Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 684 Strategic Deception

Chapter 684 Strategic Deception
Liaowu Wharf is undergoing renovation and expansion.

Baiyacang City has also started a new round of expansion in order to be able to store 40 dendrobium grains and beans.There is no doubt that this is a super large warehouse. Although it is not as good as the one million hu large granary in Shan County, it is enough to consume [-] infantry troops for more than four months, which is already very good.

Of course, with more grain stored, security and guarding work must be strengthened.It is certain to recruit the local peasants from various counties for defense all the year round, and the number of people must not be small, and 2000 people are necessary.

During the Yuanhe period, Ziqing Jiedu sent Li Shidao to send thieves to burn down Baiyacang to prevent the imperial court from crusading against Huaixi rebels, which is outrageous.Of course, Li Shidao didn't have a good end, he was defeated and died, his wife Wei was first played by the general Liu Wu, and then brought into the Xianzong harem as a maidservant.

Shao Shude returned to Heyang again.

After walking around Luoyang, he found that the land was barren, with rubble everywhere, and large groups of animals appeared in the wild. They didn't seem to be very afraid of people, and he had a new understanding of the destructive power of Qin Zongquan and Sun Ru.

Of course, this may be because he has not seen the chaos in the last years of other dynasties with his own eyes.In the early years of the Kingdom, the population was even less than ten million. This is a national figure, which makes people speechless.

But even after more than a hundred years of separatist regimes, five generations of continuous fighting, and even the killing and plundering of the Khitan, by the end of the second anniversary, the population of the north alone was 200 million, which was 900 million in the early years of the country. A lot more, let alone 2000 million in the South.

Are the warriors of the Tang Dynasty cruel?certainly.But is it really more cruel than the various princes in the last years of other dynasties? Actually, not.The existence of feudal towns actually artificially created chaotic isolation zones to ensure that the out-of-control situation would not spread without limit and cause too much population loss.

Weibo is actually a quarantine zone artificially established.During the war in Henan Prefecture and Heyang, many people either fled to Shaanxi and Guanzhong, or fled to Xuanwu and Weibo.Especially the people in Heyang, many people fled to Wei Bo, which also created the economic prosperity of Wei Bo - food, cloth, and livestock are wealth, and so are people, because people can create wealth.

Heyang Jiedu envoy Song Le recently wrote to Weizhou, asking him to check out the "clients" in the town and release them.

The so-called "client" is a characteristic of the separatist regime of the Guochao Dynasty, that is, after the fleeing people arrive in a certain place, because they do not exist on the local household registration book, they choose to attach to the local "main household" and become "customers" to make a living.

It is conceivable that the official letter sent by Song Le fell into the sea without any response.No matter how stupid the commander-in-chief is these days, he knows that the people are the source of wealth, the source of soldiers, and the cornerstone of maintaining his wealth. How could he be frightened by your official letter?
"Has there been any movement in Wei Bo recently?" Shao Shude asked in Mengzhou City.

"Yes, the soldiers and horses gathered together to defend Erzhou. I don't know what to do." Song Le said: "Your Majesty should appoint a general as soon as possible to coordinate the troops from all walks of life in Heyang. We have spent a lot of money in Heyang, and we have not yet When it’s time to harvest, don’t let anything happen.”

Song Le just went around the counties.

The Luoyang camp released [-] Tutuan villagers back, of which more than [-] were from Meng and Huai counties, and less than [-] were from the original Shaozhou, which is now a county under the Henan prefecture. After Shaozhou was abolished, Hunan The place that has been called "South Shaozhou" for several years can finally restore its original name.

"Luo Hongxin, do not hesitate to trouble me." Shao Shude was a little annoyed.

It was predictable that Wei Bo would interfere, but when it actually happened, it was still very depressing.

In fact, Shao Shude was originally in a good mood.A few days ago, Liu Jingxuan sent someone to report that the Jinxian temple dweller Jiang Shi had given birth to a son. Shao Shude was overjoyed and ordered everyone in the Jinxian audience, from the temple master and lay monks down to low-level maidservants and middle officials, to be rewarded.

This morning, Zhao Ye, a thousand households of guards and soldiers, came to report, and the princess sent several healthy women and nurses to take the child away.Shao Shude was furious, and immediately dismissed Zhao Ye's thousands of households, and allowed him to stay in the post temporarily to see the effect.

He has lost trust in Liu Jingxuan, so he will be sent away in a few days, and Wang Yanfan, the envoy of the Sixteenth Palace, will be replaced.

I was not in a good mood, and when Wei Bo made small moves again, it immediately made things worse, and I wanted to teach the desperate Wei people a lesson.

"You must not raise your troops in anger." After taking a deep breath, Shao Shude began to think carefully.

The six prefectures of Wei and Bo, the location is very critical, they control multiple crossings of the Yellow River, Tongbian, Yun, and Qing towns, among which Weizhou is the most important to the Xia people, the crossings of Xinxiang and Jixian were repeatedly occupied by them, and then they crossed the south of the river and went down .It's like a public toilet, you can come and go whenever you want.

It is understandable that the Wei people were ashamed and unwilling to take advantage of the military.

"Sir, in the name of the shogunate, you can transfer the ultimatum to Weizhou, please open the Liyang Ferry. After the big river thaws, I want to use this way to attack Huazhou." Shao Shude said suddenly.

Song Le understood immediately, and said with a smile, "Could it be a trick to beat the West?"

Shao Shude smiled and said: "I never use any tricks. If the thief thinks too much, I will make the fake one real. Send a letter first, and Zhu Quanzhong will know."

"As ordered." Song Le cupped his hands and said, "It's just that Heyang has to appoint a general to coordinate military affairs."

"I personally sit in Heyang." Shao Shude said, "In a few days, I will let the Iron Forest Army come back. The most important thing now is spring plowing."

Song Le has nothing to do.


The sky was pouring with rain, which is rare in spring.

In the ruins of Heyang Palace, Shao Shude is sheltering from the rain.

This palace was built by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and was abandoned in the early years of the Kingdom.After 200 years, it is now even more dilapidated than Luoyang City.

However, the foundation site is still there, and it seems that the regulations are very large, and the foundation is also very solid.Yang Guang will still enjoy it!
"In the past two years, the weather has changed. Sometimes it is dry, sometimes it is rainy, and the winter is very cold, and it is longer than before. If the local officials don't care about people's livelihood and the water conservancy falls into disrepair for a long time, the people will suffer a lot." Shao Shude sighed.

An important prelude to the large cycle of climate change is the frequent occurrence of disasters such as rain, snow, and drought.

He remembered that when Huang Chao entered Guanzhong, it snowed in July and August every year, and it snowed heavily.Although the temperature rose quickly after the rain, this change in extreme weather has already explained many things.

Although Shao Shude has been beating Zhu Quanzhong, he actually admires Zhu because they are doing the right thing.

Zhu Quanzhong's "tax reduction" policy lasted for many years, and he tried every means to rent cattle to the people cheaply, and the local people's livelihood recovered very quickly.At the same time, vigorously build water conservancy facilities, dredge the waterway system extending in all directions in Henan, reward the common people for farming and sericulture, develop commerce with Hebei and Jianghuai, and use the advantages of Bianzhou commercial center to collect business taxes and get rich.

He also formed an army that is extremely good at fighting, and wiped out thieves like Huang Chao and Qin Zongquan who harmed the people. The people of Henan built a shrine for him, it was really from the heart.

Zhu Quanzhong's methods, even in the last years of the ancient dynasty, were extremely high-level.

Restoring order, stabilizing production, and developing commerce, everyone knows what to do, but whether it can be done is another matter.It's easier said than done, but it's always the easiest to say what you say.

Zhu Quanzhong killed the Quartet in the land of the Four Wars, but also allowed the people to live with relative dignity, and the population and economy increased significantly. If there is another good son, the two generations will relay and unite the world in the era of the late Tang Dynasty. , is not impossible.

It's a pity that he met a Kansai samurai who was biting him desperately, and his great career was about to collapse.

"Zhu Quanzhong was still building the Pond in Bian and Xuxing during his campaign. I must not be worse than him. The Heyang soldier, after the spring sowing, continued to go up the river. The river was cut and straightened, the channel was dredged and widened, and the Pond was dredged. People are needed for repairs, digging and dredging irrigation canals." Shao Shude turned his head to look at Zhao Guangfeng who was following him on a tour, and said, "From Zhao Sima's point of view, how many years do we have for construction in Heyang?"

"Up to two years." Zhao Guangfeng said without hesitation: "The soldiers of Jin have already gone south, together with the surrendered troops from Youzhou and the Tibetans from the grassland, there are almost a hundred thousand people. I heard that Dingren also sent troops to help. , joined forces with Li Cunxin as a partial division. Lu Wenjin, Shan Keji and others may be hard to resist. Wang Rong panicked and sent people to ask the king to send troops to attack Shangdang. It can be seen that the situation in Hebei is critical and may not be able to give us How long has it been?"

"Is there any connection between Zhu Quanzhong and Li Keyong?" Shao Shude asked.

"There is no connection, but there may be a tacit understanding." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

Shao Shude nodded.

He has ordered the Wuwei Army to march eastward and station at the southern border of Huojia County.The Tielin army participated in two offensives against the southern city of Heyang, and they also withdrew, heading towards Huojia.If you count the more than [-] soldiers of the National Defense Army who are resting there, the Xia army assembled on the border of Weizhou has already exceeded [-], and they can invade Weibo territory at any time.

In addition, the Heyuan Army and the Baoyi Army who escorted the prisoners to Heyang could also be dispatched. This was another [-] to [-] Yamen troops. Would Luo Hongxin ask Zhu Quanzhong for help?
"I want to reset the camp in Huaizhou." Shao Shude blinked and said, "Zhao Sima should know what I want."

"Do you want to show off?" Zhao Guangfeng asked.

"The bigger the better."

It should be Zhao Guangfeng's surrender.As a core staff member, he certainly knew that King Xia's primary goal was always Ruzhou, to be more precise, to annihilate the 3 members of Ding Huisuo who had just served as the Jiedu envoy of the Youguo Army.It would be even better if he could sweep away the six or seven thousand soldiers and horses of the Zhongwu Army led by Yang Shihou.

And in order to avoid interference, maybe you can move in other directions to attract Liang people's attention.

My army is on the scene, threatening Wei Bo to make excuses, will you help?If you don't help, it's hard to say what will happen with the virtue of Wei Bo's gang of soldiers.

I sent people to storm the front line of the revolving door, trying to open up the thoroughfare leading to Zhengzhou. Do you want to increase troops?
In the direction of Puzhou, tens of thousands of horses are galloping, rushing into the hinterland, destroying your farmland for spring plowing, will you fight?

Zhu Yanshou in Huainan is as honest as a quail now. I ordered Zhu Jing in Shouzhou to send a small group of troops across the river to plunder the prefectures and counties. Will you fight?
There is no solution to your passive situation. If you take the risk to gather a large army, take the initiative to attack and use brute force to break through this big net, then I will give you this opportunity. The battlefield will be Heyang and Weibo. , are you coming?

"I will preside over the situation on the Heyang side. Li Tangbin is in charge of the battle in Luoyang. I will also allocate the Jinglue Army to the Luoyang camp. To the west of Xin'an, he has the Jinglue, Tianzhu, and Shunyi armies. To the east of Xin'an, there is Dingyuan The army and Luoyang surrendered troops, how long will he have to take Xin'an? Send someone to remind him. Finish the fight early, and distribute the troops earlier." Shao Shude ordered.

"Of course." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

At the end, he added another sentence: "Pei Jijiu received the news that Bianzhou may send Pang Shigu to take over the situation in Mengzhou and Zhengzhou. Later, he may give him soldiers to cooperate with the Wei people and attack Heyang. Your Majesty must not No defense."

"Let him come, the more soldiers we can attract to the river, the better." Shao Shude said.

(End of this chapter)

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