Chapter 637
"Break the door open for me!" Shao Shude said, pointing at the gate of the treasury in Shouzhou City.

Several personal soldiers stepped forward, swung their axes and slashed repeatedly, and then slammed hard, and the door burst open.

Shao Shude didn't move, and the soldiers behind him rushed in.

After a while, Shao Shude stepped forward and walked into the treasury.

It's a pity that there are not many things in the warehouse. There are more than ten thousand coins, tens of thousands of pieces of silk, plus some tea, leather and medicinal materials.

In a place like Shouzhou, which is prosperous in business and travel and known as the land of fish and rice, it is really not decent to have such a few things.The only explanation is that it was used up in advance by someone, it could not be someone else, it could only be Shi Shucong.

"Take a count and give rewards to the sons and daughters." Shao Shude picked up a piece of silk and said.

Influenced by the women at home, his eyesight is also very vicious now, and you can tell at a glance whether the silk is good or not.

Four nests of cloud flower silk, a specialty of Caizhou, a tribute to the imperial court.

The next one is Yanzhou Jinghua damask, all of which are high-grade silk fabrics.

Shao Shude didn't bother to care about how these high-end goods should be priced when the rewards were issued, and how many pieces of miscellaneous silk a piece would be worth. That was a headache for military Chinese officials.

"Thank you for the reward, Marshal." Zheng Yongxi said: "The last general will tell the whole army soon, the soldiers will be delighted."

These goods, of course, will not only be distributed to the eight thousand Cai recruits, in fact, everyone has a share.But whoever picks first has to be chosen according to their status.

"There are many deficiencies in the battalions in Pishui. Hurry up and recruit people to make up for it. Let's count [-]. Shou people are not incapable of fighting. People's hearts are chaotic. It's just that they don't have the heart to fight. Choose carefully." Shao Shude ordered again.

"Of order." Zheng Yong replied.Two thousand soldiers were lost in the battle, so they could only be recruited in Shouzhou. He knew the general's preferences, and tried to focus on those who had no family to encumber.

As for the quality of soldiers in Shouzhou, how should I put it, it is considered top-notch in Huainan.After all, when the Cai thieves in Huaixi rebelled, the imperial court was frightened to death, and ordered Haoshoulu to train observation envoys to prevent the rebels from going east.Among these three states, Shouzhou bears the brunt of it. It has been "passively practiced" by Cai thief for many years, but Wufeng is still good.

After Zheng Yong left, Zhu Jing was called over again.

"Greetings to King Xia." Zhu Jing saluted respectfully.

"Emissary Zhu, I have entrusted Shouzhou to you. Is there a strategy for fighting and defending?" Shao Shude asked.

Zhu Jing was startled, King Xia is leaving now?It was a good thing at first, but now he wants Shao Shude to stay a little longer and help him keep the place down.

"Your Majesty, I will guard Feikou and Bagong Mountain in the north so that the people of Liang cannot invade the south." Zhu Jing replied, "Guard Huo Mountain and Dabie Mountain in the south—"

"Stay here." Shao Shude considered his words, and asked, "Do you have enough soldiers to guard so many places?"

Zhu Jing was a little embarrassed, it was really not enough.

He originally had [-] people, and hundreds of people were killed or injured when he attacked the city. Later, he annexed some Liangren troops, as well as the troops of Wei Shoujie and He Chongnian, and the total strength reached [-].

By the way, Bian General Hou Yan led his troops to break through the siege, went to the north gate, and went to the bank of Feishui, where he met the main force led by Shao Shude himself, and cut them off.Jiang Congxu ran quite fast, but he didn't catch him. He heard that the Huai defectors had gone, but he was intercepted and captured hundreds of rout soldiers. Together with the soldiers surrendered by the Liang people, they were all handed over to Zhu Jingtong.

His troops, needing these professional soldiers, are good for regularization.

Zhu Jing was a smart man, he knew that Shao Shude could annex those Bian soldiers and Sun Ru's old troops, but he didn't want it, that's what he was supporting.

In fact, he was amazed at the recruits from the Cai people brought out by Shao Shude, and felt that they turned decay into magic.But after familiarizing himself with the inside story and knowing that Shao Shude had transferred five hundred soldiers to join the army as officers at all levels, he suddenly realized.

King Xia's personal soldiers are not only in charge of bodyguards, they either practice martial arts or learn various battle formations and military management knowledge in their spare time. King Xia often gives them battle examples.These five hundred soldiers are exactly five hundred military academies, at least it is no problem to be a low-level military academies, no wonder they can be kneaded so quickly.

"The existing soldiers and horses should be reorganized. At least they must be kneaded into shape, and they can be pulled out to fight. Don't let people shoot a few arrows and they will be scattered." Shao Shude said: "The key point of Huaidong lies in Qingkou. The vital points in the west are Wo and Yingzhikou, so if you want to consolidate the two Huaihe Rivers, you must guard against the three. Feikou is certainly important, but Yingkou cannot be ignored."

Having said that, Shao Shude paused, and then said: "Of course, with Shouzhou alone, it is beyond our ability to undertake such a heavy defense. I will coordinate a plan for this matter, and you should organize your troops first."

In fact, as Shao Shude said.Along the Huai defense line, it is a system, not a matter of any single state or county.

If Liang soldiers go south, [-] troops attack a point, of course you will be under heavy pressure.At this time, you need the system to share your pressure. For example, states such as Shen and Guang take the initiative to send troops to attack the enemy's flanks and relieve the pressure on Shouzhou.

The same is true when the enemy attacks from the east.

Shenzhou and Guangzhou are a plain sandwiched between the Huaihe River, Tongbai Mountain and Dabie Mountain. To the south are An, Huang, Qi and Sanzhou respectively.The mountains and mountains are inconvenient to pass through, and the passes in them are all in their own hands now, so it is not a big problem.

The gap is only in Luzhou and Haozhou in the east, where the terrain is flat and the biggest threat.Therefore, if you want to defend Shenzhou and Guangzhou, you must defend Shouzhou. After all, Shouzhou also has a Feishui line of defense, which can effectively resist attacks from the Huaidong direction.

What's more, the big county of Shouzhou is rich in land and people. After the hardships, the imperial court put "hundreds of horses and tens of thousands of soldiers" here to send food and salaries to suppress the rebels.

Such a place must be held in hand.

As for the system, Shao Shude already has a plan, which is to merge the three prefectures of Shen, Guang, and Shou into one town—if possible, he will also start to solve the problem of Anzhou, and add the six counties of Anzhou .

There are four prefectures and nineteen counties with a population of more than 40, and it is a relatively affluent place. It is not a problem to raise more than [-] soldiers and horses.

This town should be called Huaixi Town.

Shao Shude intentionally moved Fengxiang's heir Lun to Huaixi, in order to free up Fengxiang's prefecture and four prefectures, and take away all the forces of his Zhejia, especially those Zhejia troops who were not very obedient.The land was taken over by the Xia Palace, which was slowly digested and annexed.

Of course, Shenguang Shouan's four prefectures are not as good as Fengxiang Town, but they are not far behind.Letting Zhe Silun take over Huaixi is actually not a big favor to him.

The main problem is that there are military leaders under these four states, such as Zhu Jing in Shouzhou, Wu Yu in Anzhou, and Chen Su in Gwangju.

But how to put it, Tang Deng Sui and Huaixi can be connected together, which is still a bit attractive to Zhejia.

What's more, Shao Shude also intends to dismiss Chen Su from his position as governor of Gwangju and let him be transferred to governor of Shenzhou, freeing up the relatively affluent Gwangju and solving the problem of Anzhou Wuyu at the same time.Zhesilun can actually control Guangzhou and Anzhou, and govern Guangzhou.

The issue of Shouzhou will depend on his methods in the future. Shao Shude's bottom line is that Chen Su cannot be dismissed, Zhu Jing can be sacrificed, and whether Zhe Silun can be taken depends on his ability.

If Zhe Silun can continue to develop, such as taking down Huangzhou Quzhang and Qizhou Feng Jingzhang, Shao Shude fully recognizes it, and the imperial court can order Huaixi to add these states and counties.

It's just that when Shi Zan is rushing over, it's hard to arrange, trouble!
"You should do a good job in Shouzhou. Next year, the states along the Huaihe River, Tang Dengsui, and Zhaoxin Army will recuperate and recuperate. Taxes will be reduced and taxes will be lightened. This year is indeed too hard. You should rectify it." Shao Shude said: "Zhu Yanshou led Huai bandits, don’t worry. In a few days, I will lead the army to the south and cut off the hand they stretched out to make them terrified, at least they will not dare to violate the border for a few years.”

Zhu Jing looked at Shao Shude with some admiration.

Yang Xingmi's reputation in Jianghuai is not small.After all, he defeated Sun Ru, who was feared by everyone, and became the biggest force nearby. How could he not be afraid?
Shao Shude said so casually that he wanted to teach Zhu Yanshou a lesson, which really opened Zhu Jing's eyes.

"My lord, Zhu Yanshou was born in Heiyundu, so don't underestimate the enemy." Zhu Jing couldn't help reminding.

In Yang Xingmi's small group, Zhu Yanshou "destroyed the strong and fell into the formation, and made the most achievements among all the generals".In short, he contributed the most to Yang Xingmi's war career. Although Tian Xun, An Renyi and others may not accept it, it is generally accepted that this is the case.

Moreover, he governed the army strictly, even harshly.If a soldier violates an order a little, he will be killed immediately, without any further words.

At the same time, he also donated money with righteousness, and did not take any money from the war, but gave it all to his subordinates.

This man still has two brushes.

Yang Xingmi's group is also on the rise now, with a good overall mental outlook and good morale. After all, after Sun Ru's defeat, the overall smooth sailing and continuous expansion have been relatively smooth.

"It's Heiyundu!" Shao Shude said with a smile: "I have Tianxiong Junerlang, so I will compete with them to see who is the best."

To be honest, Shao Shude didn't think much of Yang Xingmi's battered army, who was beaten up by Sun Ru.

The Tianxiong Army was established in the second year of Wende (889), with [-] veterans from Tielin, Zhenwu, and Tianzhu as the backbone, supplemented by [-] new recruits from Henan, Ruzhou, and Xuzhou.

In the fourth year of Dashun (893), [-] Hezhong Yajun soldiers were added twice, and the scale expanded to [-].

This army, after becoming an army, has been stationed in Qinzhou and other places, and participated in the military operation in Yunzhou to deter Li Keyong.After conquering Hao Zhenwei in Tongzhou, he followed Shao Shude east out of Henan, and since then he spent most of his time fighting Liang people in Heluo and Wangwu.

This army is an authentic martial arts department, with martial arts students all over the army.Shao Shude has always used martial arts students heavily, and even the Tianxiong Army has been honored. High-quality wart armor, they have a high priority in queuing up, so the entire army is well-equipped.

Such a lineage army has experienced the bloody battle of Heluo. When it was stationed in Luonan Road, it fought a harassing battle with a small group of Bianjun troops. The state army should make Huai people sober.

"Don't get involved in the matter of going south to retreat the enemy. Let's put it in order first." Shao Shude said: "On the other hand, although the Liang people have already retreated, beware of them killing their carbine, understand?"

"Follow your majesty's order." Zhu Jing responded.

On April [-]th of the second year of Qianning, Zhe arrived in Shouzhou with [-] horsemen from ancient times.

He brought a piece of good news: During this eastward pursuit of the enemy, a total of 500 enemies were killed and [-] were captured.

The captives have been sent to Huoqiu.So far, since going east to chase the enemy, they have killed more than 3000 enemies and captured more than 1. If you count the losses during the stalemate in the early stage, Shi Shucong lost more than [-] people, most of them during the retreat. lost.

In addition, Shouzhou was lost, but this may have been expected by them, and they even threw it out on their own initiative to intensify the conflict between Xia and Wu.

Shao Shude just ate it, so what?
Do you think Yang Xingmi is a fool?They are already wooing Anzhou, and the war with Du Hong has never stopped. Has he given you face?Their strategy is to support Zhu Quanzhong, and to deceive themselves and others that Yang Xingmi has no ill intentions towards you, that would be too wrong.

On April 22, Shao Shude left Shouzhou with [-] infantry and [-] cavalry and marched southward toward Anfeng, preparing to join Zang Dubao's [-]-day heroic army.

(End of this chapter)

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