Chapter 530 Impatient

The Dingyuan Army's offensive under Luyang Pass lasted for three full days.

On the third day of junior high school, 1000 people from Tiger and Leopard Capital broke through the wall of sheep and horses and attacked the city.

That night, the Dengzhou Tutuan soldiers drove all kinds of vehicles and equipment to attack the city, and they continued all night long.

During the day, change to the Dingyuan army and continue to attack repeatedly.

By the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, more than 2000 people had been killed or injured in the Tutuan Village, and nearly [-] people had been killed or injured by the Dingyuan Army. Luyang Pass still stood firmly there.

Of course, the casualties of the Bian army were not small, and all the reserve teams in the city had been put in, and even more than half of the soldiers on the north wall had been mobilized, ready to fight.

After dinner on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the city of Luyang Pass was brightly lit, and the largest siege to date was launched.

Wang Yu mobilized [-] soldiers and [-] local peasants, divided them into three waves, and launched a fierce offensive like a tide.

In the north of Luyang Pass, Wang Deqian finally received the order and could act.

A thousand soldiers silently checked their equipment.The moonlight is a bit bright tonight, which makes people quite unhappy.But it was about to be dispatched, Wang Deqian waved his hand, and the soldiers left the camp and walked cautiously on the mountain path.

The bright moonlight fell on the bare branches, reflecting the dark figures.

Someone remembered the old incident of attacking Weizhou.The officers and men of the Dingyuan Army approached quietly like dark soldiers borrowing their way, and raided the Tubo's Western Envoy City.

Today's battle is so similar.

At midnight, the army arrived at the starting position.After a short rest, Wang Deqian took the lead and rushed up with others.

Standing on the Guancheng, you can clearly see several silver "arrows" running towards Guancheng on the shore of the sparkling river.

After the arrows, there are silver wavy lines, turbulent like tides, rushing towards the cliff like stormy waves.

"Click" the ladder leaned against the wall, and someone pulled it hard, and the hook blade at the top of the ladder was firmly hooked to the top of the wall.

There was a "creaking" shaking sound, as well as the sound of heavy breathing and the collision of nail leaves.

A stream of white steam floated up to the top of the wall, and then revealed the red tassel on the helmet, and then a fierce face with surprise.

Someone jumped on top of the wall, then a second, a third...

Like a sleeping beast being awakened, the roar suddenly became earth-shattering.

"There are thieves!" "Kill them!" "Hurry up and call someone!"

A short and fierce battle broke out at the top of the city.

Wang Deqian slashed down with an axe, and chopped a terrified young man off the top of the wall.

With a kick of his left foot, the blazing brazier rolled down the road.The fiery charcoal was flying in the darkness, and the little sparks fell into the darkness below the city, causing a lot of screams.

"Drive them out!" There are only dozens of old and weak soldiers in Guanbei for surveillance. Because of his negligence, letting the thieves climb up is an unforgivable crime. At this time, he can only fight back desperately and make atonement .

More than a dozen braziers were brought over and poured down along the driveway.

The red hot charcoal fell on the face, penetrated into the neck, and hit the bare skin...

There were cries and shouts one after another, and there was chaos on the road.

Even the whole body was ignited.The outer layer of the winter cotton clothing was quickly burned through, and the lint in the interlayer provided excellent fuel for the fire, and soon turned into people on fire.

The burning man didn't know the direction, and danced wildly, or fell to the wall, or rolled on the ground, his fellow robes exclaimed and huddled together.

"Shoot!" The archer rushed over, a wave of arrows rained down, and the screams on the horse path became more intense.

The smell of burning and blood mixed together, and the defenders on the north side of the Bian army were strangled almost instantly.

"Set fire!" Wang Deqian led more than a hundred people straight down the horse path, and gave an order before leaving.

The shouts in Guancheng suddenly became intense, and there were messy footsteps on the street.

Wang Deqian glanced at more than a hundred warriors behind him, all wearing heavy armor, holding knives, axes, and long swords, with serious eyes.

After forming an array for a while, more than a hundred strong men lined up on the wall.

Wang Deqian pushed away the robe that was trying to block him, took the long axe, and walked first.

A group of panic-stricken Bianjun came around the corner.

Without any nonsense, just chop it down with an axe.

There was a large cloud of blood on the blade of the axe.The iron armor on his body was stabbed by several long spears almost instantly, and the tooth-piercing sound of metal friction pierced his brain.

The ax swept sideways, and a head flew high.

The bright moonlight shone on it, and the ferocious and desperate expression was clearly visible.

"Kill!" Wang Deqian roared, and under the sweep of the Chang Ke axe, the spears of several Bian soldiers fell to the ground. He saw the opportunity, jumped over, and swept again, causing a crowd of exclamations.

Fighting head-on, how brave is the long-handled blunt weapon!

Taking advantage of the confusion, the sergeants behind quickly followed up, slashing at close quarters with their epee swords, and the spearmen of the Bian army couldn't resist the enemy and retreated again and again.

"Go to hell!" Wang Deqian's long ax was jammed and discarded, he drew out the horizontal knife he carried with him, and squeezed wherever there were too many people.

I don't know how many times he was cut and stabbed, and the nail leaf must have been shattered.Wang Deqian jumped into the crowd and stabbed a bandit soldier's abdomen with his horizontal knife. Before he could draw it out, a bandit swung his knife and slashed at him. Blood dripping.

The Bian soldier resisted desperately, Wang Deqian was able to kill him, he hit again, and then grabbed the opponent's throat with both hands, straight like iron tongs.

Inspired by it, the soldiers fought bravely, slashing repeatedly with their long swords and Mo Dao, but the Bian army couldn't support it, and was soon pushed across the street corner.

The fire above Guancheng was getting bigger and bigger, the city tower was crackling, and sparks were flying everywhere.

Even the dullest person knew that his side was being attacked from both sides, and the morale of the Bian army who was fighting desperately in Nancheng plummeted, and everyone was in shock.

The soldiers of the Dingyuan Army in the south of the city saw the soaring fire in the pass city, their morale was greatly boosted, and everyone fought bravely.

Morale rises and falls, sometimes it is so strange, not to mention that the defenders of the city are not elites, just state soldiers and soil regiments.

Soon, someone attacked the city and gained a firm foothold.

The last Bian army that dared to fight rushed up frantically. The two sides had no rules and fought in a mess. From time to time, some people hugged each other and fell into the city.

Those who fought on the top of the city did everything they could.At the end of the battle, the teeth were used up, biting the opponent's nose and ears, dripping with blood.

The drummer took off his shirt and beat the drum vigorously in the cold night wind.The tops of their heads are like steamers, steaming hot.

Under the sound of passionate drums, one team after another of sergeants climbed to the top of the city, gradually pressing down the Bian army.

Wang Yu stood on the high platform, his bright red cloak fluttering in the wind.He fixed his eyes on the head of Luyang Pass, and after seeing more and more soldiers from his own side climbed to the top of the wall and they were never driven down again, he opened his clenched fists lightly.

The event is settled!

Within Guancheng, the defeated Bian army was everywhere.

They looked around for a place to hide.But this is a closed city, a military facility, where can there be houses for hiding?
Soldiers from Dingyuan lined up along the wall and killed anyone they saw.

A rout that has lost its organization and will is tragic.They shuttled around in the streets and alleys, but as they walked, they were surrounded by Dingyuan soldiers from the brigade, with bows and knives drawn, and their corpses were thrown on the spot.

The bloody massacre lasted most of the night.

It wasn't until dawn that the last general of the Bian army hiding in the yamen burned himself to death in despair, which brought an end to this tragic battle.

Nearly [-] Bian troops mainly came from the four counties of Changshe, Changge, Yanling, and Fugou in Xuzhou. There were state soldiers, county town soldiers, and village braves.

"Repair the damaged tower."

"Sweep the whole city and bury the corpses."

"Put the head in a cart and take it to Lushan County."

The latest military order was passed down quickly.

The Dengzhou soldiers with red eyes silently held their knives and axes and began to collect heads.

The sergeants who had fought for several days sat against the wall, silently watching all this.

In the last battle before returning home, the tragic casualties were almost unbearable for everyone.

"Going to Luyang Pass, the gorge road is steep and deep. The stream is more than ten thousand feet long, and the surrounding trees are thousands of times..." Yuan Mian, the military judge, entered the city. After staring at him, he stopped immediately.

He sighed, he had to take his life to fulfill the great challenge in the world, so there was nothing he could do.

Snow fell down in a swirl.

Outside Sanya Town, a group of soldiers and horses had just left the city, and soon received the news that Luyang Pass had fallen.

The general was silent for a while, and then dispatched several cavalry to spread the news to all parties.

The messenger left Sanya Town (Pinggao City) and ran to the northeast, passing through Lushan County without entering. He changed horses at Pingzhou City (Lucheng) built by the Northern Qi Dynasty in the northeast of the county, and continued on his way.

The messengers alternated, and Longxing Town, Liang County (Ruzhou), and Xuedian fell behind one by one. After arriving at Shengui Post in Jiacheng County, more messengers were suddenly sent.

In just one day, the news spread from Jiacheng to Xuzhou, Luoyang, and Bianzhou.

"Emperor Xiaowen of the Later Wei Dynasty once said to Wei Zhen, 'Three crows are dangerous, and you can't guard them'." Outside Bianzhou City, Zhu Quanzhong, who had inspected the farmland, wiped the mud on the upper of his shoes and said, "A crow is not my fault." hand, the two crows are trapped, and the three crows can guard it?"

Jing Xiang frowned in thought, Li Zhen remained silent, Wei Zhao hesitated to speak.

Three crows road, twists and turns, is not as smooth as Wanye road.Ge Congzhou's main force was stationed on Wanye Road, and he was partial to defend Sanya Valley Road. No matter from which point of view, it is not wrong.

Luyang Pass is also a fortified city with [-] garrison soldiers, and the Xia bandits would not be able to attack even if [-] people died. How could they lose it?

But now is not the time to pursue the issue.If you lose it, you lose it, and there is Pinggao City built by Yuwen Zhou, and Pingzhou City built by Northern Qi to deal with Pinggao City, there must be no more problems here.

"Nanyang Sanlu led the army, and the thieves were menacing. The west road broke through Luyang Pass and forced Lushan; the middle road surrounded Ye County, with banners covering the sun; the east road Keping Jingguan, entered Shenzhou, and peeked at the Huai River." Zhu Quanzhong stood up and remained silent. After a long time, he finally asked, "Can Ge Congzhou do it?"

Jing Xiang was a little pale.

Ge Congzhou is about to lose his trust, but he is a clever woman who can't cook without rice.Gather elite soldiers in Jiacheng and the old city of Kunyang, use Ye County as a bait, and attack them with a fresh army after the old bandits are exhausted. This strategy is not wrong, and the situation has not collapsed. Day, my lord is getting impatient?
Jingxiang faintly sensed a bigger problem, which may be more serious than the gains and losses of Luyangguan and Shenzhou: the commander-in-chief is impatient!

"Let Dinghui go to Xuzhou to take charge of Ru, Xu, Chen, and Cai's situation." Zhu Quanzhong said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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