Chapter 725 Fuyundui Shrine

The Dongshoujiang City was basically a barren place when troops were sent to fight against Li Guochang and his son in the early years, with little population.But now it has been changed to Yunzhong County for several years, and the household registration has increased considerably.

The source of the new immigrants is mainly the registered households of the Heyu Party, plus some Liangzhou Tubo, Shudi, and Hezhong private households. The sum of the four accounted for more than [-]%.

"Feng and Sheng prefectures, if we talk about farming, the conditions in Sheng prefecture are actually better. There is nothing else but the terrain." Liang Zhixia, governor of Sheng prefecture, talked eloquently: "After the ditches were excavated, there were so many artesian canals that there was no need for water trucks to lift water, so Good luck."

The wheat in the field has been harvested, and the birds soar in the sky, falling into the field from time to time, pecking at the wheat grains scattered by the farmers.

There are some cow stalls beside the fields, and some women are feeding the cows with chopped straw.

Generally speaking, wheat stalks are not good fodder. These farmers are really saving too much. Even though they have grown a lot of grass at home, they are still reluctant to waste it.

Shengzhou has jurisdiction over five counties, namely Jinhe (Zhenwu Army City), Yunzhong (East Surrender City), Yulin, Hebin, and Anbei (Central Surrender City). Today, there are about 33000 households and more than 17 people, including military families. Including the farm, 9200 hectares of farmland have been developed.Generally speaking, the conflict between man and earth is not prominent at all, and it can even be said that there is no conflict between man and land, and the lives of ordinary people are relatively affluent.

Yinshan is probably the limit that farming civilization can advance northward.

The reason why it is called the limit is because it is often impossible to hold on here.In the Qin and Han dynasties, there were frequent large-scale immigrants to fill these wastelands, but they always fell in the end.

After the Liangshi capital was leveled in the early years of the Kingdom, almost all the people in Henan (Feng and Sheng) were moved to Lingzhou and Xiazhou due to several wars with the Turks, causing huge damage to the local area.It wasn't until Zhongzong Jinglong's reign that the three surrendered cities were built, that they had a stable rule over the local area, and it was no longer a frontier wasteland dedicated to resettling Turks and descendants of the nine surnames of Zhaowu.

After the death of Tubo, the land of Guanbei was finally peaceful.The Tiande Army and the Zhenwu Army are located here. Although there are not many soldiers, their combat effectiveness is not weak. In addition, the grasslands have no powerful forces, and they have been developing steadily.

After Shao Shude took control of Guanbei, among Fengzhou and Shengzhou, Shengzhou was built first.Over the past ten years, painstaking efforts and vigorous emigration have finally paid off.

"Your talent, I knew all about it when I stabbed Shao." Shao Shude said, "Shaozhou's poor background has been dragged by you. Shengzhou has already been on the right track, and I will wait for the good news."

There are more than 3 households in Shengzhou, and there is still a shortage of cattle and sheep.The agricultural production model of the three-crop rotation system has really high requirements for start-up capital (livestock). After so many years of hard work, the number of livestock in Lingzhou has not yet fully met the standard, let alone other places.Still need to work hard.

There are still martial arts lectures in the wilderness of Yunzhong County.

A total of [-] Hengshan Dangxiang Dingzhuang also participated.They are mainly infantry, and apart from their brute strength, they don't practice much formation on weekdays, so it's time to learn and improve.

Zhe Siyu's cavalry army of [-] people practiced various tactical changes during the charge.

In the past few years, they have been suppressing the rebellion in various places, and their main opponents are the grassland tribes. They have been famous from Shaqi to Qingtang.

Their equipment and tactics are also most suitable for fighting on the grassland.Going to the Central Plains to face those tough infantry, you can't use your strengths.

"How about the Tibetan tribe in Shengzhou?" Shao Shude asked.

Of course he knew something about the situation in the Fan tribe, but that was reported by Yang Jue.There are the Qibi Department and the Zangcai Department on the boundary of Shengzhou. Although they belong to two systems with the registered households, there must be intersections on weekdays. It is impossible for Feng and Sheng local officials not to understand at all.

"From my point of view, there are more and more people learning to farm the land from the Qibi Department of Bai Daochuan. Now we can't talk about nomads." After thinking for a while, Liang Zhixia said: "The Ministry of Tibetan Talents is still mainly nomadic. The more we developed to the north of the mountain, we fought with the Hunbu for pastures, and the dispute went to Yang Taibao, and in the end they each hit [-] boards and fined some of them, their cattle and sheep."

"What about the training situation?" Shao Shude asked again.

"It's pretty hardworking." Liang Zhixia replied.

"Then why is it so hard to expel the Tatars?" Shao Shude was puzzled.

Liang Zhixia is silent.why?I haven't done anything for many years, and I'm pampered and spoiled.In the Central Plains, there were successive wars, and young men were repeatedly transferred, and the losses were not a lot, which was caused by various reasons.

"The time for the assassination to win the state is still short, and these are all heard when chatting with colleagues, so they can't be done accurately. If your king wants to know, you can call them here." Liang Zhixia replied.

"Okay, when I return, I'll meet the princes of Shengzhou." Shao Shude said.

The native peasants of the Han people need to be trained, and of course the herdsmen of the Tibetans also need to be trained.Now it seems that both the Fan and the Han have a prominent problem, that is, the states, counties and tribes that have been at peace for a long time, their hometowns cannot fight.

Still less blood!

On August 29th of the third year of Qianning, Shao Shude left Yunzhong County, and under the protection of more than [-] soldiers from the three armies of Tielin, Heidao, and Jindao, he went westward along the north bank of the Yellow River.

More than [-] cavalry troops, Hengshan Fanbu, and Zhuzhou Tutuan villagers marched westward along the south bank of the Yellow River.

On the big river, the transport boats came and went, the flow was endless, and the atmosphere was already very tense.


"The king is here!" The scout rushed back quickly and roared.

In the east of Anbei County, Yang Yu led Qibi, Zangcai, Geshu, Zhuanglang, Hun, Weicai and more than a hundred people from the Shaqi tribes to stand on the left side of the road and greet them respectfully.

On the distant horizon, smoke and dust billowed, and hooves sounded like thunder.

Everyone looked around and saw more than a thousand knights galloping towards them from far to near.

After arriving at the ground, they got off their horses and moved in unison.

The auxiliary soldiers came to lead the horses, and the soldiers put on their armor and held their spears, and quickly formed a formation.

Immediately there was a commotion from the Fan people, everyone stared at their team with bright armor, guessing endlessly.

Soon, another thousand riders arrived.

It is still proficient in dismounting, collecting horses, and arraying.

Thousands of infantry put on iron armor, carried heavy swords and mo knives on their backs, and held crossbows, looking forward to their heroes.

Others don't know, but Yang Jue knows it well, this should be the newly established Second Army of Heidi and Golden Sword.

He heard that the backbone was a surrendered soldier, but it seemed that morale was not low, which surprised him a bit.

These 2000 people are undoubtedly here to fight the front, and at the same time, they are also a deterrent to the Hetao tribes under the rule of the Duhufu.Let them see if the soldiers in their tribe can compare with these murderous professional warriors.

"Quiet." Yang Jue coughed and stopped the whispering of the chieftains.

He has been in office for many years, and his prestige is still enough.With just this, everyone shut up and stared carefully at the two thousand mounted infantrymen.

The sergeant is very elite, and the armor is also good.Seeing the indifferent look on their faces, well, they are also ruthless people who have rolled among the dead more than once, so don't provoke them if you have nothing to do.

Some chieftains secretly compared the young men in the tribe with them, and the results were frustrating.

Ordinary herdsmen must not be able to do them, and only the best of them will do.There are still many people in the Central Plains, even if you pick one out of a hundred, the number of elite soldiers selected is more than the sum of men, women and children of all the tribes in Hetao.

King Xia was right to attack the Central Plains. Eating sand in the grassland has no future.In the past, everyone always thought that the Duhu Mansion smoked too much, and there were too many dead people. Now it seems that people don't like your crookedness at all.

A bigger cloud of smoke billowed in the distance.

Yang Juan's originally relaxed body tightened suddenly, his torso stood upright, he looked eastward, and stood with a smile on his face.

The chiefs made a stir, pushed and squeezed, arranged their seats, and stood behind Yang Jue.

Thousands of riders arrived with smoke and dust.

Shao Shude reined in his horse and glanced at the people who were welcoming him.

Front, back, left and right are all the cavalry belonging to the Left Wing Army of the Iron Forest Army, a total of [-] cavalry, covering the mountains and plains on the grassland, boundless.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Yang Jue led all the chiefs to salute.

"It's been a long time since I saw you all." Shao Shude got off his horse and smiled gently.

"Your Majesty has won consecutive battles and is powerful in the Central Plains. Even if we are in Yinshan Mountain, we are fascinated by it." Yang Jue laughed.

"Khan is about to unify the Central Plains, and it's time to take care of the clowns on the grassland."

"The Tatars are really hateful, when will we send troops to fight against them?"

"This year, the number of merchants from the west has come less, and it is obvious that they have been looted enough."

"I'm afraid I won't fight those thieves this time."

"Quiet." Yang Jue roared again, and everyone shut up again.

"Of course there will be a conquest against Tatar, but not now." Shao Shude smiled, and said, "Is the Fuyundui Temple all ready?"

This question was asked by Yang Jue.As the Deputy Protector of Zhenbei and Shao Shude's agent on the grassland, he is in charge of everything here.

"Go back to your Majesty, everything is ready." Yang Jue replied.

"Then don't delay, let's go!" Shao Shude said, flicking his horsewhip.

Fuyundui Temple is on the mountain in the north.

The origin of this shrine is unknown. Some say it is the tomb of Zhaojun, while others say it is the tomb of Mulan, but neither is reliable.Anyway, since the Turkic era, because many khans worshiped the heavens here, this shrine has already possessed unusual attributes-"Turkish will invade the invaders, they must first go to the shrine to pray for blessings, and then cross the river because they herd horses and feed soldiers."

Hu people attach great importance to this, and Tang people are also very curious.After the collapse of the Turks, the grassland had no owner, and it gradually became a place for the Hu Han people in the frontier to worship gods and pray for blessings.

In the early years, Wang Zhihuan even wrote "Shan Yubei Looking at Fuyundui", which shows his fame.

Shao's personal soldiers went up the mountain first, occupying every position.

The chieftains were ordered to take off their weapons, and they were only allowed to go up the mountain alone, and they all stayed down the mountain with their relatives behind their backs.

After everything was ready, Shao Shude, surrounded by everyone, climbed up this low earth mountain.

Looking back, I can see that the terrain below the mountain is flat, fertile and wild for thousands of miles, and the big river winds eastward, dotted with cattle and horses.

What a fuyundui temple!
The Turkic Supreme Khan stood here, overlooking the vast Hetao grassland.The turbulent Hu Qi galloped freely and horizontally down the mountain, raging up and down.

At the Khan's order, hundreds of thousands of riders headed south like a tide, pouring into the fertile land of the Central Plains.

It's a pity that times have changed, things are different, and the Turks who were in full swing in the early years of the country have disappeared.

During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, the "Little Killer" of the Vija Khan could only secretly prod and seduce the Fengzhou Turks to settle down. Several small-scale southward attacks were only for the purpose of marrying the princess of the Tang Dynasty, so as to make their position more stable. .

Until he was poisoned to death by Mei Lu, he did not dare to send his troops south. Even the Tubo envoy invited him to attack Datang, but he was rejected.

In the third year of Tianbao, Baimei Khan was killed and passed on to the capital, and the Turkic Pijia Kedun commanders descended to Tang Dynasty, and then the Turkic Khanate perished.

The shrine was silent.

However, Shao Shude seemed to hear the heartfelt voices of countless Khans who were either excited, depressed, joyful, or worried.

Both Turks and Uyghurs are dead!Khitan is like a newborn infant, entrusting the hope of the dragon spirit of the grassland.

Shao Shude drew out his dagger, and everyone was startled.

"I'll end its luck." He laughed loudly and walked towards the shrine.

 I was released from isolation today and resumed work and production.

  I owe a lot of debt and pay it off slowly. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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