Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 381 The target of public criticism

Chapter 381 The target of public criticism
There are guards in Qionglin and Daying Erku.

However, after seeing a large group of knights rushing forward, the guarding officer got on his horse and ran in another direction.

The guards broke up and scattered.

A sergeant brought an ax and chopped off the copper lock.

The door opened slowly, and the neatly stacked goods appeared in front of everyone.

"Judge Hou, you will be registered here." Deputy envoy Liu Zijing said after turning around.

"How much?" asked the military judge.

"Take them all and leave none behind." Liu Zijing said as a matter of course.

"The sage is really generously rewarded." Judge Hou said with a smile.

"The merit of Qingtian's protection should be taken."

The sergeants couldn't hold back for a long time outside, but after they got the order to go in and move their things, they all moved lightly again.

Soft and gorgeous silk fabrics, yellow copper coins, fragrant tea cakes, and precious medicinal herbs are taken as much as you can, and they are all loaded into carts.

There were people watching outside, seeing so much goods being transported away, they were all stunned and then sighed.

A saint is rich, but he doesn't know how to spend money.

For training so many magical troops, the various rewards are three times those of the soldiers and horses in the outer town, and the combat power is not even one-tenth.Up and down are all dawdling, cheating money!
Liu Zijing was transshipping the goods here, and Zhe Siyu was there to deal with the prisoners.

In today's battle, the chaotic army was smashed, more than [-] people were beheaded, and [-] people were captured.

At this time, I have to sigh how big Chang'an is, and the barracks can accommodate at least 15 troops.

In history, the Shence Army had 18 people at its peak, and at most it was stationed in more than 6000 foreign towns. Before the chaos, it was reduced to eight, such as Yaowu Town in Jingyuan.Apart from those stationed abroad, there are also military camps in the city that can accommodate more than 20 people, which will come in handy.

The captives were confiscated and all locked up.

The whereabouts of the two Zhang Jun brothers are unknown.The body was not found, so most likely escaped.

His confidant Chen Na was captured.

This is also a smart man, he took the initiative to say that he has been in the army for many years, is familiar with everything about the Jingyuan Army, and is willing to help select sergeants.

Surrendering troops, which military leader doesn't like it?
Shence Army likes it, Zhu Quanzhong likes it, and Commander Shao probably likes it too.

"Chen Engeng has surrendered tens of thousands of troops, and the king of Lingwu County doesn't want everyone." Zhe Siyu looked at the middle-aged scholar in his forties in front of him, and said, "First, don't want anyone who is not strong; second, Don't want those who lack skills; thirdly, don't want those who are slippery and fearful of war."

Chen Na was a little surprised. How many of them are left after picking and choosing?
Moreover, he can only make suggestions based on the daily performance of the battalions in the Jingyuan Army, but he doesn't know the specifics of a certain individual in the battalion.

"Try your best to choose." Zhe Siyu added: "The limit is three thousand. I feel that this is the only number that can fight in this batch of soldiers."

The tens of thousands of soldiers who surrendered were not all the Yamen from Jingyuan, but also the troops from other towns, prefectures, county towns, Unity soldiers, Fan soldiers, Shence Army's defeated troops, and even the bandits from Guanzhong who coerced them in.

Picking three thousand from them is indeed the essence.

But just as Chen Na worried, physique and skills are easy to judge, but habits are not.I can only ask the battalion of the sergeant according to my previous impressions, select them as a whole, and then eliminate those who are not strong enough and not skilled enough, try my best.

"General, how about picking the rest?" Chen Na asked cautiously.

A hole was being dug outside the city, although it was probably nothing to do with him, but it was the paoze who got along day and night, Chen Na really didn't want to see something unbearable happen.

"Pretend to appease first, then kill them all afterwards." Zhe Siyu said.

"General, don't do it!" Chen Na panicked, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed a few times: "Everything is born, there must be a use. The king of Lingwu County treats people generously and has always been loyal. He has been in Shuofang for ten years. I haven't heard of any cases of severe killings. Even if you are a son and go to the army, you should also praise your benevolence. If the general kills all the captives, won't Shao Shuai's reputation be ruined?"

"What should I do if I don't kill them? These unruly people are full of desires and domineering. Is it possible that they can still go to Helong to cultivate fields? No matter how noisy they are, you will be slaughtered together." Zhe Siyu clapped the table and said angrily.

Chen Na raised his head abruptly, there were bloodstains on his forehead, but his face had an expression of recollection.I was confused just now when I was concerned about it, and I didn't think about it carefully, but now I understand it.

"I know what to do." Chen Na replied.

"It's good to know." Zhe Siyu waved his hand impatiently, and said: "Go to Li Renfu, Marquis of Yu, the capital of the army, and do things quickly."

The sage had returned to the palace with a dull expression, just like a Buddha statue in a temple.

"Today, Zhu Quanzhong from Bianliang is the only one who is loyal and obedient." The saint sighed.

Du Rangneng, Kong Wei, and Xu Yanruo were all there, and they each looked at each other.

Today, other aspects are okay, but the ambition is not as good as King Ji!
When you are proud, you are full of ambition, as if everything is under control.But once frustrated, he complains about himself and even blames others.

A gentleman who has no independent opinion, as long as you are responsible, you will naturally have close ministers to help you plan everything.But you have no opinion and no responsibility, what should you let everyone do?Don't dare to do things.

Of course, it's not that I don't have my own opinions today.When he was emotional, he still had a lot of ideas, and no one could persuade him to come back.

"Your Majesty, for the current plan, Xia Bing has to retreat." Seeing that no one spoke, Du Rangneng glanced at Xu and Kong, and said with emotion: "The capital is already safe, and Xia Bing stays for a long time, which may cause criticism from home and abroad. .”

"What Du Qing said was true, so he sent an envoy to Weibei." The saint was not very interested.

"After the Xia soldiers have retreated, it is very important to suppress the national army. I am afraid that Wang Bianyin will follow Shude, so please select important officials to suppress him." Kong Wei said suddenly.

Xu Yanruo and Du Rangneng looked at him in surprise.This means, it seems that he wants to leave the town by himself, he doesn't even want to be the prime minister, just like the story of He Wei and Xiao Yu?

"Master Kong, Huazhou is definitely an important town, but what if Wang Bian doesn't follow the edict, and he is in the shadow of Shuofang, and he is the teacher of the king?" Du Rangneng asked dissatisfied.

At the beginning, Kong Wei and Zhang Jun were in cahoots, instigating the sage to attack Jingyuan, which resulted in a catastrophe.But without knowing it, he wanted to seize the throne of Wang Bian.Master Wang, where did Master Wang come from now!
Today Shence led troops out of the city, but returned empty-handed.So far there are only 5000 soldiers in the city, including the palace guards, there are only [-] people, even Chang'an can't manage it.If Wang Bian does not obey the edict, what can he do with him?

The generals sent to Kanto recruited more than [-] people, but due to the war with China, they were stranded in Shaanxi.Now this group of people must come back, understand the righteousness, practice hard, and have a good appearance before we can talk about other things.

"Bian town Huazhou, there is no skill in caressing, and there is no merit of being a king. If you don't obey the edict, your majesty can be loyal and beg for it." Kong Wei said.

"These two people are attacking each other day and night, how are they willing to share the worries of the imperial court?" The saint asked with a little bit of interest.

"Today, Jin Shude can be the king of Xia alone. He is loyal and restrained. Hearing about it, he is not happy with it, but he must be jealous and hate it. It's okay to lead him to fight with each other." Kong Wei said.

In short, let Shao Shude become the target of public criticism.

Counting, he has annexed almost ten feudal towns.This time Weibei, Hezhong, Shanguo, Jinshang and other towns are shocked, Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong will also be quite vigilant.

Jin Qi is the king of Xia, and the world will definitely look at him.At that time, even if you sit at home, trouble will come to you.

However, if Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong came together, it would be easy for the imperial court to take back Huazhou.After all, this state is in Guanzhong, and Wang's father and son are separated from Xuanwu and Hedong, so they have to live there.

"Your Majesty, this matter cannot be dealt with..." Xu Yanruo couldn't stand it any longer, and said: "The chaos is peaceful, and people's hearts are not at peace. Now it's time to calm down. Rest and recuperate for a few years, and wait for the soldiers to be ready. At that time, call Wang Bian It is also possible to enter the court. In addition, as Prime Minister Confucius said, Jin Shude is the business of the King of Xia, you might as well wait for him to retreat and return to Lingxia before doing it."

Like Du Rangneng, he had a lot of opinions on "radicals" like Zhang Jun and Kong Wei.

Master Wang had suffered a disastrous defeat in Jingyuan, what money does the imperial court have to make troubles now?It's better to choose good generals, save armor, train soldiers and horses, lay a solid foundation, and wait for the right time.

However, it is indeed necessary to make Shao Shude the target of public criticism.On this point, he agreed with Kong Wei and put Shao Shude on the fire.

The king and the king of the county are of course different, and the warriors are ignorant, so they may not be able to resist this temptation.

The saint hesitated a little.

After watching the battle for a long time, he was really a little scared.The prestige of an armored cavalry charge has been deeply imprinted in my mind.

After that, Zhe Siyu insulted the monarch and ministers in public. Although this matter was embarrassing, after a while, I couldn't hate it anymore.

"I'll think about it again."

(End of this chapter)

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