Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 670 Fierce Battle

Chapter 670 Fierce Battle

"Open the door! Open the door!"

"I haven't eaten all day, open the door!"

"Help me, save me! I'm from Jingu Township, Henan County, save me!"

"The summer thief hasn't come yet, let me wait in first, it's all robes."

"Forget it, don't open the door. I'm leaving. I'll go home and hide for more than a month, and spring plowing next month."

There was a lot of noise outside the city, and hundreds of rout soldiers looked terrified, like frightened birds.

With sharp eyes, Duan Ning saw some rout soldiers entering the blocks outside the city.Over the years, some of the ruins have been cleared, and materials have been used to build houses on the spot, and many people who live there will simply desert and go home.

There was also chaos in Cangcheng, more than a hundred rout soldiers flocked there, yelling at each other.The city was talking about something, but no one listened, and they shouted to open the door.

A sound of hoofbeats came from far and near.The rout soldiers exploded all of a sudden, and got into the ruins one after another.

The sound of horseshoes approaching, Duan Ning breathed a sigh of relief at first. Hearing the sound just now, he thought there were thousands of riders, but it turned out that there were only more than a thousand people, but there were more horses. One person had three horses, and some horses had armor on their backs. , equipment, and some horses carried leather bags, parcels and small boxes.

But soon shocked again.The hundreds of riders in the lead should be warriors, right?All white horses, tall and majestic in appearance, the knights on horseback are armed with daggers, iron maces, sabers and other weapons, looking forward to being majestic and majestic.

Behind the soldiers are thousands of auxiliary soldiers, one man and two horses, one riding, and by the way, some gadgets, and one carrying four boxes, hanging on both sides of the horse's back.

What a fucking luxury!
There are 1000 soldiers serving [-] warriors, and a total of nearly [-] horses are deployed-the extra empty horses should be spare horses, and they can carry some supplies by the way.

"Leopard riding capital." Ma Sixun came over and sighed softly: "I heard that the Shao bandits have built six government-run ranches, and the various tribes under their vassals also have a lot of horses. The Datong Horse Company is well-known in the Central Plains, with Khitan horse merchants, Xiren horse merchants, Uighur horse merchants are nothing in front of them."

"Losing Heyang is the biggest mistake King Liang can make in these years." After leaving this nonsensical remark, Ma Sixun went directly down to the tower, and his voice came from a distance: "Strictly guard, we must not open the door!"

Duan Ning turned her head in a daze, not thinking.

The leopard cavalry didn't care about these routs at all, passed through the west of the city, and disappeared at the end of the post road.

After a while, there was another sound of horseshoes.

This time they were light cavalry, judging from their attire, they seemed to be Tibetans, with a total of seven or eight hundred cavalry, they crossed the Lindu post and roared southward.

"No, this is going to Luonan." Duan Ningruo realized something.

He remembered what Ma Sixun said before, the strategy of launching a war and isolating Luoyang was set by the Shao thief, but this kind of in-depth interspersed and large-scale roundabout tactics was by no means written by the Shao thief, it was more like a certain prairie native. will command.

Duan Ning hurriedly went down the tower, intending to talk to Ma Sixun again. Bandit Xia's appetite was so great that he even wanted to surround all these people, but could they beat Luonan three passes?
Alas, not being in charge is trouble.Duan Ning is now more and more eager to control an army, even if there are only a few hundred people, it may be useful at critical moments.

At the time of You, not long after the two left, another army arrived at the city of Luoyang and began to call the door.

Ma Sixun and Duan Ning boarded the tower again, looking at each other.

The sky was a little dark, but the words on the big flag were still recognizable: Tiande Army Envoy Cai.

"Thief General Cai Songyang!"

"At least five thousand people."

"Where is Shuai Hu? He died in battle?"

"Or was it captured?"

The two stared at each other.Hu Zhen led 7000 people to the north, and the [-] Tutuan villagers were gone. In fact, the problem was not a big problem. The loss of the [-] You Guojun was a bit hurt, but it was not a big problem.Even if there is no loss, what can I do if I live in Luoyang City?If Xia Bandit overwhelmed tens of thousands of horses, wouldn't he end up with the same ending as Huo Cun?

But what about Hu Zhenren?Could it be that he is really dead?

"Inspector Duan, after dark..." Ma Sixun moved closer to Duan Ning and said in a low voice.

"Forget it, I'll take it one step at a time." Duan Ning took a deep breath.

After calling outside the city for a while, seeing no movement, Cai Songyang was too lazy to continue to try. He sent [-] Yamen soldiers and [-] Tutuan peasants into the abandoned city of Luoyang to clean up and collect food from house to house.

During the period, there was an unexpected harvest: the rout soldiers hiding here were caught.

They messed up the organizational system, a group of dozens of people found a piece of land to rest, and they were still cursing.

When they saw Tiande soldiers rushing in in groups, few of them had the will to resist and surrendered one after another.Cai Songyang sent people to gather them, about five or six hundred people.

Looking at the surrounding ruins, Cai Songyang suddenly felt that it might be more suitable to build a camp here than Jiangqiao.Back then, Li Hanzhi and Zhang Quanyi divided the territory in the ruins of Luoyang, built camps and fortifications, and fought street battles with people, which was actually not bad.

"Come here and send troops to attack Cangcheng. I want to take this place first." After making a plan, Cai Songyang ordered.


In Pingyuan, west of the ancient city of Luoyang, a large group of cavalry flocked.

Wang He was riding a tall horse, and when he let go of his right hand, an arrow flew out from the string, and a Liang soldier fell to the string.

A few Rangers of the Changzhi Army were beaten back in embarrassment, lingering under the wings of the infantry.

There were too many Xia thieves, more than a thousand riders rushed out from all directions, yelling left and right, and galloped and shot again and again, beating their two hundred riders so that they couldn't stand up, so they had to retreat to seek infantry protection.

Kou Yanqing was so angry that he wanted to kill a group of Ranger Liwei, but he thought about the need for them to scout the situation.Immediately, he called several generals and ordered them to lead the infantry, hold rifles and bows, and clear the way ahead.Then the baggage vehicles were placed on both sides to prevent cavalry from attacking from the flanks.

In this way, the safety is safe, but the speed has dropped a lot.Seeing that Luoyang was still twenty miles away, he was a little anxious.

The thieves were so harassing, one could guess with a little brain, there must be a large group of thieves going south across Mount Mang.

He walked westward for half a day despite the harassment, but he had only traveled seven or eight miles. Seeing the tired faces of the soldiers, Kou Yanqing had no choice but to order camp to rest.

The soldiers began to line up and marched outward, using strong bows and crossbows to drive away the Xia army's cavalry.

The auxiliary soldiers took out all kinds of things from the baggage vehicles and set up camp in a leisurely manner.Some wounded and dead horses left by the Xia army were also dragged back and slaughtered for meat.

Kou Yanqing was anxious, he was not sure whether Luoyang was still safe, now there was no news, no news.They could only wait until nightfall, and quietly sent out scouts to investigate westward.

This battle has been fought until now, as if they have been blinded, everything is hazy, and they cannot see the whole picture of the entire battlefield.

However, Kou Yanqing's confidence has not been lost.

Look at those veterans who have been fighting for many years. After walking for most of the night, and then resisting the harassment of bandits and cavalry for a whole morning, they are only a little tired now, and they can still muster their courage to expel those soldiers. Fan soldiers ranger.With such soldiers around, you can sleep soundly, and you will be completely fearless wherever you go.

Could it be that Xia thief wants to eat my army?Kou Yanqing smiled, come on, give it a try.


Outside the warehouse in Luokou, the flames shot up into the sky, and the sound of killing was everywhere.

The Chishui Army made Fan He climb a high slope, overlooking Cangcheng on the South Plains.

There were burning fires everywhere outside the city, and he knew that they were siege equipment destroyed by the enemy.

There are ditches everywhere outside the city, some were dug by the enemy, and some were dug by our own side, to restrict the bandit army from going out of the city at night to attack the camp.

The defenders in the city had reached the last moment, and more than a thousand people went out of the city to fight to the death, trying to break the siege.

The Hezhong Ya army and the Yumen army resisted desperately, and the cavalry braved the rain of arrows to intersperse behind the bandit army, trying to intercept them.

Both sides fired real fire, and under the light of the fire, their faces were full of ferocious colors.

In Liang Jun's view, Xia Bandit's siege was so unreasonable, wave after wave, without giving people a chance to breathe.How can the rhythm of a normal siege be so fast?Shouldn't it be rectified after a wave of retreat?But they just don't, and each department takes turns to go into battle, regardless of casualties, rushing and attacking fiercely.

The sergeant who retreated first was beheaded on the spot, and his head was thrown to the ground.Whether it's the vassal army, the local peasants or their own people, they will be killed without leaving any sympathy.There was even a martial arts student who fled and was beheaded.

With such severe punishment and harsh laws, it would have been a long time ago for the general army to mutiny, but it is not easy for the Chishui army to be able to stabilize.

Sergeant Hezhong had been overwhelmed by Xia Jun's shadow over the years, coupled with Jing Zhuang being pumped wave after wave, thorns also died batch after batch, there was only a small-scale restlessness once, and soon was suppressed.

On the other hand, the Yumen army has a brute force, they only have money in their eyes, and Fan He just promised a big reward.The rewards are in place, and they don't mind working hard.A person on the grassland died without paying attention, and got nothing. Now there is still a chance to make a fortune, and it is completely worth fighting for.

"The thief Liang is defeated!" There were enthusiastic cheers from the foot of the mountain.

Fan He looked intently, but saw that a thousand horsemen had already penetrated into place, blocking the retreat of the bandit soldiers from the city, attacking from all directions, and completely defeated the thousand people.

The Liang people who failed to break through broke out and ran all over the ground.

Someone is desperately drilling into a dark place.

Someone ran and was overtaken by the cavalry and fell to the ground.

Some people couldn't run, so they just knelt on the ground and surrendered.

Some people sat on the ground and cried loudly: "How can you attack the city like this? Attack day and night, so many people died, how can you still attack?"

The sergeants in the river who surrounded him looked sad, and they broke through the Luokou warehouse in a few days, shocking everyone, but what price did they pay?No one wants to talk about it, because dead soldiers can't talk anyway, alas!

The Yumen Army made Long Run organize 2000 people to enter the city quickly.In fact, there were no soldiers in the city. They went in to fight the fire.

The Xia army besieged the city for several days, and the Liang people were terrified by such a high-intensity siege battle. More than a thousand people were killed and injured within a few days.But before the breakout, the goddamn gang set fire to try to burn the food, hay and other materials accumulated in the city, so as not to leave it to Xia Jun.

Fan He's face was gloomy. He wanted to kill the prisoner a little bit, but he finally sighed.It seems better to drive the surrendered troops to attack Gong County.

"The battle will be over, and tomorrow we will rest for a whole day. After the Yumen Army extinguishes the remaining fire, they will supply equipment and supplies on the spot, and head south tomorrow to Yanshi." Fan He ordered.

Ling Qi got on his horse and ran towards Cangcheng.

The warehouse in Luokou has been conquered, so there is no need to store everyone here.Hearing that Fu Cunshen had sent troops to the south, Fan He did not intend to lose to him, so he sent the Yumen Army up the Luoshui River in an attempt to attack Yanshi County.

On the Luokou side, there is Gong County left!

There is a saying in the art of war: When you encounter an enemy city on the road, you must go down or prepare for it. There is no way to "prepare", and it takes up too much troops, so we still have to "down".

(End of this chapter)

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