Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 661 1st Strike

Chapter 661 First Strike

Nearly [-] households from Jingzhao Mansion have arrived in Heyang.

They only rested for ten days to recuperate, and then they were mobilized to transport supplies to the two cities of Guanghe and Banzhu.

The corvee work is very hard.Leaving home, I feel hesitant.

However, the food supply during corvee labor is sufficient, milk powder, cheese, corn rice, mustache, and pickles are actually good.One of the horrors of corvée is that you are asked to bring your own dry food, but many poor people have no overnight food, which makes it difficult.

The pain of being away from home was diluted by the [-] acres of land promised to them.If you are selected as a villager in the Tutuan, concentrate on training, and go out with the army, no matter whether you fight or not, as long as you go out, you can get another five acres of land after you go back.If there are military exploits, then it has to be carefully calculated. In short, the land reward is very generous - everyone is not worried that King Xia will not be able to honor it, because everyone has seen the abandoned land full of grass in Mengzhou and Huaizhou.

The service and conscription are merciless, but enough food and land are given, which seems to be not bad for the tens of thousands of strong men in Heyang who have been training hard.

The two cities of Banzhu and Guanghe were seriously damaged, and this society is also undergoing repairs.

Because the large brick and tile wheel kiln in Xiuwu County has already started operation and produced a lot of bricks, these two cities should be stronger after the repairs are completed.

Wude and Wuzhi counties are also building kilns, but manpower is a big problem.

Originally there were only more than ten thousand Liang and Huai captives, and recently they are sending Chang'an exiles (Ximen Chongsui's party) here, about ten thousand.In the short term, it seems to be enough, but in the long run, it is not enough.

Shao Shude once wondered why there were no rebels in the two towns of Longyou and Hexi?Otherwise, he would have many captives available, what a pity.

Of course, if they don't rebel, they will still be conscripted.Shao Shude has just ordered that the Tubo tribes in Shan and Kuo prefectures and the Yang, Luo, and Liang Dangxiang tribes jointly send [-] tents to the east to fight for him.

Wei Zhaodu also did a good job in Longyou.He confiscated more than [-] Qiang clans from Min, Cheng, and Tier prefectures to travel eastward, and several chieftains of the Qiang clan in Taozhou also came to surrender.Wei Zhaodu expressed optimistically that after he exerted some more means, Taozhou might be controlled by Longyou Town.

In short, it is thriving, and the hinterland of the rear is continuously supporting the front line, which has formed a very good positive cycle.

To fight a war is to consume.When Zhu Quanzhong saw Shao Shude's rear, he wondered if he would salivate with envy.

On the ninth day of November in the second year of Qianning, when Shao Shude left Shanzhou and arrived at the Shentai Palace near Huazhou to stay, and planned to go south to Shangluo via Shidi Valley, Gao Renhou personally arrived with the Yumen Army on five thousand cavalry Banzhu City.

"Decree, multiple flags." Gao Renhou boarded the part of the parapet that had just been repaired, and watched the Liang Jun navy warships gradually disappearing from the river due to the cold weather, and ordered.

"Let Longrun's soldiers and horses go out of the city at night and enter the city during the day, and raise the banner high for me so that Liang people can see it." Gao Renhou added.

"Obey." Soon someone went down to deliver the order.

Gao Renhou's troops are not very abundant. At present, the only ones capable of fighting are the 5000 mounted infantry of the Flying Dragon Army, the [-] infantry of the Yumen Army's deputy envoy Long Run, the [-] infantry of the Guanbei Fan Division, and the [-] infantry of the Guiding Army. There are [-] people in the Jiebin Department in the right wing of the Baoyi Army, totaling more than [-] people.

In the battle of breaking Banzhu and Heyangguan, a large number of Heyang Tutuan villagers were lost. The German army and the Baoyi army were killed and injured in the right wing. I just walked to Pujin Pass, and I am rushing here.

According to what Shao Shude told him, the troop build-up will be completed before the end of November.

The first batch of troops who came to reinforce was 1 people from the Hezhong Jiedushi Wang Yao's department.

The six armies of Wuwei, Tiande, Chishui, Wuxing, Guzhen, Tianxiong, and more than 5 guards who have been resting in the river for several months can also be reinforced at any time.

Li Tangbin's soldiers and horses include Tianzhu, Jinglue, Dingyuan, Shunyi and the left wing of Baoyi Army, with more than [-] soldiers on foot and cavalry.

Tongguan still has [-] cavalry from the Heyuan Army, and they and the leopard cavalry who have rushed to Tongzhou have more than [-] cavalry temporarily as a reserve team.

The Yi Cong Army, Zhenwu Army, Iron Cavalry Army, and Silver Spears all guarded the old lair in Guanbei with [-] cavalry.

After careful calculation, there are about 4000 troops deployed on the front line, and there are more than 6 people who can go to the battlefield at any time.

The troops invested in the two major battlefields in the north this time are indeed a record for the Xia army, more than [-].

We have been scrambling to transport supplies for a year, just for this winter's war!

"It was ordered to Jiebin in Guanghe Town, so a suspicious array was set up so that the Liang thieves could not look at the truth."

"I ordered Zhuang Jing and Hungu to lead 2000 cavalry from the Yinshan tribe to Zhongli City, and Mengzhou sent [-] prefectural and county soldiers to assist in the defense. Fu Cunju led the German army back to Mengzhou, and drove to Mengzhou after replenishing the recruits. Wude County."

The two generals Zhuang Jing and Hungu were both from the Zhuanglang and Hun tribes of the five major patrol envoys in Yinshan. They were obviously in preparation for the counterattack of the Liang army in the southern city of Heyang with the cooperation of the navy.

"Order Wei Rang to lead [-]-step riders to Wanshan Town in the north of Huaizhou to defend."

Wei Rang, who was born in the Weicai Department of the Jinze Inspection Envoy in Hetao, traveled all the way to prevent Zezhou soldiers from going south, and there are [-] state soldiers in Huaizhou.If Li Hanzhi really didn't care about life and death, then Gao Renhou would not be polite and directly mobilized an army to attack his lair, presumably Li Keyong would not be able to say anything.

By the way, Li Keyong recently fought three battles in Youzhou, winning two and losing one.

In the first battle, Ke used his second son Li Cunxu's strategy to raid Yingzhou Shankeji, winning a big victory and taking thousands of prisoners.

In the second battle, Chengde Wang Rong joined in and led 2 Zhao soldiers to the north, joined Lu Wenjin's Mozhou soldiers, and marched to Yingzhou, and joined forces with Shan Keji to attack Jin soldiers.Ke Yong came with only [-] people, but Li Cunxiao, the son of Li Cunxiao, fled first and led the army to defeat.

In the third battle, Gao Siji's brother Wen Keyong in Youzhou was defeated and rebelled against the city.Li Ke used to pack up his soldiers and horses, and there were still 6 or [-] people. He returned to his division to fight with the Yan soldiers, defeated them, and killed Gao Sixiang.

Overall, the three battles were won.But winning and winning, the situation in Youzhou suddenly deteriorated, leaving people speechless.

Now Li Ke used to station troops in the outskirts of Youzhou, looked up to the sky and sighed, and vowed to kill the brothers of the Gao family.But there are tens of thousands of troops behind Wang Rong, Shan Keji, and Lu Wenjin who went north, and the situation is not very optimistic.

How could it be like this?
Li Keyong once wanted to recruit the 5 yamen troops who stayed behind in Hedong, but after thinking about it, he decided to rely on the [-] people on hand to fight against the thieves from all walks of life.


Li Keyong fought fiercely in Youzhou, but Li Hanzhi's life couldn't go on anymore.

No, seeing that the twelfth lunar month is approaching, and the winter solstice rewards for the brothers have not yet arrived, Li Hanzhi couldn't sit still.

But don't forget, the winter solstice is followed by Zhengdan. Can such an important festival not be rewarded?

After the first month is the Spring Festival, it is also a very important festival, and spring clothes and fabrics will be rewarded later, where will the money and silk come from?
Jinyang reward?Maybe some, but not enough!You must know that Youzhou is full of wars and wars, and it has been unable to provide much goods to Hedong. This year is doomed to live a hard life.

But the warriors in Zezhou do not want to live a hard life!
At this point, there is actually nothing to say.On November [-]th, Li Hanzhi left Zezhou City with a [-]-step cavalry, passed Fukouxing through Luzhou, and then went directly south to attack Xiangzhou.The unprepared Ye County was defeated in the first battle, and then the troops were divided to plunder Linzhang, and the troops forced Xiangzhou to settle in Anyang, and the whole state was shaken.

Let me add one more thing, Li Hanzhi only bought a "one-way ticket", that is, he didn't have much food and grass with him, and he was completely pointing to the fat and oily Wei Bo to plunder.

It was the second time that Li Hanzhi had plundered Xiang and Wei prefectures, and they were also plundered once by Li Keyong.Well, Li Keyong still has a little bit of military discipline. He mostly seeks money and rarely kills.

I don't know what kind of expression Wei Bo Jiedu envoy Luo Hongxin will have after hearing the news.

When Li Hanzhi just left Zezhou, the news spread to Heyang immediately, and then quickly sent it to Shao Shude who was on tour.

It was already the [-]th when Shao Shude received the news. At this time, Shao Shude had already arrived in Luonan County, Shangzhou, and planned to leave for Shangluo County in a day later to meet local officials and generals, and take a look at how the roads and Cangcheng were being repaired. , How much food and silk have been transported here by Jingzhao Mansion and Qianzhou.

"I never expected that it was Li Hanzhi who made the first strike." In the camp outside Luonan County, Shao Shude was filled with emotion.

Shanggong Chen retired after reporting, she has always felt a little tired recently, maybe she was pregnant, Shao Shude planned to let her have a good rest.

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng were quickly called over.

"Congratulations, Marshal." Chen Cheng smiled as soon as he arrived.

"Where does joy come from?" Shao Shude asked.

"Commander, Li Han's troops are capable of fighting with tens of thousands of soldiers on foot. Once they enter Wei Bo, they will surely plunder all counties. Luo Hongxin was in a hurry, so he had to gather all his troops and try to encircle and suppress them. What about dispatching troops and generals?" , The prime minister and the soldiers of the guards are naturally the focus." Chen Cheng said: "Wait another ten days, and the river will be completely frozen. At that time, the cavalry army can be mobilized to enter Huazhou via Weizhou, and Zhu Quanzhong will come."

Shao Shude tapped his fingers on the table, thinking secretly.

There is no doubt that this is a great opportunity.The opportunity came so suddenly, so unexpectedly.

Li Hanzhi, you are so brave!

"If we enter Huazhou, how many troops should we invest?" Shao Shude asked.

"It may be possible to transfer 3000 cavalry troops from the Guanbeifan Department, and [-] soldiers from the Feilong Army's Xueli Department, and they can also go together." Chen Cheng suggested.

"No!" Shao Shude made up his mind and said, "I have great use for the Flying Dragon Army, so I can't go to Huazhou. How many cavalry troops to send into Huazhou will be decided by Huaizhou Camp. Gao Renhou knows my combat intention, Let him dispatch."

"Marshal, do you want Shao Lun of Puzhou to mobilize?" Zhao Guangfeng asked.

Shao Shude thought for a while, then rejected the proposal, and said, "Shao Lun can't be exposed for the time being, and I will be of great use. Don't worry, our army is strong, and I have the advantage. Pass down the order, and let the Chishui army envoy Fan He camp in Huaizhou." The platoon envoy led the two armies of Chishui and Tianxiong to march eastward, and was incorporated into the battle sequence of the Huaizhou battalion, under the control of Gao Renhou."

The Chishui Army, like the Tianxiong Army, is a martial arts unit, and Shao Shude trusts it very much.

Just as Chen Cheng was about to go down to draft the official letter, Shao Shude stopped him again.

"Liang Hanyong, the deputy envoy of the Chishui Army, served as the envoy of You Yi's attack, and ordered him to lead [-] cavalry of the Chishui Army day and night, rushing to Heyang in advance. If a large cavalry army is sent south to Xiazhou, it will be under the command of Liang Hanyong." Shao Shude added. .

Chen Cheng understood that the commander-in-chief was going to train his son-in-law.

Liang Hanyong has been married to the eldest daughter of the commander-in-chief for many years, and they have a son and a daughter, who are their own.Now that the opportunity is given, whether he can grasp it or not depends on Liang Hanyong's own ability.

After Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng left, Shao Shude was a little excited.

He has many plans, but it still depends on Zhu Quanzhong's reaction.It is still in the trial stage, once the opportunity comes, it will not be polite.

After returning to the sleeping tent, the palace officials and female historians are busy.Shao Shude didn't even look at it, he directly picked up the woman closest to him by the waist, tearing her skirt to pieces.Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Shi. In fact, I knew it when I touched it.

Come on, come on, which heavy army group is Zhu Quanzhong going to tear apart this time?

(End of this chapter)

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