Chapter 406 News
The weather was not beautiful, and it was sunny for two days before it began to rain again.

If the rain cannot be harvested until the autumn harvest, it will be troublesome.

The territory of the imperial court is getting smaller and smaller, and everyone is counting on the harvest of the more than [-] counties in Jingzhao Mansion.

Not surprisingly, food prices in Chang'an have risen.

Many people say it's because of the rain this year, but those who are well-informed know that it's not that simple!
One was last year's Jingshi rebellion, which affected Xianyang, Xingping, Liquan, Fengtian and other counties in the western half of Jingzhao Prefecture, and agricultural production was damaged to a certain extent, but this was not the main reason, just like this year's so-called rainy.

The fundamental reason is that Tongzhou and Huazhou banned grain export.

These two Jingdong gateway states have absorbed a large number of refugees from the Kanto region before.

After Huang Chao escaped from Chang'an, he continued to wreak havoc in Henan. Coupled with the scourge of Qin Zongquan and others, many people fled to Guanzhong again. Huazhou absorbed the largest population, followed by Tongzhou.

The ten counties of these two prefectures alone have a population of more than [-]. Wang Bian and Hao Zhenwei are also doing well. A large amount of grain is exported to the capital through Luoshui and Weishui, which is an important part of Chang'an's grain market.

I don't send it now, why?
Xie Tong, who was still staying in Chang'an, was keenly aware of this problem.

"This steamed cake is delicious." Inside the restaurant, Xie Tong made an excuse to speak.

This will be the time when the business is slow in the day, and the store owner is tired, so he sat down and said with a smile: "The customers know the goods. The flour and pig paste used for this cake are all carefully selected. Officials pass by. I will also buy one or two to try."

"But Guanzhong White Noodles?"

"Of course it's from Guanzhong." The shopkeeper said: "It is said that the white noodles are the best from the Guanbeitian German Army and Zhenwu Army. It was a tribute during the Kaiyuan period. It's too far away, and ordinary people may not be able to afford it."

"The price of rice and noodles has risen a lot recently, and it's more than [-] yuan for a bucket of rice."

"It's strange to say that the grain store said that Tongzhou and Huazhou can't buy grain anymore, and the government won't allow them to leave the country. It means that the livestock from Shayuanjian in Tongzhou can still be transported to Chang'an. There must be something wrong."

"What's the matter?"

The shopkeeper took a look at Xie Tong, and felt that this middle-aged man with a sad face looked like a scholar who had failed many tests, and then he was relieved that there are too many people like this in Chang'an, and there are many towns in all provinces.

"It should be a war." The shopkeeper whispered: "Every time there is a war, the prices of food, oil, salt and cloth will increase greatly. The generals transport the military rations in the warehouse to the front, and the warehouse in the back has to be opened to replenish. Cloth should be used to reward the soldiers, if you win a battle, you will be rewarded, and if you lose a battle, you will be rewarded even more. The increase in the price of salt is purely to use the money of our ordinary people to replenish military supplies."

"The shopkeeper understands it very well." Xie Tong was in awe, feeling that the people in the capital really have a bit of sense, they speak clearly and logically, and they are very talkative, the key is that what they say is not unreasonable!
"Hehe." The shopkeeper smiled complacently, and said: "I have seen a lot. In a battle, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are dispatched, and there is no way there is no movement. The sergeants want rice, flour, wine and meat, and the horses want grass, bran and beans, and set up tents." You need tarpaulins and ropes, you need picks and shovels to dig trenches, you need soup and medicine to serve you when you are injured, it’s fine for ordinary soldiers to die, but for those with some status, you need coffins. This time, if there is no accident, the Huazhou side will Fighting. Even a blind person can see that Wang Shijun is in a hurry. If the guests don’t believe it, go to the Weishui River to have a look after a while. Soon there will be fleeing Huazhou people running to Weinan, Liyang and other counties .”

"Taught." Xie Tong bowed his hands and said.

Market merchants are most sensitive to prices.

The big businessmen who travel across the state and counties are also the most well-informed.

Tongzhou and Huazhou, because of the shipping relationship between Luoshui and Weishui Rivers with Chang'an, there are countless commercial exchanges.

If you want to use troops in this place, no one can hide the news, and it will inevitably spread to Chang'an.And Chang'an is a place where people come and go, not only there are various towns entering the theater, but also merchants, scholars, officials and other people of all kinds.If you have the heart, it is very convenient to inquire about the news, and there is no secret at all.

After buying an extra basket of steamed cakes from the store, Xie Tong and his followers returned to Jinzuoyuan.

Jin Zouguan is from Bianzhou, and he was a little surprised when he heard the news.

Xie Tong is very dissatisfied with him, he hangs around Huajie and Liuxiang all day long, not doing business, his sensitivity is not as high as that of a businessman, what use are you?
But then sighed again, this matter is not his business.

Now he is just a frustrated person who is highly praised by the king of Dongping County, but actually far away from the inner circle. Who can he support?

Fortunately, Jin Zouguan was not confused about major matters, and soon sent three waves of envoys.

Take Lantian Wuguan Road in one wave, bypass Shannan East Road, and go to Zhongwu Army.

Take the Chang'an-Taiyuan post road in one wave, cross the river through Tongzhou to the middle of the river, and then go to Heyang Town.

There is another wave that normally takes the two capital post roads, leaves Tongguan, passes through Shanguo to Henan Prefecture.

"Is this going to war?" Jin Zouguan was a little anxious, fidgeting in the room, muttering: "Wang Bian, how dare he! Is Wang Gong dead?"

Xie Tong acted as if he had never heard of it, and stared at the gloomy sky outside the window.

Of course Wang Gong is not a dead person, but what reason does he have to stop him?I'm afraid I'm happy to see it succeed.

Furthermore, let alone Wang Gong, even his father, Wang Chongying, could not set up any obstacles.

It’s all just not letting you use the Pujin Pass pontoon bridge. He’s not that stupid. Unless it’s the imperial army, no one can take this shortcut.

But Pujin Pass won't let him leave, but Shanguo will definitely not stop them. The father and son don't have any ambitions, just ignore them.

On the Weishui Road, Zhe Silun was in high spirits in his newly made military uniform.

His current position is Fengxiang Town Yamen Duzhi Military Envoy and Governor of Yangzhou.

Fengxiang's prefecture and four prefectures are already the new foundation of the Zhe family.

On the Xinqin side of Linzhou, more and more children moved south, mainly in Fengxiang Mansion, and many people also lived in Yangzhou, which is relatively affluent.

The Zhe family has made great efforts in the management of Fengxiang Town.

The army is firmly in his own hands, with the children of the Zhe family as the backbone, serving as officers at all levels.

Some of the sergeants came from Linzhou and some from Gyeongju. They were Dongshan Dangxiangbumin recruited by Zhezongben when he was the commander-in-chief of Bin.

In the past two years, some Qiang tribal sergeants from Fengxiang Prefecture, Yangzhou and Xingzhou and Fengzhou have been recruited, but the number is not large and does not account for the mainstream.

The Zhe family and the Shao family are relatives by marriage, needless to say about their relationship.If the sister-in-law has great ambitions, then help him fight well, so what if he loses?At worst, escape to the grassland, and live a different life?

And once you win, the benefits are unimaginable, and you can live in Chang'an and Luoyang!
The story of the Dugu family and the Changsun family, can't the Zhejue family do it?

Furthermore, the Zheju family is a different from the Yuwen family. Is this status inferior to Dugu's and Changsun's?
It's done!

Seven thousand Fengxiang troops, five thousand infantry, and two thousand cavalry, really didn't fool my sister-in-law, they were all elite soldiers. This time, I followed them to Tongguan to meet the princes of the Guandong.

"Yamei, Jinzhou asked Yangzhou for help again." On the post road, a messenger suddenly arrived and reported.

"The Li family is also a hero of the old man. When he attacked Chang'an, Li Xiang did his best, and his soldiers were not bad. It's only been ten years, and it looks like this." Zhe Silun sighed, and said: "Feng Xing Xi ate the bear's heart and leopard's courage, so he wants to annex the gold merchants?"

Feng Xing attacked, the governor of Junzhou, the east of Shannan.

Ben was a minor officer in the state.At that time, the bandit Sun Xi gathered thousands of people in Hannan, cut off the post road, and plundered the tribute sent to Chang'an from other towns. Feng Xingxi beheaded him.Later, he encouraged the sergeants to mutiny, drove away the governor Lu Ye, and was appointed as the governor of Junzhou by Liu Jurong, who was then the governor of Shannan Dongdao.

During the Zhonghe period, Qin Zongquan sent Zhao Dechen to attack Xiangzhou, but Liu Jurong was invincible, so he had an idea and led the army into Shu, "returning to Beijing with escort", and then entered the court as an official.Shannan Dongdao was then occupied by Zhao Dechen, and Feng Xingxi continued to be the governor.

Feng is also quite ambitious.

He was not satisfied with the existing site, so he turned his idea to the gold merchants in the neighboring town.

Last year when the Jing division rebelled, Li Xiang originally wanted to lead the army to serve the king, but when Feng Xing attacked, he gave up.Later, because of continuous fighting outside and sleeping in the open, he fell ill directly.

Feng Xingxi found an opportunity and attacked again this year.Li Xiang had no choice but to send an envoy to the neighboring Fengxiang Town for help, and Zhe Silun received this letter.

After he rode on the horse and thought for a while, he asked someone to bring the desk, then got off the horse, spread the paper and rubbed ink, and wrote a letter to his father.

To the west of Jinshang is Yangzhou in Fengxiang Mansion, and to the west is Xingyuan Mansion. They are very close, so they must be rescued.

Feng Xingxitu is also hateful, and he must be taught a lesson.

If Zhuge Zhongfang is willing, the three towns of Fengxiang, Jinshang, and Shannan Xidao will join forces to defeat the thief Chao Junzhou.

Since Zhao Dezhen doesn't want to take care of it, let's take care of it for him.

You are the one who is at fault, what can you say?
I heard that Zhao Dechen was old enough to be old enough to be so stupid. If it really didn't work, he might as well take advantage of the situation and go to Xiangzhou to kill him.

After writing the letter at his desk, Zhe Silun asked his soldiers to take him back to Fengxiang Mansion.

After thinking about it, he wrote a second letter, which was addressed to his sister-in-law Shao Shude, focusing on the things between Li Xiang and Feng Xingxi.

He felt that since the matter was so important, it was necessary to talk about it in advance.

In case there is a big trouble with Shannan Dongdao and things get out of hand, the sister-in-law will have to make the final decision.

Zhao Dechen's loyal army Jiedu envoy was elected by Zhu Quanzhong.Although the two seem to be inseparable, but in case of a desperate situation, will they really turn to Quanzhong?Wouldn't it ruin the sister-in-law's affairs?
After writing the letter, he called another general and told him to go north to Lingxia immediately and hand over the letter to King Lingwu.

(End of this chapter)

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