Chapter 501 Hurry up!
"General Wang, is this the auxiliary soldier you found for me?" Outside Jiangzhou City, Qi Bizhang said with an ugly face.

Qibi, Zhuanglang, Zangcai, Geshu, Hun, and Weicai each have 1000 people. Originally, they had both infantry and cavalry, and half of the war assistants. Now they are equipped with horses, and the auxiliary soldiers will also go into battle. In order to ensure combat effectiveness, Need Jiangzhou to provide auxiliary soldiers.Wang Yao fully agreed, but when he sent 6000 people, Qi Bizhang saw that his nose was crooked.

Six thousand strong men came, ignorant and ignorant, among whom at most only a thousand had received limited military training during the slack season, and only a few hundred could ride horses, which made him very annoyed.

These [-] men were led by a small number of prefectural and county soldiers, and the leader was a lieutenant named Wang Shun, who was said to be one of Wang Yao's dozens of names, but he should not have received much attention, otherwise he would not have been sent to do this kind of work A thankless job.

Wang Shun was annoyed.According to his previous temper, he would just draw a knife and fight with people, but Qi Bizhang's [-] soldiers and horses are mostly herdsmen who are half-timed and relatively well-off, and he has [-] soldiers drawn from the fields. Tishef, in the end, didn't say anything.

"Forget it, look at you, I'm angry!" Qi Bizhang was also a military envoy of the Zhenwu Army, so he didn't know that Wang Shun refused to obey, and the matter had come to an end, so he didn't want to be sullen, so he just shook it off. Whip, said: "You lead your own auxiliary soldiers, and drive slowly behind with food, grass and equipment."

After all, with a greeting, the six thousand sergeants led their horses and headed north first—the six thousand soldiers had no more than seven thousand horses, so naturally it was impossible to ride the whole journey on horseback.

It is 140 miles from Jiangzhou to Jinzhou, and 110 miles are in Jiangzhou, which can be described as an inside march.Qi Bizhang took 6000 troops and spent a day and a half on the road. At dawn on April [-]th, he finally left Mengkeng, which is less than [-] miles away from Jinzhou.

Yes, Jinzhou is located in Linfen County, which is almost the southernmost of the counties in Jinzhou.

"The danger of the Mengkeng has been surpassed now. In the future, the commander-in-chief Jianyan will station troops in Mengcheng to curb the danger of Jinjiang." Qi Bizhang said with emotion at the resting place of the army.

Surrounded by more than ten generals, they are all old people from the Zhenwu Army.Thinking of that dreamlike phantom, Qi Bizhang was always quite sentimental.

After the conquest of Li Guochang and his son, he took advantage of the situation to occupy the Zhenwu Army and got the support of the leading soldiers. After the Zhenwu Army stayed, the imperial court recognized the fait accompli and awarded the Jingjie.

After the Chaos, Li Keyong bargained with the imperial court and was quite dishonest, so at the invitation of Zheng Congyu, the Jiedu envoy of Hedong, he joined forces with Helianduo and defeated Li Keyong's newly recruited soldiers from Shatuo, Tuyuhun, and Tatar.

But this is just the final highlight.

Soon because the rewards could not be issued, he was forced to step down by the top soldiers of the Zhenwu Army, and Wang Bian took office and replaced himself.

The most irritating thing is that after becoming the Jiedu envoy of the Zhenwu Army, he incorporated many Qibi warriors into the Yajun.Later, when there was a fight for salary, these Qibi warriors opposed him together, and they turned into the appearance of Tang Wufu!
In the past, there was no such thing as military pay on the grasslands, so why don't you make trouble?After receiving military pay for a few years, have you forgotten that you are a "simple" prairie man?

That's all, it's all over, it's boring.

Qi Bizhang is not afraid of Li Keyong, because in terms of past record, he has the advantage.However, my family knows my own family affairs, and my current strength is not the same as when I was in charge of the Zhenwu Army. Li Ke's strength is also much stronger than before, and it is no longer comparable.

Now that Guanbei is unified, unless Marshal Shao dies young and Zhongdao collapses, it will be difficult to have a chance to rise.Now, he can only fight for him and slowly accumulate credit.The Qibi family will always be the lord of Bai Daochuan, hereditary and irreplaceable. It is equivalent to a family of the Han people.

After the rest, the generals left Qi Bizhang's side and gathered soldiers everywhere.

On the post road in the distance, pedestrians have already appeared.

Today is the market day on the [-]th day. Many people in Jinzhou go out to buy in the city, and the defense is lax.

"In this chaotic world, the people in the river are still going to the market safely..." Qi Bizhang shook his head and laughed.

How many years has Hezhong not experienced a military disaster?He couldn't figure it out, could it be hundreds of years?That's okay, today I'll let you improve your memory and know the consequences of Wen Tian and Wu Xi.

Qi Bizhang gave an order, and the soldiers led the horses for a while, then got on the horses and cantered.

Passers-by on the road looked at them in horror.Although these people were wearing Putou, they were wearing furs and holding bows and knives in their hands. Where did these people come from?

The disputes at the upper level of the feudal town have not been transmitted to the lower level, and the common people are often the last to know.At this time, seeing the thousands of cavalry rushing up the post road, most of them were just shocked besides being shocked.

The horses raised billows of smoke and dust, thousands of riders neighed, and the tip of the bow in their hands was almost drenched with sweat.

Outside the city gate of Jinzhou, there was an endless stream of vehicles and horses entering and leaving.

Dozens of carts of vegetables purchased by some big family blocked the gate of the city tightly.The guards took advantage of it and didn't bother to care about it. They watched the fun from the sidelines.

The land of one prefecture and four prefectures in Hezhong Town is not owned by the imperial court, nor by Jiedu envoys, but by their warriors.

In the feudal towns outside, you hit me and I hit you, and everyone was dead. Is it interesting?The warriors in the river don't want to hit outsiders, but outsiders don't want to hit us either.More than a million people in the 37 counties of Hezhong are the source of food and clothing for everyone, and they have counted on a good life for generations. Even the Wang family dare not take away this benefit from everyone.

Jiedu envoys take the lead, generals and governors take second place, and low-level warriors can also mix with masters, how great it is!
The Wang family is really good. I know everyone's suffering, and if I can scratch everyone's itch, I will continue to keep the Wang family.If the Wang family "acts against the trend", then it is impossible to change someone to be a military governor.

Iron-clad yamen, flowing water Jiedushi, everyone depends on each other, one prospers all, one loses all, it is true.

The thunderous sound of hooves sounded from the south.

Pedestrians on the post road dodged one after another, and some even didn't even want the carriage, and fled directly to the side of the road.

"Where did the cavalry come from?" The sergeant guarding the city was a little confused: "Your envoy just went out to hunt yesterday, right? Did you come back today?"

The cavalry was getting closer.

On the post road, in the wheat field, and at the edge of the woods, one after another emerged, with a riding bow in his hand, a sword and a bone hanging beside the saddle, with hideous faces and loud shouts.

"Whoo! Whoosh!" There were more and more people who were good at archery, and they rode bows and fired continuously, crying at the gate of the city.

"Someone must be making trouble!"

"Close the city gate!"

"The envoy has not returned from hunting, isn't it good?"

"Which part of the brothers are making trouble? Why don't you say hello in advance?"

"Close the gates of the city, bring the guys, and let's plunder the whole city."

"Are you fucking blind? That's a bandit soldier, close the city gate!"

The gatekeepers were in a mess, and the officers kicked and beat them, forcing them to close the city gate.

But the entrance was too messy, and a donkey cart full of dung and water overturned on the ground, and the stench suddenly became overwhelming.Several sergeants slipped and fell to the ground, their faces directly stuck to them.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and the arrows were getting denser and denser. Seeing that it was too late, the gatekeepers scattered and fled into the city.

"Boom!" The half-closed city gate was knocked open, and the cavalry from the Wei Cai Department took the lead and rushed into Jinzhou City.

Crying and shouting in the street.The cavalry who rushed into the city drew their melee weapons and slashed repeatedly, killing the crowd who stood in front of them and failed to escape in time.

There were even some people shooting bows and arrows continuously on horseback, aiming to shoot at places where crowds gathered, causing chaos in the city.

Hundreds of riders passed them and rushed to the vicinity of the barracks.

More than a thousand Jinzhou sergeants had just left the camp, and before they could complete the team, they were rushed away, and the broken soldiers filled the alleys.

There were also many sergeants who had returned home on leave. After hearing the news, they were about to return to the camp. When they saw that the bandit soldiers had entered the city, there were only one or two thousand cavalry. Could it be that there were ten thousand infantry?He was so frightened that he took off his military uniform and slipped back home.

Qi Bizhang rushed in with a large group of people.

The knights dismounted one after another, assembled as quickly as possible, and rushed to various key points in the city.

Someone went to the government office of the state government to destroy the command center of the enemy army.

All the people in the barracks went, and there were few people shouting and killing, so there should be few people resisting.

People also went to the other three city gates, and there were scattered riders cruising outside the city, intercepting and killing the messengers who left the city.

"After controlling the whole city, immediately search for all the horses, mules, and donkeys that can be ridden. I don't want anything." Qi Bizhang ordered loudly: "As many as you find, gather them all."

"As ordered!"

Qi Bizhang didn't plan to stay in Jinzhou for long.

The horse galloped for thirty miles today, and after a short rest, the horse still had strength to spare.If you can collect some horse mules, you can continue to go north.First take care of the horsepower and walk slowly for a while, then march quickly and continue to attack north.

Horses can also be collected at post stations encountered along the way. For the large number of carriages gathered outside the city just now, some sergeants are already unhorsing the harnesses and leading the horses away.

Bing is expensive and fast, Qi Bizhang certainly understands this truth.

By noon, the situation in the city had roughly stabilized.

Qi Bizhang directly sat in the state office.


"Call me Qingdao to kill the envoy." Qi Bizhang glared and said angrily.


"Forget it, let's talk about it directly."

"Headman, captured nearly [-] Jinzhou soldiers, as well as a lot of food and equipment."

"Have you had enough rest?" Qi Bizhang nodded, grabbed the two mustard pancakes on the table, got up and walked out, saying: "Enough rest, follow me."

Leave 1000 people to guard the city and guard the prisoners, waiting for the Jiangzhou auxiliary soldiers led by Wang Shun to come and receive them.This is a decision made by Qi Bizhang after careful consideration.

I counted it just now, and there are about 5000 horses and mules carrying [-] people heading north, which should be able to maintain a certain marching speed.

There is no need to bring more food and grass, just grab it directly.Anyway, the counties in Jinzhou were caught off guard, and without solid walls and clear fields, it was enough.

The most important thing now is speed, don't delay even a moment!

At a short time, after arranging all kinds of matters, Qibizhang left his eldest son Qibixuan to guard the city, took [-] cavalry, and left by the north gate.

They marched along Fenshui Avenue and arrived in the countryside a few miles south of Hongdong County at night. The county seat was closed at that time, but the defense did not seem to be tight.

"Don't attack Hongdong County." Qi Bizhang had just replenished food, grass and arrows in Jinzhou, and he knew that time is the most precious thing now.

"Leave a thousand people to camp on the spot and take care of the horses. The rest, walk with me!" Qi Bizhang ordered: "The horses need to rest, but the people don't. Go to the old city of Hongdong Town to rest tonight."

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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