Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 709 Choices on the edge of the cliff

Chapter 709 Choices on the edge of the cliff
After the time entered mid-May, the rain gradually decreased, but the ground was still muddy.After being exposed to the scorching sun, the post road that has been destroyed beyond recognition by carts and people still needs to be rectified, which is very troublesome.

More and more troops entered Ruzhou.

After occupying Liang County, the fastest Shunyi Army went down the river, captured Jiacheng, and advanced further towards Xiangcheng County.

The Weisheng army has taken control of Lushan and Longxing counties, and the siege of Ye County has entered a new stage. It is said that the morale of the Liang army is low, and it should not be able to hold for too long.

Zhu Quanzhong once caused huge casualties to Xia Jun by defending key nodes, and delayed it for several years, but now he has to spit it out one after another.The troops guarding the city's fortress became solitary troops one by one, and surrendered without dying, which caused a great blow to morale.

This is the result of the change in the general trend, and there is no solution.

Qi Bizhang's Flying Dragon Army's left wing originally planned to sneak out and jump to the outside line when the weather was getting clear and the main force of the enemy army had not yet assembled, but Li Tangbin refused.

Li Tangbin only agreed that they would use Yangzhai County as the rear and march forward in the form of infantry to attack and harass the retreating Liang army, as much as they could bite.Once the Liang people showed signs of an army gathering, instead of jumping out, they had to shrink back inside Ruzhou and not fight.

At that time, Gaocheng, Xiangcheng, Jiacheng, Liang, and Linru will give up, and most of the troops will retreat to the vicinity of Luonan Sanguan to lure the main force of the Liang army to chase in.

The Feilong army went south to Tangzhou, detoured and raided the enemy's rear.

This order, Qi Bizhang understands it and must execute it, and if he doesn't understand it, he must execute it.Shao Shude didn't interfere with Li Tangbin, because he wanted Liang Jun's main force to come in even in his dreams.

Ding Hui ran away by boat before, which can be described as extremely fast, and it rained heavily again. The Feilong Army did not play its due role and failed to enclose the tens of thousands of Liang soldiers.It is a pity that the expected encirclement and annihilation battle has turned into a chase and defeat battle.

If the head coach Liang Jun foolishly leads the main force to enter Ruzhou for the second time, it will be Dahao Dinghui, and he will never let them escape this time.And if 10 people can be wiped out in one battle, Zhu Quanzhong's life will enter the countdown.

Well, Liang Ren shouldn't be so stupid, but Shao Shude doesn't mind giving it a try, what if?
Shao Shude has been "working" near Chengze for the past few days—to be precise, hunting during the day and soaking in hot springs at night.

But business has to be done.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Quanzhong can make a big fuss about digging the river." Chen Cheng pointed to the map and said, "The flood has gone to Huazhou and caused hundreds of miles of damage. Hua, Pu, Cao, Yun, Yan, and Qi states are all affected Its harm, scholars and people complained."

Zhu Quanzhong dug some embankments, and the river flowed from south to north, rushing eastward with Huazhou City in between.This fellow has almost turned Huazhou into a sandbar in the middle of the river, surrounded by water towns like Zeguo, which have just receded so far.But how should I put it, Huazhou, which was the most severely affected, has become a yellow mud pond, and Puzhou is not much better. The northern part of Caozhou, most of Yunzhou, part of Yanzhou, and part of Qizhou have all been affected to varying degrees. Drain the accumulated water in the field to see if you can recover some losses.

But no matter what, it is estimated that Huazhou will be miserable this year. Let alone the harvest, it is certain that the grain harvest will be greatly affected.

"The people in many places probably don't know that Zhu Quanzhong ordered the river to be dug." Hu Zhen also said beside him: "Your Majesty, you might as well send people to various towns to publicize it. Let's say that Zhu Quanzhong was so mad that he dug the Yellow River embankment, causing people to die. , Harm thousands of miles."

Shao Shude nodded, and said: "Since Zhu Quanzhong dares to do it, he probably doesn't care anymore. Let's help him, let him face the stink of the wind, people hate ghosts, and renounce virtue."

It is one thing for the Yellow River to burst its embankment under the scour of the flood, but it is another thing to actively dig the river.How can this be something that a serious person with a moral bottom line can do?Shouldn't it be grass bandits who do this kind of thing?No, grass bandits probably wouldn't even do that!Huang Chao and Qin Zongquan didn't dig the Yellow River, Zhu Quanzhong, are you doing human affairs?
Of course, Zhu Quanzhong can argue that this is a "natural breach of the embankment", not man-made.But some things can be hidden for a while, but not for a lifetime, not to mention that there will be people who will help publicize the scandals he has done.People whose downstream interests have been damaged also need an outlet to vent their anger. Zhu Quanzhong will deal with these crap things slowly, and save you from burning out.

"Hurry up and deal with this matter." Shao Shude said: "If Quanzhong can be upset, our attack will be smoother in the future."

All in all, Shao Shude was very interested in anything that could damage Zhu Quanzhong's prestige and reputation.

Is it cool to arrange a small composition for me every day?The saint's concubine almost made me "sleep" all over the place, and even the prince is my seed, so I'll give you a big one this time.

After talking about this, we talked about some things in the south.

There is news from Jiangling Mansion that Li Kan has not seen any guests for many days. It is rumored that Li Kan is bedridden and is dying. Jingnan is afraid of chaos.

What can be done about this?I can only observe closely, and I can't spare too much energy for the time being.If Zhao Kuangning is interested, maybe he can be encouraged to intervene. Anyway, the Zhao family brothers have always been interested in Jiangling.

Liu Jianfeng, the military governor of the Wu'an Army, died and was killed by the chief soldier Chen Lian.

The cause of death was bloody.Chang Zhibing Chen Lan's wife is beautiful, and Liu Jianfeng raped her.Chen Li was furious, and killed Liu Jianfeng with Tie Lao, and then was killed by the generals of the military government.

Those who are long and straight are also on duty for a long time.Liu Jianfeng, the sergeant's wife who played for him as a sentry guard, was also very good.

Dare I ask what King Xia thinks about this?Uh, King Xia thought it was an accident, so he didn't have much to say.If you ask again, Xia Wang will be in a hurry, Mrs. Chu is pregnant, Zhang Quanyi, you have the ability to kill me!
Qizhou actually surrendered to Yang Xingmi!

Huai soldiers besieged Qizhou, General Jia Gongduo led troops from other places into the city of Aidzhou, and the city was as solid as gold.

Yang Xingmi became impatient and felt that Qu Zhang was not capable enough, so he transferred Zhu Yanshou to command.Zhu Yanshou knew that Feng Jingzhang, the governor of Qizhou, and Jia Gongduo, the general of the state, were all Cai thieves, and the key soldiers under him were also from Cai, so they were not easy to fight, so he sent envoys to say surrender, and agreed to marry Feng Jingzhang.

At the same time, Cai Jiangchai, who was in Yang Xingmi's army, used his horse again, and finally persuaded the two of them to return to Nacheng.

Feng Jingzhang of the Yang Xingmi Administration was the left governor of the Huainan shogunate, and Jia Gongduo was the right supervisor of the gate guard general. Qizhou has been in charge since then.

Shao Shude remained silent after reading it.How should I put it, although I know that Qizhou will not be able to withstand the Huai army's offensive sooner or later, but the process of Yang Xingmi's victory is always speechless.

Huangzhou was conquered by Du Hong and surrendered to him voluntarily.Qizhou was won by the villagers' persuasion, and Zhu Yanshou and Feng Jingzhang married their sons and daughters.

Opening up the frontier and expanding the territory, can you still play like this?Shouldn't they fight out with a knife and a gun?
"Chen Changshi, you watch and deal with these bad things, and I want to watch Zhu Quanzhong." Shao Shude said: "I'm afraid that the night will be long and the dream will be full of troubles."


Pang Shigu looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally waited for the food supplies, which were delivered by Xiao Fu himself.

As soon as the food and grass arrived, the army set out and arrived in Xinzheng County on May [-]th.

At this time, the Jianrui army was still marching towards Xinzheng, while the Changjian, Jiama and other troops had left Bianzhou and arrived in Weishi County.

"The thief general Qi Bizhang is very hateful. He attacked suddenly from Yangzhai, intercepted part of the Youguo army's luggage, and captured and beheaded more than [-] people." Pang Shigu sat in the county government office, sneering again and again: "Ding Hui didn't even know he was beaten. What kind of battle, who is arranged to end it?"

"I withdrew from Ruzhou without firing an arrow. Although it was ordered by the King of Liang, the fight was really not good." Zhang Shensi echoed.

Since the defeat in the Battle of Heyang, Zhang Shensi's status in the Liang army has plummeted, and this society has completely become a vassal of Pang Shigu, and he no longer has the prestige of a big boss in the past.

There are quite a lot of people in the Ding Club, but so many soldiers and generals have been lost in the east and west, and only 1000 government soldiers have returned. About 6000 of them have returned. More than [-], the loss is not insignificant.

Tutuan Xiangyong from Ying, Xu, Chen, Song and other prefectures that have been withdrawn have been released one after another.In other words, Ding Hui would only have soldiers in the early [-]s on hand—if the Ye County defenders failed to come back.

"Forget it, the matter has come to this point, there is nothing to say." Pang Shigu was actually very happy to see Ding Hui slumped, but naturally he would not show it on the surface. He only heard him say: "The king ordered me to take Ding Hui out of Xuzhou Now, the Youguo army has already retreated across the Yingshui River, and confronted the bandits and stragglers bravely across the river, but this one has been completed. But—"

Speaking of this, Pang Shigu glanced at Xiao Fu, and said: "Your Majesty also allows me to make decisions on the fly and act cheaply. In this situation, what should I do? Doctor Xiao, do you have a strategy?"

Xiao Fu sighed first when he heard the words, with a frowning look on his face, which made people feel that he was terribly worried about the war.

"Back to Pangdutou, the main force of the Youguo Army is still there, take some time to rectify, and it is still a strong force." Xiao Fu said: "There are 5 generals in the capital, [-] strong soldiers Zhang Yun, and [-] Wang Zhongshi. The rest of the crowd came at night. In this way, the army has broken through [-], of which no less than [-] are capable of fighting. If Chen and Xu recruit another [-] people, they will have an army of more than [-], which is worthy of a battle. The common people of Chen and Xu They are fierce and resistant to battle, and they are not bad in fighting. With such a strong soldier in Pang Dutou, there are many things he can do."

"Doctor Xiao, what do you mean, I should wait until the army is assembled, and send my troops westward to attack Ruzhou?" Pang Shigu asked.

"Of course." Xiao Fu replied: "After the Huazhou River was destroyed, hundreds of miles of fertile fields turned into a watery country. The thief general Liang Hanyong didn't have much place to drive. The pressure on Cao and Su's two camps was not great. Created a great opportunity. This opportunity does not come often, once missed, it is difficult to say when the next time will appear."

"No, Dutou!" Pang Shigu hadn't spoken yet, but Zhang Shensi stood up to dissuade him, and only heard him say: "This is different from the past. After Luonan Sanguan was occupied by thieves, Ruzhou is already dead. , it is easy to be attacked by the Xia people from the north and the south. Ding Hui finally escaped, and now he wants to go in again, what is the reason?"

Pang Shigu nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Xiao Fu immediately handed over his hands and confessed.

"It doesn't matter, Doctor Xiao is also worried about the situation of the battle." Pang Shigu stood up, smiled gently, and said: "Forget it, let's settle down between Chen and Xu. Since the thieves have already captured Ruzhou, it must not be so It's easy to let go, but there will be continuous attacks later. Xu and Cai are the focus of the next stage of management. The thieves will definitely attack, there is no doubt that what we have to do is to limit the thieves within Ruzhou."

"Master Yang's thousands of soldiers and horses, let him go back wherever he came from."

"Let Zhang Yun hurry up, what does it look like to be dawdling!"

"Wang Zhongshi Wei Zhenyun and Yan's long swords are fine soldiers, I have great use, let them not delay."

"The war with the Shao thief is still going on." Pang Shigu said, "I am ashamed of the battle of Heqing, and it may be snowed now."

(End of this chapter)

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