Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 688 Assembly and "Support"

Chapter 688 Assembly and "Support"

The first army to enter the city was Li Tangbin's old Tianzhu army.

They took control of the whole city with quick movements. The yamen, government treasury, granary, and military barracks are the key targets of care. All personnel are prohibited from entering and leaving. They will not reopen until everything is counted.

Li Tangbin didn't go to the government office, he climbed the city wall immediately, overlooking the west.

That is Xiaohan Valley Road.He spent several years, repeatedly sawing and fighting with the Liang people. I don’t know how many soldiers died in the endless mountains, rivers, and forests. I don’t know how many times I couldn’t sleep at night. I don't know how many times I laughed out loud.

In the end he came to Xin'an and was about to enter Luoyang.

But it doesn't seem very happy.The final victory is not entirely due to his former Heluo Jinglu envoy. The most critical factor may be that after the breakthrough in the Heyang battlefield, he further constituted a threat to Luoyang's flanks.The enemy's defense was overwhelmed, and they were finally defeated.

Gao Renhou's complacent tone in the letter filled Li Tangbin with resentment, the old man is too arrogant!
Hu Zhen was beaming, took Xu Huaiyu's hand, and introduced Xia Jun's generals to him one by one.Xu Huaiyu tried his best to cope with a tired and false smile on his face.

Duan Ning also came over and took the opportunity to get acquainted with various generals.

He has already taken refuge in Feng Wei, the deputy envoy of Dongdu Jiedu, and now he is a seventh-rank Silu to join the army, and he also recommended a military officer, a military officer, and a mansion history, all of whom are from the local Tu nationality in Luoyang, which is not bad. ability.After Feng Wei passed the exam, he felt that they were all cadres with many years of experience and were proficient in their business. They could immediately take care of Luoyang's mess, so they trusted Duan Ning even more.

The speed at which the door was changed made Hu Zhen look a little sideways.Although he wasn't worried that Duan Ning would threaten his status, but how should I put it, I always find this person disliked, and I don't know what's going on.

"Duan Canjun, I heard that you are going to take charge of the army? Congratulations." When passing by Duan Ning, Hu Zhen said with a smile.

"Where?" Duan Ning sighed: "I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I have been familiar with military books. I have always wanted to command soldiers, but these surrendered soldiers have to be handed over to the yamen of the capital coach."

Luoyang surrendered troops, in fact, quite a few.There are only 3000 people here in Xin'an County, and the [-] people in Ma Sixun's department are fully organized, and they are still stationed in the outskirts of Luoyang.It has been heard for a while that they will be replenished with troops, vigorously trained, and then sent to the battlefield.

Duan Ning has already served as the food officer of this army, so it can be seen that this person still has some skills and has opened up many joints.

"There will be a chance." Hu Zhen complimented, and then left.

Duan Ning was flattered, when did Marshal Hu speak so politely?It was right on second thought, now that everyone is an officer of King Xia, their former positions are naturally incomparable, and everything has to start over.

On the fifth day of March, Duan Ning returned to Luoyang with the prisoners.

Ma Sixun looked at these people with envious eyes. He only had 2000 soldiers, and [-] Tutuan peasants would soon be released, so there would only be [-] people, which was really too small.It would be great if you can make up some strength.

Although the war is over, the tense atmosphere in Luoyang has always existed.The reason is also very simple, more and more troops are assembled here.

The Tianxiong army stationed ten miles south of Luoyang, with deep trenches and high fortifications, to guard against the enemy in the direction of Yiqueguan.

The previous war to encircle and wipe out Luoyang soldiers and horses from all walks of life lasted only ten days, and the Ruzhou Liang Army had no time to mobilize a large number of troops to go north.A lot of people came here one after another. According to inquiries, there were more than 2000 people. In addition to the original [-] long straight troops, [-] prefectural and county soldiers, and [-] local peasants, the number of troops exceeded [-].

After Ding Hui served as the envoy of the Youguo Army, he sent him to Ruzhou and organized it into an army.However, Zhu Quanzhong intervened temporarily and sent Zhang Guiba to bring hundreds of Bianliang disciples over to serve as envoys to suppress the troops in Yique Town, commanding the [-] troops and practicing them strictly.Later, five hundred cavalry were given to Yiyi, and the horses were selected from Guangchengze Ranch.This army has a total of [-] cavalry, and is called "Wei Rong Army"—well, this is mocking Shao Shude as "Xi Rong".

Ding Hui has also gotten into some trouble recently, because there are rumors that the former Heyang Jiedu envoy Zhao Keyu sent his confidant servants to sneak into Ruzhou to recruit Ding Hui.

This is true, the Dante Society has sent the envoy's head and secret letter to Bianzhou.But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on, there are still many rumors, but Zhu Quanzhong ordered to praise Ding Hui, which seems to be trustworthy.

The Tianxiong army is stationed outside the pass, which is actually a bit of a small talent.The pressure on Ding Hui was actually very high. He had to guard against Zhe Zongben in Tangzhou, as well as assist Cai and Xu. Last month, he went south to plunder Tangzhou, but was repelled by Zhe Zongben.His soldiers and horses are actually nailed here and cannot move. If they move, the Weisheng army may rush into Ruzhou, and Shao Shude's Hanoi, Luoyang, and Nanyang will be connected.

The second army stationed in Luoyang is the Dingyuan Army.

After Xin'an County surrendered, the Dingyuan Army immediately withdrew back, but it was about to leave again soon, planning to garrison around Zhiyuan Pass.Currently guarding the area is part of the Yumen Army, and the "Red-haired Army" does not belong to the battle order of the Luoyang camp and will soon be rebuilt.

However, according to the plan, the main force of the Dingyuan Army will be stationed in Yanshi County, and will act in a low-key manner without raising a banner.Wang Yu's general flag has already appeared in the Luokou area, let Liang people guess for themselves.

At this time, within the dozens of miles of valley road from Xin'an to Luoyang, the Shunyi and Jinglue armies were also marching towards Luoyang to further complete their troop build-up.The Tianzhu army does not belong to the battle order of the Luoyang camp, so it temporarily stays in the Xin'an area.

Out of the planned eight troops, four of them have already been put in place, with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. No matter how stupid the people of Luoyang are, they know that a big war is coming, and it is normal to be nervous.

"Gather troops to stockpile food all day long, and a big war is about to start. This opportunity must be seized." After the troops were settled, Duan Ning returned home, still out of his mind.

There is no way, the desire to improve is too eager.


In Mengzhou City, Shao Shude received the envoy from Weizhou.

The emissary's name was Yang Li, and he was a close aide of Jiedu envoy Luo Hongxin. He was often involved in confidential matters, so he could still represent the attitude of Luo Hongxin and his son.

"As Yang Suishi said, the towns of Xia and Wei have been friends for many years, and there are constant exchanges of business travelers and scholars. Today, Shi Ren encountered tens of thousands of generals, stationed in the prime minister and Wei, what is the reason?" Sitting at the head of Shao Shude Zhao Guangfeng asked.

Yang Li smiled and said: "Since it's a misunderstanding, why don't we stop our troops? The five counties in Weizhou belong to Weibo. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and they haven't heard of war for many years. If King Xia can restrain his troops and prevent soldiers from crossing the border , The people of Wei are very happy, and they must feel the virtue of King Xia."

"Quan Zhong was able to leave the town of Bianzhou. It was the kindness of the late emperor. Now that the soldiers are self-respecting, and they don't respect the orders of the court, they even cut off their offerings. What kind of thieves do you want?" Zhao Guangfeng said with a righteous face. : "Wei people want to help the tyrant to abuse?"

Yang Li was not angry at all, he still smiled and said, "Who can tell right from wrong?"

"I heard that Wang Rong Jin Jue Queen Zhao, there are many criticisms in the court. They all say that Rong is still young, so he should be named King Zhao. The Wei Boluo family is respectful, loyal and brave. They don't stop making offerings, and they are courteous and corporal, so they can't be kings?" Chen Cheng seemed to suddenly think of it. Something, interjected: "I think about it one day and at night. In today's world, all the towns need to work together and work together. Wei Bo and the six states have always been obedient. When they were fighting against Huaixi's rebels and Zhaoyi Liu Zhen, they repeatedly sent troops to quell the rebellion. , The contribution is great. If the Luo family makes new achievements, it may be promoted to the king of Wei, and the glory of the ancestors."

Yang Li's expression froze when he heard the words, this is a condition.

"Well, the Luo family has donated a lot of property to the imperial court in recent years." As soon as Shao Shude spoke, the audience fell silent.

He cleared his throat, and continued: "I think the Luo family has a good strategy in managing Weizhou. The people are safe and the business travel is prosperous, and everyone praises it. With this achievement, Weizhou may be the world's town. Shi Renyu's generation also wants to be a festival Dushi, isn't it ridiculous?"

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng laughed out loud.

Yang Li also laughed, and said: "Shi Dutou is a veteran general in the town, loyal and loyal, this must be a rumor."

"It should be a rumor." Shao Shude nodded and said, "I'll send someone to Weizhou to ask about it tomorrow."

The smile on Yang Li's face could hardly be maintained anymore.

He knew that although there were conflicts and disagreements within Weizhou, they were still relatively united when it came to the outside world, and they would not be so easily instigated and won over by outsiders. Pass.

Luo Shuai, but he is 62 years old!To put it bluntly, this is the end of life, when a serious illness occurs, most of them will leave.

Luo Shuai had several sons, the eldest son died young, the second son died in the army, the third son was incompetent and did not join the army, only the fourth son had a good grasp of literature and martial arts, and he planned to let him succeed him.

But Weibo is a military election system.Lao Tzu died, but his son may not succeed.If Luo Shuai dies one day, the fourth son Luo Shaowei can only say that he has a relatively large advantage, but as far as the rules are concerned, there is absolutely no such thing as a matter of course.What if the soldiers did not recommend Luo Shaowei, but Shi Renyu instead?How to do?
After more than [-] years of military election system, Wei Bo's officers and men did not accept airborne appointed Jiedu envoys. Only those elected by them are legal, otherwise the military will show you every minute of chaos.

Shi Renyu is a general in the army and has a lot of prestige.Judging from his daily performance, it seems that he is not completely uninterested in the position of Jiedushi.If he intends to join forces, the possibility of success is very high.

If in the past, with the support of Zhu Quanzhong, a great Buddha, Wei Bo's soldiers who were afraid of being beaten would not want to be troublesome, maybe they would let Luo Shaowei be the military governor.But Zhu Quanzhong is like this, how much prestige is there?What if King Xia publicly supported Shi Renyu?what will happen?

Yang Li's thoughts turned and tossed endlessly, but he didn't show any expression on his face. He still smiled and said: "This is a matter in the town, so King Xia doesn't have to worry about it. The whole town of Wei, with hundreds of thousands of armors, all serve as the master of Luo Shuai." .If there are thieves who dare to make trouble, everyone will punish them."

Shao Shude laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, I also support Luo Shuai. After the envoy returns, he will report what happened today, and Luo Shuai must agree."

Yang Li forced a smile.

 I recommend a new book "Ming Zheng Sun Never Sets", interested book lovers can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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