Chapter 668
The distance of thirty miles is very short, and it can be reached in one day on flat ground without carrying too much luggage.

Considering that they were walking the Mangshan mountain road, it took Hu Zhen 7000 people two full days to reach the south side of Baisi Maban.

It can be clearly seen from the mountain that a triple trench was dug outside the south city of Heyang. Bamboo sticks and caltrops should be inserted in the trench, and there is a trench wall behind the trench.Looking at the appearance of these soldiers, some are wearing iron armor, some are wearing leather armor, and some are wearing nothing, just wearing a cloth head and linen clothes. This should be a mixture of regular warriors and Tutuan villagers.

But still can't break it!

The veterans were the backbone, and led the villager to guard behind the wall and dug more than one trench, which was very difficult to attack.He didn't believe that Huo Cun and his son hadn't tried to break through, but most of them failed.And once the attack fails, if you are rushed by the cavalry when you retreat, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die.

In other words, the chances of raiding at night were greater, but the three trench walls made their hopes infinitely diminished.

General Huo is in danger!

"Take a short rest and distribute water." Hu Zhen drew out the horizontal knife from his waist and said loudly, "Go on after the rest is over. Today you will live or die. Those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

The soldiers immediately conveyed the order.

The old soldier of the Youguo Army was okay, but the peasants of the Four Thousand Tutuan were a little restless, but they were quickly suppressed.

I came out in a hurry, with incomplete luggage, and didn't bring many things.But there is no way, I have to bite the bullet and go.

The sound of horseshoes sounded in the distance, and several scouts slapped their horses desperately, and fled back in a hurry.

There is no need for them to report, Hu Zhen already knew what happened, and immediately ordered to get up and line up.

The [-] cavalrymen of the Tiande Army and the [-] cavalrymen from the right wing of the Baoyi Army dispatched in batches. One was on the mountain ridge overlooking the Liang army arrayed in the open space between the mountains; Straight ahead, something was tied to the horse's tail, causing smoke and dust to burst out, as if there were thousands of horses and horses.

"Dog thief!" Hu Zhen's eyes were tearing apart.

This kind of formation is of little use to the veterans who are used to fighting. At most, it makes them feel a little nervous and anxious, but it is too lethal to the new recruits.Once the recruits collapse, the morale of the veterans will inevitably be affected, and the fighting will will not be strong, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Brothers Liang Jun, the situation in Luoyang is over, are you waiting for this to die?"

"I didn't see the convoy. How many days have you brought food and grass? Are the steamed cakes enough?"

"You can't get out of Mang Mountain!"

"Kill them!"

Almost in an instant, fierce battle drums sounded from the front, rear, left, and right sides, shouts of killing were everywhere in the woods, and banners were flying.

"Shoot those who retreat!" Hu Zhen stabbed a pale Xiangyong who retreated subconsciously with a knife, and said angrily: "Listen! General Huo came out of the city to meet him. Most of the Xia thieves are besieging the city. It is impossible to have many soldiers to deal with us. This is bluffing and sowing doubts."

There is only the sound of howling wind in the mountains, and the sound of drums and horns from the downwind.Huo Cun went out of the city to meet him?Who heard it?

The joke that Hu Zhen told was not funny at all.

"I have been favored by Hu Shuai all day long, and now I can repay the favor." An officer came out to boost morale and said, "Now we can move forward together and kill all the bandits."

Hu Zhen glanced at him approvingly.

When advancing and encountering the enemy, there are also enemy troops appearing in all directions. At this time, you must not retreat. If you retreat, it will be a terrible defeat.The only chance of victory at this time is to continue to advance, kill the bandits, and then either continue to move forward, or turn around and return to Luoyang, which is very calm.

"General Zheng, you lead a whole army..." Just as Hu Zhen was halfway through speaking, there was a commotion after the battle.

The back line was mainly composed of Tutuan peasants, and Hu Zhen was worried about them, fearing that they would break up in a battle, so he tried to arrange them as far back as possible, but now it seems that something happened.

Hundreds of cavalry rushed over quickly, facing the threat of infantry bows, repeatedly harassing Liang Bing with cavalry bows in front of the rear formation.The Liang Tutuan soldiers were already afraid in their hearts. Being pulled like this, coupled with the constant screams of people being shot, the noise suddenly became louder, and the formation began to loosen and become disorganized.

After repeatedly harassing for a while, the light cavalry finally dispersed to both sides because of heavy casualties.Just as Liang Ren breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of heavier and denser hooves of horseshoes—four hundred riders took the lead, and white horses, silver armor, and thick long lances charged straight in like thunder.

Crying, screaming, cursing, and the clash of weapons instantly filled people's eardrums.The armored cavalry who mentioned the highest speed rushed into the loosely formed crowd, like a hammer hitting an egg, and it shattered with one blow.

The Tutuan peasants with relatively low training and organization collapsed. Two thousand routs smashed into the Yamen of the Youguo Army who blocked them, scrambling to escape to the sides and rear.

The light cavalry seemed to smell the bloody shark, and they gathered together.They let go of the rout and directly cooperated with the second wave of armored cavalry to launch an assault on the enemy's army whose feet had been shaken.

There are cavalry soldiers all over the mountains, there are routs all over the mountains, and there are screams all over the mountains and plains.

Hu Zhen cut down a few routs, and led hundreds of elites to rush up to stop them, but all the routs were his own routs, endless.They looked crazy and completely lost their minds. Hundreds of elite warriors who were going upstream were charged by them, and their helmets were crooked, their formations were scattered, and soldiers could not find their generals.

The first wave of armored cavalry broke through the formation and rushed out, and the second wave of five hundred cavalry arrived again, directly destroying the Chinese army.

"It's over! You shouldn't have brought these brave men here!" Hu Zhen put the knife across his neck, crying bitterly.

His hands seemed to be trembling, and his eyeballs turned left and right secretly, but no one noticed that he was going to kill himself.

So he kept his movements and waited for a while, before the soldiers rushed over and stopped him in a hurry.

"Marshal, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood." The soldiers gave him their horses and brought him an empty horse.

With a long sigh, Hu Zhen was helped onto the horse, surrounded by a group of people, and left in a hurry.

He overestimated his own strength and underestimated the enemy's means. Not only did he fail to open up a channel for external communication, but he also ruined a wave of soldiers.On the way to flee for his life, Hu Zhen had mixed feelings, and now he can only see when Bianzhou can draw out the army to transfer westward.

On Bai Sima Ban, Cai Songyang got the news of the enemy's rout immediately, and quickly sent a messenger to report to Fu Cunshen.

"Build a fart city, get together, let's go to Luoyang!" Cai Songyang looked at the construction site in full swing, and ordered in a good mood.

The construction of the two cities of Baisi Maban and Pingluo was originally to prevent the Luoyang defenders from going north and cut off the northern channel connecting Zheng and Bian.The fortress built by the East Route Army in Yingzigu was to prevent the army of the Liang people from leaving the Xuanmen Pass and Sishui County from westward, blocking them from the east of Luoyang, buying time for the main force of the Xia army, and destroying the Hu people in Luoyang. True group.

However, as predicted in advance, Liang Bing really came to attack, and his courage was commendable, but he was defeated by the First World War.If you don't take this opportunity to go south to attack Luoyang, what are you waiting for?
However, the consent of Fu Cunshen is still required.Cai Songyang walked back and forth anxiously, turning his head from time to time to look at the camp of the German army in the distance, looking forward to it.


Within Yanshi County, the Changzhi Army had already packed up their luggage and began to retreat.

Kou Yanqing brought 5000 people here, joined the 2000 people who were originally stationed here, and made a total of [-] troops. He planned to go to reinforce Luokou and Gong counties, but Xia thief cavalry appeared in the direction of Shiqiaodian. He heard that there were also thieves in the northern suburbs of Luoyang. After riding around, he suddenly became restless.

Hu Zhen is unbelievable!
Can he maintain the grain path?Even if Kou Yanqing was killed, he would not believe it.With just a few thousand soldiers, they have to defend Luoyang, clean up the bandits and cavalry, and send people to escort food and grass. Hehe, Kou Yanqing doesn't believe that Hu Zhen can do it.

The Chang Zhi Army is the Prince Liang's army, so he cannot be dragged down here by those stupid things.Kou Yanqing didn't even want to guard Yanshi anymore, and led 7000 people all the way west to Luoyang.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the army arrived at the village of corpses and joined the 2000 troops from Luoyang.

It is said that this place is the former capital of the late Xia Dynasty and the early Yin Dynasty. It is twenty miles west of the county, north of Yangqu and Gushui, and the place where Tian Heng committed suicide.

At this time, Kou Yanqing received the news that Hu Zhen led an army northward to attack Bai Sima Ban.

"It's just reckless!" Kou Yanqing was furious: "What is there to fight in Baimapo? Luokou is more important or Baimapo is more important? To repel the Luokou bandit army, you only need to stick to it for more than two months. After the river thaws, food, grass and equipment will come naturally. .”

It was quiet in the big tent, the generals and staff members did not speak, they were still secretly digesting the military report that just came.

"General, you should rush to Luoyang as soon as possible." Some staff suggested: "Hu Shuai is going north, regardless of the victory or defeat, Luoyang must be extremely empty, and we must make complete preparations."

Kou Yanqing nodded slowly.

"Preparation" means that once Hu Zhen fails to go north, the empty Luoyang needs to be defended by a large army.

There are only two directions for Xia thief to break into, one is Bai Sima Ban, and the other is Luokou.On the flanks or rear of these two roads, there are also strongholds such as Heyang Nancheng, Luokoucang, and Gong County. If they don't take care of the nails on the back roads, the Xia thief will not dare to go south in a large scale.

But if Hu Zhen fails and ruins thousands of soldiers and horses, letting the thieves know that Luoyang is empty and has a lot of food, grass and equipment, then they will have a strong urge to go south.

"Break out the camp immediately!" Kou Yanqing got up abruptly, and said, "Light up the torches and drive all night. Before tomorrow morning, I will rest in the old city of Luoyang."

With an order, the soldiers of the Changzhi Army who had just set up camp and rested did not complain, and cleaned up the camp as quickly as possible.The whole process was neat and orderly, without any noise, and everything was in an orderly manner, showing superb quality.

"General, do you want to send people to guard Yanshi? In case Luokou and Gong counties fall, Yanshi is still there, so we can restrain the bandits." A staff member suggested.

Kou Yanqing thought for a while.

He withdrew from Yanshi because the back road was not stable. Now he has 2000 capable and skilled fighters, and it seems that the back road can be cleared, but how to say, he has a bad premonition. Yanshi is stationed, and it is very likely that they will never be seen again.

This feeling is unreasonable, but Kou Yanqing thinks the possibility is very high.Chang Zhijun is the direct descendant of King Liang, so he cannot die here worthlessly. For this reason, he even ignores Hu Zhen's order, doing everything for existence.

"No way!" Kou Yanqing sighed, "I don't know what kind of force is being fought in this battle! Chaos, chaos, chaos! Are there few soldiers in Luoyang? Not a lot! But there is a group on one side and a group on the other, and the forces are scattered, unable to respond .Yanshi is too dangerous. After arriving at the old city of Luoyang, I will leave 2000 people to guard it. If the bandits come in large numbers, they can still confront each other across the river and stop them for a while. Now go back to Luoyang!"

After all, he got on his horse and headed towards the direction of the last ray of sunshine in the west.

(End of this chapter)

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