Chapter 49 Aftermath
He Gongya, the general of the government city, was arrested and killed by Tie Lindu in the middle of the night. Once the incident came out, it quickly caused a sensation in the three cities of Jinyang.

In the early morning of the 29th, none of the generals who heard the news went straight up, and they all waited and watched at home.It’s not that they don’t want to go to the military camp, it’s that in the middle of the night, Li Kan hastily dispatched two thousand loyal military troops and three thousand righteous military troops stationed outside the city into the city, blocking all the main passages in Jinyang, and there were people watching from the military camp, thinking about it for a while. There is no way out.

As for the more than [-] sergeants of Tielindu, they had already gone to the main camp of He Gongya's headquarters and detained the main officers.Shao Shude personally sat in the barracks, and was righteous to the sergeants - nothing more than that he only punished He Gongya and nothing else.He Gongya's personal soldiers wanted to stir up trouble, and were directly shot and killed in the camp by the arrow rain.

There were about 1500 sergeants in Heyang who temporarily returned to Shao Shude's management, and they were all sent by him to guard near the Jiedu envoy's mansion.At this time, Li Kan must not have an accident.He is the commander appointed by the imperial court, and this is righteousness.In the late Tang Dynasty, the righteousness of the imperial court still played a certain role. With this layer of tiger skin, it would be more effective if pressed.

Li Fenggao, the prison guard who has been living in a secluded place for a year, also came out.When things got to this point, he was also worried about his own life, so he visited Jiedu envoy Li Kan and asked to send money and silk from the Jinyang government's treasury to the army.Li Kan was a little reluctant to give up, because the treasury was empty and there was really no money left. However, if the situation was like this, he had to agree with Li Fenggao's opinion and send money to the troops in Taiyuan to pacify the chaos.

With money, things are indeed much easier to do.He Gongya's department was, in the final analysis, the army of the imperial court, not the private army of the He clan.The most hardcore personal soldiers have been shot and killed in the barracks for Tie Lindu, and the officers have been detained under house arrest. What else can you do?As a result, the sergeants put down their equipment and went out to the camp to receive money in batches, and the storm seemed to disappear temporarily.

At noon, the generals received the notice and entered the festival hall to discuss matters.Zhang Kai, Guo Fei, Zhang Yanqiu and others looked ugly and remained silent.Even lower-level generals dare not discuss this matter, but looking at their attitude, they must be very dissatisfied.Even those who are in conflict with He Gongya on weekdays will never stand on Li Kan's side in this matter.

Shao Shude was the last to enter the festival hall.Sergeant Heyang, who was guarding in front of the Shuai Mansion, saw him and shouted, "The general is here!"Everyone in Hedong whispered, and Li Kan also raised his brows, but didn't say anything.

After Shao Shude, who was fully armored, came in, he stood directly outside.His military rank is low, and he can't be compared with the generals. However, after what happened last night, no one dared to despise him at this moment. All the dozens of eyes were focused on him, and they kept looking at him.

"Everyone, He Gongya secretly hid the bad guys and murdered this commander's generals. This matter has been found out. Yesterday, the ten generals of the Tielin City, Shao Shude, were sent to his house to kill them. Today, the future is called to the future. In order to hear your opinion." Li Kan said straight to the point.The Northern Tour also got some credit. Yesterday, he beheaded the rebellious general He Gong Yaliwei. He spoke with confidence and made him feel a lot more cheerful.

The Hedong generals looked at each other in dismay.Apart from He Gongya and Su Hongzhen, among the generals who died in Hedong in the last year, only Deng Qian was killed by the rebels.

Even if a strong warrior like Cao Xiang came over, he would only kill low-level sergeants or military generals of the guest army, which would be good words to appease the generals of Hedong.Li Kan killed Su Hongzhen in Daibei, and after the teacher returned, he killed He Gongya, and the generals felt that everyone was in danger.Listening to his question at this time, I didn't know how to answer for a while.

Zhang Kai and Guo Fei looked at each other and understood each other's intentions.Li Kan cannot stay, kill or expel him, in short, he cannot be allowed to stay in Hedong.Otherwise, who knows if the butcher knife will fall on his head one day?
The military envoy Li Fenggao also appeared in Jietang today.He sat under Li Kan and looked at the ground blankly, as if there were some gold and silver treasures there.

The atmosphere is so weird!
"Commander, since the generals have nothing to say, they must have agreed." The military envoy Li Fenggao finally stopped looking at the ground, and bowed to Li Kan and said, "Might as well let them disperse and appease the soldiers. The three cities of Jinyang , can't stand the chaos."

"Alright." Li Kan smiled when he heard the words, and said, "It's over now. In troubled times, you should keep your duties, appease your soldiers, and don't cause chaos."

"Follow the commander's orders."

After the discussion, Shao Shude left the Jiedu envoy's mansion. Seeing that the Heyang troops were still guarding outside, he stepped forward to encourage him.

Heyang soldiers now have a very good opinion of Shao Shude, because he sent people thousands of miles to send pensions to the families of the killed and disabled soldiers, which can be said to be benevolent and righteous.Moreover, he does what he says. He is not the kind of person who says one thing and does another. When he says that all the wealth and goods are distributed to the soldiers, they are really distributed, which is convincing.There is nothing to say about working for such a person, is it not much better than those generals who are either greedy for money or easy to kill?
After leaving the mansion, Shao Shude returned to the barracks under the escort of dozens of sergeants.In the camp, the generals and soldiers have returned one after another, all beaming.Yesterday, more than a thousand people were dispatched to kill He Gongya, and they really grabbed a lot of money. Everyone shared a point, and everyone seemed to have gotten a few tons of money.Shao Shude was also surprised when he heard that, even if He Gongya was not rich, it seemed that he was not far away.

After being seated in the camp, Lu Huaizhong, Li Yanling, Ren Yuji, Guan Kairun, Chen Cheng and others gathered one after another and talked about what happened last night.Shao Shude was a little uneasy in his heart, but he still laughed at the audience and bragged.

After the blowing, everyone saw that Shao Shude didn't interrupt, and they felt that it was not very interesting. Ren Yuji rolled his eyes and said meanly: "General, when you were away just now, someone from the handsome mansion came and said that He Gongya's mansion was closed. It was rewarded to you, so that you have time to go and receive it, they are good at dealing with each other."

"What's the use of me wanting He's house? Live with the sergeants and feel more at ease." Shao Shude frowned and said, "I killed He Gongya as a matter of business. Now that I have obtained his house, doesn't it seem that I am covetous for money? ? It's not right."

Ren Yuji was dumbfounded for a while, and Li Yanling didn't know what to say. Chen Cheng thought about it and said, "This is the reward of the commander. If the general doesn't accept it, I'm afraid it will make him unhappy."

"It also makes sense." Shao Shude sighed.Although he helped Li Kan kill He Gongya yesterday, he always felt that his position in his heart was not as good as before.After careful review, it may be that they are incompatible.Shao Shude has repeatedly advised against killing innocents indiscriminately. In his own opinion, it may be benevolent and righteous, but from Li Kan's point of view, how can it be known that it is not reckless?
This handsome man's heart is not very broad!

"Forget it, the mansion will be closed as soon as it is closed. I will not be able to do so, and I have nothing to say if I forgive others." Shao Shude said, "Is there still a sergeant in the mansion?"

"Yes." Li Yanling replied, "General Qian is still there with hundreds of soldiers."

"What is Lao Qian doing there? Is there still money to be guarded?" Shao Shude asked with a smile.

Ren Yuji and Li Yanling looked at each other.In the end, it was Old Li who bit the bullet and said: "He Gongya's family is still there. Li Shuai said - he said that he will also give it to the general. Deputy General Qian did not dare to neglect, and personally led the guards, so as not to be disturbed by the sergeant."

"Fuck off!" Shao Shude scolded: "Hurry up and send it away. Is there anyone else in the house?"

"The general is benevolent and righteous, and the innocent will not be harmed. The servants and concubines of the He family have let them go. Only the wife and daughter of the He family are the family members of the sinners, and they dare not take it lightly."

"Where's He Gongya's son?" Shao Shude asked.

"He Gongya has three sons. The eldest son and the second son were both killed last night. The three sons were officials in the court. I heard that they died of illness last year. There is still a daughter, about seven or eight years old, who has not yet married." Li Yanling said.

It turned out that all the men were dead.Shao Shude sighed, the struggle for power is so cruel, especially in the years when this martial artist was in power.

"Give He Gongya's wife some money and let her be free. In any case, it's better to remarry or go back to her parents' house. I wouldn't want to get involved."

When Li Yanling heard this, she hesitated.Chen Cheng watched from the sidelines and said, "General, is there something I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"If you have something to say, I don't want to play tricks here." Shao Shude glared at Chen Cheng.

"I heard that the He Zhao family is the daughter of the Zhao family in Tianshui. She is still young and quite beautiful. If such a woman is let go, what will happen to the general?"

"What happened?"

"Last year, Deng Qian, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of Mabu, was killed by the rebel army. Dou Han, the military commander, obeyed the rebel army and convicted Deng Qian as a general. The two sons were sent to Daibei to join the army. The hand of Chuangui, Kang Ben is Deng Qian's subordinate, and he has a lot of resentment, so he willfully insults Deng's wife and daughter, and sometimes even has fun with his relatives." Chen Cheng cupped his hands and said: "He Gongya is greedy for money and likes to kill, and he is arrogant. There are not a few people who have offended. These warriors, what can the general expect? I'm afraid they will end up like Deng Qian's wife and daughter."

Shao Shude was also stunned. After a long time, he said: "Daughter of He Gongya, ask if she can join the He clan. Zhao himself, Lao Li, you can ask if Hedong has relatives. If you want to remarry, do as she pleases. , I wouldn't want to see them."

"As ordered." Li Yanling replied.

"Let's talk about Sergeant Heyang." Shao Shude sat down and said, "The two thousand soldiers are already quite difficult to manage, and there are still [-] people in Heyang. How to arrange it, you can talk about it. ."

Shao Shude's words made everyone blushed.It's hard to manage, isn't it just because there are no competent talents under your hand?Everyone came from a humble background, and they have come to this stage today. I really dare not think about it. There is indeed a lag in ability, and they have not kept up with the speed of the general's fortune.In the past, the general asked everyone to strengthen their studies, and the left ear always went in and the right ear came out. Now I know it's amazing, what should I do?
"General." It was Chen Cheng who spoke: "Heyang has already entered the capital of iron forest, and the remaining sergeants may wish to fill in the baggage battalion as auxiliary soldiers. As long as there are no shortage of rewards, there should be no major problem. If there is a shortage of soldiers in the future , and then choose the best from the auxiliary soldiers, which is much stronger than the Tutuan villagers."

"That's the only way it can be." Shao Shude sighed: "I originally wanted to leave the capital, but after thinking about it, it's not right. Lao Li, these people will be handed over to you, can you handle it?"

"General, if the natives of the Tutuan can handle it, but this is all killing Han, it's difficult."

"Let's help together. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and our stall has a lot of stumbling, alas." Shao Shude frowned: "From today onwards, we will continue to train, and everyone must participate. Also, this is going to set up a school with the camp. , The team is taking turns to enter the school, and everyone is studying and discussing together. We have come to this stage, is it okay to continue mixing? All tighten up for me."

"Follow your orders." The crowd responded.

(End of this chapter)

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