Chapter 536
Inside Qiziling, Shao Shude took his sons to comfort the sergeant.

From the time he left Suizhou and went south to Guanzhong to seek Huangchao, Shao Shude insisted on providing compensation to the soldiers who were killed or disabled in battle. His family members could receive [-] Dendrobium grains a year for ten years.

This system exists in many vassals and towns, and it involves different scopes and different years.

The country also has a very standardized and systematic military sacrifice system.There is a special sacrificial place, where important ministers and shogunate secretaries personally write sacrificial texts, read them out in public, offer sacrifices, and pay homage to the soldiers who died in battle.

This system existed in the Northern Dynasties and has been inherited, and it is very mature.It is very wrong to think that the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty will be overthrown after they died.

It is very systematic, ranging from public sacrifices by the imperial court to small sacrifices in feudal towns and Zhizhou.

Details of ceremonies such as military sacrifices, captive offerings, and triumphs were even fixed in the Kaiyuan military ceremony system, which continued until the end of the Five Dynasties.

The first batch of pensioners in Shuofang Town quit after almost ten years, but their number is too small.With the march into Guanzhong and the Central Plains, the scale and intensity of the war is no longer that of the Northwest and Helong, and the number of pensioners has increased sharply. Now it is necessary to pay more than 46 yuan of pension food every year, which is not a small amount.

In order to avoid increasing financial pressure, Shao Shude used a large number of foreign soldiers to attack the city since last year, and then used land as a reward (pension), avoiding large expenditures.However, the Yamen who died or became disabled still receive pensions, which is indispensable.

"Marshal." Liang Hanyong bowed and saluted.

Seeing that there was no one around, Shao Shude scolded: "Why is my son-in-law so reckless? It is certainly a marvelous achievement to be the first to fight, but do you need these military achievements?"

Liang Hanyong was a little excited when he heard the words, but he still said: "Marshal, I don't want to be gossiped about in the end."

The meaning of the words is already very clear, your son-in-law is not easy to be, and you are under a lot of pressure. You have to work harder than others to keep everyone's mouths shut.

Shao Shude was speechless.

This is indeed true.Now the Shuofang Army is still in its early stage of rising, there is not so much nonsense, everything in the army speaks for itself on the strength of its strength.Liang Hanyong was promoted very quickly, if there is no real credit, it is indeed easy to attract criticism.

When he attacked Yangzhou back then, he was seriously injured. This time he attacked Qiziling, leading eighty warriors to climb first, which proved that his determination was very firm, and Shao Shude was not easy to dampen his enthusiasm.

"Be careful." Shao Shude patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm of great use to you."

Chengjie and Siwu followed behind, watching silently.

"My son." Shao Shude turned his head and said, "You have also seen that even your brother-in-law must rely on his military exploits to be promoted in the army, and being a father is not good for favoritism. If you are in charge of the army in the future, you should do the same. Up to this point. Fairness in rewards and punishments is the most basic principle. If you can’t do it, you will lose the morale of the army.”

"I understand." The two agreed in unison.

After inspecting the barracks, Shao Shude and his son returned to Guancheng.

The soldiers brought a simple dinner: corn rice, mutton, fish, several kinds of winter vegetables, dried fruits, and dairy products.

After eating, Du Honghui came again and continued to talk about Heyang.

"During the reign of Emperor Ruizong, Princess Yuzhen practiced Taoism in Jinxianguan." Du Honghui started with a short story and narrated it eloquently.

"Fortunately, the two temples of Zhenyuan and Jinxian went out of Xuanwu Gate, crossed the river, and arrived at Dongzhang Village...the four counties of Dongjiyuan County, Nanheqing County, Xishaoyuan County, and Beiyangcheng County were divided into four counties to patrol the Golden Immortal, True Yuan Two Views."

Shaoyuan County was established in the second year of Wude, and merged into Shaobo County in the fourth year of Wude.

In the second year of Xianqing, Shaobo County was renamed Wangwu County, which has continued to this day.

To put it simply, Princess Yuzhen cultivated immortality in Wangwushan for some unknown reason.In order to visit his daughter, Ruizong specially left Chang'an and ran over.A post station (Dongzhang Station) was set up in the local area, and the four nearby counties were asked to divide their respective scope of power and responsibility, and specially sent people to patrol the two Taoist temples.

Heqing County is one of them.

"Heqing County specially opened a dangerous road to patrol the Taoist temple, leading directly to Wangwu Mountain. This road is not suitable for carts, but pedestrians, horses and donkeys can be used. In the second year of Dashun, our army attacked Feng Ba, and silver spears passed through it."


Outside Heqing County, a large group of cavalrymen galloped freely, with killing intent.

Yang Liang personally led more than [-] cavalry, broke through the formation and rushed into the enemy army.

After the saber cut sharply, he took out the iron mace from the sheath and hammered it wantonly.

The Bian army and civilian husbands who escorted the grain and grass cried and fled one after another.

A few Bian Army cavalrymen frantically hit their horses and fled, disappearing into the distance, even abandoning their robes.

This battle was fought inexplicably!
They transported a batch of food and grass well, and marched in the safe area of ​​their own hinterland, but no one expected that the cavalry of the Xia Bandit Brigade would suddenly appear and shamelessly attack them.

There is no doubt that this is the mistake of the generals.

Without Wangwu County as a supply point, the cavalry's movement distance is indeed limited, and they cannot reach their side.Even if you barely make a long-distance attack, the threat from the back always exists, and it is easy to be ambushed and beaten.

But Wangwu County has been conquered for two months, and if you still follow the old ways and thinking, you will inevitably suffer losses.

Is there no reason for today's defeat?
Yang Liang charged and killed for a while, surrounded the last group of Bianjun masters, and shouted: "Those who abandon their weapons and kneel on the ground will not die."

"Those who abandon their weapons and kneel on the ground will not die!" The sergeants shouted in unison.

Maybe the sabers, daggers, and irons in their hands were too convincing, and the masters of the Bian army threw away their crude spears one after another, saying: "Don't kill me, I am waiting for a non-Bian, and I am willing to surrender."

"Huh? Not a master? Then why don't you even have armor?" Yang Liang was a little surprised, and said, "Arrest a few people and torture them separately."

The sergeant responded with a bang, and quickly picked up a few prisoners and questioned them individually.

The results came out very quickly.

"General, they claim to be generals under General Shao's account." The soldiers reported.

After Yang Liang got off his horse, he sat on the ground to rest, and was startled when he heard this: "Shao—General Shao?"

"Puzhou Inspector Shao Lun."

"Oh, Zhu Xuan's people. Next time, finish your sentence in one breath, or I will beat you to death with a whip." Yang Liangliang nodded, and then said angrily.

"Of order." The soldier responded.

Puzhou surrendered troops and escorted food and grass. Yang Liang basically figured out these two things together.

This should be the reinforcements sent by the Bian army to Heyang.According to what they said, they set off from Heyang, escorted a batch of grain and grass to Heqing County, and then defended on the spot to strengthen the defense forces in Heqing and Baiya.

After figuring it out, Yang Liang was determined, so he got up and went to the captives, saying: "You were forced to surrender the Bian bandits due to the situation, and now you are rescued, why don't you fight the Bian bandits again?"

The captives looked up at him upon hearing this, and then all lowered their heads.

This——Yang Liang was a little annoyed, a bunch of cowards had lost their nerve.

"Let's take them all back." Seeing their bear-like appearance, the idea of ​​soliciting them that had just arisen was instantly extinguished. Yang Liang waved his hand and gave up [-] riders to return back the same way with food and grass and thousands of prisoners.

The five hundred riders and the captives left first, while Yang Liang hung 1000 miles away with more than [-] riders.

He wanted to see if any of the Bian troops left the city when they passed through Heqing County and Baiyacang, and if they would make a surprise attack at that time, they might be able to gain something.

Fishing, everyone is familiar with it.This is the initiative of cavalry, I can decide how to fight.

But he didn't hold out much hope.

The commander-in-chief sits in Wangwushan, and the main force is stationed in Qiziling.At the same time, two more mobile troops were separated.

On the northern line, 3000 Flying Dragon Army led by Qi Bizhang took Zezhou, the second of the Taihang Eight Xings (Taihang Xing, also called Danxing), and went south to Huaizhou, using excellent mobility to find opportunities and harass Bian A small group of troops will hit their morale.

The southern line is their two thousand cavalry. The military cavalry of the Wuwei Army left Wangwu County, took a small road, and carried ten days of food and water, and entered Heqing County and Baiyacang to see if there was any chance.

It can be seen from the map that if these two troops can obtain supplies on the spot, it is possible to go behind Jiyuan County.

what does that mean?To the west of Jiyuan County is Zhiguan, which can be said to be a logistics transfer base for delivering grain, equipment, and soldiers to the army of Zhiguan.If the "transfusion vessels" in Jiyuan County were cut off, Zhiguan would be out of food.

Well, there will be no shortage of food in a short time.This kind of key defense area usually stores the required materials for several months.But no matter what, being harassed in the rear always affects the morale of the army, who dares to ignore it?

How many soldiers does Zhang Shensi have in Heyang? Can he drive away these highly maneuverable cavalry or mounted infantry?

If he was harassed enough, wouldn't Zhu Quanzhong have to increase his troops in the end?It’s not enough if it’s less, at least [-] to [-] paces, otherwise don’t even try to drive them out.

In fact, someone like Zhu Quanzhong, who is in charge of the overall situation, may see things differently.

In his view, the more deadly problem was that the cavalry of the Xia Army had moved closer and closer to the plains, and it was very difficult to get out of the mountains.

Do you think Shao Shude is playing with all his life to besiege Wangwu County and Qiziling?
Regardless of casualties, Li Tangbin attacked the Bianjun Fort all the way, and every step eastward to build a city meant that the range of cavalry activities increased again.

Zhu Quanzhong is hurrying up, Shao Shude is also hurrying up, now it depends on who is faster.

On the tenth day of December, Yang Liang's troops passed through Heqing County with more than 1 seized grain and grass.

Both Heqing County and Baiyacang were guarded by Bian troops, forming horns with each other, but they didn't send troops out of the city, which made Yang Liang a little disappointed. He thought he could still win a city.

Especially Baiyacang, which is the warehouse city of the Bian army.Standing on a high ground, the terrain is quite good, and it is obviously designed with defensive factors in mind.According to its regulations, hundreds of thousands of dendrobium grains can be stored, and most of the Bian army has more than [-] reserves.

From Wangwu County to Heqing County, the biggest trouble is that the path is difficult and dangerous, and the carriage cannot pass, which cuts off the possibility of the army coming.But if the Bian army can "treat guests", 10,000+ dendrobium grain is enough to keep the main force of the Wuwei army for more than a year, then the threat to the Bian army will be too great.

I can only think of a way slowly!

(End of this chapter)

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