Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 641 Far-reaching

Chapter 641 Far-reaching
The [-]-step army sped up their pace slightly, while maintaining their physical strength, they rushed forward, and quickly penetrated the enemy army that had just been plowed and was still in chaos.

Of course, there is no suspense about the result.

All they performed was an easy slaughter, reaping the lives of the enemy's rout.Occasionally, the enemy was unwilling to fail and tried to resist, but they were also crushed under the long spears of Tianxiong soldiers advancing on the wall.

The war situation is irreversible, and everyone knows it.

The essence of Yanyue Formation is to use the central army as the backbone to attract the main force of the enemy's attack, and then rotate the entire formation through the flanks to flank the enemy and win.

This is the most popular formation among warriors of the Guochao Dynasty. Because it has both offense and defense, it is neither aggressive nor conservative, so it is very popular among generals.

On the contrary, Xia Jun's goose-shaped formation and its variant front-arrow formation were all a one-shot deal.

If you charge the enemy's formation without moving, you may be able to charge the second or third time, but you must know that one effort will fail again and three times will be exhausted.If you can't move, be prepared to be defeated.

So, this is a gamble!I bet I can kill through your bird array.

The [-] soldiers in the front line cannot kill through, and the second line of [-] pawns will follow. If it is not enough, the large formation of [-] pawns will directly press on.

Of course, you may be flanked by the enemy's right wing during this process, so you must move quickly.

Whether it will be successful or not depends on the strength of the elite soldiers in the first two waves.

Obviously, the attack of the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army was very effective, smashing the front and breaking the edge, directly defeating the core troops led by Zhu Yanshou, and establishing the victory of the whole game.

After the collapse of the central army, the five thousand Luzhou army on the left and right wings immediately lost their fighting spirit and began to flee.

Hei Yundu and the Luzhou cavalry were just about to launch a horizontal attack, intending to cut off the advancing troops of Xia's army, but when they saw that the situation was not right, they immediately slipped away.

Both sides fled in the direction of the camp located on the west bank of Feishui.There were less than a thousand defenders in the camp, and they were fairly well-trained. They took the initiative to respond and brought back some routs, including Zhu Yanshou who ran first.

Zhu Yanshou's expression was very exciting, it seemed to be mixed with shame and anger, but also a little bit of fear, more of fear, maybe fear of the future.

"Close the gate of the camp, and anyone who dares to speak up and fight, beheaded!" Zhu Yanshou ordered.

The officers ran to and fro, calling out to the soldiers, but they didn't know if they heard them.

Chai Zaiyong walked over with a sullen expression on his face.

Zhu Yanshou just wanted to hold him back and say something, but he just flicked his sleeves, climbed up to the watchtower in the camp, and watched the battlefield carefully.

On the battlefield, the Xia army was still chasing death and chasing the north. Lu soldiers were constantly being chased, stabbed to death and fell to the ground one by one.Of course, there were also people who surrendered, and there were quite a few of them. Xia Jun seemed to have dispatched auxiliary soldiers to take the captives back.

What a rout!Chai Zaiyong closed his eyes.

Although most of the dead were Lu soldiers, the death of the rabbit and the fox was sad. This battle was a major defeat for the forces in Huainan.

Defeating an array field battle is like chopping melons and cutting vegetables. This is definitely a very serious blow, because it means that you cannot defeat the enemy head-on. The gap, which in itself is already extremely passive.

Since defeating Sun Ru, he has never suffered such a shameful defeat—of course, it may not be as good as the humiliation Zhu Yougong brought to Qu Zhang in history. That time, it was ten thousand against ten thousand. Zhu Yougong stormed Qu Zhang's camp. He won Qu Zhang, captured and beheaded thousands of people.

Outside the gate of the camp, there were still many defeated soldiers who hadn't entered the camp in time. They surrounded the outside, crying loudly.

But no one would open the camp to let them in, because Xia Bing, who was chasing them, was already behind them.The battalion had to shoot a large number of arrows, covering even their own defeated soldiers and the Xia army's chasing soldiers.

In front of the camp, blood flowed profusely and screamed again and again.

"Your Majesty, this camp cannot be defended!" Chai Zaiyong finally spoke, "If the bandits Xia reorganized his army and came to attack by force, they would not be able to hold out for half an hour."

Zhu Yanshou let out a long sigh, with a slumped expression, and said in a low voice: "There are ships coming from the east bank, let's leave in a while."

Chai Zaiyong also let out a long sigh.Going, of course it is impossible to take everyone away, after all, the ships are limited.Hundreds of people can walk away if they are exhausted. Do the others still have the courage to continue fighting when the main general withdraws?impossible!Descend or die, there is no third way.

"Since the ambassador has plans, I won't say more." Chai Zaeyong asked someone to lead the horse.

They belonged to Heiyundu, so naturally there was no need to die with Luzhou soldiers.This will allow the horse to rest, feed and water, and then run away.

This battle is really indescribable!
I hope Zhu Yanshou was not killed.He still has [-] soldiers on the east bank, and Luzhou should still have some troops left behind, and there is still a chance for a comeback.

King Wu's momentum is so good, Luzhou can't go wrong.


Shao Shude still stood on the high platform, quietly appreciating the victory that was almost over.

The Huai thieves dispatched more than ten thousand soldiers and horses, but only half of them escaped back to the camp.Moreover, for this half of the people, the head is only temporarily stored there, and Shao Shude will send someone to fetch it immediately.

"Go! Go ahead and have a look!" Shao Shude got off the watchtower car and got on his horse.

"Commander, let's wait until the auxiliary soldiers have plowed the battlefield." Li Zhong suggested, pulling the reins.

"Let go!" Shao Shude raised his whip, making a gesture to hit him, but Li Zhong hurriedly stepped aside.

The war horse ran out happily, and the soldiers followed closely, protecting the surroundings.

Shao Shude arrived at the gentle slope where Zhu Yanshou once erected a large banner.

He got off his horse and walked forward slowly.

There are corpses everywhere, in endless disorder.

He stopped suddenly, staring at a corpse without saying a word for a long time.

Li Chong, a martial arts student, was born in Xiazhou. His father was Xia Suitongru, and he is currently the Marquis of Yu in the second battalion of the Tianxiong Army.

"Let Zang Dubao come here!" Shao Shude ordered.

Zang Dubao, the envoy of the Tianxiong Army, rushed over quickly.

"Marshal, this is..." He quickly saw the corpse on the ground and paused.

"Several martial arts students died in the battle." Shao Shude: "Does Li Chong have any heirs?"

"I heard that there is a son and a daughter." Zang Dubao replied.

"Take his son to Anyi." Shao Shude ordered: "If Tianxiong's army goes down to the battalion's first-level marquis and lieutenant general, if anyone dies in battle, record his son into the palace alone, and learn martial arts and literature with my son."

"Obey!" Zang Dubao replied.

"This is Liu Xianke, a martial arts student from Lingzhou. I completed my internship the year before last, and I personally taught him the sword." Shao Shude squatted down, cleaned the blood on the corpse's face, and asked, "Does he have any heirs?"


"Choose a child from his relatives and adopt him." Shao Shude picked up the Chashan sword that was left on the ground, which was covered with blood and gaps, and said, "Liu Xianke is the leader of the team, how to pay for it is up to the army." Fadu, follow the rules. I will give you another hundred pieces of silk, Li Zhong, you can arrange it."

"Obey!" Li Zhong replied.

Shao Shude sighed and walked forward again.

Zhu Yanshou's banner was cut down to the ground, and the surrounding area was full of stumps and broken arms.The soil was full of blood, and it had a strange dark red color.

"Bring the wound medicine!" Shao Shude stopped the soldiers who were about to stand up and salute, and turned his head and said.

Li Zhong quickly ordered to go down.

"General Office..." Li Lin, He Xi and others were sitting on the ground to rest.

After fighting for a long time, not only did he lose his strength, but the wounds on his body were also shocking.

"You—" Shao Shude patted Li Lin and the others on the shoulders, and said, "You played well!"

The wound medicine was quickly brought over, Shao Shude asked Li Lin to take off his armor, and carefully inspected the wound.

Chest, abdomen, shoulders, four wounds in total, none of them were on the back.

Shao Shude carefully applied the wound medicine to Li Lin.

Li Lin looked excited, but sat there without moving.There was nothing to be pretentious about, he remembered the words of the sergeant Ding Dalang before he set off, when he touched his neck and said that he was willing to fight to the death for the king, so what if he was stabbed in the neck?
Ding Dalang is dead.

Before engaging the enemy, he was shot to death by an arrow. His death was not brave or great, but no one could despise him or laugh at him.The one who dares to face the bandit army's sharp edge without turning his heels is a warrior.

After applying the wound medicine, Shao Shude saw Li Lin's left hand missing two fingers, and said: "The battle of Mianchi, the king and the bandits fought hard, and the five soldiers were exhausted, and they beat the enemy with fists, and the bones were seen in the hand. It's great, there is such a thing." Warriors, why worry about thieves being unfair."

"Director, the sect can still kill the enemy!" Li Lin wanted to get up.

Shao Shude asked him to sit down, then took off the cloak, hung it on him, and said: "You can't see the wind from the wound, so sit still, other people will do the job of breaking the bandit's camp."

He Yan and the others looked at Li Lin enviously.

Shao Shude smiled and said: "Heal your wounds well, since you are my disciple and teacher, you must not treat you badly."

After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes to the Huai bandit camp, which was constantly making noise, and said, "How can there be no blood sacrifice for the Huai bandit hurting my disciple?"

Zang Dubao and Li Zhong were shocked.

"Break this stronghold, don't worry about killing, don't leave a blade of grass!" Shao Shude said: "Cut off all the heads of the bandits and build them into a Jingguan. I'd like to see if the Huai bandits dare to come again."

"Obey!" Zang Dubao responded, and hurriedly left to deliver the order.

The battle to attack the camp had already begun.

Tianxiong's [-] infantry, plus Zheng Yong's [-] soldiers, filled the trenches outside the camp and trapped the horse pits, and then began a fierce attack.

The thieves had no intention of fighting, and only resisted for a while, before they were broken through the gate of the camp.

There are actually more than 4000 people in the camp, but this will be [-] pigs and sheep.They fled everywhere, avoiding Xia Jun's death harvest.

Chai Zaiyong rushed out from the other side with his cavalry, galloping desperately south.

Zhe Conggu immediately got on his horse, accelerated slowly, and chased after him.

On the Feishui, some boats left the temporary pier and rowed towards the opposite bank in embarrassment.The number is not large, there are only a few more than 20 ships, and only a few hundred people can get through.

A large group of rout soldiers crowded the river bank, crying and cursing.

Xia Jun chased after him, and his sword and ax came down, blood staining the riverside.

Someone knelt down to beg for surrender, and was directly stabbed to death by a spear, but he refused to surrender.

Many people collapsed, stripped off their armor and threw themselves into the river.It was like making dumplings, plopping and plopping.

The archers of the brigade stepped forward, drew out their long arrows, and stood on the bank of the river to roll their names one by one—another horrific one-sided massacre!

In this battle, Zhu Yanshou was injured.

Of the tens of thousands of people who were brought to the west bank of the river, it would be nice to be able to go back with a thousand of them.Xia Jun's side, according to rough statistics, has captured more than 5000 people, and the remaining [-] people either had their heads turned into Jingguan and became props to deter the enemy, or died in the endlessly turbulent Feishui. Become food for fish and turtles.

Victory and defeat are indeed commonplace in military strategists, but such a humiliating and miserable defeat is rare.

Most of the Luzhou soldiers have already been beaten out of the shadows.Li Lin led five hundred great swordsmen to break the front and break the sharp edge. After these Lu soldiers who survived by chance passed it on, it might have the effect of stopping children from crying.

The impact of this battle, at least for Zhu Yanshou, is far-reaching.

It is also far-reaching for many military leaders in the surrounding area.

(End of this chapter)

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