Chapter 714
The counties in Jinjiang have already started the summer harvest.

With the continuous migration of the families of the various troops, the two prefectures of Jinjiang and Jiangxi, which had been harmed by Li Hanzhi for more than half of their population, slowly regained their vitality.The urban and rural areas are densely populated, the sown area of ​​farmland has increased greatly, various commodities have continued to flow in, and the business is also extremely prosperous, even surpassing the Hezhong Mansion next door, and it seems to be the most prosperous area in the vicinity.

What is a little frustrating is that most of the families of sergeants choose to live near the city wall. Even if the land is allocated to them, there are still few willing to plant, unless there are many children in the family and they are adults.

Anyi County is the resettlement place for the family members of the Tianxiong Army. There are more than 1 households, almost all of whom settled in the county seat and near the Longchi Palace, so that a large residential area and commercial area have been formed.

As for the land in the countryside, few people cultivate it themselves. Those who can rent it out to others, and those who can’t just plant some high-yield pasture at will, and then raise livestock, which is somewhat of an income. After all, it would be a pity to be completely abandoned.

The houses where the sergeant's family lived were not very sophisticated and cost little.It seems that they are ready to move again.

A widely circulated rumor is that King Xia will sooner or later abolish the emperor and stand on his own, and then he will have to move, so there is no need to do it too well.

After moving to a new home, the land in Anyi was sold, and the house was sold if it could be sold, and thrown away if it couldn't be sold.At that time, King Xia will redistribute the land for everyone, which is another income.

Zhao Cheng's caravan came back from Heyang with some locally made ironware.

The scale of mines and workshops in Xiuwu County continued to operate stably.Iron with better quality is used to make weapons and armor, and less so to make farm tools.

Farm tools are uniformly purchased by the Heyang shogunate, and then leased to the people, just like those livestock.The purchase money comes from the Jiangzhou Qianjian. Every year, thousands of newly minted copper coins are allocated to purchase [-] pieces of various agricultural tools.

Zhao Cheng was able to pull many iron farm tools from Xiuwu not only because of his relationship, but in fact he had already invested in a small workshop in Xiuwu County, specializing in making farm tools.

Of course, the Heyang shogunate does not want to see iron farm tools flow out of the local area, but they are not very good at stopping a well-established businessman like Zhao Cheng. In addition, Zhao's business is also selling livestock from other places to Heyang, and it is even more difficult to turn their faces. up.In the end, he had no choice but to give up and let him be dragged to Jinjiang.

"Why are Xiuwu Iron Weapons so cheap?"

"I heard that it uses coal to make iron."

"King Xia does not call coal, but coal."

"What do you care about me? Isn't coal-fired iron thin and brittle? This iron is not bad."

"It must be that Xiuwu Coal is a little bit different, it's not the same."

"Whatever, I bought them all."

In just one afternoon, the iron wares brought by Zhao Cheng were sold out in Anyifang City.He went to the Yamen of the liquidation bank to change a few silver bills, and then left.

When the lights first came on, the streets and alleys near Longchi Palace were already extremely lively.

Because there is no city wall, there is naturally no curfew.Those who live here are either the palace, the shogunate officials, or the families of soldiers. They have all the money to spend. Even after nightfall, places like wine shops are still overcrowded.

The post station is also a very lively place, Zhao Chengxian is extremely bored, drinking tea in the yard with the businessman who lives here.

At the beginning, everyone talked about things like this year’s rain and harvest, but later they turned to business classics. They talked about the fact that the number of local livestock would increase year by year every time King Xia visited. Mai Pingping's agricultural activities, so livestock trading is booming every year.

Someone listened for a long time, but couldn't stand it any longer, and interjected, "Do you know that Dong Chang of Yue Prefecture has proclaimed himself emperor?"

The arena was silent.

Zhao Cheng glanced at it, and found that it was a young You Xueshi, his accent should be from Guanzhong, he was quite friendly, and he knew it right away.

"Dong Chang is a clown who doesn't know how to live or die. What can I say?" Someone laughed and said, "How many soldiers does he have?"

"Indeed." The young scholar nodded and said, "But now there is a man with a territory and troops far superior to Dong Chang, will he be called emperor?"

No one in the courtyard spoke anymore. Is this guy out of righteous indignation, or drunk from drinking tea?
Zhao Cheng coughed, and said: "Nowadays, the world is in turmoil. How many years have Helong, Guanzhong, Guanbei, and Jinshang been stable? The emperor of the Li family can't be sympathetic to the good people, so can he stop others from protecting the people? There are merchants and customers, and the business has been doing well these years, right?"

"It's really good. I was locked up in Fangshi for a few days, and everyone finished the business together and went home. King Xia got a silver dollar out. If you want me to say, we merchants should set up a shrine for him." Someone said .

Well, the words are a bit nasty, but everyone understands the meaning and has a deep understanding.

During the exposition, the transactions were closed behind closed doors, and virtual standard silver dollars were used to keep accounts. It was convenient for them to trade, and it was also convenient for the government to collect taxes. Everyone saved a lot of trouble.

Many businesses that were not done before are now done, and the scale of everyone's business has generally expanded.

Not to mention, it also opened up the Silk Road trade with the Western Regions, and there are many beneficiaries.

"It should be given to Xia Wang Lisheng Temple." A Jia Ke with a strong Sichuan accent and the appearance of a Hu merchant said: "Last year I sold a batch of incense medicine in Anyifang City, and I had a few silver dollars left, so I took the ticket and left. This year, I have a ticket Entering the market, it can still be used, King Xia's reputation is nothing to say."

"If King Xia proclaims himself emperor, I support it." Someone put down the tea bowl and said without hesitation.

"I also support it. This world should change." Another person said.

The young scholar was dumbfounded.

He provoked the conversation, just wanting to complain and win others' approval and support.But the development of the matter was beyond his expectation. How could the merchant be so shameless that he actually supported the change of dynasty?Do you want to give Xia Wang Lisheng Temple?Is it enshrined as one of the ancestors of your business?
"" The young scholar stammered and said, "The Great Tang Dynasty has been in existence for more than two hundred years, and the hearts of the people want it."

As soon as he said this, the merchants all laughed.

They have traveled far and wide, and they are well-informed. Many of them are armed merchants, daring to fight and fight hard, and have a comprehensive understanding of the situation in the world.In today's Tang Dynasty, either the king of Xia is proclaimed holy, or the king of Liang is proclaimed emperor, or there are many people and each emperor is proclaimed lonely and widowed, there will be no other ending.

Tang Shi, of course, still has people's hearts, but it's just a habit.For example, people are used to going to Chang'an for examinations, used to send important case files to the Chang'an Criminal Department, used to send music craftsmen to be on duty in Beijing, and used to make confessions...

But these things are slowly changing.

This world is very different from ten years ago.Ten years later, it will definitely be very different from today, there is no doubt about it.

Zhao Cheng didn't laugh, but observed closely and thought silently.

If King Xia proclaims himself emperor, there should be no opposition from the merchant class in Kansai.They are rich, well-connected, knowledgeable, and have private soldiers, and their strength should not be underestimated.

After so many years of operating in Kansai, the merchants have benefited greatly from it, and King Xia finally got his reward, which is gratifying.


On the second day, Zhao Cheng was called into Longchi Palace.

Female Shi Zhao Shu led him in, and then withdrew.

Zhao Cheng politely saluted and said goodbye.

Zhao Shu is Zhao Jian's granddaughter. She used to be a maid in the county prince's mansion, but now she is a maid of the Longchi palace, working under Mrs. Shang Feng.Strictly speaking, Zhao Jian and the Zhao family in Qinzhou can only be said to have a relationship, not really relatives.

But as the so-called wealth is known in the deep mountains, the Zhao family in Tianshui has developed, and the branches of the Zhao family from all over the country have come to climb. This is a very normal thing.

Zhao Guangfeng's family has lived in Jingzhao Mansion for several generations, and has basically lost contact with the Zhao family in Qinzhou.At the beginning, when she came to power, it was not because of the support of "Concubine Zhao". Everyone described their seniority, and they were all relatives. Hello, hello, hello everyone.

"Coming?" The meeting place was the Martial Arts Field. Shao Shude was shirtless and had just finished practicing martial arts. Seeing Zhao Cheng coming in, he was not in a hurry to change, so he asked casually.

This is treating you as one of his own, of course Zhao Cheng understands, he quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Sit down." Shao Shude said.

Shangfu Pei carefully wiped away Shao Shude's sweat, while Nv Shi stood aside, not daring to help.

"Chen Xu Zhao family, can you make a relationship with them?" Shao Shude asked.

Pei's lady is too understanding, too good at it, when she is working, she often exposes her white and deep chest, panting faintly, and her technique is more like flirting than wiping.

This woman!After serving for a few years, she has already given birth to two children. According to this situation, the third one is not far away.

"Your Majesty, Chen Xu and the Zhao family left when Qinzhou was captured by the Tibetans. After recovering Qinzhou during the Dazhong period, Zhao Shuwen, the father of Zhao Ji, sent people back to Qinzhou to talk about Xu Zongyi, and then broke contact. " Zhao Cheng replied: "Chen Xu and the Zhao family made their fortunes through military exploits. Zhao Ji's great-grandfather, Zhao Bin, became the general of the Zhongwu Army. His son Zhao Yingqi, grandson Zhao Shuwen, and great-grandson Zhao Ji are the three brothers of Chen Xu. A certain person checked Tianshui The genealogy of the old house did not include the Chen, Xu and Zhao family, and I don't know what happened more than a hundred years ago."

"I have a heart." Shao Shude praised.

It is normal that the Chenxu Zhao family, the Jingzhao Zhao family, and the Binzhou Zhao family are not listed.The family has been separated, and no one knows anyone. If it weren't for Gu Nian's ancestor, Zhao Shuwen, Zhao Ji's father, might not have returned to Qinzhou to visit.

"Secretly send people to Xuzhou to make connections." Shao Shude said: "There can't be two Zhaos in one pen. They are both descendants of the ancestors of Tianshui. The family has only been separated for more than a hundred years. Let's talk about the friendship of the clan. Make a line of genealogy, it's all one family. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Zhao Cheng bowed in response.

"If Zhao Jue votes for me, the Zhao family will still serve as the military envoy of the Zhongwu Army in Xuzhou." Shao Shude promised: "What you say will be true."

"Loyal and fierce soldier, he has fought with Cai thief for many years, and is famous all over the world. If you can help me defeat Quanzhong, there will be greater wealth." Shao Shude said again: "The matter should be kept secret. I guess Xuzhou is not easy to enter now. , think of a way, I will ask Zhao Guangfeng to assist you."

"As ordered." Zhao Cheng responded, "Quanzhong digging a river is like digging a tomb. All people of insight scold and ridicule. Even those who are loyal to Quanzhong sigh with regret, which is a mistake. With such people's support, Zhao Jue Make your own choice."

Shao Shude smiled and said: "It is indeed useful to have people's support. However, if the soldiers hadn't fought bravely and beaten Liang Jun to the ground, the people's hearts would have been the same. Do it well, the Zhao family's wealth is indispensable. of."

(End of this chapter)

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