Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 736 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

Chapter 736 Divine Soldier descends from heaven
Before the army left Jiyuquan, they actually collected a lot of camels, which were mainly used to carry living supplies.

Because it is located in Qikou, many camels are raised here, which are used in military affairs and in business.

Going northwest from Qikou, there is a large desert, but it is not continuous. There are many grasslands and water sources in the middle.

If you have not lived in the local area for many years, it is really possible to get lost. Even the local herdsmen may not be able to figure out which river is in which direction, where is the grassland, and where is the desert. After all, not everyone can be a guide. of.

More than [-] cavalry were divided into three groups to attack, and the middle route was led by Yang Yue. There were [-] Yajun cavalry, a [-] household guards, and [-] Tibetan auxiliary soldiers.

"How did the Uighurs and Miaogas people travel thousands of miles south to the Yinshan Mountains?"

"Wherever you go, where the cattle and sheep go. It seems faster than marching in the Central Plains. It is normal to travel thirty miles a day in the Central Plains, but sometimes you can only walk twenty miles, and forty miles is rare. You have to travel very well. On the grassland, you can walk seventy miles a day, which is too fast."

"If you don't bring a carriage, you can walk more than 100 miles a day on the grassland."

"Where do you live at night without a carriage? You don't even have enough arrows?"

"How many arrows can a poor ghost in the prairie have? After shooting a pot of [-] arrows, it's almost enough."

"Hurry up and kill some cattle and sheep, get some meat to eat. Eat jealous cakes and cheese every day, and birds will fade out of your mouth."

While camping and resting, the sergeants were busy and whispering.

It was also the first time for the cavalrymen of the Xia army to run a long distance of [-] miles.

Although this distance is not close on the grassland, it is really not very far.In the war between the two forces, it is common for hundreds of miles to be raided, and it is not uncommon for more than a thousand miles.But in the Central Plains, the three hundred miles from Gaoquesai to Jiyuquan is not a short distance, and the defender can be said to be waiting for work at leisure.

Yang Yue was sitting in front of the fire to enjoy the fire.

At his age, not to mention eating ice and snow, and running long distances, even leading troops to garrison on the grassland is extremely uncomfortable.But Yang Yue is different, she is full of energy, as if she is burning her life, just to accomplish something.

The smell of burning livestock manure is very touching, but everyone here is used to it.There are few trees on the grassland, it is difficult to find dead branches and leaves, and it is even more impossible to carry coal with the army. It is very good to find some dry dung in other tribes.

The place where they are staying now is the pasture of a small Tatar tribe, brought by the guide.They are unwilling to participate in the battlefield against the Uyghurs, but they are willing to provide convenience, which is enough.

"Just stay for one night, and leave early tomorrow morning." The pungent smell produced by the burning of dried dung mixed with the broth in the earthen pot on the fire, giving people an indescribable feeling. Yang Yue went to the place calmly. Throwing a piece of jerky into the clay pot, he said, "It's better soon than later. The weather is gloomy. In a few days, there may be heavy snow again, so we can't fight."

Everyone suddenly said yes, without any opinion.

Wearing a thick sweater is much more comfortable in this cold weather.It's a pity that the number of sweaters is still too small to have one for each person, otherwise it would be no less than a magic weapon when fighting in the desert in winter.

Qinan and Qibei, the weather is indeed very different.


The long line moved quickly between the desert and the grassland.

There is good news and bad news at the moment.

The good news is that they haven't lost their way yet. The guide is very professional and conscientious. Maybe it's the flame of revenge in his chest that supports him.

The bad news is that the left-wing Murong Fu Department has lost contact with them.There are one thousand bodyguards, eight hundred silver saddles and one thousand foreign auxiliary soldiers. They lost contact two days ago, maybe they got lost, maybe there was an accident, no one knows what happened.

Zhang Huaiding's right wing is still there, with a thousand bodyguards, a thousand foreign auxiliary soldiers, and two or three thousand White Tatar servants who are eager to go back for revenge.They still have a guide to contact them this morning, and they are still making steady progress, and there is no shortage of water.

The only dissatisfaction is probably the fatigue caused by the long-distance march and the anxiety caused by the unchanging scenery.This can only be solved by fighting and venting, there is no other way.

Thousands of riders crossed the snow, crossed the dry stream, and crossed the frozen lake Haizi.There was silence everywhere, except for the occasional yellow sheep, foxes and wolves, there was almost nothing, and not a single shepherd was seen.

Perhaps this is the boring and lonely grassland winter life, which is not comparable to the Central Plains in the colorful world.No wonder so many people want to go south, and once they go south, they will quickly become degenerate in a short period of time. Such a life is indeed difficult.

On the third day of November, after the last rest camp.People and horses set off again with white steam. At this time, towering mountains, forests, winding valleys, and tents could be seen in the distance.

The guide excitedly pointed out that it was Dujin Mountain, where the royal court of the Uyghur Khanate used to be.There is an earthen city built on the west bank of the Orkhon River, named "Heichengzi". It used to be the residence of the Uighur Khan and the dignitaries, but was later occupied by the Magegas and the Tatars. Now it should be back in the hands of the Uighurs.

"It's finally here!" Yang Yue let out a long sigh of relief.

His beard and eyebrows were full of ice particles, his cloak and winter clothes were also dirty, and the hakama slaves were even more torn.But for the heroic man who raided the prairie tent, this is nothing!
"Keep going!" Yang Yue waved his horsewhip, and said, "Marquis Du Yu calculated the distance, and put on armor in the last two hours."

"As ordered!"

When marching and fighting, maintaining physical strength is the most important thing, especially for quick and mobile surprise attacks on the enemy.Generally speaking, before approaching the enemy, everyone dismounts, rests their horsepower, takes some water, and then puts on their armor to complete the last journey and go directly into battle.

When passing through dangerous sections, they should also wear armor, and then take it off after passing.

The rest of the time, no one is stupid enough to go forward wearing armor and holding a spear. They are so exhausted and dead, and they have no energy to fight at all.

The [-] yamen troops who followed Yang Yue were all cavalry of the army. They usually fought in armor.

Their disadvantage is that they can't play light horse archers on open terrain, and they will be killed by kite flying.But that is generally the case. If you grab their tents and kill their old and weak women and children, the light cavalry will have to fight head-on, and the result can be imagined.

The most troublesome thing for the Central Plains cavalry in all dynasties is not that they can't beat the prairie people.In fact, as long as the grassland cavalry archers dare to fight head-on, the Central Plains spear/horse cavalry who are more capable of fighting head-on than them can beat them out.The problem is that the prairie people will not fight you head-on, they will only swim like a pack of wolves hunting, using the terrain to open up space, shooting arrows at medium distances, and eventually draining your blood.

Therefore, if they attack them, they must be rescued, forcing them not to escape or fight, and they can only confront them head-on.

"If the two armies of Jindao and Heizhu are here, dismount their horses and line up, and rush towards Heichengzi, the Uighurs will die. What a pity!" Yang Yue raised his whip and jumped on his horse, and was the first to rush out.

He still has some regrets, and there will be a lot of casualties in the end when he charged with the Uighur cavalry.If the black and golden knife soldiers were here, the casualties would be much smaller.

In the second year of Xianqing, Su Dingfang led thousands of mounted infantry of the Tang army and thousands of surrendered Tibetan cavalry, a total of more than [-] people, and fought against [-] Turkic cavalry.

The Turkic cavalry rushed three times in a row, but they couldn't break through the thousands of Tang infantry who had dismounted from their horses, and their morale was declining.The Tang army's thousands of infantry then took the initiative to attack, and the Fan cavalry cooperated together, winning a big victory, beheading tens of thousands of ranks, and capturing 200 chieftains.

On the second day, he led the army to pursue again, dismounted when encountering bandits, and once again achieved an epic victory in which thousands of infantry defeated tens of thousands of Turkic cavalry.

Afterwards, the pursuit continued, all the way to the territory of present-day Kazakhstan. After relentless pursuit, the Western Turks were eventually destroyed, and more than 40 people and animals were collected.

In such a war of destroying the country, not many troops were actually used.The frontline battles of the Tang army are generally thousands of elite infantry, and at most no more than [-]. In addition, they gather some Tibetans who can't beat them and join them. It's over.

The Turkic people used almost all tricks, such as shooting arrows along the way to harass and set up ambushes and sneak attacks, which have been popular since the Huns era, almost all of them were used.

So don't say that the infantry is not good enough to beat the cavalry. In fact, your infantry is too good.What else is there to say when even the ruthless infantry arrays are defeated by the Xiren and Bohai infantry from the grasslands?The housekeeping skills are gone, and the face is gone.


In the early morning, the fog shrouded the surrounding fields, and there was silence.

Chu Luowu got up early in the morning, ready to go hunting, but when he saw the weather, he was immediately discouraged, but he didn't want to go back home.

He is the son-in-law of the Pugu family. Although his wife is noble and beautiful, she has an arrogant temper and looks down on him, a boy with a foreign surname who clings to the descendant of King Pugu.Even the little thing about the evening between husband and wife, the wife must be in a good mood before she can get close.Usually being called around, like a slave.

"When I get in touch with the tribe that moved westward to Congxi, I'll kill you bitch and run over there." Chu Luowu cursed secretly, planning to find a few Tatar women to vent his anger.

"Woo--" The short horn sounded three times in a row, followed by the thunderous sound of horseshoes.

Don't turn pale in shock, Chuluo, did the Pugu family of Gaochang know his plan and sent someone to arrest him?
What should I do?
There are some tribes around Heichengzi, but not many, and people are scattered in various places for the winter.A little farther away, there are still many tribes, but most of them are newly conquered Tatars. Are they willing to fight against the Gaochang Pugu clan for themselves?

Warriors have already rushed out on the narrow street, and everyone looks surprised, not knowing what happened.

The noise outside the city was getting louder, and thick smoke was rising, which was really scary.

"Go! Go out and have a look!" Chu Luowu felt that the disaster could not be avoided, and if the situation was not right, he could run away as soon as he left the city, so he made up his mind, gathered dozens of followers, got on his horse, and rushed out of town.

There was a mess outside the low earthen wall.

Thousands of cavalry wielding horse lances, iron maces, iron swords, and machetes galloped from tent to tent.Wherever it passed, the heads of countless herdsmen fell to the ground, and flames ignited everywhere.

"Horse lance?!" Chu Luowu is knowledgeable. Grassland people seldom use this kind of thick, cumbersome horse warfare weapon. It is in line with their aesthetics to ride and shoot in circles. Horse lances are generally those weapons in the Central Plains. Only cavalry who like to charge straight will use it.

Si Luo Wu relaxed a little - this is outrageous.

"Kill!" A cavalry general from the Central Plains spotted Chu Luowu's group, and Ma Li pointed at them, rushing over first.

With sharp eyes, Soruo Wu noticed that he was wearing an iron armor, which seemed to have tiger stripes painted on it.When he rushed over, he didn't hesitate at all, with an angry look on his face, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and the horizontal lance rushed towards him, and with a sweep of the head, he fended off all the sword bones that Chu Luowu followed, and then took Pulling out the dagger with his right hand, he shouted——

"Kill!" The voice almost burst the eardrums.

Chu Luowu flashed at a critical moment, and the sharp iron sword cut on the shoulder armor, bringing him off the horse.

"Brother Tiger" came rushing over ten more riders, everyone bravely shouted: "General Xu killed one of the bandits, kill him!"

Chu Luo Wu rolled twice on the ground, avoiding the tragic fate of being trampled by the horse's hoof, and stumbled to his feet.Looking around, I saw the cavalry overwhelmingly hacking and killing.The tribal warriors and herdsmen who were caught off guard had no time to react, they got on their horses and ran away one after another, without even the courage to fight back.

Can this battle still be fought?
(End of this chapter)

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