Chapter 691 Luo Nan
How many battlefields were there where Xia and Liang fought?Actually quite a lot.

The front line of Xuanmenguan and Dagu Mountain is a battlefield. At present, more than 2 soldiers from Feilong Army, Kuangwei Army, and Baosheng Army have been gathered.

After a pause for a while, the Jian Rui Army finally began to leave Huazhou and gather in Mengzhou.In the future, we may continue to recruit Tutuan villagers, but I don’t know how many people there are.

It can also be seen from this that the troops Liang Jun can use are really running out, at least the mobile troops have been greatly reduced.It would be very difficult to reorganize the scale of more than [-] people in the battle of Heqing, unless Zhu Quanzhong ignored it and completed his merits in one battle, and this is something that Marshal Shao has always tried his best to avoid.

The second battlefield was in Xu, Su, Cao, Shan, Song, Hua and other states in the east. The strength of the right wing of the Feilong army was not as strong as in the late Qibizhang period, but it still attracted tens of thousands of Yamen from Shi Shucong and Zhu Zhen. Almost the same number of Tutuan Xiangyong.

By the way, Zhu Jin didn't fight anymore, maybe he felt that he had enough robbing, or enough revenge, which made Liang Hanyong quite regretful.

The third battlefield is actually relatively small, mainly in the southeast of Henan Province and the south of Zhengzhou. The remnant of the right wing is dominated by nearly 2000 people, with a total of more than 2000 people. Zhang Guihou, the commander of Tingzi, is the main general. Theoretically, he is under the command of Pang Shigu, but in fact he has strong autonomy.

At present, the Ministry is also recruiting native villagers, and it is estimated that there are no less than [-] people.

As for the battlefield between Ru and Cai, forget it.Zhe Zongben, Zhe Silun and his son are relatively silent this year due to economic reasons, but it is not likely that Dinghui's [-] "Xinyou National Army" will leave.

The small-scale battles never stopped, unless Ding Hui used some tricks to deceive Zhe Zongben, and was able to mobilize troops to leave Yique Pass and go north.But this kind of strategy is destined to be short-term. Once it is discovered, the Weisheng Army and Huaining Army will try their best to rule the people and flee to other places.

In the same way, it is difficult for Yang Shihou to take away the Zhongwu army stationed in Caizhou. At most, a small number of people will be sent north in a short period of time.Or, he ran back to Chenzhou and asked Jiedu envoy Zhao Jue to give him a better army, but this is so difficult.

The Zhongwu army has also consumed a lot in recent years, and most of the goods are supplied to Bianzhou to support the army. The thousands of Chen and Xu have to guard their hometowns. How could they all be given to Yang Shihou? Who is the Jiedushi?
Zhang Guihou is very clear about the current situation.Although Bianzhou is recruiting new soldiers and forming new troops, how can this be formed in a short while?It is impossible to use it this year, and it will be enough next year.The more than 1 troops under his command will be the entire force for a long time to come. It is impossible to increase, but it can only be reduced--Tingdu and Luoyan are all assigned to you, what else do you want?

"Xuyuanguan is relatively peaceful. Xia Thief is very cautious and didn't send out any rangers. Even woodcutters were dispatched in a brigade. Almost no one left orders. We didn't give us a chance to capture prisoners." Dengfeng County Zhao Lin, the envoy of the Po Xia army, said confidently: "According to this, the final general judged that there were few bandits and soldiers, and he didn't want to see the truth for me, so he was careful and hid."

Zhu Hanbin, the commander of the Luoyan Capital, also agreed with him, saying: "Ziyuan Pass is dangerous, and it is difficult to attack. It is better to provoke the thieves, provoke them to fight, and wipe them out in one fell swoop."

Wang Yanzhang, Liu Qi, Du Yanqiu and other middle-level generals frowned when they heard this.

I don't know anything about this, I'm just guessing here, but I'm still confident.They all suspected that it was the Xia people who suffered in the north of Bianzhou city, not that they broke the Xia army.

Zhang Guihou sat there, listening quietly, without saying a word.

He is calculating the strength of the troops at hand.To attack the city and pull out the stronghold, you must not let your elite field troops come, and in the end it will be the peasants of the Shangtuan.These people have to be transferred from the densely populated Bian, Song, Bo and other states, and it will take time to get in place slowly.

Before that, is it necessary to take the initiative to attack?If attacking, in which direction?This is a problem.

"Let's find out the strength of the Xia bandits in Luoyang first." Zhang Guihou patted the table, stopped everyone's words, and said: "The scouts and rangers sent there didn't get any really valuable information. What to do? Also, the scouts suffered so many casualties, I really can't figure it out. Could it be that the Shao thief sent all the martial artists from the palace?"

Zhao Lin, Zhu Hanbin and others all shut up.

In fact, they were also afraid, afraid that these 1 people would encounter the main force of Xia Bandit and confess all of a sudden.The reason why he spoke like this just now is that he doesn't want to be underestimated by others.

"Pu Xia's army, practice hard for me first." Zhang Guihou glanced at Zhao Lin, then cast his eyes on Wang Yanzhang, and said, "General Wang's troops are well-trained, and they are the most thorough."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Du Yanqiu again, and said, "General Du has done a good job, and the sergeant's orders are strict."

"The Po Xia Army has six thousand soldiers, accounting for almost half of our army. When the army was formed, many elite old men were recruited from various ministries. They have experience, and now we want to pass this experience on. The six thousand soldiers are all skilled. , I dare say it is no worse than Xia Bandits' ministries. But when it comes to fighting, is it better than others?" Zhang Guihou finally said: "Train your troops well."

"Of order." Everyone responded in unison.

Zhang Guihou glanced at the map spread out on the table again, Luoyang's name was very prominent, it would be terrible to lose this place!Now it is even more difficult to get it back without knowing the inside story of the thief.

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to do it.Although they are part of the division and cooperate with Pang Shigu's main force's flank force, Zhang Guihou doesn't want to do nothing. If Pang Dutou can attract the Xia thief's main force, surprise troops can rush into Luoyang and launch an attack from the side and rear. Can play the role of the final word.


This spring has had so much rain that it's frightening.

In the west of Luoyang City, the newly repaired barracks were extremely humid.It was raining heavily outside and light rain inside, and the soldiers yelled at each other, angrily accusing someone must have been greedy for money and food, otherwise how could they not even repair the house?
Li Tangbin had just gone to the camp of the Tianxiong Army in the south, and returned after several days of patrolling.

On the way, I received a large pile of letters, most of which were from the Luoyang camp, and there were also official letters copied from the Wangfu and the Shuofang shogunate—in fact, they can be regarded as summary briefings of important information, specially for senior military officers, so that they can keep abreast of them. Dynamics of all parties.

What caught his attention the most was that Xia Sanmu, the capital of the Tielin Army, and Ding Wei, the capital of the Jinglue Army, both returned to Lingzhou to serve as the chief and deputy officers of the newly formed troops.

He also understood the reason for the formation of this army.The Tatars, Uighurs, Dangxiang, and even Miaogas on the prairie did not know whether it was a disaster or some other reason. In the past two years, the frequency of plundering in the south has become higher and higher, and the scale has gradually increased. Therefore, King Xia ordered to stay at the pass The troops in the north were on strict alert, and at the same time ordered the formation of a new army to strengthen the strength of Guanbei.

After the order was expedited to Lingzhou by five hundred miles, the coach of the capital immediately moved the Yamen, formulated a preliminary plan, and sent it to Mengzhou five hundred miles urgently: reorganize [-] mounted infantry as an important force to fight against grassland bandits.

"Xia and Ding have also come forward." Li Tangbin put away the letter and thought to himself.

Among the two, Ding Wei is one of the 50 yuan elders, and Xia Sanmu is a general accepted by King Xia after he arrived in Suizhou. As a military envoy, it can be regarded as a positive result.

And the reorganization and formation of these ten thousand cavalry infantry is also a sign of the continuous expansion of the Xia army.

Almost 25 steps have been ridden, which is in line with today's territory, population, and goods. The burden is a bit heavy, but it is completely bearable.

As long as this force does not make major mistakes, is not defeated in decisive battles, and does not cause civil strife, it will be a matter of time before the world is unified.

"It's time to step up, and give Zhu Quanzhong another blow this year." Li Tangbin thought of Gao Renhou.He was lucky, he led the Heyang Group, went south to take the lead, and was awarded Jiru Jiedu Envoy of the Eastern Capital. If he can annihilate the Ruzhou Dinghui Group again, will he have a chance to go out of the town and become a commander?

Meiji, mansions, and goods are no longer of interest to him. He wants to be a Jiedushi now, even if he is a Jiedushi with limited power like Gao Renhou, this time it may be a very good one. Chance.

After returning to Luoyang, Qi Bizhang, the envoy of the Flying Dragon Army, came to see him.

Li Tangbin breathed a sigh of relief, the ten thousand people under Bi Zhang's command were definitely the most important among the various ministries of the Luoyang camp.

"General Qibi's reputation spreads far and wide in Xuanwu, and I yearn for him." Li Tangbin is serious and doesn't know much about compliments. In fact, he doesn't need to compliment others. It's already a big deal for him to say that now. Words of praise.

"Li Dutou is absurd." Qi Bizhang said with a light smile, "Your Majesty has a strategic strategy and uses his troops like a god. I was just ordered to fight. Fortunately, the soldiers used their lives and made some achievements by chance, which is not worth mentioning. Not worth mentioning."

Li Tangbin was expressionless, noncommittal, and asked instead: "The army went to Heyang?"

"Exactly." Qi Bizhang replied.

When 1 people come back, of course they must be rectified, otherwise who will the troops listen to in the future?Qi Bizhang was mentally prepared for this, this time he brought only a few entourages, went south alone, first went to Luoyang to meet the coach Li Tangbin.

"I received the military report this morning that Liang Ren's navy entered the three cities of Boheyang for the second time and was repelled." Li Tangbin said, "If we can conquer the southern city of Heyang, it will be much easier to fight."

Qi Bizhang listened to him patiently.But unexpectedly, Li Tangbin had nothing to say, and was a little embarrassed for a while.

After a long time, Li Tangbin suddenly asked: "If you have ten thousand people, if you go out of Zhiyuan Pass and go straight to Xuzhou, how sure are you?"

Qi Bizhang's expression changed.This skill is not small, and there are many directions of attack. If you go west, you can outflank the retreat of Dinghui's army, go east, enter Chenzhou, and go north, enter Zheng and Bian, and copy Pang Shigu's retreat.

If you change to the infantry, the speed is too slow, and it is easy for the enemy to resolve it.If you change cavalry, when encountering obstacles on the road, it is also a problem to be unable to attack the fortifications.

When Qi Bizhang met Shao Shude, he didn't know the next stage of the battle plan, so he only asked him to go south to Luoyang and obey Li Tangbin's orders.When I heard about this plan at this time, I suddenly felt that it was similar to the just-concluded Luoyang campaign—the [-] households in Luoyang could not afford to support an army of [-] to [-], and the more than [-] households in Ruzhou could not afford to support the same number of soldiers and horses.

Most of this strategy came from King Xia.

There are 7 people in the Luoyang camp, and Tang Deng Sui's Weisheng Army has more than 2 people. Most of them will also participate, right?On the way he came, he still saw the peasants from various prefectures escorting grain and grass, rushing to Luoyang in the rain.There is no doubt that this is another war with a scale of more than 10 people.

In the Battle of Luoyang, 12 troops forced the Huzhen Group.

In the Battle of Ruzhou, there were more than [-] soldiers and horses, and [-] Dinghui were forced to eat.

Your Majesty's use of troops is really in line with the mysteries of the art of war.One word, steady!

"Dare to ask Dutou, if you go to Xuzhou, can you raise enough food and grass?" Qi Bizhang asked him the most concerned question.

"Nine counties in Xuzhou had a population of 50 during the Tianbao period, not counting hidden households. After Zhu Quanzhong defeated Qin Zongquan, he recovered quickly, and many people who had fled returned. From the time of Zhao Ji, the household registration yellow book was revised every few years. Although I don't know The number, but I estimate that there are still 30 people. If you let go of the robbing, can you still support the ten thousand people of the Feilong Army?" Li Tangbin asked rhetorically.

"Since that's the case, the last general has nothing to hesitate, this time he will definitely destroy the bandit army." Qi Bizhang said with emotion: "I don't know when to send troops?"

"Don't worry, I'll attack Taigu Pass first." Li Tangbin glanced at him and said.

Qi Bizhang was astonished.

Luonan Sanguan, Yique leads to Ru and Deng, Shenyuan leads to Xu and Cai, and Taigu is located between the two, and there is a post road connecting these two roads.What's the point of attacking Taigu instead of going out of Zhuyuan directly into Xuzhou?
(End of this chapter)

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