time, Yaonu wouldn't have enough milk to eat."


In the meadow among the forests, the shepherd drove the last few sheep into the pen.

The hounds circled him, their tails wagging merrily.

He leaned gently on the fence, watching the sunset in the western sky.After a long time, he got into the wooden house.

Leather armor, hunting bows, arrows, daggers, spears, water bags, buckwheat cakes, dried meat, all packed up and hung on both sides of the saddle.

The shepherd got on his horse, took one last look at his family, and disappeared on the forest path.

The hound quickly followed the horse and stopped for a long time.

The mountain wind is rustling, the pine waves are bursting, and the clear sound of horseshoes is still echoing in the valley.


Eagles streak across the sky.

Thousands of horses are galloping along the banks of the Wuding River like Bai Lian.The heroic knights waded across the river, causing thousands of waves.

The fox and rabbit on the grassland are running fast.

But everywhere you go, you can see warriors with bows and knives.They talked and laughed loudly, full of pride.

Wuzu sent a large number of troops, and within a day the news spread across both sides of the Wuding River.

After the shepherds washed their horses, they took their favorite riding bows and freshly sharpened sabers, and followed the headman in the direction indicated by the military flag.

The flags fluttered in the wind, the neighing of war horses, the collision of nail leaves, the barking of hounds, and the bleating of sheep mixed together, forming a unique grassland march.

Wei Mu Department, Manu Department, Pang Qing Department, No Move Department, Big Insect Department...

A group of tribal armies gathered together, facing the howling north wind, heading north, north, and north again.

Pingxia soldiers, how can they not compare with those Shan Yanzi?

The beauties of Pingxia make Wuzu fascinated, and the warriors can also make Wuzu admire!

After thousands of years of wind and frost, the ancient Guancheng once turned into a yellow mound standing abruptly on the vast wasteland, like a huge camel, wandering silently in the depths of history.

There are only brick marks like tree rings, so businessmen and tourists from all over the world pay tribute to these ancient fingerprints.

The snow-capped peaks of the four seasons are far away from it, like a Youdao Tianzun with a bright head and silver beard, putting his golden-haired jiao here.

The camel bell rang lightly, and the sky was full of yellow sand.Thousands of Hexi warriors emerged from the city that was etched beyond recognition by the wind and rain.

The camel stomped leisurely.

The cargo on his back seemed to have no weight at all, and he chewed it lightly as he walked.

The strong wind gradually picked up, and the sand grains came oncoming, grinding the bronze-colored skin of the warriors extremely rough.

The long dragon-like team stretched into the distance, as if it would never end.

An order from the famous Khan in the northwest mobilized these men who were born and raised in Gobi to go to other places.

Camel bells linger, and falcons fly by.

The warriors in Hexi are chasing their horses for fame.


Outside Huaiyuan New City, with the appearance of the big banner, the sergeants burst into warm cheers.

The sergeants in Qingtang Capital of the Volunteer Army are not quite used to this frenzied scene.

The Tang army soldiers who had beaten them to pieces kept hitting the ground with rifles.

Every time Zanpu on the high platform waved his arms, deafening shouts erupted around him.

Emotions are contagious.

As Zan Pu galloped into the army, the atmosphere reached its peak.

This is Tzamp's army, his own army, all of them enlightened.

Surrounded by his own soldiers, Zamp rushed across the gap between the formations, and the Qingtangdu sergeants tapped their shields with their knives and also shouted.

Wherever the big banner went, the crowds were like waves.

Lords of the Central Plains, open your eyes and take a look here.

On the fertile soil of Longhuang in the northwest, an unprecedented "freak" army leader is rising like the sun, dazzling incomparably.

He is the Khan of the Hu people, the Wuzu of the Dangxiang people, the Zanpu of the Tubo people, and the county king of the Han people.

He ruled the land of more than 200 states, more than 12 million people, and the [-] army under his command was about to sweep the entire land like a storm.

He wants the commanders of the Central Plains to surrender, the heroes of the grasslands to bow down, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to restrain himself.

The army is his capital and the source of his power.

"Where is the Iron Forest Army?" Zamp stood in front of his most beloved troops.

"Marshal Wan Sheng!" Bi Cai's deafening roar sounded like thunder.

"During this northern tour, I will be in the Tielin army. If you don't give up a step, how dare all the soldiers fight for me?"

"Kill his head and roll!"

Shao Shude laughed loudly: "With such a strong athlete, what is Li Keyong talking about?"


 Written while listening to music, I feel that the style of writing is crooked, a strange feeling.

  There was a lot of trouble at home last month, so three chapters are missing, and today it is considered complete.

(End of this chapter)

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