Chapter 672 Copying
Guancheng is shrouded in white snow, and brown wooden buildings, white stone enclosures, blue brick houses and yellow earth walls can be vaguely discerned.

The mountain road in front of Guancheng has been blocked.The tax collectors and tax collectors used to collect money here, but they disappeared, and they should have withdrawn to Guancheng.

There are actually people logging in the snow on the mountain!
Judging from experience, the people in Yique County should be confiscated by the defenders to prepare wood for them to repair the city wall.

So are the county town soldiers and Tutuan peasants also conscripted?The possibility is great!If not now, probably soon.

Wang Chong sent more than a dozen horsemen forward, and after only a few dozen steps, the two horsemen fell to the ground suddenly.The knight jumped up to avoid the flying arrows, and the horse fell to the ground in pain, his legs seemed to be broken.

More arrows flew from the hillsides on both sides, and the knights fled away one after another, leaving behind several corpses.

"The thief is already prepared, if he can't take it down, let's get out!" Wang Chong gave the order regretfully.

The soldiers of the Leopard Cavalry were a little reconciled and wanted to fight on foot in armor.

Wang Chong looked at their bowed legs and gave up.

If Marshal Shao was here, most likely he would agree with Wang Chong's opinion.Forget about the Tibetans, the cavalry in the Leopard Cavalry Capital are all carefully selected, and their riding skills are absolutely excellent. It is a pity to lose here.

Many of them have been riding horses since childhood, and their posture is more or less problematic. Some of them used to be very poor and did not have the money to equip saddles and stirrups, so they rode directly barebacked.

Such a cavalry dismounts and fights on foot, and the infantry can still be defeated. That's a lot of food.At least when the Mongols conquered Egypt, the two sides met in a valley. The terrain was unfavorable. Both the Mongols and the Mamluks dismounted and fought on foot. The Mongols were cut down and almost wiped out.

Mamluks are professional warriors who have practiced martial arts since childhood, and they dare to fight. Chang Zhijun is also a professional warrior who has been fighting intensively for many years, and he dares to fight. There is no need to fight with them.

More than three thousand cavalrymen fled away, leaving only countless horseshoe marks in the snow.

Wang Chong calculated the supplies he was carrying.It's only been two days since I came out, and the cheese, milk powder, dried meat and other foods on my body can still be eaten for eight or nine days.I brought a lot of soybeans and black beans, which are for horses, and people don't know how to eat them. I also collected a little corn and wheat in the suburbs of Luoyang before, which is enough for horses to eat for a while.

Don't be in a hurry to go back and replenish, you can continue to wander in the wild, looking for good opportunities to wipe out the enemy.

What?Big snowstorm?It is common for warriors to march and fight, eating ice and lying on snow.Li Keyong often sends out troops in heavy snow seasons, and the cattle in Hedong can bear it, but you can't bear it?
On the way back for a stroll, Wang Chong also received a messenger.To his surprise, it was not the news from Fu Cunshen of the West Route Army, but from Fan He of the East Route Army: Part of the Longrun part of the Yumen Army went to fetch Yuyuanguan, and the main force had already opened to Yanshi. Enter.

Combined with the orders received before, Cai Songyang, Yang Sheng, and Long Run came under attack, so it was clear what they needed to do.

"Find a hidden place to set up camp and recover your horsepower."

"Scout and ride out everywhere, expand the search range."

"Collect food and grass as much as possible, and don't leave it for thieves."


"General Ma, you can't open the city." Duan Ning said at the head of the Luoyang city: "Yesterday, Hu Zhen was not allowed to enter the city. Although there was an excuse that he was not allowed to open the door at night, Hu Zhen has already been hated. If he is really allowed to enter the city, With the long straight army by our side, we will die without a place to bury us."

Ma Sixun's complexion was not very good-looking.Riding on the wall until now, seems to be forced to stand in line.He looked at Duan Ning suspiciously. He hesitated last night. He wanted to open the door, but he didn't want to. In the end, Duan Ning strongly advised him not to open it. He also said that there was Xia Jun nearby, so Hu Zhen didn't dare to stay for long and had to leave.Wait until today's battle situation is clearer before making any calculations.

This guy, going to the summer camp to talk about things, there must be something to hide.

But now is not the time to turn around, Ma Sixun thought for a while, and said, "Is there only one way?"

Duan Ning took a step back, bowed and said: "If the situation is like this, let General Ma decide."

Ma Sixun felt a rush of energy and blood, and almost drew his knife to chop this guy.However, he was finally a little rational, swallowed his breath, and turned his head to look outside the city.

The battle outside the city has reached a fever pitch.

Inside the ruins of the northern city, soldiers from Xia and Liang were fighting fiercely at the intersection.

Cai Songyang used the dilapidated houses as the city wall, piled up a lot of rocks and wood at the street entrance, and built a camp gate. At this time, the two sides were fighting at the gate of the camp.

Undoubtedly, with such a terrain, there is no formation at all. If it is exhausted, there will be a team to cooperate, so it will be a chaotic battle.

The street entrance was also narrow, and the Changzhi Army could not invest too many soldiers and horses, only a few hundred sergeants, and they advanced in coordination with each other.

The Liang thieves were really elite, as soon as the two sides fought, the Tiande soldiers blocking the gate of the camp were somewhat unable to resist the enemy, suffered heavy casualties, and were forced to retreat step by step.

"Where's the archer? Shoot for me!" Cai Songyang roared, and charged forward with a long spear in his hand.

On the top of the collapsed ruins on both sides, on the beams of half-complete houses, and even behind the windows, the peasants of the Tutuan raised their bows one after another, and the arrows fell like raindrops, stopping the momentum of the enemy's advance.

Cai Songyang stabbed a person to death with his spear, but he saw a Liang soldier rushing towards him from the front left. This person was holding an epee and was about to kill him.Seeing this, the soldiers subconsciously went up to meet him, but saw that the man made a feint, let the spear stabbed by the soldiers, the long sword slashed down heavily, and the head of the soldiers flew high.

Another sergeant stepped forward, and was slashed in the chest with one blow.Enduring the severe pain, he hugged the opposite Liang Bing tightly with the huge force that erupted before he was about to die. Cai Songyang drew out his sword and stabbed the thief to death from behind.

The gang of thieves are really good at martial arts, but the strongest should be experience, the intuition of life and death, which is very well grasped.

Just now, there was a famous Liang soldier, Cai Songyang fought with his sword, and he managed to avoid two consecutive kills, only to be killed by the third blow.This is actually quite incredible.Two sergeants with similar martial arts face to face face to face life and death, and often the winner is decided at once, and a second blow is rarely required--a sergeant who needs a second blow to kill the enemy generally does not live for long, the difference between professional warriors Fighting in time, the difference between life and death, the requirement is to be steady, accurate and fast.

The rain of arrows from the peasants of the Xia Army's Tutuan forced back Liang Bing's offensive.Liang Ren also dispatched archers from the rear to fight back, and the shots were so accurate that Cai Songyang got his fucking arrow shot, and was extremely annoyed.

"The streets are narrow and there's nothing to show off. If you're a man, you can't stop a thief! Follow me!" Cai Songyang picked up an epee and shouted.

"One man deserves it!"

"One man deserves it!"

More than 200 sergeants in armor and carrying spears followed behind him.

Liang Ren, a member of a military academy, is even more exaggerated. After stripping off his armor in the winter and loudly motivating morale, he rushed forward naked, not evading the sharp edge stabbing him at all.

The two armies fought together head-on.

Ma Sixun looked ashen from the top of the city, and the bravery shown by both sides was much stronger than the Youguo Army he had in hand.

He could see that the Xia army was actually unable to defeat the Changzhi army, and it was only because of that lunatic Cai Songyang who fought to the death, took the lead and boosted morale, that he was able to hold off the Changzhi army's offensive.And even so, they were repulsed several times and even retreated in a small area. It was only by the archers on both sides of the street drawing their bows to kill and injure the sergeants of the Changzhi Army who rushed in that they stabilized their position.

"Damn it, don't die, they're all lunatics!" Ma Sixun cursed in a low voice, hiding his uneasiness.

Duan Ning's eyes were shining brightly, if he could command these soldiers across the battlefield, he would be able to show his ambition.

On a high platform temporarily set up farther away, Kou Yanqing frowned.

After attacking for so long, although he had the upper hand and the casualties were smaller than the opponent, he still couldn't defeat the Xia thief, which made him very annoyed.

Xia Bandit has risen for so many years and is used to winning battles. There is always an energy in his chest to support them. He does not accept defeat unless it is a last resort, so he stalks and resists desperately. This type of enemy is what he hates the most.

"If it was a field battle on flat ground, they would have been dealt with long ago." Kou Yanqing snorted coldly.

Hu Zhen was silent, clenched his right hand sometimes and released it sometimes.

After persuading Kou Yanqing to lead his army back to Luoyang, he still had some expectations.As a result, the first thing did not go well. Ma Sixun and Duan Ning never opened the city. This is an attitude in itself.

He hasn't paid much attention to the soldiers in the city—well, even though they are the soldiers he has trained, the Changzhi Army can scare them away by sending a thousand soldiers in an array. The key is that there are still many supplies in the city, which he urgently needs. of.

He still has a lot of plans. After Zhu Youning's troops come, they will also need food and grass supplies. On the Changzhi Army's baggage vehicles, there are only more than [-] dendrobium grains and beans, which is enough for them, but with Zhu Youning's Five thousand soldiers are only needed for half a month.

If Xu Huaiyu ran back some more people, the food and grass would be even more insufficient.But the area around Duji seems to have been searched by the Xia thief, and there are no grains to be found.As a result, the whole army could only retreat southward to supply supplies in the Yiqueguan area.

"Ma Sixun and Duan Ning are all to blame for the current situation in Heluo!" Hu Zhen cursed bitterly, already looking for a scapegoat in his heart.

Kou Yanqing didn't seem to hear Hu Zhen's words, and was still watching the battle carefully.

To be honest, he didn't want to fight anymore.Cai Songyang is indeed a fierce general, and Xia Bandit is not a weakling who can be defeated in one blow.How long will the street fighting last?I'm afraid it will be at least three days.

He felt that there was no three days left to wait, and the current situation could be said to be very dangerous.

Where are the other two summer thieves?


Outside Shazha City, the fierce siege battle has just ended.

Nearly 2 people from the Dingyuan Army and Shaozhou Tutuan villagers took turns to attack. After paying a lot of sacrifices, they finally pulled out the nail that had blocked them for several years.

Hu Zhen and Zhu Youning had a good idea, and they dispatched three thousand Youguo troops and two thousand Tutuan villagers to go eastward, and the remaining two thousand Youguo troops, one thousand guarding Shazha and one thousand guarding Xiban. With the cooperation of Xiangyong, he continued to defend these two places and prevent Xia Jun from entering the Luoshui River Valley.

But there is a saying in the art of war: "If you will leave the army, you can attack it quickly."

Zhu Youning led the people away, although he must have used words to pretend, but do you think the rest of the defenders are stupid?It was interesting enough that they could resist for a while and killed many Xia Jun.

Wrapped in the woolen robe that Shao Shude personally gave Wang Yu, he looked at the corpses all over the floor with some sadness.

He was saddened by the death of Sergeant Dingyuan and Shaozhou Xiangyong, and also by the death of Liang Jun.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, why bother?

This summer, the king's general situation has been achieved, so why bother to cause more casualties?Obedient to God's order, bringing armor to surrender, with Xia Wang's benevolent temperament and broad-mindedness, do you need to worry?If he really has the ability, he will serve King Xia, and in the future he will confer his wife Yinzi and other trivial matters.

King Xia doesn't have too many opinions!

"Give them a hot meal, don't want to be humiliated." Wang Yu pointed to more than a thousand captives in the distance, and ordered.

The news of Zhu Youning leaving quietly was informed by Duan Ning, and then spread to Li Tangbin at a speed of five hundred miles.

As soon as Wang Yu's Dingyuan army retreated to make up for it, they stationed in Xiao County. Upon hearing the news, they immediately dispatched to storm the bandit village.First raid Huixiban, where the will to resist is relatively weak, and then surround Shazha City, capturing and beheading thousands of people in one fell swoop.

After eliminating this bandit army, the three counties of Yongning, Fuchang, and Shou'an have almost no resistance, and they can be taken over by the army.Then collect grain and grass, recruit masters, and go down the Luoshui River to Luoyang.

The whole journey is more than 160 miles, and it can be reached in six days with a normal march, but at this time——

"Shaozhou Xiangyong stayed here to guard the prisoners and escort the food and grass." Wang Yu ordered: "Dingyuan Army, take a short rest and follow me to enter the army. Don't bring your luggage, light soldiers rush in, let's go to Luoyang !"

(End of this chapter)

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