Chapter 657 Three Places
The autumn wind suddenly blows, and the river rustles.In Noda, there was severe frost all over the place.

The weather today is actually not too bad.

The clouds hung high, almost non-existent.If you look around, you can see Mang Mountain vividly.

It's just that the wind is a little strong!

The withered and yellow grass and trees were all destroyed, and the peasants' clothes were thin and cold.I can only continue to swing the shovel and pick, and try my best to resist the cold wind.

But I didn't eat much when I went out in the morning. After a while, I was so hungry that my hands and feet became weak.

After working hard for a while, the farmer suddenly squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

The clothes on his body are thin, there is no storage at home, and the corvee is still in the past, how can he live in these days?
The wind is also a little weaker, and it seems to be sighing.

The sound of horseshoes sounded, and the knight hurried across the ravine.

There is no rain in winter, and the valley water is shallow, and it is almost wading.

Compared with five years ago, Luoyang has hardly changed, with ruins and rubble everywhere.

The urban area cleared by Zhang Quanyi is still the main settlement, and Hu Zhen's residence is located in it.

"Hu Shuai, the Xia thief attacked the city day by day, but there are not enough troops in Mengnan area. What's the point?" If he hadn't been impatient, Huo Yanwei would not have spoken so rudely.

After all, Hu Zhen is the old man Yuan Cong of Liang Jun, and his status and qualifications are there. He, Zhu Zhen, and Xie Tong advocated for the king of Liang to return to Tang anyway.

"The hoeing and plowing (zhú) invaded the stars, and the long acres were full of joy. In the end, the rice and millet belonged to others, and I don't know where to throw my wife." Hu Zhen looked up at the blue sky with a wine bottle.

"Ah? Hu Shuai, what are you talking about?" Huo Yanwei was a little at a loss.

"I said you are right." Hu Zhen turned his head, smiled, and said, "There are not enough soldiers, so you can ask Pang Dutou for it."

"Pang Dutou asked me to find Luoyang first." Huo Yanwei said anxiously: "Recently, a small group of summer thieves smuggled southward, wandered around, and plundered grain and grass. The food supply in Zhongyi City and Nancheng City is not enough, and the city's expenses are less than two Yue. Pang Dutou is mobilizing troops to intercept the thieves, and he can't get any troops out for a while."

"There are [-] garrison soldiers in Zhongyu City, and [-] elite soldiers in Nancheng City. The Xia Bandits come with an army of tens of thousands. I'm afraid they won't be able to break through for a while, right? Besides, before the river freezes, how many people can the Xia Bandits come over? I'm afraid Pang Dutou is trying to deceive you." Hu Zhen shook his head and said, "As for the unsustainable supply of grain, there is nothing I can do to help. Do you know that this year when Caizhou was fighting, Luoyang also sent [-] hu of grain and grass to Ruzhou? How about Luoyang? There are more than [-] troops, there are many horses and draft animals, and the people are only more than [-] households, how can they squeeze out food and grass? General Huo, you are looking for me, I am afraid that you are looking for a fish."

Huo Yanwei was at a loss for words.

"Pang Shigu really has no soldiers?" Hu Zhen sat down, drank the wine in his glass, and said with a smile: "I also heard about Hua and Zheng's side. After being ruined by Xia Thief, King Liang sent people to rectify .Yuan Xiangxian is also a capable man, and he has never stopped training soldiers and horses, so it is better to let him send some men over."

"Oh!" Huo Yanwei stomped his feet, not knowing what to say.

You push me, I push you, this is a fart fight!
In the small Yiluo Valley, more than 2 soldiers and horses were stationed.Li Tangbin on the opposite side only has a few soldiers, can he really fight in?Is Luoyang Baguan so easy to fight?

"General Huo, since you are fine, you might as well go back." Hu Zhen said, "If you really have no soldiers, you might as well find Kou Yanqing. It would be a pity that such an elite division of the Changzhi Army should be stationed in Luoshui."

Huo Yanwei shook his head and left directly.

Hu Zhen played with the wine glass and remained silent.

After a long time, he sighed: "You want soldiers, and I want soldiers too. There are only a few people in Luoyang who listen to my command?"

After Huo Yanwei left the Hu Mansion, he got on his horse and planned to return to Heyang South City.

Before leaving, he turned around and asked, "Mr. Zhang, just now Hu Shuai recited a poem. I didn't understand it. I just remembered the sentence 'I don't know where to throw my wife'. What's the explanation?"

Mr. Zhang stroked his beard and said, "This is a poem of pity for farmers, which has been widely circulated. Hu Shuai said so, there should be a meaning."

"What do you mean?" Huo Yanwei asked.

"Or it is said that the people in Luoyang are suffering. They plow the fields under the stars and wear the moon, and after harvesting a large harvest, the grain and beans are taken by others, and they have to abandon their wives and children and flee." Mr. Zhang said.

Only then did Huo Yanwei understand, and suddenly said: "Isn't it just that you don't want to conscript soldiers, and don't want to send food and grass? As for being so devious? You fools, every one of you is just trying to make a fool of yourself."

Hu Zhen was born in a wealthy family in Jiangling. He was good at riding and shooting. He was a county magistrate.But it doesn't prevent Huo Yanwei from classifying him as a "cunning" and "hateful" Mao Zuizi.

Mr. Zhang smiled awkwardly.

"Even if three households send out one person, they can still recruit more than ten thousand soldiers and horses. Hu Zhen is obviously prevaricating me, and he has a different opinion." Huo Yanwei was still a little angry, and shouted: "Shao thief's Tibetans send out one person from one family. Some households pay two dicks, and Hu Zhen talks about him so carefully, could it be that..."

"Young general, be careful with your words." Mr. Zhang coughed and said.

Huo Yanwei snorted coldly, got on his horse and left.


To the north of Zhongli City in Heyang, someone is already cutting down trees to build a village.

The German envoy Fu Cunjian led more than a thousand elite soldiers to the front as wing guards.

Sure enough, Liang Ren set fire to the bridge, but he was not completely successful. He only burned part of it and was stopped.At present, people are being sent to replace the ship's deck and renovate the bridge deck.

Heyang Pass, or Zhongli City, is not too big, and there are many forests, farmland, ponds, orchards and the like on Hexin Island.Liang Jun abandoned all fronts and retreated into the city.

Fu Cunshen looked left and right, and felt that it could be fought, but it should pay a lot of casualties.

In fact, in his opinion, the most dangerous thing is the Liang Jun Navy.

It is possible for the thieves to cut off the return of their vanguard, but it is not impossible to deal with them.On the north bank of the river, small boats were being built, loaded with firewood and kerosene, and whenever Liang Ren's warship approached, it would be released from the north bank and the pontoon bridge.This section of the river is relatively narrow. If there are enough fireboats and they float down the current, Liang Jun's sailors will not dare to approach them.

The number of thieves in Heyang Pass has almost been figured out, about 2000 people, half and half of Yamen and Xiangyong.If the enemy had no reinforcements and attacked desperately regardless of casualties, Heyang Pass would probably have the same ending as Guanghe Town and Banzhu City, and would eventually be breached by the Xia army.

The pressure of the battle is not great, so Fu Cunshen has time to actively think and deduce the next series of battles.

He knew very well that all this was just the prelude to a large-scale battle against the Liang people.

"General Fu, are the thieves afraid to leave the city?" Su Junqing walked over and asked with a smile.

"Judge Su." Fu Cunshen saluted and said, "There are few thieves and soldiers, and they dare not go out of the city to fight. They are worried that after the defeat, I will take advantage of them and attack the pass."

"The Liang thief's morale is low, and it seems that they are not far away." Su Junqing said: "Song Situ sent me to escort a batch of grain, grass, and equipment. I think the stockade has been roughly formed, can it be transported in?"

"Yes." Fu Cunshen nodded, and asked again: "Has Judge Su been to the South Bank?"

"I have been there." Su Junqing said, "Boshui and Heyin counties are on the south bank, and half of Heyang county is also on the south bank."

"Which is easier to attack, Luoyang or Bianzhou?" Fu Cunshen asked again.

"Going to Bianzhou is easy, but Keluoyang is difficult."

"If you want to collect Luoyang, where should you take it when you go south from Heyang?"

"There is no doubt that he should take Bai Sima Ban."


"There is Mang Mountain in the north of Luoyang, and there is Baisi Maban in the north of Mang Mountain, also known as Baimapo. There is an ancient ferry at the foot of the slope. In the ninth year of Daye in the Sui Dynasty, Yang Xuangan rebelled. Follow with 3000 people and go straight to the Sun Gate." Su Junqing said.

"Why don't you march along Luoshui?"

"In the Luokou and Yanshi area, the Liang bandits probably have a heavy army, and it will be difficult to attack."

Fu Cunshen nodded and said with a smile, "It's the same as I thought."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the slightly dilapidated Heyang Pass and said, "Let's break down the city first."


"What did Shi Shucong do?" In Zhengzhou City, Pang Shigu caressed the map, frowning.

Zhang Shensi sat beside her with a gloomy face.

He was lucky, caught up with the good times and suffered a defeat, but he didn't die in front of the battle like the unlucky Liu Kangyi did.It's just that he was demoted and hid for a while, and then was asked by Pang Shigu to serve as Marquis of Du Yu.

Xia Thief's Flying Dragon Army broke into Xuzhou again, causing a lot of confusion.

Their strength has also been clarified, and they actually fought more and more, up to more than [-] people, which is very surprising.

This is not to say that Xia Bandit has recruited new recruits, in fact, he has not.The expansion of their forces is mainly due to the absorption of too many "scum" from Henan.

Yes, the scum!
Many deserters who lost their officers, as well as thieves who were restless themselves, all turned to Xia Bandit, worked as a minion, attacked Henan Xiangzi, and attacked the bandit ruthlessly.

But it's no use just hating them, they won't lose a piece of meat.The most important thing is how to stop them, gather and annihilate them.

"Shi Shucong has too few soldiers, and he can only fight 2 people, but he has to take care of places as big as Xu and Su." Zhang Shensi knew that Shi Shucong was Pang Shigu's old subordinate and favorite general, so he was more careful in his words: " We must cooperate with the soldiers and horses in the Caozhou camp, otherwise we may not be able to stop them."

Pang Shigu's frown deepened: "However, Qi Bizhang's team, plus Zhu Jin's thousands of defeated troops, contained tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the two battalions of Suzhou and Caozhou, and most of the cavalry were stationed there. In winter, the great river freezes, and summer thieves cross the river in great numbers, how can we resist?"

"Pang Shuai, how is Xia Bandit doing in Heyang? Is there enough food and grass?" Zhang Shensi asked solemnly.

"When I talk about this, I get angry." Pang Shigu said angrily, "Li Hui's sailors don't know what to eat. Every time they report how many grain ships they have captured and sunk, they are still transporting grain, grass, and grass to Heqing. Equipment. The front line of Zhiguan is probably in constant transit day and night. Shao thief led tens of thousands of people to patrol Heyang eastward, does it seem that the food and grass can't support it?"

Zhang Shensi was speechless.

They are not very clear about the situation in Heyang, but they still have a vague understanding.

It has been more than a year since the Shao bandits sent the people of Helong and Guanzhong to Meng and Huai for reclamation. If they moved fast enough, they should have harvested a lot of food and grass.Coupled with the inventory transshipped day and night, the Heyang Army Reserve should still be considerable, which is enough to support them in a big battle.

"If Xia Bandit attacks, where will the main attack direction be?" Zhang Shensi asked again.

"After fighting with Shao Bandit for so long, don't you understand his tactics?" Pang Shigu glanced at Zhang Shensi, and said with a sneer, "Shao Bandit's military tactics are rigid, so he knows how to hold on to the Zhengqi change. He fights , the main attack can become a feint attack, and the feint attack can become the main attack, the craftsmanship is too strong."

After hearing this, Zhang Shensi could only be speechless.

At any rate, we also fought in Heyang, Shao Bandit's strange changes, and the tactics of several divisions, didn't it make us feel uncomfortable?He has too many cavalry, and if the partial division makes a breakthrough, it will be able to maneuver in a large area immediately, increasing the strength of that road, and turning the partial division into the fucking main force.

A disgusting way of playing!
"Therefore, it is meaningless to guess which direction the Shao bandits will attack." Pang Shigu was very disappointed. After analyzing and analyzing, he had to admit that the Shao bandits had a strategic advantage and were very flexible in their use of troops. Accumulating advantages for the next war.

In the second year of Dashun, he only set out from Shanguo all the way, but was occupied by Ge Congzhou and dared not go deep, and then he was forced to retreat by the [-] army led by King Liang himself.

Later, wars were launched successively in Nanyang and Heyang, continuously creating strategic advantages.

This year, all the states of Shen Guangshou were taken, which could threaten the hinterland of Cai and Ying.Today's Henan is full of loopholes, tell me where will he focus?Everywhere seems to work.

"When will the Shao bandits attack?" Zhang Shensi couldn't help asking.

"Actually, the war has already begun." Pang Shigu said: "The thief Shao will be testing and mobilizing. He wants to find out our deployment and response. Once he has made up his mind, I suspect he will launch a war with 10 people. The above battles. Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Caizhou, and Yingzhou are all dangerous, which direction do you dare to bet on?"

"This thief!" Zhang Shensi thumped the table bitterly, and said, "Is it going to go to war again after only a few months' rest?"

(End of this chapter)

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