Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 571 Plans and Changes

Chapter 571 Plans and Changes

When Zhang Shensi received the news of the attack, he was so frightened that his soul trembled.

He knew in his heart that the Xia bandits that appeared near Jiyuan County must be the ones that were driven away by the Changzhi Army, Tingzidu, and Feilong Army.

They dare not approach Huaizhou, but it is quite possible to go to the front line of Jiyuan and Zhiguan.

The number is likely to be close to [-], and they are divided into more than one part, searching for the location of each Bian army on the battlefield separately.If they find an opportunity, they will pounce on them and bite them fiercely—if the retreating soldiers and horses are in order, they will let them go;

Considering that the Bian army is in a state of retreat as a whole, its morale is greatly reduced, and its combat effectiveness is not the same as it was a few days ago. However, the Xia thief is in a state of pursuit, with a great psychological advantage and high morale, which is very dangerous.

Just run away!

Zhang Shensi took his own soldiers and didn't care about the [-] soldiers scattered on the battlefield, but ran away like a jerk.

As soon as the general ran away, the last batch of Bian soldiers who were still hesitating whether to resist also collapsed. They threw away their weapons and armored battles, and turned around and left.

Xia Jun's soldiers were fully clothed, with knives and guns in their hands, and they couldn't run as fast as them for a while.But soon someone brought a horse, and hundreds of people jumped up and chased the enemy on horseback.

People turned on their backs on the muddy road, and people fell down from time to time.

The horse screamed in pain, and the knight who fell off the horse grinned.But the pursuit action never stopped for a moment, and the fleeing Bian army became even more chaotic.

Yang Liang pressed the order to send the second group of people to pursue.

His soldiers were also very tired. It had been raining for days, they could not eat hot food, and their bodies were covered in mud.People can bear it, but horses don't care about it.If you don't want to move, you don't want to move. If you force it to ride it, it will kick you.

"Count the prisoners and collect the scattered food and equipment. The carriage can be repaired, and the one that cannot be repaired is put away first. If there are any injured robes, they should be sent to Jiyuan County for resettlement." Yang Liang issued a series of orders.

Jiyuan County is already an empty city, and it is not difficult to take it down, just to accommodate the wounded.There may still be a lot of food and grass left by the Bian army in the city, just to supplement the military supplies.

When we arrived at the east gate of Jiyuan County, it happened to be occupied by a defeated Bian army.

The rout soldiers were in a mess, and they suddenly ran into Xia Jun rushing in from the east gate, and scattered again.

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

Xia's soldiers rode on their horses and drove around the city, shouting loudly.

"Clatter!" The sound of throwing away weapons and armor shook the heavens and the earth.

"Stop hitting, surrender."

"Zhang Shensi, dog day, leave us behind as scapegoats."

"You can't even retreat well, how did he get into the ranks?"

"Stop scolding, who will give me a steamed pancake?"

Except for a few fleeing out of the city, most of the more than a thousand defeated soldiers surrendered directly.

And outside the city, there are more than [-] Bian army prisoners being escorted over.In this pursuit battle, three thousand people were captured and hundreds were beheaded.

In the afternoon, Yang Liang entered the city with his army.

At this time, another wave of broken soldiers came, hundreds of people were directly disarmed and imprisoned in the barracks.

Through the interrogation of the prisoners, it was learned that the morale of the Zhiguan side collapsed on the spot after learning that the Jiyuan garrison was fleeing eastward on a large scale.

After all, they are not elites. Among the remaining 4000 people, there are only a thousand Heyang Yamen, and the rest are all Tutuan peasants.The entire army of [-] people was disbanded, and only a few hundred people stayed in the Guancheng to fight to the death, and were eventually attacked by the German army.

"Fu Cunjian's luck is not very good." Yang Liang laughed.

It's all this time, and I still encountered a deadly bandit army.Since these people are determined not to leave, their combat power is much higher than usual, and many people will die if they attack them.

"Take a break for two hours. After two hours, the left camp and the front camp will go out of the city to search and suppress the bandits. There must be a lot of routs in the field, try to catch them alive."

"As ordered."


After the North Road made a breakthrough first, the South Road also made small moves, but because Pang Shigu's main force was still camping in the east of Heqing County, it was difficult to make progress for a while.

Of course Pang Shigu also wanted to retreat.

In fact, yesterday night, more than [-] people from a Tutuan village suddenly left the camp and retreated in the direction of Mengzhou.

It was too late for Gao Renhou to know the news, but he still sent troops to pursue. Thousands of Bian troops on foot and cavalry went out to intercept, but failed.

The boats on the river kept coming and going, carrying the luggage and the wife and retreating downstream.

Their retreat seemed to be much easier than the North Road.It is not bad for Pang Shigu to dispatch troops and generals, the army still maintains a certain fighting spirit.

If they were all like Zhang Shensi, Gao Renhou's mouth would be crooked.

"Early this morning, the navy of the Bian Army took advantage of the thick fog to attack Liaowu and was repelled." In the city of Baiyacang, Chen Cheng was teaching the Shao family's soldiers and generals again.

Zhao Guangfeng sat beside Shao Shude and reported another matter in a low voice: "Li Keyong sent an envoy here, does the commander-in-chief want to see him?"

"Who is it?" Shao Shude asked, putting down the "Chen Shu" in his hand.

"Gai apartment."

"Oh? The level is so high? Did you get to the bottom of it?"

"General Gai said frankly that in the battle of Heqing, Li Hanzhi went south to help, and lost troops and lost generals. Now that he wants to attack Weibo, we invite our army to go with him."

"Brother Yi has such a temper!" Shao Shude sighed.

He remembered one thing, this time and space did not happen, but it happened in history, that is, Li Cunxiao rebelled according to Xingzhou.

Li Cunxiao has outstanding military exploits, extraordinary bravery, and even captured Bian Army general Deng Jiyun alive. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a contemporary Lu Bu.But he didn't get the treatment he deserved, so he was angry and didn't think about drinking and eating for several days. In addition, Li Cunxin, who had a quarrel with him, framed and instigated him, so he rebelled.

Li Keyong was also very angry. He led an army to conquer, surrounded Li Cunxiao in the city of Xingzhou, and dug three trenches.

Li Cunxiao went to the city to complain about his grievances, saying that if it hadn't been framed by villains, how could he have rebelled, and begged to see Li Keyong, "I will not hate even if I die."

Mrs. Liu went into the city, came out holding Li Cunxiao's hand, and said, "Is there any unresolvable hatred between father and son?"

Li Keyong ordered Li Cunxiao to be killed, but he also planned to take advantage of the opportunity of the generals to intercede, so he went down the donkey and pardoned him, but no one interceded.

Li Keyong couldn't save his face, so he killed Li Cunxiao.However, I became even more angry in my heart. I didn't see anyone for ten consecutive days, and shed tears in private.

This is a gentle man who cares about face-saving.His personal force is very strong, but his political wisdom is mediocre, and he is full of Jianghu spirit. Under his leadership, the Hedong Group gathers mostly real-tempered macho men, and he also relies on this personality charm to control the crowd.

The older brother invites the younger brother to send troops, and Luo Hongxin, who has lost his face, will the older brother be so angry that he won't be able to eat for two days if the younger brother doesn't agree?

"Sister-in-law must have come up with this plan, cheat me." Shao Shude slapped the table and sighed: "I wanted to win Luo Hongxin, but if we send troops to fight, how will Tuoba Renfu and Li Renyu come back?"

"Also, what's the benefit of beating Luo Hongxin? Why can't brother-in-law understand? This temper really doesn't look like the lord of the four towns." Shao Shude complained loudly.

But it's just complaining. He understands in his heart that reasoning with Li Keyong is the same as reasoning with women. Can you make it clear?Will he listen?

He Dong and Wei Bo have to choose one.

In fact, there is nothing to hesitate.Hedong controls Zelu Taihang Xingdao and Wuling Dao. They dive down to Menghuai and Jinjiang plains, and Datong can also enter the empty hinterland of Lingxia. Shao Shude is not sure whether Li Keyong can maintain his sanity , when Youzhou was still in a mess, they turned against him.

Zhu Quanzhong is impossible, but Li Keyong is hard to say.

In the current situation, Brother Yi is more than enough to be a shit-stirring stick, but what a fuck.

People who are in their forties, why are they still like this?
"I'll see Gai Yu tomorrow." Shao Shude picked up "Chen Shu" again.

Zhao Guangfeng glanced at it, and the commander took the book down, but he didn't remind him.

"The Bian army's attack on Liaowu was actually based on advancing and retreating, which made our army worry about the rear and could not press up with all its strength." Chen Cheng was still talking there: "The Northern Route Army has left Qiziling and Taihangxing, and has gone to Zhiguan and Jiyuan. , Huaizhou, beheaded more than a thousand people, and captured 5000 people. Bianjun Kou Yanqing collected the refugees, some crossed Qinshui to the east, and some remained on the west bank of Qinshui, but most of them would also run away."

"The two generals Dai Siyuan and Zhang Guihou led more than [-] people to Xiuwu County. According to the scouts' investigation, Tingzi has led tens of thousands of Tutuan villagers to Huojia County. [-] cavalry infantry from Dai Siyuan’s department are still hovering on the front line of Qinshui and Xiuwu to support the retreat of the Changzhi army.” Chen Cheng continued: “If we continue to chase this road, we will have to gnaw hard bones. , you can see how the two generals Qi Bizhang and Fu Cunshen will act."

"The south road is the key point. According to the information collected by all parties, there should be two infantry troops and cavalry troops in the Pangshigu camp. The Jianrui army should also be there, but no information has been found. In addition, there are Tutuan villagers and recruited masters who are retreating to Luokou and Biankou through the Bianjun Navy.”

"I judge that Pang Shigu will still launch a counterattack in the near future, trying to boost morale and shake our army's determination to pursue. It is not a simple matter to retreat with so many troops. In the three cities of Heyang, Zhang Quanyi still has thousands of fresh troops on hand. Maybe he will also attack and cooperate. He has been moving the people south to Heyin and Sishui before, so this will free up his hands."

Chen Cheng talked eloquently, basically pointing out all the possible actions of Bian Jun.

Retreat is at the strategic level, but at the tactical level, counterattacks are still possible.If you don't fight back the pursuers, how can you return the whole army?

"Our army's plan will not change. The army will advance eastward and attack the camp of the Bian army. The bandit army has a camp and has withdrawn a lot of troops. At this time, the field battle may not be very big, but we need to beware of a counterattack of thousands of people." Chen Cheng finally concluded: "You can also encircle the point to fight for aid. If there are soldiers from Mengzhou coming to the west, we will find an opportunity to annihilate them."

After listening for a long time, Shao Shude suddenly thought of something, and asked in a low voice: "Su Junqing of Mengzhou, can I contact you?"

This is a bit difficult, because most of Mengzhou is facing an enemy, and it is not easy for people to get in and out, but you can try it.

Shao Shude only thought of it last night.Huaizhou Qibizhang captured Zhang Quanen's family, and his eldest daughter-in-law, Su Shi, is the daughter of Su Junqing, the head snake in Mengzhou. Maybe he can manipulate it.

Zhang Quanyi moved the people of Mengzhou and Huai to the south, but Wang Ban of Huaizhou was not happy, so he voted under Zhao Keyu's persuasion. Is it possible for Su Junqing of Mengzhou?

There are not many people in the ten counties of Heyang. Those who serve as soldiers are soldiers, and those who are masters are masters. Do you want to move away?So what does it mean for us to be officials?Can the people still manage it?
To the south of Dahe, there are only two counties of Sishui and Heyin, and maybe half of Heyang County. How many positions can the three counties have?
There are no common people under his command, so he is basically reduced to a miscellaneous official in Bianzhou. In the future, most of them will help transfer grain, grass, supplies and so on.

Shao Shude felt that there was no need to pay any cost anyway, it would be right to try it out, what if there was a surprise?

(End of this chapter)

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