Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 603 Human Heart

Chapter 603 Human Heart
Putian Town has regained some prosperity.

The town's origins date back to ancient times.

At that time, the Central Plains flooded, and between Zhongmu and Zhengzhou, because of the low-lying terrain, a huge swamp was formed, called Putianze, one of the nine marshes in the world.

In the Guo Dynasty, Putianze was larger than that in the pre-Qin and Wei-Jin periods, and it was the most important water source of Tongji Canal (Bianshui).

Putian Town is on the edge, prospered because of trade, very prosperous and prosperous.

After the end of the Heyang War, the water transportation of the Yellow River was smooth, and the imperial court seized the time to transfer money, food and goods.Merchants, scholars and envoys from all towns stopped here to rest, and set off again after feeling refreshed.

Fighting and killing is not the whole of life. It is very helpless. The warriors don't understand this truth, and the common people have to struggle to survive.

"I just heard people say in Luoma Street that Shao Shude went to Chang'an, humiliated the emperor, and killed all the kings." A merchant said, breathing heavily, "Even the late emperor's woman, Meng Cairen, was put to sleep by Shude. Shude stayed on the dragon bed at night, and asked the emperor to call him father, Concubine He Shu suffered... crying all night, and the saint stood outside the hall, not daring to move."

"How do you know? Could it be a eunuch in the Daming Palace? He stood by and waited on him at that time?" Someone joked with a smile.

"Hou Er, you don't want to do business, do you? As long as I say something, no one in Putian Town will sell you a horse." The half-drunk merchant said angrily, "That's what people say outside."

"It has only been a few days for Shude to enter Chang'an? The news has spread to Bianzhou? A three-year-old child will not believe it." A merchant in the lacquer business said with a sneer: "I went to Weizhou to buy goods a few times. The disciples praised Shude, regained the old land of Helong, opened up commercial roads, cattle and sheep were wild, and the people were rich. He bluntly said that he is a great hero once in a century."

"Since you have been to Weizhou, you should know how the people in Longyou call Shude. Did they call him Shaosheng?"

"This..." The lacquerware merchant was stunned.

The drunk was even more complacent, and laughed loudly: "I also heard that Zhang Quanyi's female relatives were all captured by Shu De, his wife, Chu family, and eldest daughter-in-law, Xie family..."

"Boom!" A middle-aged man who had just entered the wine shop heard this and kicked the drunken drinker to the ground.

He was followed by several servants, without the master's order, they immediately stepped forward and beat and kicked the drinker around him.The ruthlessness of the strike is surprising.

"It's killing me!" Zhang Quanen snorted coldly and left the wine shop.

After standing still for a while, tears suddenly flowed down.

How Gu, the Zhang family, suffered such a catastrophe!
"Your Majesty, why do you have to be as knowledgeable as these drunkards?" The newly hired aide persuaded, "After a while, when the heat is gone, no one will mention it."

"You don't know something." Zhang Quan'en sighed: "I was in Luoyang the day before yesterday, and I heard that someone wrote a poem to ridicule my brother. My brother's temper has offended some villains, alas!"

Zhang Quanyi was good at caressing the people and treated the nobles with courtesy, but he was very narrow-minded.If you say the same thing about things, whoever dares to offer some opinions will be resigned from the official position at the least, and will die suddenly at the worst.

Zhang Quanyi Zhenluo, and his supervisor got the sober stone of the famous Prime Minister Li Deyu.Li Yangu, the grandson of Li Deyu, asked Zhang Quanyi to get back the sober stone.As a result, the supervising army was unwilling, saying: "Since the Huangchao chaos, (Li Deyu's family) Luoyang garden house can no longer be guarded, how can there be only one stone in Hiraizumi!"

Zhang Quanyi felt that he was mocking him for being a nest thief, so he flogged and killed him.

When adjudicating a case, it is always inclined to the party that sues first, "the people feel bitter."

In short, it still offended many people, and it is normal to be ridiculed by people writing poems.

"Your envoy still can't see it." The staff sighed: "Now you only need to be diligent in political affairs to be valued by the king of Liang. In the future, when the king of Liang wins the world, it will not be a problem for the Zhang family to be crowned king and marquis. Small things, naturally No one mentioned it anymore. Look at Shao Shude, I don’t think it’s possible to kill the kings, but there must be oppression of saints and officials. But the scholars of the world still go to Chang’an every day, and they are all in Shude’s trap. Do you think the Li family's majesty has been discredited?"

Zhang Quanen nodded, and his mood improved slightly.

Afterwards, he went to a secluded place and asked in a low voice, "Zheng Sima thinks that King Liang might win the world?"

Zheng Sima hesitated for a while, and said: "When a certain person has no food and clothing, he still relies on the envoy to help him, so he doesn't open his eyes and talk nonsense. If the king of Liang wants to win the world, he must first destroy Erzhu and Wang Shifan, and then plot Hebei. .”

The implication is, can this step be done?If you can't do it, everything will stop.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Zhang Quan'en said worriedly: "The defeat of Heyang this year has lost a lot of troops, and it has not been made up yet. Liang Wang seems to want to add more gifts, and recruit brave men to join the army to make up for the lack. As soon as it comes, the good reputation of Qing Fu is gone. The Xia bandits are rampant, and most of them will continue to attack, and they don't even have a chance to catch their breath."

In this regard, Zheng Sima has no good solution, he can only sigh together.

This is not something that can be changed by magic tricks.

Shude's strategies are upright and upright, and they are all placed in the open. It is the place of the Four Wars that forces you so much. Can you crack it?

Looking at the faces of his staff, Zhang Quanen knew what was on his mind, and his worries deepened.

Could it be that this kind of people of insight who have read poetry and books also feel that the tree of virtue is more likely to win?

If the fight continues, if the warriors in Bianzhou think the same way, wouldn't someone want to join the enemy?
Zhu Zhen!

For some reason, Zhang Quanen suddenly thought of the oldest and most accomplished general in the Bian army. If he led his troops to defect to the enemy, the situation would be irreversible.

Zhang Quanen was anxious, wishing he could go back to Caizhou now and have a good discussion with his brother.


In the city of Yunzhou, Zhu Xuan's heart was not going well.

Zhu Jin's defeat was even worse than his, but she didn't care.

The generals of the two towns of Yun and Yan also gathered together, eating and drinking.

Zhu Xuan glanced at it.

Zhu Wei, the governor of Qizhou, Zhu Qiong, the general of the state, and Zhu Yu (pín), the younger brother of Qiong, are generals from Qizhou. Like Zhu Jin, they belong to their old Zhu family.

Yamen generals He Gui, Liu Cun, and Zhang Congchu are all old men from Yunzhou. Although they may not be Zhu Xuan's old man, they have been fighting with him for many years, so they can be trusted.

Yanzhou generals Hu Gui, Kang Huaizhen and Yan Bao were generals under his younger brother Zhu Jin.

Alas, all of them were defeated by the Bian thief, and what was so special was not defeated once, but many times!
Zhu Xuan wondered if everyone had spent so many years in the army in vain, why have they been defeated so many times?

Of course, he didn't know that these generals who were tortured to death by the Bian people would one day be able to ride shit on the heads of the Bian army generals and command the Bian army to fight.

In his later years, Zhu Quanzhong abandoned most of the generals of the Bian army, and devoted himself to fighting with troops from outside, causing severe internal friction.The sergeants didn't like these airborne descendants from other towns, and the generals could imagine how they felt when they saw a descendant with less seniority than them riding on their heads.

In order to cut down the vassal and suppress the veteran, Zhu Quanzhong did not hesitate to weaken the combat effectiveness of the Bian army, and it is also a great miracle that the Jin people who were beaten to the ground and shrunk to Taiyuan revived.

"I heard that Shao Shude was in Chang'an, eating and drinking the saint's food, so happy." Zhu Xuan put the wine bottle heavily on the table, splashing a puddle of turbid liquid.

Everyone came looking for their reputation, and Zhu Jin also let go of the half-undressed prostitute in her arms, and looked over with some surprise.

"He sent two generals to fight cunningly and specialize in looting." The more Zhu Xuan said, the more annoyed he became: "This time, in the battle of Jishui, only three hundred riders died, so he refused to fight again. Those bad things in Qizhou , Half of it was done by them, and it was all on my head."

Everyone was embarrassed when they heard the words.

Qizhou was Wang Shifan's territory. After they seized it, they looted money and food every three days, and snatched women into the camp.If we really want to talk about this matter, which one has no share?Can't even run away.

"Why did elder brother bring this up so suddenly?" Zhu Jin pushed Le prostitute away, and said with a smile, "Shao Shude's soldiers are really not very good, I don't know how they can defeat the Bian thief."

He didn't like those fan cavalry very much, they were far worse than the Yanzhou fine cavalry he had brought.It's a pity that the elite cavalry was defeated by the Bian bandits a few years ago, and they surrendered and died.Now they are all new recruits. Although they are all children of martial arts families who have been in the army for generations, and their riding skills are good, they always feel that it is almost interesting to fight.

Zhu Xuan didn't answer, but just sighed: "Seeing others get up day by day, but we have fallen into this situation, I feel something in my heart, and I feel depressed in my chest, and I can't vomit."

"What do you mean, brother?" Zhu Jin was a little puzzled, and asked, "Now that the Bian thief is restrained by Shude, he can't attack me with all his strength, so what are you worried about doing?"

For Zhu Jin, I don't know whether to call him optimistic or stubborn.Anyway, he almost never won the battle with the Bian army, but he was determined, and he would come back after losing, and he was not discouraged at all.

This may be the mental state of most warriors at this time.

Fighting repeatedly, fighting again after losing, until the end of the fight, there is only one city left, and it is still extremely stubborn.Even the last city was gone, and when they were forced to rely on others, and worked under other people's accounts, they still did not forget to find opportunities to make small moves, trying to separate or rebel, and regain power.

This fighting spirit is amazing.

"This time we attacked all the loyalists and lost our troops. Although we relied on the fortified city to force the rebels to retreat, the five counties in Puzhou and three counties were plundered for them, and the household registration was severely lost." Zhu Xuan sighed: "I think about it for my brother, the people of Bian are already like this. I don't want to provoke them anymore."

Zhu Jin was a little surprised, and asked, "Caozhou doesn't want to take it back either?"

"It's hopeless." Zhu Xuan shook his head and said, "I intend to kill the enemy, but the soldiers are afraid of the Bianren, and every time there is a slight disturbance in the battle, their morale will drop. This battle is already impossible to fight."

Zhu Jin frowned.

"Shao Shude unified Guanzhong, Lingxia, and Helong, and invaded the towns of Hezhong, Shanguo, and Heyang, and his momentum is even more terrifying than Zhu Quanzhong." Zhu Xuan continued: "After the hardships, the three towns in Hebei have joined forces, as if they were brothers and sisters. Rescue each other. When Wei dies, Yan and Zhao will be next; if Wei exists, Yan and Zhao will be safe."

"Rescue each other with eyes, ears, and feet" is constantly being staged among the three towns in Hebei. Yan, Yun, and Xu are under the attack of Zhu Quanzhong, so why not?It is already an instinct that goes deep into the bone marrow of the warlords to protect each other.The three towns of Hebei can play like dogs with Hedong and Zhaoyi, and they can also hook up with each other.

Few Wu Fu care about face like Li Keyong, few are as kind-hearted as Shao Shude, and more are like Zhu Quanzhong, who act like nothing happened.

Zhu Quanzhong is a villain, but Shao Shude is not a villain?
"Let's finish the city first and defend our own home. If Quanzhong attacks, we will fight again. If Quanzhong doesn't come, wouldn't it be a good thing that he can block Shude?" Zhu Xuan said, "Today is the royal day. Humble, the order does not go abroad, we have nothing else to ask for, it is nothing more than the conspiracy of our descendants, to pass on this inheritance. Quanzhong has ambitions, but Shude has no ambitions? He will also take our inheritance, It can be delayed for a day. If you are really in a hurry, you might as well go and beat Wang Shifan Xiaoer. He doesn't have many talents under his command, only Liu Xun (xún) is quite capable, and he is not difficult to deal with."

Zhu Jin was tongue-tied and speechless for a while.

He Gui took a look at Zhu Xuan, sighed secretly, the commander had lost his spirit, and he no longer had the pride he had to fight against Wei Bo's army alone.

Kang Huaizhen and Yan Bao looked at each other, thinking in their hearts that Zhu Xuan had lost his vigor and feared that there was no possibility of making progress.

It seems that the protagonist Zhu Jin has not lost his fighting spirit, but with the four states of the Taining Army alone, it may be difficult to make a difference.

Zhu Quanzhong in Bianzhou was caught in the middle of the towns in the place of the Four Wars, and he was in a dilemma.In today's world, it seems that Shao Shude has the best momentum.

It's a pity that they are just Yanzhou Yamen generals, and they don't even have a piece of land, so they are really anxious.

If Wang Shifan can really be defeated, the five prefectures of Zi, Qing, Deng, Lai, and Di will have prosperous household registrations, and one of them can be used as a foundation, passed on to future generations, and it is not in vain to come to this world.

If that's not enough, then why not...

(End of this chapter)

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