Chapter 722 Elders (addition to leader Li Renjun)

After entering Suizhou, it was already the first ten days of August, and the weather suddenly became cold.

Suizhou built the Xinzhou Yamen, and the old Yamen Office was empty there, and it was cleaned regularly.

When the cock crowed, Shao Shude woke up, holding Zhao Yu's smooth and delicate body in his arms.

Reliving old dreams, nothing more.

16 years ago, the ambitious little army leader had a home for the first time with the woman he captured.

After 16 years of ups and downs, where are Xia Sui's romantic figures now?
Zhuge Shuang died of his life, and passed away with a little satisfaction and a smile.

The Tuoba family in Youzhou has been wiped out, and now only Tuoba Sijing, who is very old, is working hard with his nephew and nephew.

Linghu Jing, Zhou Rong and other generals of the Xiazhou Yamen passed away a long time ago, and the old general Pei of Yinzhou also died well.

Yang Yue from Yudole City is always strong and strong, but he is also approaching the twilight years of his life.

The turbulent Guanbei has changed the fate of many people.Some people rise like the morning sun, some fall like a shooting star, and more people are unknown, living their inconspicuous but extremely cherished peaceful life.

Zhao Yu let the man play tricks on her chest, and she probably remembered a lot of past events.

"I was on this bed back then. Every time I woke up and saw you sleeping next to me, I felt that this world is not so bad."

"It was in this room back then, I was going to Xiazhou to meet Zhuge Shuang, Yuniang, you choose a gift for me."

"It was here back then, Yu Niang, you taught me the format of official letters and wrote countless forms for me."

"Life is like a dream, and the years are ruthless. It has been 16 years, Yu Niang, you are still by my side, it is very good."

Zhao Yu was a little dazed, but also seemed to be a little enlightened.The man around her may be fascinated by her not only because of her beauty, but also represents a lot of deeper things.

But so what?Can you tell the difference between people and things during those years we walked together?Is it necessary to distinguish?

She hugged Shao Shude lightly, bit his ear, and said, "I don't regret it."

If it weren't for the voices of people gradually sounding outside, it would almost be the thunder that set off the fire again.

"Last night?" After getting up, Shao Shude hesitated.

Zhao Yu gently changed Shao Shude's clothes, and said softly, "I'm not that old. After so many years, life is already perfect, so what if I give birth to a child for you."

"From now on, call me Mr. Lang, and don't call me Dawang anymore."

Zhao Yu smiled but didn't respond.She is not an insatiable woman, the princess is a good person, and a good person should not be hurt.

After washing and eating, the two went out, got into the carriage, and headed towards the west of the city.

After the carriage traveled for two miles, Ye Li Kecheng in silver armor leaned over and said, "Your Majesty, you've arrived."

Shao Shude hummed, and took Zhao Yu's hand to get out of the carriage.

Countless tents have been set up outside Meng Tian's tomb, and the Dangxiangbu people who came from Hengshan are busy.

The soldiers of the Tielin Army also set up camps on the banks of the Dali River (Dali River).

Yeli Jingchen, who hadn't seen him for many years, also came, bringing many nephews with him.

"Your Majesty hasn't returned to Lingzhou for many years, and the elders miss you very much." Yeli Jingchen said with a smile.

"Doctor Yeli's body is still very strong." Shao Shude said with a smile.

Yeli Jingchen is actually only in his early fifties, but the life expectancy of the Tibetans is like this, life is hard, and they are already dying.However, Ye Lishi is rich and honored now, and after recuperating, he may be able to live for a few more years, it depends on his good fortune.

"That old bastard who didn't hide Qingxiang is not dead, so I can't die." Nori Jingchen said with a smile.

After all, let the disciples of the Yeli family behind him come forward together and salute Shao Shude.

"Your Majesty fights against the country, and the Yeli family does not bleed. How can they enjoy wealth with peace of mind? They are all good men, and their martial arts skills are not bad. Let's go out with the King this time." Yeli Jingchen pointed to those children and said.

"Okay!" Shao Shude looked at these Hengshan children who were generally between fifteen and twenty years old, and said with emotion: "If Lingxia's elders are so generous and brave to fight, why should I be afraid? These sons, follow me first Going north, if there is a shortage in the Heizhu and Jindao armies, they will be filled in. From now on, as long as you fight hard, you will be rich and rich."

Yeli Jingchen turned his attention to his grandson Yeli Kecheng again.

To be honest, he and this grandson are not very close because they don't have much time to see each other.Most of the time, Ye Like lived in the Xia Palace, and he was almost his half-adopted son.

Yeli's family business now seems to have no choice but to pass it on to Yeli Yulue and Yeli Kecheng father and son.Perhaps this is not bad, if King Xia seizes the world, this will be the starting point for the prosperity of the Ye Li family, but he may not be able to see this day.

On the sixth day of August, the army continued to march northward, and arrived at Rulin County, Lisuo, Yinzhou on the [-]th.

Before entering the city, the farmers on both sides of the post road who were harvesting corn and wheat fell to the ground one after another.

Regardless of the dissuasion of his soldiers, Shao Shude walked to the side of the road, helped the farmers one by one, and said, "They are all the elders of Guanbei, so there is no need to do so."

"But the King of Lingwu County?" An old man squinted his eyes and carefully discerned.

"Master Zhang knows me?" Shao Shude asked.

"I don't know." The old man replied.

Shao Shude smiled, and said: "I am the king of Lingwu County. The elders of Yinzhou have transferred food and pay for many years, and their children have joined the army. They have helped me a lot."

The old man hesitated to speak.

Shao Shude wondered: "What's the matter with Mr. Zhang? Let me tell you. As long as I can do it, I will solve it for you today."

This old man looks to be in his sixties or seventies, but his real age may be in his early fifties.It is not uncommon for farmers to work hard and look old.

"Your Majesty, help me find Brother Wang Quan. I and others are all from the same village in Yunzhou. Back then, we rebelled against King Huang, fought in the South and North, and were captured and then moved to Yinzhou, where we took root. Later, we fought Tuoba with the King. Sigong has been living in Yinzhou Township since the beating was over." The old man said: "He took his wife and children to Huizhou many years ago, and there is no news of him, and he does not know whether he is dead or alive."

Shao Shude called the official and asked, "Who is Wang Quan?"

The civil servants were also confused, maybe only Chen Changshi knew about this, but he went to Lingzhou, where can he find anyone now.

After many inquiries, someone finally checked the files, found some useful information, and came forward to report: "Your Majesty, Wang Quan lives in Kushui Township, Dingxi County, Huizhou. The eldest son, Wang Jiao, served as a general in the Baoyi Army, and is currently stationed in Huojia County to confront the Wei Army. The second and third sons are all studying Confucian classics in the prefecture and county, and the family has one hectare of land and twenty acres of garden."

After hearing this, the old man was overjoyed, and turned around and shouted: "Brother Wang Quan is still alive, what kind of bullshit commander in Huizhou is he?

"Wang Quan can also be a commander? God has no eyes."

"Is the cheap son filial?"

"This dog, I've been worrying about him for ten years, but I haven't heard from him at all. I didn't expect him to look like a dog."

Several farmers in their 50s and [-]s, with half of their beards white, shouted one after another, their words were vulgar, but their expressions were cheerful.

Shao Shude also had a good heart, and he directly ordered his soldiers to bring the cases over, and set out the melon, fruit and wine utensils, saying: "How can I be without wine after hearing news from my old friend? You all have meritorious service in the war against Tuoba Sigong. People, why not drink together."

A few people looked at me and I looked at you, heartbroken, walked over and sat on the ground.

Shao Shude personally poured wine for them, then picked up the wine bowl, and said, "I haven't been back for many years, and I'm very happy to see the elders in Guanbei, so let's do it first as a respect."

Everyone drank one after another, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic.

On the post road not far away, the army with bright armor kept walking and continued to go north.

Not far away, a group of nobles and purples looked at each other and waited quietly.

The flowery court lady came over, holding a wine jug, and poured the wine lightly.

"I dare not have Princess Lao." Everyone humbly said.

Shang Gong and Xiao's face blushed, and he retreated silently.

"Back then I led troops from Suizhou to Chang'an, fought bravely, and earned back such a beautiful woman, how about it?" Everyone is drunk when wine is not intoxicating. Shao Shude even drank a few bowls of wine, and he was already slightly tipsy, and his mouth was not clear. lock the door.

Xiao's face turned even redder. Last night King Xia fought bravely on her body for a long time.

"When I fought against the Yellow King, those..." Someone's expression was lost in memory.

"Zhang Dahei, why do you still bring up those stupid things?" Someone scolded.

Shao Shude smiled lightly, they were all veterans of the Chao army who had fought for many years, and maybe there were also low-level officers, no wonder they were so courageous.

"My lord, it's getting late." Li Zhong approached and said in a low voice.

When everyone heard this, they got up one after another and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift of wine."

"I'll come back and have a drink with the elders when I've made a big deal." Shao Shude also stood up, looking at the setting sun in the distance, said.

The princess folded the fragrance and lowered the curtains of the carriage.

As soon as he returned to Guanbei, the husband became a little emotional.Sitting on the ground with farmers and drinking fine wine may seem absurd, but word of mouth is not a bad thing.

Every move of a big man, even if he does it rashly, may be political.The Guanbei fathers are the most powerful supporters of your husband. With them, anyone who wants to make trouble or attack will have to weigh it.

The carriage rattled and continued on its way.

That night, Shao Shude arrived in Yinzhou and stayed in the city.

Wuzang Qingxiang took [-] Dangxiang children to camp on the other side of the Wuding River. After hearing the news, they crossed the river overnight.

Shao Shude explained to them ahead of time.This time going north, chiefs from eight tribes, Yinshan Five, Dijinzeweicai, Hengshan Yeli, and Mozang, will all be present, because Shao Shude will meet at Fuyundui Temple.

The Fuyundui Temple is one of the most important totems of the Turkic people. The alliance here is of great significance, so I dare not neglect it.

And on this day, Li Keyong also left Jinyang with an army of tens of thousands, and headed north to Yunzhou.

He was so close, there was no need to set off so early, and it was still very early before the agreed approximate time.But he is a person who can't stay idle, and the situation in Yunzhou Grassland has not been very peaceful in the past two years. It is not a bad thing to arrive early and take advantage of the situation.

Also on this day, Zhu Yanshou personally supervised the soldiers and horses of the four prefectures of Lu, He, Chu, and Hao, and entered Shouzhou westward, intending to avenge his shame.

Qu Zhang and Liu Cun led troops from Huang, Qi, and Shu states to attack Anzhou in a threatening manner.

The situation in various places is turbulent, and it is simply a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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