Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 609 The big one is coming

Chapter 609 The big one is coming

Before leaving Dengzhou, Shao Shude tried his best to go to Tangzhou with his own soldiers.

In fact, it's nothing, the main reason is to let the soldiers of Weisheng Army know that there is someone like him.

Zhe Zongben also arranged a lecture on martial arts.

It can be seen that he is a relatively capable team, and the confrontation is quite satisfactory, and it is not bad.

After all, Wei Sheng's army has some strength.Give them some more time and practice repeatedly under the flames of war, and they should be comparable to the main Ya army in Shuofang.

Before leaving, Shao Shude and Zhe Zongben talked about the more sensitive issue of Fengxiang Town.

This time Zhe Zongben took the initiative to bring it up.

After seeing Shao Shude's decision to increase the input of resources on the southern front, he wanted to transfer people from Fengxiang Town to expand his troops.

After all, back then he brought seven thousand Fengxiang soldiers to the south, and the main force of the Zhe family was still in the four prefectures of Fengxiang.

"I want to send [-] soldiers from Qi to Tangzhou. On the other hand, I will go to Lin, Sheng, Yin, and Sui in Guanbei to recruit [-] soldiers to form the right wing of the Weisheng Army and counterattack Ru and Cai." Zhe Zongben said.

"Uncle, although I will send tens of thousands of people over here, it will take time for them to gain a foothold and produce money and food. The shortest is a year, and the slowest is two or three years. After the expansion of the army, how to support them?" Shao Shude asked.

"Since Du Hong has come to surrender, he will naturally offer sacrifices. With this part of money and silk, it should be no problem to support [-] to [-] soldiers, right?"

What Zhe Zongben mentioned is also a solution.

Shao Shude pondered for a while, and felt that Nanyang still had to rely on the Zhe family army at this stage. He was sitting so far in the river, and he couldn't command by remote control. He must give full authority to one person, so he nodded in agreement, and said, "Let's do it this way."

In fact, he cared more about the issue of Fengxiang Town than the expansion of the Weisheng Army.

Needless to say, Tang Deng Sui's strength is completely incomparable to Feng Xiangzhen's.Zhejia Town Fengxiang has been operating it as its own territory for many years.But considering the background of Shao Shude's reduction of feudal clans in Guanzhong, the land of the four prefectures is very eye-catching.

But with the current situation, rash action will only create a rift with Zhejia, which Shao Shude doesn't want to see.

How to move Zhejia to the town in the future, we have to think of a plan.

After watching the martial arts lecture, Shao Shude distributed rewards to more than 3000 sergeants present, and for the first time left a little impression in the hearts of the officers and men of the Weisheng Army.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he returned to Rang County, and then the whole army went south, and on the 23rd they arrived at Hanyin Post in the west of Xiangyang City.

"Greetings to King Xia." Zhao Kuangning saluted respectfully.

All the Xiangyang generals behind him also saluted.

"This is the first time I've come to Xiangyang." Shao Shude said with a smile, "It's also the first time I've seen a talented person from Xiangzhen. It's really extraordinary."

Everyone laughed a little.

After a few casual words of encouragement and conversations with several important officials, Shao Shude invited Zhao Kuangning to the inner room.

"Du Hong has surrendered. Since you have to restore the prefecture, stop." Shao Shude said: "I know you have too many soldiers and you can't support them. Let's go."

Zhao Kuangning was not surprised, obviously he had already heard the news, after all, Zhao Kuanglin was the one he was looking for first.

"Who does your Majesty appoint as handsome?"

"Niu Li, deputy envoy of the Tianxiong Army."

"How many troops will be dispatched from my town?"

"Let's send 1 people, at least [-] government troops, to Dengzhou."

Zhao Kuangning was taken aback, didn't he attack Shenzhou and Guangzhou?
"Your people will go to Dengzhou to take over from the Tianxiong Army, guard the front line of Luyang Pass, and transfer the Tianxiong Army to the east."

Only then did Zhao Kuangning understand, and at the same time made a careful calculation.

The Tianxiong Army has [-] people, and the Yi Cong Army has [-] soldiers. They are basically infantry. There may be some cavalry supported by Zongben, but the number should not be too many.

But really, this lineup is enough.Ding Hui and Yang Shihou's main forces are in Ru and Cai. The Tianxiong Army and the Yi Cong Army are veteran troops who have fought for many years. Shenzhou may really suffer a big loss if it is caught by surprise.

Just, when will the war start?

Shao Shude didn't answer this question because he was also waiting.

No one expects the main force of the Bian army to be wiped out in World War I. The current strategy is to slowly bleed the Bian army, consume their vital strength, and eventually cause it to collapse.

The Bian army is now facing enemies from multiple directions. They may be very eager for a decisive battle to determine the outcome in one battle, so as to get rid of the frustration of dividing troops around and being restrained.

However, the Xia army, which is superior at the strategic level, obviously will not give them this opportunity. They hope to give full play to their advantages and take down the enemy steadily.

"Commander, Du Hong has come to vote? Why not order him to send troops too?"

"Huai general Quzhang is in Huangzhou. He is close at hand. It is not appropriate to deploy Du Hong's troops. Besides, it is not appropriate to send troops when he is newly attached. Let's wait." Shao Shude said: "The food and grass needed for the army to dispatch , prepare carefully, and there will be no shortage.”

"Obey." Zhao Kuangning said bitterly.Not letting him send troops to fight Du Hong, I thought I could save some money and food, but I didn't expect to spend it, and I was helping others to fight the war, which had nothing to do with Xiangyang.


After Zhao Kuangning returned to Xiangyang, Shao Shude continued to live in Hanyin Station, handling official duties and receiving officials from all walks of life.

"How about my handwriting?" Shao Shude dried the ink on the watch, looked at Mrs. Chen who was sitting beside him, and asked.

"It's getting hot." Chen is good at calligraphy and painting, so her evaluation is still very accurate.

Shao Shude looked at her demure and indifferent pretty face, and the more he looked at her, the more he fell in love with her.

This woman has no special hobbies, or desires.Most of the time, she looks unfazed, as if nothing can disturb her heart.

But it is also easy to arouse Shao Shude's inner desire to destroy, wanting to see if the beauty has a panicked expression - it turns out that there is.

Shao Shude hugged Chen Shi into his arms and sat on his lap.

The beauty has just washed up, and the marks on her sideburns and eyebrows have been cleaned up. Holding her in her arms, her uneven body makes people feel very comfortable.

"Did you see your father?" Shao Shude asked, stroking Chen's face.

"I see." Chen's face became brighter, and there was a happy expression between his brows.

"Hey! It's not easy to see you smile." Shao Shude pinched Chen's smooth face, and said, "Chen's family is also a big family in Xiangyang, with many children and trilogy, do you have any further ideas?"

"But it will be rewarded by the king." Chen said softly.

"I gave your father and brother a reward, but I have to ask you for it."

The corners of Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

Shao Shude moved closer to his ear and whispered a few words.

Chen looked at him reproachfully, and said, "Humilifying a sage like this, is this what a courtier should do?"

"Just say it casually, don't take it seriously." Shao Shude smiled awkwardly and said.

"Your Majesty was not joking just now."

"How do you know?" Shao Shude was even more embarrassed.

Chen blushed and adjusted his posture, Shao Shude suddenly realized.

"This..." Shao Shude blushed once in a while, and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. The Eyue and Yuezhou states, powerful and powerful, occupied the prefectures and counties. Deng Jinsi of Yuezhou, Feng Jingzhang of Qizhou, Wu Dou of Huangzhou, etc., all proclaimed themselves governors. , Separate one side. If I conquer Shen Guangcai, you Xiangyang Chen family can also get a governor, and you can move there with your children, how about it?"

Mrs. Chen sighed lightly, and said: "Based on my concubine's original intention, no. But looking at the eagerness of my father and brother, I'm afraid they already have this intention."

This is the difference between the thinking of men and women.

Chen Shi is a calm and quiet woman on the outside, but delicate and sensitive on the inside. She has long since discovered that her old identity often makes King Xia's breathing heavy, and she is afraid that pampering will be indispensable in the future.That being the case, father and brother don't have to be so eager, just take risks and enjoy wealth and honor.

But she also knows that in the eyes of men, taking the initiative to fight for wealth is the most important thing to do, and the benefits may be even greater.It is impossible for them to sit and wait for the benefits falling from the sky, especially a family like the Chen family that has huge local influence.

"This year, I want to have a good time with Zhu Quanzhong." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Three ways of teaching, let him focus on one thing and lose another."

"Beilu, this society has already dispatched."

North Road is actually Gao Renhou's soldiers and horses. At present, there are more than two thousand riders riding southward on the ice of the Yellow River, divided into multiple groups, and carrying out short-term harassment missions, mainly targeting the north side of Luoyang.

Gao Renhou is also yin enough.Because the two thousand riders were mainly Li Renyu and Tuoba Renfu who had moved to Heyang, once things went wrong, they would be lost if they lost it, and they didn't feel bad at all.

"In the middle, face the main force of Bian people. They are currently hoarding food, grass and equipment, and they will launch an attack at any time."

The middle road is Li Tangbin's troops, and they are preparing to attack Xin'an County.

This time there will be no storming regardless of casualties.Strictly speaking, what they undertake is to contain the enemy's main force and create opportunities for the other two routes of action.

"On the South Road, Zhe Zongben and Zhao Kuangning will take the initiative to launch an offensive to attract the attention of Ding Hui and Yang Shihou. In addition, there are Tianxiong Army and Yi Cong Army—" Shao Shude pointed his finger down, and said: "One of them will come out of chickens." Baiyan Pass, west of Toushan (now Jigongshan), goes straight to Shenzhou."

"A part of Pingjingguan from the Great Crash Mountain—" Shao Shude poked another "mountain" with his finger, and said, "Enter Shenzhou first, and then enter Guangzhou obliquely. How many troops does Zhu Quanzhong have to consume with me?"

Chen's face was already flushed, her breathing was a little disordered, and there was a shy smile in her eyes.

His Royal Highness King Xia, that's too dishonest!

"If there is any gain, I will not retreat this time. Let's see what Zhu Quanzhong will do." Shao Shude said: "If you can win one of Shenzhou and Guangzhou, I will appoint you as the governor. Then you will write the memorial and send it to Chang'an ,how?"

Chen didn't know what to say anymore.

Even in the palace, she also showed a dignified, quiet, and wise image.But His Royal Highness King Xia always has all sorts of nasty tricks to make you step by step——according to the words of the king, it is to "break the defense".

But he didn't use any strengths, he just took it for granted and flowed naturally, which is also a strange person.

He has a majestic and heroic demeanor in front of people. I heard that he has a very good reputation among warriors and generals.

What do queens look like!

"Don't worry too much. Nanzhang Chen's capital is not small, and a thousand plays can still be produced." Seeing that Chen's has been silent, Shao Shude thought she was a little worried, so he comforted her.

Chen took a deep breath, calmed down, and restored his indifferent expression.

"Women who follow me have rich families. Pei Zhenyi is a good example. You can ask her in the future." Shao Shude said again.

Chen was dumbfounded and broke the defense again.

(End of this chapter)

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