Chapter 751
Zhe Silun climbed to the top of Shouzhou city and carefully watched the great battle in Nanyuan.

The Huai thieves had attacked Shouzhou City. He was afraid that Zhu Jing's surrender would ruin King Xia's affairs, so he personally took four thousand horses and rushed to Shouzhou City to supervise the battle.

Troops are indeed tense.

The Huaining Army counts 5000 Yamen and [-] Outer Townships. Now the Outer Township Chen Su's Department has gone north to Caizhou, and the [-] men in Zhu Jing's hands are also Outer Townships defending Shouzhou.

The [-] Yamen sent [-] to Anzhou to assist in the defense.

Yang Xingmi sent General Li Shenfu, the governor of Chuzhou, to Huangzhou. The governor had increased to more than [-] soldiers and horses to besiege Anzhou.

The state soldiers in Anzhou City have been completely lost, all relying on the thousands of people from the Yushan Army's Shizan Department. Today, the Yushan Army is fighting less and less, but its combat effectiveness has slowly increased. At least the defense of the city is still strong. It can be barely competent, unlike field battles where it can't stand up for a few rounds before being defeated.

Zhe Silun was worried about the "remnants of the Shence Army" of the Yushan Army, so he sent [-] soldiers and horses to reinforce the precarious front line of Anzhou.

Du Hong of Ezhou also sent troops to rescue, but was defeated by Feng Jingzhang of Qizhou, and then he stopped attacking and defended with peace of mind.

The Huaining Army Yajun also sent 2000 people across Hebei, leaving 5000 people to guard Guangzhou, and the rest were basically taken to Shouzhou by Zhe Silun.

He has no choice.

The most important thing now is to stabilize Zhu Jing and not let him surrender directly. This is the most important thing.

Don't blame Zhe Silun for being suspicious, it's true that Yang Xingmi is too outrageous in fighting, and the enemy will surrender to him with troops and territory every now and then.Chu, Si, Hao, Huang, Qi and other states, which one did he shoot down with real swords and guns?They were all sent by others!
Zhe Silun had been in contact with the wizards of the Heaven Sacrifice Conference before, and he didn't believe that they knew magic, but seeing Yang Xingmi like this, he felt that it was really hard to say.

He was really worried about some demon in Zhu Jing, who gave such a key city as Shouzhou to Yang Xingmi, which would lead to the complete collapse of the war situation in Guang, Shen, and Cai, so he came to supervise the battle in person.

The opponent is Zhu Yanshou, who is also an "old friend".

In the past two years, he devoted himself to training elite soldiers, heard that he ate and lived in the barracks, and seldom went home, maybe it was to find Shao Shude to avenge his shame.After all, the Battle of Feishui back then really hurt his self-esteem.In a face-to-face battle without any tricks, someone went straight to the banner of the Chinese army and was beaten away alone.

If you have a strong sense of shame, you should wipe your neck.

Zhu Yanshou has a strong sense of shame, but he doesn't want to wipe his neck, so he devotes all his energy to training soldiers.

This year's attack on Qizhou, he personally commanded from Huangzhou, and also brought a few newly trained soldiers and horses there. Their performance was not bad, which greatly boosted his confidence.

This time he marched westward with 2 soldiers and horses from various prefectures, and conscripted more than [-] Tutuan villagers. Yang Xingmi also sent General Xu Wen with [-] cavalry to help. Invaded Shouzhou.

The war has been fought for several months, but the front line of Shouzhou has not been able to break through.

"Zhu Yanshou has some talents, but the Huai army can't be called a powerful force." Zhe Silun said: "It may be risky to go out to fight in the city, but if you guard the city carefully, it will not be a big problem."

Zhu Jing was a little anxious.

The city of Shouzhou was here, and the Huai people did not dare to go west, but they dared to loot.How has the place been harmed?Zhu Jing was heartbroken because it was all his money.

Zhe Silun's mood was stable, and he even had time to turn north, looking at the Feishui, Huai River and the vast land on the north bank of the Huai River.

The former general of Shouzhou, Wei Shoujie, led 5000 people across Hebei to Yingshang County.

A while ago, news came that he was commanding an army to besiege the county seat.

To be honest, Zhe Silun was not very relieved about the combat effectiveness of people like him. Of the 5000 people, only [-] were from the Huaining Yajun, and the remaining [-] were Tutuan peasants.Even the two thousand yamen have complicated sources, so they may not be able to fight much.

I can only hope he gets angry.

Yang Xingmi held back the main force of the Huaining Army, preventing Huaixi Town from sending a large number of troops northward to attack Yingzhou.The only seedling in this road, I still hope that he will fight well.

After the Huai people are repelled, they can organize their troops and march northward.

Back then, King Xia said that he would recognize as many territories as Huaixi Town had laid down, and hand them over to him for management.Zhe Silun didn't expect to be able to control a rich state like Yingzhou, but wouldn't it be good to replace Shenzhou and Shouzhou?

Shenzhou and Shouzhou are nominally in Huaixi Town, but everyone knows it well and knows exactly what's going on.It is not impossible to operate it well and change it.

There was a sound of war drums from below the city.

The Huai people rushed forward again, fighting with the Huaining army guarding the village.The endless offensive and defensive battle has begun again.

And farther away, the Huai people are plundering wantonly, and they are arrogant.



"Kill the thief!"

"The reinforcements are here, kill the thieves, don't let them escape!"

On the banks of the Yingshui River, the fighting suddenly became fierce, and in just a short moment, it reached a fever pitch.

A large group of sergeants dismounted from a distance, and then began to put on armor.

In the front, more than [-] people were fighting with their lives. After seeing thousands of people arriving on horseback, one side burst into enthusiastic cheers, while the other side collapsed like a mourner.

"The army of thieves is defeated! The credit for picking it up in vain, kill it!"

The hunt begins.

The 3000 people on one side were defeated, and the 2000 people on the other side were chasing after them.

The warrior who had just dismounted looked at it, spat, got on his horse again, and headed towards the front of the fleeing enemy.In any case, today will not let this thief go.

Surrounding the spot to fight for aid, I finally caught your support army, how can you let it go lightly?

"Greetings to General Qibi." Wei Shoujie, the governor of the Huaining Army, stepped forward quickly, saluted Qibizhang, and said, "Today, the Flying Dragon Army rode their horses to the battlefield, and the fire was just right. Watching General Qibi use his troops, he won Benefit a lot."

"Okay, don't brag about it. I know how important I am. If it's as powerful as you say, I will be the one who directs Li Tangbin, not him." Qi Bizhang laughed loudly. , said: "However, I have indeed played this trick of surrounding the spot many times, and I am very familiar with it."

The Huaining army going north to attack Yingshang County failed to succeed in time due to the relationship between combat effectiveness and military strength.Yingzhou saw it and decided to send troops to help.After receiving the news, the Flying Dragon Army's left wing immediately set off and galloped all the way, sparing no effort to reach the vicinity of the battlefield.Then wait until the right time comes, and suddenly break out, causing the enemy army to collapse.

Quickly moving from one battlefield to another through high mobility is one of the tactics of the Flying Dragon Army. Generally speaking, it is to cooperate with friendly forces to jointly annihilate a certain enemy force.

Qi Bizhang heard that Yeluyi also likes to make infantry maneuver on horseback at high speed. He once successfully maneuvered a thousand miles by carrying a large number of horses in seven days.To be honest, even on the prairie, this is a bit too much, and a lot of horses must have been lost, which is crazy.

"General Qi Bizhang, after defeating this bandit army, what should we do next?" Wei Shoujie asked in a low voice as he followed Qi Bizhang.

He only has two thousand Huaining troops under his command, and the others are all made up.This kind of people, when they met the enemy brigade, they really disappeared in the blink of an eye.If you want to survive, you still have to rely on the Flying Dragon Army.Apart from other things, there are more than 1 people in the family, which is beyond your comparability.

"Naturally--" Qi Bizhang was halfway through speaking when he saw that the gate of Yingshang County was opened, and a group of people came out cautiously, with the leader bare-chested and leading a sheep.

Sheep leading ceremony, this is about to surrender.

Wei Shoujie also saw it and was overjoyed.Since crossing the north, he finally won the first decent victory.

"Yingshang County has surrendered, which is a good thing." Qi Bizhang said, "The three thousand Liang thieves who attacked today came from Yingzhou, and I have wiped out all of them."

Having said that, he paused and looked up into the distance.

There is a chasing north.The Huaining army and the Feilong army cooperated with each other and killed the bandit army's head rolling. The rest of the people were terrified and had to kneel down and beg for surrender.

I don't know where Yingzhou got these 3000 people.But no matter what, there should not be many soldiers in the state, and it happened to be captured in one fell swoop, depending on whether Zhu Quanzhong was in a hurry.

"You lead people to clean up the mess in Yingshang County." Qi Bizhang ordered the auxiliary soldiers to feed and wash the horses as soon as possible, and said, "I want to go north and find a way to occupy Yingzhou. The hinterland of Liang people Emptiness, I already knew about it. But I didn’t capture any famous cities and counties before, so it’s not beautiful. This time, I took Yingzhou and tore apart the left wing of the Liang Army’s front line, let’s see what Zhu Quanzhong and Pang Shigu would think.”

Wei Shoujie silently recalled the map.

The main force of Liang's army stationed in Yingshui, confronting Xia's army, heard that they were attacking day and night, and there were dozens of battles, big and small, which was very lively.The reason why the life-and-death fight has not yet started may be because there is no way to use it across a Yingshui.

If Pang Shigu knew that Caizhou and Yingzhou on his left wing had deteriorated and fell one after another, and that Zhengzhou on his right wing was also harassed by the Xia Army cavalry and then captured, would he still have the confidence to fight on the front line?

Do not!When that time comes, it will be impossible to fight.Even if Pang Shigu wanted to fight to the death, the soldiers might not be willing.If one is not good, it is basically a tragic ending.

It's a bit like Taizong begging Liu Heitai.The main forces of the two armies confronted each other in a decisive battle. The Tang army had deep trenches and high fortifications, and they could not get out of the strong walls. At the same time, they sent cavalry to repeatedly harass Liu Heita's rear and grain roads.Liu Heitai wanted a decisive battle but failed, and finally suffered a disastrous defeat.

This is the decisive battle.The decisive battle is not about the two sides pulling tens of thousands of people together to attack each other.In most of the decisive battles, the two sides continue to perform various tactical actions within tens or even hundreds of miles, attacking and defending, suppressing and countering, which in turn affects the core battlefield in the center and changes the balance of the battlefield. .

Why did Emperor Taizong hold on to Xue Rengao for more than [-] days, even though the Xiliang army scolded the eight generations of his ancestors as dogs, just to stand firm and not fight?Why not fight the big banner with heroism from the beginning, and lead the army to rush directly to confront the thieves?
When Taizong fought against Dou Jiande, why did he wait for more than 30 days at leisure in Hulao Pass, despite Dou Jiande's scolding, and did not fight at all?Do you have to wait for Dou Xia's army to make a mistake and form a one-word formation before making a decisive move?Why not rush out and kill Dou Jiande immediately?
Because Taizong was a real person, he only considered the victory or defeat of the war, and only focused on how to defeat the enemy with the least effort, the least cost, and the most reasonable way, and he did not need heroism.

The decisive battle with Liang Ren was roughly the same.

After resting, the Flying Dragon Army headed north overnight and disappeared into the vast wilderness.This time, the target is Yingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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