Chapter 591 Shacheng
In Shacheng Town, the situation is in chaos.

The four prime ministers, Cui Zhaowei, Zheng Yanchang, Wang Tuan, and Cui Yin, were ashamed. They hadn't seen the saint for several hours.

The sergeants in the capital of the capital had a vicious look, and they picked up their bows every now and then, aiming at the prime ministers and ministers, which gave them a bad premonition: the middle officials of the Beisi want to kidnap the saint?

But their conjecture was quickly overturned, because Ximen Chongsui, Liu Jishu, Luo Quanguan and other middle officials also came to them with gloomy faces and sighed.

Now everyone understood that it was not Beisi Zhongguan who wanted to fish in troubled waters, but Wufu!

"Men Chancellors, do you still want to fight now?" Ximen Zhongsui was in a bad mood, and he said with a gun and a stick, only to see him sneering: "Fu Daozhao, if he hadn't been bewitched by Cui Xiang, As for betraying me?"

Cui Zhaowei didn't change his face: "What is Ximen Palace Supervisor talking about?"

"Yes or no, Lizi knows it well!" Ximen Zhong said angrily.

Cui Zhaowei's face turned red and white, but the other three prime ministers didn't speak, and he didn't have the confidence to say anything more. He just snorted coldly, turned around, closed his eyes and rested.

But Ximen Zhongsui didn't want to let him go, and continued to sarcastically: "It seems that there are not many sensible people in the court. Xiao Yu is counted as one, and he left Zhenhewei early. Du Rangneng is also counted as one, three years Qianyuan town Liangzhou. Wei Zhaodu went to Longyou ten days ago, it’s not too late. After all, it’s Wei Du, see the opportunity quickly, who are you Cui Zhaowei? Qinghe Cui family, let’s not mention it, it’s about to fall.”

Cui Zhaowei continued to close his eyes without any response, as if the old monk had fallen into samadhi.

The aristocratic family is not having a good time.

Before the Anshi Rebellion, they were suppressed badly, but it was generally okay. The main target against them was the emperor. Each other may be relatives, or behemoths.

After the Anshi Rebellion, it suddenly became hot-eyed.Wufu doesn't care what kind of family you are, if you don't obey, you will hack to death with knives. There is also a tradition of "women are mostly in the army". At least, it's really an era of gentleness and sweeping the floor.

The Huangchao Rebellion pushed their embarrassment to the peak.

In Guangqizhong, although the chaos in the nest was calmed down, the life of the aristocratic family became more and more difficult. Their influence was limited to Guanzhong and their hometown.This is an era of grassroots carnival. The aristocratic families were not only cleaned up politically, but were even eliminated physically.

Martial arts is probably the most hated social form of the aristocratic family.

In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, without the status of aristocratic family or the support of a big family, it was difficult for a small military officer to get promoted after making military exploits.

After hardships, there are too many commanders, generals, and governors from grass roots.Moreover, a "strange" ethos has emerged among the warriors, that is, they are too empathetic and class-conscious to each other.Shangguan oppressed me, hacked him to death!Some people withholding food and pay, kill him!I'm here to take everyone to those aristocratic families to make a fortune, and everyone recommends me as the queen!
This is an era of great reshuffle. Half of the aristocratic family has been knocked out of the dust, and the remaining half is about to be knocked down.Their last struggle is probably to cling to a martial artist who doesn't seem to have too much malice towards them, trying to play their own value and lingering on their last days.

Zheng Yanchang couldn't stand it, and wanted to say a few words, but was stared at by Liu Jishu, lost his courage again, and turned his head away.

"It's already this time, why bother to make a fuss!" Wang Tuan smiled wryly, and said, "It's important to see a saint."

Ximen Chongsui's expression softened slightly.

"Ximen palace supervisor, since Ximen Zhao is your fake son—"

Just as Wang Tuan was halfway through his speech, he was interrupted by Ximen Zhongsui: "I have never had such a fake son. This man's name is Fu Daozhao, who was born as a Cai thief."

"Okay!" Wang Tuan choked for a moment, and said again, "What does Fu Daozhao want to do?"

"This thief most likely wants to hijack a saint, a rare commodity to live in." Ximen Zhong said angrily.

"This—" Wang Tuan didn't understand, it was like this, what's the benefit of hijacking a saint?It is hard to get promoted, but as for the territory, there must be no one.Where are you going to ask for territory?Same state?Washington state?Or the towns in the northwest of Beijing?

"How can such a warrior be speculated with common sense?" Cui Zhaowei finally said, "I don't think he has any big plans, but just a temporary idea, to ask for the post of Shangshu Ling and Taishi."

"How can you give the order of the Minister?" Wang Tuan was a little surprised, and said: "The three masters, if they are not morally respected, they will not occupy their positions. If they have no one, they will be absent. How can we lightly confer such a heavy duty that we would rather be short than abuse it?"

"He's holding a knife, so what if you don't agree?" Cui Zhaowei didn't like Wang Tuan, so he sneered, "Even if Fu Daozhao asks your daughter to be his concubine, I'm afraid I have to agree."

Wang Tuan was so angry that his face was red and his neck was thick, so he ignored Cui Zhaowei.

During the turmoil during the Jianzhong period of the Dezong Dynasty, Zhu Xi proclaimed himself emperor in Chang'an, although the ministers and generals did not think highly of him in their hearts, thinking that they were crowned with monkeys.But this group of people who wear monkeys and wear crowns hold swords. A large group of warriors took the opportunity to marry wives and concubines, and asked for the daughters of the ministers, didn't they still hold their noses and give them?

Entering Chang'an, there is another wave of "wife marriage", do you dare not give it?Even the concubines of the sages have been living among the people and their whereabouts are unknown. If they are offended, it is the princes and princes. Maybe the whole family "does not know their whereabouts."

Cui Yin has not been prime minister for a long time, and his qualifications are the most junior. This time, his expression changed slightly, and he came out to smooth things over and said: "Fu Daozhao is actually not difficult to deal with this thief. Seeing that he dare not disturb Shengjia, he knows that what he wants is limited. Now what should I do?" I'm worried about Li Kuangwei, will Zhu Xi's incident happen again?"

Back then, Zhu Xi had five thousand soldiers on hand, yet he dared to occupy Chang'an and proclaim himself emperor.First, the country was named Daqin, and the reign was named Yingtian. In the second year, the country was changed to Dahan, and the reign was named Emperor—this is a joke.

Li Kuangwei is also from Yan Shuai, and the Tianwei in his hand also has 5000 people, will he also come out like this?
Ximen Chongsui, Cui Zhaowei, Zheng Yanchang and Wang Tuan all changed their colors after hearing this.

There are still more than 3 "neutral" shenanigans in Chang'an City. They don't have much integrity. If Li Kuangwei promises wealth and goods, if they fail to keep them, they will embrace him as emperor.

Since the Northern Dynasties, imperial power has not been so sacred.As far as the national dynasty is concerned, aside from those who proclaimed themselves emperors such as Dou Jiande and Fu Gonger in the initial period, there are Bai Tieyu, Wu Zetian, Li Chongfu, An Lushan, An Qingxu, Shi Siming, Shi Chaoyi, Li Chenghong, and others who proclaimed themselves emperors without authorization. Zhu Xi, Li Xilie, Huang Chao, Qin Zongquan, etc., as for Zhu Tao who is the emperor's younger brother, Kang Chuyuan who is the king, etc., there are countless.

Will Lee Kuangverse become emperor?Hard to say.

Liu Jishu leaned close to Ximen Zhongsui's ear and whispered a few words, Ximen's expression softened a little.

Cui Zhaowei and others stared at him intently.

"The only thing we can do is drive away the tiger and devour the wolf." Ximen Zhong said with a wry smile, "To be honest, the sage has ordered Xia's soldiers to help the capital, and he may be able to kill Li Kuangwei's thieves."

"Isn't this He Jin calling Dong Zhuo to the capital?" Wang Tuan was the most honest, and subconsciously blurted out.

Ximen Zhong knew Wang Tuan's temper, so he didn't take it seriously, but explained: "King Xia is quite reasonable, not like ordinary warriors."

It's different from ordinary martial arts, but it's still martial arts after all.Cruelty, greed for money, lust, short-sightedness, rudeness, arrogance, etc., are more or less contaminated.But so what?what can you doCan anyone else help?
Another fake son of Ximen Zhongsui, Li Maozhen, the envoy of Xichuan Jiedu in Jiannan, also known as Ximen Wentong in the past, did not forget the old father-son friendship, and expressed his willingness to send general Yang Chongben to help the capital.

But it's nothing more than listening to these words, Xio said that he was in a fierce battle with Zhu Mei, even if there were three towns of Longjian, Xingyuan and Fengxiang in between, it was absolutely impossible.

As for finding Zhu Quanzhong, forget it, he can't come to Guanzhong.In the Battle of Heqing, many people were defeated, but many soldiers were lost. While many people in the court were shocked, they were also disappointed.

Life in a cage is not easy.Now that the country is in a weak state, there is no way to cut off the feudal town, but it is the consensus of everyone not to let one family dominate.Zhu Quanzhong failed to defeat Shao Shude, which made them very uncomfortable.

"There's nothing to talk about." Ximen Zhongsui didn't bother to talk nonsense with these gangsters, and only heard him say: "If Xia Bing doesn't come, how can we deter Fu Daozhao, Shi Zan, and Li Kuangwei?"

Cui Yin rolled his eyes and remained silent.

He just remembered one thing, Ximen Zhong escorted the saint out of Shacheng with Pengridu, what does this mean?It means that he can't control the imperial army anymore!Isn't this a godsend opportunity?

In particular, even Ximen Zhao has come up with an idea, as if he wants to make decisions for himself, and he doesn't want to listen to others.

Zhongguan Beisi, is there today?
The more Cui Yin thought about it, the more excited he became, wishing to see Shao Shude now.Even when no one is around, you can be flattering and flattering!As long as I am alone in charge of the government and kill all the eunuchs, what else can't I give up?
Looking at what Shao Shude did in the past when he came to Beijing, when he cooperated with eunuchs, and when he turned against them, he didn't have any special affection for eunuchs.In fact, it is possible to cooperate, as long as you take out chips and impress him.

Thinking of this, Cui Yin's expression became more and more indifferent, and he had a plan in his mind: perhaps, it's time to secretly send someone to contact.

At this time, Shao Shude had already crossed the floating bridge of Pujin Pass with a thousand soldiers, and stayed at the Changchun Palace in Tongzhou.

The silver guns are traveling day and night, and they will arrive soon at no expense on horsepower.

But relying on this army alone is not enough, he will wait until the Yi Cong Army and Feng'an Army have all gathered before moving westward in a large scale.

Before that, you can just wait and see the situation, and talk about the price with various forces by the way, as the saying goes, make a decision before making a move.

This time he entered Chang'an, but he had several important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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