Chapter 703
The painter sits behind the desk, splashing ink.Soon, a beautiful picture appeared: Xia Wang stood in front of the pass with his sword in his hand, and countless soldiers threw down their armor and weapons, and knelt down to the ground.The soldiers of the Iron Forest Army were mighty and majestic, surrounded by King Xia, ready to start the next battle at any time.

To be honest, this style of painting is very rare in the Tang Dynasty, and the painting skills are not all from the Central Plains, it can be said to be a mixture.

In King Xia's huge team of military officials, the number of painters must not be ignored.Apart from drawing portraits and maps on a daily basis, the most common job is to praise King Xia's great achievements.

No way, King Xia loves this set.Each painting is carefully preserved and intended to be passed on to future generations.People who study art and history in later generations will probably feel dizzy in the face of hundreds of "flattering paintings".

"In the past month after the siege, more than [-] thieves were killed, more than [-] were captured, and the Dingyuan army also captured [-] people. The thieves at Taigu Pass have all been wiped out." Yeli Yulue, An Xiuxiu, Ma Sixun and others stepped forward to congratulate him.

Shao Shude smiled slightly, and said: "This is all the merits of the generals. How to use the army in the future, let Li Du take the lead, and I won't be too stubborn."

Everyone laughed.Xia Wang's hand did not "surrogate for him", it looked more like he came to train the Iron Forest Army.

Since the attack on Taigu Pass, more than 2000 soldiers have been lost, and more than [-] are villagers of Luoyang Tutuan.That group of people has almost collapsed, and once they returned to the army, they were beheaded hundreds of times and suppressed.Now there are still more than [-] soldiers left, all of which were incorporated into Ma Sixun's department. They also lost about a thousand people in the battle, and after reorganization, the number increased to more than [-]. Phase one of the battle is over.

The more than [-] Po Xia soldiers captured in Gaocheng County were also sent to Dengfeng County, and they were being escorted to Luoyang.

Since the start of the second phase of the war, nearly 500 thieves have been killed and about [-] captured. Taiguguan, Dengfeng County, Gaocheng County, and Yangzhai County have been captured. The start is not bad, but I always feel that it has not met expectations.

After thinking about it, Shao Shude might still be overly concerned. Ding Hui's "Xinyou National Army" with 3 people was not wiped out, and he was still not satisfied.

These 3 people, formerly all Xuanwu Yajun, have very good fighting qualities. If they can be wiped out, it will deal a big blow to Zhu Quanzhong, and it will also better disintegrate Liang Jun's will to fight.

Zhao Guangfeng went to the side to meet the surrendered general at Taigu Pass. Chen Cheng observed Shao Shude's expression, and immediately stepped forward and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the battle of Ruzhou is like a broken bamboo. More than ten thousand people will be captured and beheaded. The destruction of Liang is just around the corner."

"It's rolling in the rotten mud pond, and it's like a broken bamboo?" Shao Shude smiled angrily: "In the original plan, the Flying Dragon Army went straight to Xiangcheng, cut off the Rushui and Yingshui shipping, and the Dingyuan and Jinglue armies continued. In short, consolidate this place and tie your pockets firmly. Luoyang Camp, Tang and Deng followed the army to march north and south, constantly squeezing the thieves, and annihilating Dinghui's troops.

Chen Cheng shook his head with a smile, and said: "Your Majesty, you must not treat Liang Jun as a dead person. They have also fought for many years, and they also have outstanding talents. How can they not see through our military strategy? Besides, the sky is not beautiful, and there is no Method."

"How did Zhu Quanzhong deal with it? It's been raining for days, and the scouts can't go far. They don't have any news, so they're in a hurry." Shao Shude frowned.

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to Zhao Guangfeng who was busy.He is the Sima of the palace, and he is in charge of the East and West Pavilions for offering wine, so it seems that we have to ask.

"My lord, General Wang is here." Li Zhong walked over and reported in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Shao Shude immediately stepped forward, held Wang Yu's hand, and said, "Da Lang has been fighting for days, but is he feeling unwell?"

"This bone can still fight for the king." Wang Yu smiled heroically.

Shao Shude looked at his increasingly thin face, and sighed: "The imperial doctor is in Dalang's army, you should pay more attention to your body."

The medicine in this era is like this, and the imperial doctor can't cure many diseases. In fact, he still hasn't figured out what disease Wang Yu is suffering from.

And as the generals who followed him in the early years got older, they would have some problems with their bodies one after another.He's watching closely, too, and so far it looks like everything's going well.

A while ago, he was in the camp of the Tianxiong Army in the north of Yique Pass. When he saw Niu Li, he remembered that he might have died of diabetes in history, but Niu Li was not a big fat man, so he could only tell him to pay attention. up.

"After conquering Taigu Pass, all the troops should take a rest first. Marching on the muddy ground, I'm still wet, and I wouldn't treat the soldiers so harshly. Besides, it would be even more inappropriate to cause an epidemic in the army." Shao Shude and Wang Yu went together Guancheng, said.

He originally wanted to buy wine on Guancheng, but when he thought about Wang Yu's physical condition, he gave up the idea.

"My lord, what do you plan to do with Yiqueguan?" Wang Yu asked.

"Send people to surrender Zhang Guiba, the army should rest for a while." Shao Shude said: "It's raining heavily, and the whale can't swallow it, so let's beat it piecemeal. This time, Ding Hui, if he doesn't die, he will peel off his skin."

Yique Pass is not too far from Taigu Pass, only tens of miles away.What Wei Rongjun, the name is nice, isn't it a patchwork?

The weather is fair, which not only prevented the large-scale advance of the Xia army, but also hindered the retreat of the Youguo army.Of course, it would be even better if they did not retreat and decided to defend Ruzhou to the death.Wait for my more than [-] troops to gather one after another, and devour all [-] of you.


After Ding Hui listened to the opinions of his staff, he became more and more uneasy.

The terrain to the south of Luonan Sanguan is Xiong'er Mountain and Funiu Mountain to the west, Songshan Mountain to the north and east, and Fangcheng Mountain to the south. There is only an opening in the southeast direction, which leads directly to Xuzhou.

There is no need to think about the west side at all, the mountains are continuous and there is no threat.

In the north and east, there are several valley roads, if guarded, there is no big problem.But the tricky thing is that Zhiyuan Pass has been captured by the Xia army in the first month of the lunar year, and now they have come out from here and captured Dengfeng, Gaocheng and other places. The battle at Taigu Pass is fierce, but it is not too optimistic.Yiqueguan is relatively calm.

Alas, the northern defense line, if one point is breached, the overall situation will be corrupted.

After leaving Zhiyuan Pass, if the Xia people had the heart, they would definitely attack Taigu Pass back and forth.After taking this place, either go westward and outflank the south side of Yique Pass, or go diagonally from the mountain path to the foot of Ruzhou City - the latter is unlikely, because it is rainy and slippery on the mountain road, it will make you hungry.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is already very dangerous.

The danger to the south lies in the Valley of Three Crows and Wanye Corridor.Zhezong had already made a big move northward to attack Ye County, and he made it clear that he didn't want them to leave.The Valley of Three Crows is relatively calm, and no enemy troops have yet been attacked.

Seeing his father, Ding Zhichao, the envoy of the Wuzhai soldiers and horses of the Youguo Army, stood up and said, "Grandpa, it's time to fight or go, now it's time to come up with a charter, I think we should go."

"Tell me." Ding Hui sat back, looked at his son with encouraging eyes, and said.

This is his second son.The eldest son Ding Zhihang was held hostage in Bianzhou and was not allowed to leave without authorization.

"The king of Liang has ordered my grandfather to retreat to Chen Xu. There is nothing wrong with withdrawing the army at this time." Ding Zhichao said, "Besides, General Kong has already left Jiacheng. My grandfather has made a decision in his heart. Why doubt it?"

"General Kong" is Kong Qing, who is also a veteran of the Liang army. He has brought five thousand elite soldiers and three thousand peasants from Yingzhou Tutuan, carrying a large amount of luggage, food and grass, and sailed to Xiangcheng by boat to stabilize the rear.After arriving in Xiangcheng, they will go further to Yingqiao and hand over Xiangcheng to the soldiers who came later.

"Ruzhou Foundation, just give up?" Ding Hui asked.

"The foundation of these tens of thousands of people is worthless." Ding Zhichao said with a smile, "If you can't even support [-] yamen troops, and you're still facing the threat of Xia thieves attacking from north to south, it's better to let it go."

Ding Hui then turned his attention to the rest of the people, who were all confidantes and staff, and everyone could speak freely.

"Marshal, what Erlang said is correct, but now it's time to leave." The person who spoke was of special status, not a shogunate official, but he was quite trusted by Ding Hui, and he often asked him for advice.

Well, his name is Zhang Jun.Zhang Xiang, who once drove the saint out of Xiang, hid in Henan because of his old relationship with Zhu Quanzhong. This would be regarded as Ding Hui's personal staff, advising him.

"Mr. Zhang also thinks so?"

"Marshal, it's important to preserve your strength." Zhang Jun didn't say much, but his words hit the point.

Ding Hui nodded slowly.In today's situation, keeping the soldiers on hand is actually more important than keeping the territory.After all, his territory is really bad. His name is Jiedushi of Youguo Army, but he is actually Ruzhou Defense Envoy. There are not many people under his rule, so what's the use of keeping it?

"Marshal, if you stay here, I'm afraid you will be bitten by the Xia thief, and your future is unpredictable."

"Shao Bandit doesn't know how many soldiers and horses he dispatched. If there are [-] troops, it will be really dangerous."

"Let's go now, and most of them can be saved. If it's too late, it will be dangerous."

The aides were chattering, and they all agreed to withdraw as soon as possible, and they didn't want to stay in Ruzhou, a dead place.

Thinking about it, the north and the south are facing each other, and the flying dragon army is still active in the east. It seems to be blocking the way, and the problem is already very serious.If you don't leave, you will really have to stick to Ruzhou and be loyal to King Liang.In the end, most likely choose one between Xin'an Xu Huaiyu and Heyang Huo Cun, anyway it won't be too good.

Ding Hui thought about it silently.

There are [-] Yamen from the Youguo Army at the Three Crows Valley, plus more than [-] Tutuan villagers from Bozhou.If these people don't want to give up, they should withdraw early.They were not besieged by the Xia Thieves, so it was not difficult to retreat, the only obstacle was the muddy road.

Ye County is a bit troublesome.Three thousand government soldiers, plus 3000 local soldiers and horses in Ruzhou, have already been targeted, and most of them will not be able to leave.

There are more than [-] people from Li Renhan's tribe in Linru County, of which [-] are yamen soldiers.This person is a young general that Ding Hui is more optimistic about, so he should be notified as soon as possible.By the way, I brought the horses from the Guangchengze Ranch, although the horses from this ranch have been recruited by the King of Liang, and they went to supplement him with new troops.

Yique Guanzhang returned to Babu, alas, I am powerless, I am afraid it will be difficult.What's more, Ding Hui also had some dark thoughts hidden in his heart, wanting Zhang Guiba to help him attract Xia thief's attention.

Most of the remaining main forces were stationed near Zhoucheng.Recently, the water in Ru has risen sharply, which is good for sailing, and it is still very fast to withdraw.

But no matter how I think about it, I am not reconciled.Thief Shao, destroying my foundation is very hateful!
(End of this chapter)

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