Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 534 Left hook right hook

Chapter 534 Left hook right hook
At the beginning of December, Shao Shude received the military report that after Qiziling Zhongguan City was captured, Dongguan City was also conquered, and more than [-] remnants of the Bian Army surrendered.

There are three pass cities in Qiziling, the front and back pass are not many troops, and the main force is stationed in Zhongguan city.When the central city was destroyed, most of it had already been lost, and the rest was just lingering.

The Guancheng was being cleaned up, and the sick corpses of the Bian army were concentrated and burned.The soaring smoke column can be seen here in Wangwu County, and the Bian army at Zhiguan must have seen it too.But they didn't attack, the Xia army suffered too many casualties, the soldiers were exhausted, and they were unable to attack Zhiguan in a short period of time, and the battlefield calmed down for a while.

The people in several counties in the eastern part of Hezhong Prefecture received the order of Jieshuai Wang Yao, and tens of thousands of masters were recruited in the twelfth lunar month to go to Qiziling to repair the pass city.

This is an unreasonable order, but military orders are like mountains and cannot be disobeyed.

Some people knew that this was probably the meaning of the "black hand behind the scenes" Shao Shude, but most people only looked for Wang Yao who gave the order directly.Unsurprisingly, Marshal Wang's reputation dropped to another level, and almost completely stinks. In the twelfth lunar month, the people were forced to build the city.

Wang Yao, go to hell!It's better to let Wang Ke come back as Jiedu envoy.No, the descendants of the royal family can't do it. They all want to kill the people. Let the court send a virtuous minister who loves the people like a son to Zhenhezhong.

The imperial court really sent a prime minister here, but it was not to be Hezhong Jiedu envoy, but to discuss matters with Shao Shude.

"Wei Xiang, come here in the twelfth lunar month, what do you mean?" Shao Shude received Wei Zhaodu in the camp outside the city.

Wangwu County is being rebuilt, and Yuan County is also rebuilt today.The former is the conscripted Cizhou Master, and the latter is from the Hezhong Mansion—well, both are orders from Wang Yao.

"The army is rough, and there is no good tea, and Wei Xiang will take care of it." Shao Shude sat behind the table, and the two sons were brought over, one on the left and one on the right beside him.

Wei Zhaodu looked at the two children carefully, thoughtful.

The eldest son has a marriage contract with the daughter of Zhu Shuzong, the coach of Shuofang, and the eldest son has a marriage contract with the daughter of Zhang Huaishen, the Jiedu envoy of the Guiyi Army. Outsiders have no chance.

In fact, the wealthy Gao family in Guanzhong paid close attention to these two children.It would be great if we could get married.It's a pity that Zhu Shuzong and Zhang Huaishen, two vulgar warriors, had great luck and had no choice.

Of course they knew that the two marriages were almost impossible to destroy.

Shuofang Yajun, more than half of the sergeants were trained by the coach of the capital under the command of Zhu Shuzong.When the armies returned to Lingxia to rest, the military envoys, deputy envoys, etc. handed over their military power, and the sergeants were still trained by the capital coach envoy's yamen.

Zhu Shuzong does not show his mountains and dew his water, but his influence in the army cannot be underestimated.Otherwise, Shao Shude wouldn't have given him the right to command troops forever—it would be too scary to have the right to train troops, and then to have the right to command troops.

The three major yamen of Du Coach (recruitment and training), Duyu Housi (command and transfer of troops), and military envoy (money, food, equipment) stand side by side, which is the experience summed up by the blood and tears of the various town commanders since the hardships.However, it has been difficult to implement it. It is clear that these positions existed more than a hundred years ago, but the generals are very resistant.

As a pure yamen general, he usually has no military power, and the Jiedu envoy kills you like a dog. The Jiedu envoy Kang Chuangui's killing of Zhang Kai and Guo Yu more than ten years ago is the best example.Unless the leader is outside, it is difficult to resist.

What a pity, Wei Zhaodu sighed.

"The old man came here this time to resolve the dispute between Xia and Bian towns." Wei Zhaodu said with a wry smile.

"I didn't occupy the imperial ship, so what's the matter?" Shao Shude asked.

Du Xiao, the camp inspector of Shaozhou, also accompanied him. He looked at Wei Zhaodu curiously, not knowing what he was thinking.

"The king of Lingwu County does not occupy the water boats, which is very good. However, Zhu Quanzhong, the king of Dongping County, dispatched troops repeatedly, and the waterways of Bian, Si, Huai, Ru, Ji, Huan, Vortex, and Cai were constantly passing by boats all day long. It has affected the imperial court's food and payment transportation." Wei Zhaodu said: "If the two of you are willing to stop the army, the imperial court will naturally benefit from it."

"Oh?" Seeing Wei Zhaodu speak so bluntly, Shao Shude's appetite was also whetted, and he asked, "What's the benefit?"

"The sage has something to say, Jin Shaoqing is the king of Xia, and Zhu Qing is the king of Liang." Wei Zhaodu replied.

Dong Chang was named the king of Yue, and after opening this hole, the court was also in shambles.Coupled with the endless wars in Henan and Shannan, the water transportation was greatly affected, and the court had no money. It seems that the title of king is a good means of generating income.

Shao Shude was a little moved.

Obviously, the king given by the imperial court has no fiefdom, and is simply a title.

In history, Emperor Zhaozong was taken hostage to Luoyang, and Zhu Quanzhong was not granted land.And Zhaozong was murdered, and in the second year of Emperor Ai's ascension to the throne, he only "made Liang Wang Quanzhong to serve as the marshal of all Taoist soldiers and horses, don't open the government curtain", which was a forced opening, but it was still of no great use.

In November of that year, Emperor Ai "made back to the sky and rebuilt loyal and righteous heroes, marshals of various soldiers and horses, Xuanwu Xuanyi Tianping Huguo and other military festivals to observe and dispose of the envoy (Zhu Quanzhong)... Granted the prime minister, the chief Baikui, and other envoys With Xuanwu, Xuanyi, Tianping, Huguo... 21 Dao as the state of Wei, still enfeoffed as the king of Wei...Entering the court does not tend, the sword is on the palace, praise is not famous, and the fate of Jiuxi..."

It was only at this time that the mouth was opened. This is the real feudalism.In terms of feudal attributes, the kings of this and that were not as good as Jiedushi.

Shao Shude didn't want this kind of fame before, because there wasn't much benefit.But isn't there a bastard like Dong Chang who is now a rafter?It seems that he can be promoted from the county king to the prince, and the impact is not great. After all, when people talk about the indiscriminate conferment of princes, the first thing that comes to mind is Dong Chang's bribery of middle officials, and the court sells officials to sell them.I, Marshal Shao, was also a minister of ZTE because of my hard work. The court said that I worked hard, so I was promoted to the King of Xia——Taizong was the King of Qin.

Now the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and many feudal towns have been annexed.It doesn't matter if the court doesn't grant me land, you can take it step by step.

On the surface, Shao Dashuai respected the imperial court very much.After the Xia Palace was built, the officials of the palace were sent to the towns. Although there was no name, theoretically those towns were not under the management of the officials of the palace, but everyone is not stupid. Could it be that you are really hard on you?

However, it is absolutely impossible not to beat Zhu Quanzhong for the sake of a prince.

On this point, Shao Shude was very firm.I'm just going to kill the most threatening competitor, nothing else matters.

"Wei Xiang is in the court, you should know that Quanzhong is not like a minister. Please move the salt and iron to Bianzhou, which is already seizing the wealth and power of the three divisions. I lead the army to fight for it. It is for the imperial court. Unless Quanzhong withdraws his troops and returns to Bianzhou , no longer attack the towns of Wuning, Tianping, and Taining, and stick to our vassal, I will lead the army back to Lingxia, and never attack them again." Shao Shude said.

Wei Zhaodu was expressionless after hearing this, as if he already knew the result.

Just listen to the words "keep your own vassal".According to the regulations, the commander-in-chief cannot leave the town without authorization. Zhu Quanzhong left Xuanwu town every three days, Li Keyong was in Youzhou, and Shao Shude actually lived in Longchi Palace in Anyi. Which of these commanders is honest?
"In that case, the old man has nothing to say." Wei Zhaodu said with a sigh.

"Since Wei Xiang is here, don't be in a hurry to go back." Shao Shude said with a smile: "In the past, Wei Wu was the governor of Jiangzhou. He overhauled water conservancy and reclaimed ditches. The people felt his virtue and even erected a monument. Wei Xiang might as well go more Take a look, the people in the river are full of praise for Jingzhao Wei."

Wei Zhaodu's heart moved, but he didn't say anything, he just nodded and said: "Since that's the case, the old man will stay in Jiangzhou for a while."

The situation in Beijing and China is a bit weird now.

The financial plan of the imperial court was difficult, the salaries of the court officials in the Southern Yamen were all reduced, and the Privy Envoy of the Beisi also reduced the rewards of the Imperial Army, and everyone complained.The villain Cui Zhaowei is still bewitching people, and he was very disappointed to put this matter on him and Zheng Yanchang.

Originally, I thought that it would be meaningless to fight any more since they would not be able to leave the Jingzhao Mansion anymore.But Cui Zhaowei is a person with a bad heart and bad intentions. He doesn't want to take the blame, so he harms others, which is very boring.

Shao Shude then chatted with Wei Zhaodu about some interesting things about Chang'an, and then he saw off the guests.

Wei Zhaodu took a deep look at Du Xiao, nodded, and left.

Du Xiao was puzzled, what did the prime minister think of me?Do you want me to enter the court as an official?

"Marshal, Qi Bizhang has already set off." Chen Cheng wandered outside for a long time, and came in to report after seeing Wei Zhaodu leave.

Shao Shude nodded, took the notice and looked at it.

Chen Cheng is still relatively busy now, he has to manage military and civil affairs, and Zhao Guangfeng and Zhao Guangfeng perform their own duties.Strictly speaking, he is now an important member of the army, Ma Budu Yuhou and other dispatches in one body, and he has a lot of power.

Shao Shude turned his head to look at his eldest son, Shao Chengjie.In a few years, when he grows up, he will resume the post of Marquis of Ma Budu and hand it over to his son.He couldn't trust outsiders with this position, so he would rather not set it up than give it up.

"Qibizhang, Yang Liang..." Shao Shude got up again and went to the map, observed carefully, and said after a long time: "The main force of our army is stationed in Wangwu County and Qiziling. Arm, raised an iron fist and smashed at Heyang. It is not appropriate to go to war this year, let the two of them continue to surprise Quanzhong."


In Heyang City, Zhang Shensi breathed a sigh of relief.

Beyond the three cities, a large group of soldiers had just arrived.

Since Shao thief took over the river, Xia thief's offensive suddenly became fierce.

They had too many soldiers. Tens of thousands of soldiers from Lingxia Yamen, Hezhong soldiers and horses, and Tibetans took turns to fight fiercely.

In the battle of Yuan County, they forced their own side to retreat.

In the battle of Wangwu County, the city was broken and soldiers were stationed.

Fu besieged Qiziling for more than a month, regardless of casualties, and finally recovered.

This is completely a posture of fighting for life.

In the lands of Meng and Huai, there are now only [-] or [-] yamen troops, plus more than [-] state and county soldiers and Tutuan villagers.

The state and county soldiers are fine, but the more than 1 Tutuan peasants are not.They really dare to fight and fight, but they are poorly equipped and disciplined, so they really dare not entrust them with important tasks.

With more than 3 soldiers and horses, can the Xia thief really be stopped?

Zhang Shensi is a veteran general in the army. He likes to seek truth from facts, so he decided to write a letter to ask for more troops.

For some unknown reason this time, King Dongping actually agreed to his request, allowing him "four thousand elite soldiers".

Zhang Shensi was overwhelmed by the flattery, which was a treatment that even Ge Congzhou did not have.

Four thousand reinforcements trekked for many days and arrived at the three cities of Heyang today.

The leader of the team is Guo Yan, a veteran general, even older than Ge Congzhou, but apart from his loyalty, he seems to have nothing to commend him, and his position is not high, so far he has only been given the post of Yamen in Henan Prefecture—of course he is a remote leader. .

The so-called "four thousand elite soldiers" are actually mostly from Xuzhou, and a small number are from Puzhou.

The Bian army besieged Xuzhou for several months, and no less than [-] surrendered. These people were reorganized, led by Guo Yan, and brought back to Bianzhou.

Halfway through the journey, he received an order to reinforce Heyang, and there were more than a thousand soldiers to join in. Although the Bian army attacked Puzhou, although they failed to recover, they defeated Zhu Xuan in the field and captured many prisoners. There were also soldiers from Yunzhen. They sneaked out of the city at night to ask for surrender, accumulating more than a thousand, and now they are all handed over to Guo Yan.

Are these people elite soldiers?Zhang Shensi didn't dare to think so.

These [-] people are definitely better than the Tutuan villagers, not weaker than the prefectural and county soldiers, and even a little stronger in the first line, but their morale is very problematic.Loyalty too—are they loyal?To be able to jump over the city wall and surrender at night, and to abandon the robe and the village, what a fart of loyalty!
But now that there is a severe shortage of troops, it would be nice to have them.After Wangwu County and Qiziling were breached, Heqing County and Baiyacang needed to be strengthened. It would be perfect to send these 4000 people there.

"Take a rest for three days and let Guo Yan go to Heqing." Zhang Shensi ordered his staff after finishing the military affairs.

"As ordered."

"General, there is a military report from Bianzhou."

"Bring me to have a look." Zhang Shensi got up and took it.

Luocheng of Xuzhou has been broken, Shi Pu guards the inner city, and the sergeants are clamoring endlessly. Some people capture the general Xu Zhen and leave the city to surrender.The hearts of the people in the city are in turmoil, and it must be broken.

"Good! Good! Good!" Zhang Shensi laughed and said, "Once Xu Town is broken, the situation will suddenly become clear. When more troops come, I will counterattack Hezhong and capture Shao thief."

 Queued up for nucleic acid testing, waited for hours, and finished coding in a hurry.Going back to my hometown tomorrow, there may be traffic jams on the road, I will stay up late tonight to type, and vote for those who have votes, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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