Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 556 Is it worth it?

Chapter 556 Is it worth it?
Outside the northwest camp, a large group of Bian troops rushed in like a tide.

Carrying large shields, they moved quickly and surrounded several early warning villages set up on the outskirts of the camp.After a while, a few soldiers in the village were submerged in the vast ocean of Bian soldiers.

After cleaning up these small villages, the Bian army slowly retreated again.

The master who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward.

Their job is to fill in the horse pits, clear the antlers, and cut off the carbine guns, that is, to remove all obstacles to attacking the camp.

After cleaning these, they will also fill in the ditch behind, tear down the earth wall on the inside of the ditch, and clean up the sharp obstacles such as barbed wire behind the earth wall.

Every step of the work has to be completed by shooting the bow and crossbow on the wall of the village, so it can only be done by the masters.It would be a pity if a professional warrior who had been trained for many years died here for nothing.

The rain of arrows on the top of the city was very dense. Although the masters were protected by big shields, how could it be possible for everyone to be covered?In just a short while, more than [-] people fell down screaming, and at this time, some horse traps had just been filled up, fuelwood was piled under the antlers and carbine guns, and fire oil was poured on them.

"Boom!" The gate of the camp suddenly opened wide, and Yang Liang rushed out with more than a thousand cavalry.

The galloping horses rushed into the group of masters, slashing left and right, and the masters from Heyang retreated one after another, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

Some of the brave ones threw the torches on the firewood pile, while the timid ones ran away.

The raging fire was burning, and smoke billowed in front of the camp.

The killing of the cavalry lasted for two sticks of incense. Seeing that the infantry of the Bian army was pressing up, they hurried back to the camp, took back the trench bridge, and closed the camp gate.

The battlefield became calm all of a sudden.

On the gentle slope to the east of the camp, hundreds of corpses were lying here and there in the wilderness.The fire became more and more intense, and gradually engulfed the body of the Bianjun master who was shot to death in front of the antlers and refused the carbine, making "crackling" explosions from time to time.

The south wind blows, and the air is filled with an unpleasant burnt stench.

The Bian army adjusted its deployment.

They dispatched some crossbowmen to cover the master and continue to move forward.

In the rear, there are still people building high platforms and temporary fences, and some engineering equipment, such as trench filling vehicles, have also been pushed out.

Attacking the camp in the northwest corner is undoubtedly the focus of the Bian army.

Yang Liang stood on the high platform in the camp and looked around. More than 1 soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and masters mobilized more than [-] people to build high platforms, erect fences, dig ditches, deploy defenses, This is determined.

"Take a rest for an hour, and then go out of the camp to rush." ​​Yang Liang ordered the troops.

This is no easy task.The Bian army suffered a loss once, and many cavalry have been transferred up, and if they charge again, they may suffer a lot of losses.

But this also indirectly created an opportunity for Heqing County, and it depends on whether they can seize it.

After the north gate of Heqing County was opened, two hundred Tibetan cavalry surrounded the infantry column of the Bian army and harassed them back and forth.

After being expelled by the cavalry of the Bian Army, he went back and changed his horse and came again. He used the terrain to pull away and shoot, but he didn't run.It wasn't until the Bian Army transferred more cavalry that they dispersed.

However, the Thousand Cavalry Army of the German Army quickly dispatched.They met the cavalrymen of the Bian army and fought repeatedly, leaving two to three hundred corpses each, which was extremely tragic.

At noon, another [-] Fan cavalry rushed towards Liaowu, and the Bian army cavalry who were just about to take a breath had no choice but to mount their horses and go forward.The Fan cavalry did not entangle with him head-on, but opened a distance to harass. The Bian army cavalry left dozens of corpses before driving them away.

At this time, another thousand cavalry rushed from the direction of Baiyacang, and the more than [-] cavalry of the Tiande Army recovered their horsepower and strength, and went out of the city to attack again.

The cavalrymen of the Bian army fought for half a day, each of them had only one horse, and they were already unable to drive them. After fighting for a while, they ran eastward all the way back to the camp.

A total of more than [-] cavalry soldiers, more than half of them were sent to the northwest camp, and there were only [-] cavalrymen who faced the battle. Being harassed in such a way, energy, physical strength, and horsepower were exhausted to the extreme. Things.

What's more, in today's fight, four or five hundred horses have been lost. Adding the battle damage of the previous few days, the more than [-] horses that came from the expedition have already fallen below [-].

It is not easy for the Bian Army to gather some cavalry, and the ancient committee of Pang Shi was really distressed by such a loss, so he had to order this department to withdraw.

Shao Shude sat under the city tower, carefully observing the Bian army.

A long trench has been dug in the distance, the width is enough, but the depth seems to be relatively shallow.

After the grain carts, the infantry of the Bian army were in a casual posture, some were resting on the ground, and some were eating dry food to maintain their physical strength.

But they could rest, but those who lined up on the south side of the grain truck couldn't take a good rest.

It was past noon, and today was another sunny day. The sun was so hot that it made people dizzy.The meal I ate before leaving camp in the morning was almost digested, and everyone's stomachs would growl with hunger.

On the other hand, the infantry of the Xia army had rested behind the city gate for a long time. At this time, they were dressed, their bows and arrows were stringed, and they were checking their knives and guns one by one. They were ready to leave the city.

There are more and more Xia Army cavalry in the field. They are divided into several groups. When they are tired, they go back to the city to rest. When the horses are unusable, they change their horses. , eating.

With his physical strength weakened, the situation seemed to be a little bad.


Pang Shigu stood on the high platform, carefully examining the battle situation in front of him.

Appears to have achieved good results, but he has ordered the withdrawal of troops.

Near the camp at the northwest corner, several small camps have been erected roughly, with more than a thousand soldiers in each camp, and the final reinforcement is still going on at this moment.

Some high platforms were erected in the camp, on which bowmen lined up, and shot at the Xia thief camp with arrows.

The fortress is not as good as the city wall, and its height is limited, so it is not a disadvantage to shoot.And Xia Zei has few soldiers, so they can't eat these villages.This is one's own forward base, which can cover follow-up operations.

But in the direction of defending Heqing County, it is now in a dilemma.

The trench has been dug for a long time, but half a day is too short and not enough to completely cut off the connection between the county seat and the northwest camp.

Moreover, Xia Bandit also sent a lot of horsemen from Liaowu and Baiyacang today, a total of [-] horsemen, taking turns to battle.Relying on horses, he eventually exhausted the horsepower and physical strength of his own cavalry army, forcing them to withdraw to the camp to rest.

The banners on the camp changed again and again.

The 5000 men from Kou Yanqing's Department of the Changzhi Army left the camp, ready to receive the return of their own infantry and master.

The 5000 army is shining with silver light and bright armor. Disbanded teams and rangers are on guard from afar. The [-] people are like a torrent of steel, marching slowly, with an imposing manner.

Guo Shaobin watched from a distance the Changzhi Army headquarters driving over to meet him, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

After marching for half a day, there were several breaks in the middle, all of which were interrupted by Xia Thief. The sergeants were hungry, their mouths were so dry that they smoked, and their physical strength was greatly weakened. They were really powerless to fight any more.

Suddenly, the north gate of Heqing County opened wide, and teams of soldiers came out of the city to line up.

The Xia Army cavalry no longer cared about casualties, and began to move closer to the Bian Army column, creating more pressure.

"Hold on! Hold on!" The officers shouted, knowing that something was wrong.

Du Yuhou led more than ten riders and galloped back and forth in front of the formation. Holding a bloody sword, he roared angrily: "Whoever dares to make noise to shake the morale of the army, behead!"

"Su Bing is leaving!" A faint shout came from the west.

Su Bing refers to the troops under Zhang Yun on the right wing of the Jianrui Army. In fact, not all of them are Suzhou soldiers, but because Zhang Yun is a Suzhou general, they are often called Su Bing, just like their left wing is called Cao Bing.

There was a faint buzz of discussion in the army.

Guo Shaobin's heart skipped a beat.This is the time when physical strength and energy are exhausted to the extreme. Suddenly hearing that the 2000 people from the right wing who came out to line up together have withdrawn, no matter whether it is true or not, the soldiers must have doubts in their hearts.

"Pang Shigu has ordered the troops to retreat, Zhang Cunjing's cavalry has slipped away first, what are you waiting for?"

"You are the ones who take the place of the dead ghosts and leave behind."

"The Bian army is defeated, the Bian army is defeated!"

The sound appeared in the northwest corner for a while, in the southwest for a while, and even sounded from the east.

Guo Shaobin turned his head to look, and saw expressions of horror on the faces of the sergeants.

There are Xia thief's voices everywhere, saying that we are not scapegoats?Are we really surrounded?

"The Bian army has been defeated!" Dozens of riders galloped over, threw the captured banners on the ground, trampled on their horses, and laughed loudly.

Of course, it is not certain whether the flag is true or false. Who can see it clearly from a distance?But some people believed it, and some people swallowed dryly, but they hadn't drank water for most of the day, and their throats were full of smoke. Where did the saliva come from?

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Xia Jun's shout of killing came from the wind.

Two thousand Wuwei infantry and one thousand Fan soldiers had already formed a team, the drums were beating, their strength was high, their morale was high, they marched in orderly steps, and rushed over like mountains and seas.


"Our army is defeated!"

The Jianrui army was supposed to surrender, so how could it have the fighting will of the real Bian army? As soon as the two sides fought against each other, they almost collapsed immediately.

The Three Thousand Xia Army was like a sharp knife, directly piercing into the ranks of the Bian Army.

The 2000 people completely lost their will to fight and frantically fled eastward.

Guo Shaobin was even knocked off his horse.The soldiers hurried over and helped him mount the horse. At the same time, he slashed and killed Pao Ze, who was running around and bumping around, and rushed out of the crowd of rebels with difficulty.

2000 people out of order are not as good as [-] pigs.When a pig is cornered, it will bite back, but a human can only run away and has no courage to fight back.

The three thousand Xia army chased death and chased north, easily harvesting heads.

The cavalry was also dispatched, slashing and killing recklessly, with great ease, almost as if they were conducting a cavalry and slashing training: stabbing grassmen.

The 2000 people in Zhang Yun's department collapsed without fighting.

But they were a little better. Some fled eastward, and some fled northward to the vicinity of the Bian Army formation that was attacking the camp. After being beheaded and killed, the rest were taken in.

Some of them crashed into the grain truck array, and behind the thick truck array, they finally felt a little sense of security.

Some people from Guo Shaobin's department also wanted to escape into the grain cart formation, but the guards dared not let them in.Dense arrows flew out continuously, and some people stabbed with spears from the back of the grain truck. Countless people died in front of the grain truck, with layers of corpses, which was horrible.

"Run in small steps, organize the formation after a hundred steps, and continue to charge forward." Kou Yanqing saw the scene of the 4000 troops of Guo Shaobin and Zhang Yun's troops being defeated, and immediately ordered.

The massacre in the north of Heqing County continued.

After 3000 people killed the rout, they rushed to the front of the grain carts, planning to take advantage of the victory to attack.

However, the morale of this part of the enemy army was not greatly affected. They fired with strong bows and crossbows, and the fastest Xia army warriors fell to the ground like weeds in the wind.

"Dang Dang Dang!" There was a knocking sound from the tower, which was a signal to retreat.

Like a fairy technique, the "water" that was poured out began to flow back slowly, and the Three Thousand Xia Army began to gather some loose formations.

The cavalry gathered to give them cover.

Some cavalry archers even rushed in the direction of the long straight army, trying their best to slow down their pace.

Finally, after the infantry retreated past Chenghuang, the cavalry roared away and continued to chase the scattered Bian army on the battlefield.

"Boom!" The north gate of Heqing County closed heavily, as if it had never been opened.

But the more than 2000 Bian army corpses lying here and there in the wild tell you clearly that a unilateral massacre took place here just now.

Kou Yanqing ordered the army to stop advancing.

In this battle, the Jianrui army lost at least 2000 people, and there may be some who were captured, or those who escaped and could not return to the camp. In the end, it would be considered good if a thousand people came back.

This battle was won!Kou Yanqing cursed in a low voice.

The only result is a shallow trench, plus a few stockades that half enclose the northwest camp of the bandit army.

The stockade is of course valuable, because trenches can be dug around the stockade to limit the movement of the cavalry and mounted infantry of the bandit army inside the camp.But is it worth paying the price of two or 3000 people?
(End of this chapter)

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