Chapter 564

On the left bank of the turbid Qinshui, a large group of cavalry came rushing in.

Li Hanzhi's banner quickly moved to a high ground, he got off his horse and looked down at the entire battlefield.

There were [-] cavalry and [-] infantry. Except for a few who stayed in Xiuwu County to guard the luggage, they were basically there.

With the sound of war drums, three thousand infantrymen uttered a cry, howling and rushing towards the Bian army grain ship that was docked near the pier for several miles.

The draft of the ship is very deep, and it looks like it is full of cargo-the cliff is food!

There were several boatmen on each boat, and when they saw someone coming to grab them, they jumped into the water one after another regardless of the food, and used their skilled water skills to swim to the other side to escape.

"This is fucking wrong!" Li Hanzhi pulled out his waist knife all of a sudden, turned around and looked into the distance.

The surrounding fields were peaceful. In fact, there was no way to ambush in such an open and flat place, and this was the main reason why he boldly came to rob food.

But why is the Bianjun boatman so calm?Aren't they worried that the food on board will be robbed?unless--

The infantry had already rushed to the shore, opened their bows and set up arrows, and shot a few rounds of arrows on the grain ship first.

The arrow was so powerful that it pierced through the partitions, reed mats, and tarpaulins on the ship. If someone hid in it, it would cause them a big loss.

After releasing the arrows, the sergeant who knew how to swim jumped into the river and swam to the boat.

"No food!"

"It's all gravel!"

"God damn Biangou, we've been tricked!"

"There must be an ambush!"

Li Hanzhi soon received the news from the sergeants, and without hesitation, he immediately ordered to strike the gong.

The sound of "Dangdang" mixed with the overwhelming sound of horseshoes rang, and several scouts fled back to the distant horizon.

Li Hanzhi cursed loudly, there was indeed a problem!
The Bian thieves must be waiting somewhere, using fake grain boats as bait to lure them over, and immediately make a big move.

If the distance is far enough, and their Zezhou soldiers are eager to rob the grain ship and neglect precautions, it is inevitable that they will be fooled.

"The Bian thief is coming!" The scout beat his horse frantically, shouting.

"Array!" Li Hanzhi ordered without hesitation.

The Bian thieves who came must be the Flying Dragon Army!Gein, only cavalry or mounted infantry can escape the scouts' search and rush to the battlefield from a long distance.But what is the use of the cavalry coming?In a place as big as Heyang, his Zezhou infantry could find a city or military town after walking dozens of miles.

With just dozens of miles of wild land, can you still harass me?
Back then when Chengde was attacked, more than 1 cavalry harassed them day and night, charged in turn, shot arrows, and shouted to kill, but the infantry of the Jin army resisted the harassment and marched for hundreds of miles, and went straight to the key node of Yaoshan. The entire front has won a big victory.

Scared of you!

Therefore, it must be the Flying Dragon Army who dismounted and fought on foot, at least the mounted infantry was the main force.

The cavalry is too weak in frontal combat, and it can't shake his infantry formation, but the heavy armored warrior is different. There is trouble today, maybe——

Li Hanzhi signaled with his eyes, Zhang Yuande understood.

Soon, more than [-] young adults captured in Huojia and Xiuwu counties were driven to the front, and they lined up tremblingly.

The Bian army in the distance stopped as expected.

The infantry of the main army dismounted from their mules, and the auxiliary soldiers gathered up the horses while helping the soldiers put on their armor.There were also some cavalry on both sides, and they also dismounted, perhaps to let the horse breathe and regain its strength.

There was smoke and dust billowing in the back, and it was unknown how many people were still there, or what was hiding.

"Drink the wine, eat the meat, and play with the women, now it's time to work hard!" Zhang Yuande rode a horse, came to this army named "Tujiangdu", and said with a grinning smile: "Just charge once, and you will be killed!" You don’t need to be a sudden general anymore, in the future, you will eat and drink all by yourself.”

The "Sudden Generals" looked at each other, some looked pale, some looked around, some looked crazy, and some were calm.

This establishment of Tujiang has been widely spread in various feudal towns.

Shao Shude met Qiu Weidao in his early years, and he was recruiting "outbreak generals in the courtyard". "General" does not mean general. After all, the low-ranking officer in charge of a Fengsui can also be called handsome (fengshuai) these days, and the one who maintains the order of the market is also handsome (city commander). In fact, they are death squads.

"The Bian thieves are still in the team, give me a wave, come on!" Zhang Yuande waved his horsewhip, and more than a hundred desperate old soldiers dropped their wine bowls, laughing and leaving first.

As he walked, he sang: "A fast horse is often thin, and a son is often poor. Huang He starts with a lean horse, and becomes a man when he is rich."

"It's hard to have no money, it's hard for me!"

"Haha! Kill them and rob them of their wealth and women."

"I haven't played with any woman or drank any wine. It's a pleasure to be with Marshal Li. Enough is enough, death counts."

"Kill kill kill!"

"West Heaven Buddha protects me!"

Under the influence of this group of desperadoes, Heyang Ding Zhuang also gathered some courage. They already had some foundation. At this time, under the order of the officer, they leveled their spears, leveled the queue, and followed quickly.

After the sudden generals stepped forward, more than [-] infantry began to line up.They were all veterans for many years, and they all looked calm, as if they didn't feel any fear of death, or death was a kind of relief.

There was no commotion in the field, and everyone checked the equipment silently.

The movements of drawing and inserting knives came and went one after another, and there was the faint sound of bowstrings being adjusted.

The armors on their bodies were of different styles, old and new, and they could be seen to be taken from the dead. To be able to capture so many armors from the enemy was a testament to their ability.

"Dong dong dong—" the drum sounded, and more than [-] people did not make any mobilization on the battlefield, and followed the sudden generals directly.

There are cavalry leading the horses and going out on foot, waiting for the order to attack at any time.

The sudden generals are almost approaching the Bian army.

The Bian army probably didn't expect Li Hanzhi's people to be so decisive. After finding out that they were ambushed, they didn't panic at all, and wanted to bite them back.

There are no normal people in this army!
The sound of fighting soon resounded.

The Flying Dragon Army of the Bian Army hastily set up a 3000-man infantry formation, and the two sides fought hand in hand, all ignoring themselves, roaring and hacking.

The more than a hundred veterans rushing to the front were unstoppable, and the formation of the Bian army was directly dented, and the people in front of them had almost no enemies, and they were beaten back steadily.

These old thieves are good at martial arts, shooting decisively and accurately.

Change to a recruit who has not been trained for more than a year, and assassinate the veteran face to face. The recruit may stab you two or three times without hitting the vital point, but the veteran will stab you to death in one fell swoop without any extra effort.

One person is like this, but if you change it to a row of people, you can see the gap as long as the two sides meet for the first time.

In the military, not only discipline and courage are needed, but martial arts are also very important.

Dai Siyuan, who set up a flag on a high place, stared angrily.

Li Hanzhi never thought highly of him before, subconsciously felt that his subordinates were a bunch of mobs and desperadoes.

But the desperadoes are right, but Wuhe is not the case. He cooperates skillfully, obeys military orders, fights very methodically, and is also very brave.

With the flag waving, the cavalry had to be dispatched.These are the only thousand cavalry under Zhang Shensi's command, and they were brought here by him.

The cavalry slowly accelerated, and they circled around the joint between Ze Bing's sudden generals and the second formation, planning to attack from the side and rear.

The old thieves of Ze Bing in the second formation shot arrows one after another, and some bold ones even jumped out and directly hooked the cavalry off their horses.

The cavalrymen who fell from their horses were dragged on the ground, screaming horribly, and fell silent after a while.

The cavalry of the Ze Army also dispatched, and the two thousand cavalry rushed up with a shocking sound of horseshoes.

"Damn it!" Dai Siyuan asked his own soldiers to put armor on himself, holding a long spear, and rushed down with the guards himself.

He never thought that the battle would be like this.

And at this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded from the other side of Qinshui.

More than a thousand heavy cavalry walked around a clump of woods and stepped forward slowly.With nearly a thousand infantry, holding a twelve-strand heavy crossbow, they are approaching the river bank.

Behind them, there are more than 3000 infantry who are cutting down trees, as if to build a pontoon bridge.

Zhang Guihou looked at the battle situation from a distance, and sneered: "Dai Siyuan wants to monopolize the benefits, how about it?"

All the generals in the hall beside him burst out laughing.

"Let's get started." The Zezhou soldiers on the other side also spotted their army and shouted loudly, obviously a little flustered, Zhang Guihou didn't want to delay any longer, and ordered.

Soon, dozens of riders rushed to the bank of the river and threw some bloody things across the river.

Behind them, a large group of infantry rushed in. They were escorting more than a hundred prisoners, and some people were pushing carts, which were full of money, silk, gold and silver wares.

"Xiuwu has fallen, the defenders have been wiped out, and all your wealth and goods have been lost!" The Bian army on the east bank of the river roared in unison.

The sound was deafening, and the Zezhou soldiers on the west bank were dumbfounded.

Someone picked up the head, took a closer look, and immediately let out a scream: "Third brother!"

"It's Zhao Er, he's dead!"

"Master Zhang is also dead, he stayed behind to cultivate martial arts."

As the captured banners and battleships were displayed, the Zezhou soldiers on the west bank were in an uproar.

We can give up our lives, but we can't give up money!

Only then did Li Hanzhi's complexion suddenly change.

He is too aware of the minds of his subordinates.As long as you promise a lot of rewards and give enough benefits, the desperado will really be like a soldier descending from heaven, daring to fight.But if you tell them that all their supplies have been lost and their goods stolen, their morale may collapse on the spot!

Zhang Yuande was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, and Li Hanzhi and Li Hanzhi stared at each other, seeing the annoyance in each other's eyes: This time, the Bian thief played a solid game!


Outside the east gate of Huaizhou, there are figures in the night.

Qi Bizhang dismounted from the horse with his men, and then walked a long distance in the dark before reaching the outside of the city.

He now has more than [-] people, and the extra ones are recruits recruited in Heyang. Leave nothing behind.

If the Wang brothers had surrendered falsely, they would suffer a big loss this time.

This is actually a gamble!

The night was dark, and Chong'er felt the crisis, so they stopped chirping.

Xue Li quietly touched Qi Bizhang's side and said, "Military envoy, the agreed time is coming soon."

Qi Bizhang didn't speak, but stared at the city with wide eyes.It was pitch black and there was nothing there.

Xue Li got bored and sat down on the ground.

Now every time he goes into a field battle, he thinks about the old days of Huo Yi, and he can't bear to look back on it - don't mention the feeling when the smelly boots of the sergeants step on his face.

"Here we come!" Qi Bizhang shouted in a low voice.

Xue Li cheered up and looked up, only to see a bunch of small and large flames lit up on the top of the city, which was the agreed signal.

"Do it!" Qi Bizhang ordered with a solemn expression.

"Obey!" Xue Li ordered three hundred athletes to help each other put on their armor, then organized their formation and ran quickly.

They didn't dare to rush too fast, otherwise they wouldn't have the energy to fight.But he didn't dare to go too slowly, the fighter plane was fleeting, and Fan Jushi might notice it and adjust the deployment in time, leading to failure.

rushed closer.

The city gate creaked half open, Xue Li abandoned distracting thoughts, jumped up with three hundred athletes, and rushed in.

There was a shout of killing in the street.

Xue Li turned pale with shock, thinking he was in an ambush.Taking a closer look, I saw two Bian armies fighting, with blood on their knives and arrows flying horizontally.

"Go!" He took the lead and rushed over with a knife.

The random arrows hit, Xue Li's helmet was shot flying, and he fell to the ground subconsciously, avoiding the arrows.

"The thief is dead!" Someone shouted from the opposite side.

"Fart, I'm not dead! Kill!" Xue Li jumped up from the ground, led the team to occupy the city gate, and fought bravely.

Outside the city, Qi Bizhang hesitated for a while.

The sound of shouting and killing was so strange that he subconsciously thought that the Wang brothers had surrendered and tricked them into entering the city.

But after waiting for a while, the gate of the city was still not closed, and someone from far away came to report the news.

He didn't hesitate anymore, stood up from the grass, and said, "Follow me into the city."

More than [-] people lit torches and flocked to Huaizhou City like a long dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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