Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 74 The wind is strong and the bow is humming, the general hunts Weicheng

Chapter 74: The wind is strong and the bow is loud, and the general hunts Weicheng ([-])

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month in the second year of Guangming, the Tielin army left Luojiao County and continued southward.

Traveling southwest for two days, we arrived at Sanchuan County.This is one of the five counties in Kunzhou, when Huachi, Heiyuan, and Luo Sanshui meet, hence the name Sanchuan.Continuing to go southwest for three days, the army came to Fangzhou and asked for food and grass as usual.

Fangzhou governs four counties and governs the central county (now south of Huangling County), named after the Tang ancestor Mafang.There is the Yellow Emperor Mausoleum in Qiaoshan in the second li of the west of the state, and Shu Yuanyu once wrote "Qiaoshan Nostalgic".There is Xingcheng Town in Xiqili, there is a town general, two thousand soldiers and horses, and it is a military center.

Kunzhou has given food and grass, of course, Fangzhou can't be free.As a result, [-] dendrobium rations, [-] bunches of firewood and a few copper coins were quickly sent to the army.Afterwards, the prefect of the state sent people to urge the Tielin army to set off. They were really afraid of being looted by the rebel army.

Zhuge Shuang was unhappy, and Shao Shude was also a little dissatisfied. After asking for another [-] Dendrobium grains and beans, the group reluctantly pulled up the camp and went south.

Leaving Fangzhou City, he traveled all the way through Yijun County to Tongguan County (northeast of Tongchuan today), and walked for five days.Yijun County belongs to Fangzhou, and Tongguan belongs to Ji County. That is to say, they have left Fufang Town and officially entered the boundary of Jingzhao Prefecture.At this time, it was already the night of the 26th day of the first month of the second year of Guangming, and the army camped ten miles north of the county seat to inquire about news.

After returning from Zhuge Shuang's tent, Shao Shude was about to study the military book, and Chen Cheng came to report: "The military envoy, the people who went to Tongguan County have returned, and the people in the county are panicked. Please, Master Wang, enter the city quickly."

"It's already night, go tomorrow." Shao Shude rejected without hesitation, and said, "Is there any other news?"

"Chao's army has entered Chang'an." Chen Cheng said: "All the clans who stayed in Chang'an were all killed. The Chao people especially hated the officials, and they killed them when they caught them, but they did not commit any crimes in the autumn of the common people. However, after a few days, the bandits couldn't bear it any longer. Burning, killing, looting, and raping women everywhere, Huang Chao couldn't stop, and even corpses filled the neighborhood. By the way, Huang Chao has been enthroned and proclaimed emperor, the country's name is Qi, the Yuan Jintong is changed, and his wife Cao is the queen. Huang Chao entered the forbidden palace and humiliated his concubines , and distributed them to those who have meritorious deeds under the account. Officials of the third rank and above of the imperial court will all suspend their posts, and those below the fourth rank will submit letters to the mansion of the false prime minister, Zhao Zhang, and choose the best appointment. In order to save their lives, hundreds of officials came one after another."

"As expected." Shao Shude said: "The people of Chang'an suffered this catastrophe, and I don't know what to do next."

"Where is the Hedong Army?"

"I have already crossed the river, but I heard that Wang Chongrong surrendered the thieves after Jiedu stay in the river."

"The river is so frozen? How is the deployment of the nest army?"

"It's all around Chang'an."

"The thieves don't want to make progress, but they have fun in Chang'an." Shao Shude sneered: "Where are the soldiers and horses in the towns?"

"The saint is fortunate to Shu, but the troops are at a loss, and sometimes there are those who are willing to cast into the Yellow Nest. Only Fengxiang Jiedushi Zheng Tang wrote a blood letter to fight against the thieves, killed the envoys of the Yellow Nest, and asked all the soldiers and horses to gather in Fengxiang." Chen Cheng said.

Zheng Tang?This person has made a deep impression on Shao Shude recently, because Feng Yin helped him with Li Kan, Zheng Tang, and Ximen Sigong.I just didn't expect him, a prime minister, to be so courageous. When the subordinates were on both ends, he could still win over those people, and contact all the soldiers and horses to meet the thieves.

If the sage knows, he should give Zheng Tang a great credit, right?Eight towns in northwest Beijing, with more than [-] soldiers and horses, were at a loss, when Huang Chao sent messengers everywhere to win over him.At this time, Zheng Tang slashed the mess with a quick knife. He was a prime minister, and he had appeal. To a certain extent, he represented the emperor who had already run away. What deserves more credit?
"Is there a Master Wang nearby?" Shao Shude picked up the map and carefully examined the surrounding counties.

"Never heard of it."

"The news from Tongguan County is not reliable. Bring me Zhu Shuzong and Zhe Siyu." Shao Shude ordered.

Zhu and Zhe came together.

"Lieutenant General Zhu, has the reconnaissance cavalry dispatched before come back?" Shao Shude couldn't believe the news Chen Cheng had received from Tongguan County, so he asked directly.

"I haven't returned."

"Let Zheshi cooperate with you, and spread all the people out. Don't go too far. It is limited to Jingyang, so as not to startle the snake." Shao Shude ordered: "If the nesters don't think about making progress, it is impossible for Chang'an to be unprepared. Let me check! No! After checking it out, the Tie Lin army will not move."

After Zhu and Zhe left, Shao Shude found Li Yanling again and asked about the army's rations. He was relieved when he learned that [-] dendrobium rations had been consumed since the expedition.The army can only fight this battle if they have food and grass. Tomorrow, they will have to send someone to Tongguan County to collect some. The more adequate the reserves, the better.

Did everything that could be done.Shao Shude returned to the camp and continued to study the military book.

He is not panicking now.Many generals in Huang Chao's army have only served in the army for two or three years, so their level may not be very high.It is right not to be arrogant, but also not to be arrogant.The Tielin Army is so elite that even Li Xiaochang, the military commander of Kunfang, looks at it differently, and it is not so easy for others to defeat him.

Besides, there is also the experienced commander Zhuge.

The night in Guanzhong was cold and quiet.

After reading the military book, Shao Shude walked out of the camp, let out a breath of white steam, and began to patrol the camp. Fan He followed silently.

The ground has long been covered with frost.The sergeant's blade on duty reflected a cold and cold light under the moonlight, and there was no other movement in the camp except for the occasional sound of fighting and the collision of the armor on the patrol sergeant's body.

The camp where the [-] soldiers were stationed was like a beast dormant in the dark, ready to devour people at any time.

Under the cold night sky, Zhesiyu greeted everyone to stop.After finding a leeward place, everyone rested for a while, and let the horses take a breath.

Yuzu Orizuki is in his twenties this year. He is not tall, but he is strong.The long and narrow scar on his face seems to be a symbol of his bravery. Not long after he arrived in the Tielin Army, he tried to compete with Lu Huaizhong, who is known for his bravery.

When I became the ten generals of the cavalry army, it was not because no one was available, nor was it because of my sister-in-law!

"After the rest, continue walking." After half an hour, Zhesi Yu got on his horse, and the scar of the knife looked even more hideous in the night.

The dozen or so riders following him kept silent, quickly tidying up their saddles, harnesses, and equipment.After a while, the group disappeared into the vast darkness.

The night in Elm Village was rather restless.Several nest army scouts suddenly broke in before and after dinner and directly requisitioned a private house.

The man in the lead had a weathered face and thick calluses on his hands. At first glance, he looked like a veteran who had been fighting in the army for many years.

A few people under his command were recruited in Henan, and they were also veterans, but their military discipline was poor.As soon as he entered the house, he killed the old couple first, then tied the resisting husband, stuffed a rag in his mouth, and played with his newly married wife in front of him.

The leading man was named Dong Zhong. Seeing that his subordinates were doing this, he spat and went outside to wash the horses.

They were the general of the Central Guard and Zhang Yan, the envoy of You Yi from the north, under the direct command of Li Tangbin, the general of the left cavalry.This time, it is also a routine investigation to see if there is an army going south from Kunfang.It's been two days since the event, and I haven't seen a single hair. Li Xiaochang, the cowardly person, is probably still watching the situation.

Dong Zhong had just snatched a lady in the capital. It was said that she was the daughter of the Shilang's family and had not yet married.After he was taken home directly, he was attacked day and night. If he hadn't been sent out to investigate the military situation, he probably wouldn't want to get out of bed.

"The official wife is enough." While washing the horses, Dong Zhong couldn't help but think of his bride.The pitiful appearance and the tears of resignation made him unable to hold back every time, so he had to have a good time.

"Following King Huang, there is such good fortune." Dong Zhong smiled, big yellow teeth bared.

Just thinking about the beauty, suddenly my heart hurts and my eyes are dark.

No, I forgot my armor just now!At the moment when Dong Zhong was hit by the arrow, his heart was full of remorse.

And as his heart gradually stopped beating, his eyes became more and more sloppy, and after twitching for a while, he was silent again.

"Kill them and leave one alive." Zhesi Yu put down his bow and ordered in a low voice.

When several people in the house heard the movement, they beheaded the couple in the house with two knives, and then rushed out desperately.However, several long arrows came, knocking down the three directly.The remaining one was shot in the thigh, half kneeling on the ground, and was about to be ruthless, but several horizontal knives were placed on his shoulders, he calmed down immediately, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans oozes out of his forehead.

"Someone wants to ask you a few questions. If you answer well, I won't kill you and take it back to our general." Zhe Shiyu slapped a dagger on the captive's face and said.

The man nodded quickly, his expression both nervous and desperate.

"Who are you from? What are you doing here?"

"I am waiting for the left cavalry to scout Li Tangbin and come here to investigate the military situation of the pseudo-Tang Kunfang town."

"Capital generals? Are all cavalry soldiers under the tent?"

"There are both walking and riding."

"Speak clearly!" Zhe Siyu stabbed the dagger into the arrow wound on the captive's leg.

The prisoner let out a scream, gritted his teeth and replied, "Five or six hundred cavalry soldiers and more than four thousand foot soldiers are stationed in Sanyuan."

"When did you come?"

"Just arrived today."

"Why are you here?"

"I heard that the Hedong Army crossed the river and came to defend."

"Who is Li Tangbin from?"

"General Zhongwei, Zhang Yan, the envoy of You Yi from the north, and I are all from General Zhang."

"Is there any You Yishi on the other side?"

"I don't know how many people there are, Peng Zan, who is traveling in the west, Ji Kui, who is traveling in the south, and Zhu Wen, who is traveling in the east."

Zhe Siyu handed the dagger to one of his subordinates, and asked him to continue asking for other details, while he went outside the house, and said to a subordinate who was watching the wind: "Quickly go back to the same officer, just say that Chao Jun Li Tangbin has ridden nearly 5000 people. To Sanyuan County, the purpose is to intercept the soldiers and horses in the east of the river."

His subordinates followed their words, while Yu Orizuki returned to the house.

"Are you finished?" he asked his subordinates.

"After asking, the bandit army is gathering troops and preparing to attack Fengxiang in the west. In addition, they may send a group of troops east out of Tongguan and go to Henan and Hebei to collect the county. This is just a rumor in the army, and it is difficult to confirm."

"Let's do it when you're done asking." Yuu Zhesu said.

Several subordinates responded to the order and directly slashed with their knives.

"General, didn't you say--ah!"

"You also believe my words?" Zhe Siyu sneered and said, "Clean up the corpse and blood, and withdraw!"

 Tomorrow, the donkeys of the production team will be replaced first, and they will be put at noon. . .

(End of this chapter)

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