Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 766 Provocation

Chapter 766 Provocation
"Whoosh" an arrow was shot, and the horse under the chaser's crotch fell to the ground with a mournful cry.

Wang Jiao turned around and immediately threw a spear.With a sharp whistling sound, the short spear directly pierced through the chest and abdomen of the pursuer.

He paused on the ground again, drew out his well-stringed riding bow, and shot left and right, killing two people in a row.

The chasing soldiers scattered away, not daring to come any closer.

"General Wang is very capable." Gao Youqing rode a bare-backed war horse, laughed and leaned over.

He lost his saddle, but it was not a loss to snatch a war horse.

Wang Jiao glanced at him and said, "Good luck."

In fact, he always thought that Gao Youqing was amazing. He was not afraid to see enemy cavalry charging forward, and dared to stab people down with a spear.And this also made him think about a question again, is it really necessary for infantry to fight against cavalry?

He has also been in the army for several years. He spent his youth in Yinzhou and Huizhou respectively, and he always felt that the most powerful part of cavalry lies in mobility, not impact.He likes horses very much, and often stays with them, washing and taking care of them, just like his own relatives.He didn't think the war horse was a terrible monster, on the contrary, it was his close partner when he killed the enemy.

But after arriving in the Central Plains, he found that many people were very afraid of horses.When encountering a large group of cavalry charging, it is often necessary to form a tight formation and stay close together to ensure that morale does not drop significantly.

But is the cavalry charge really that scary?More than [-]% of the cavalry are not armored cavalry, and their frontal combat effectiveness is not strong.When charging, they are divided into several batches, and each batch is divided into many wedge-shaped small groups, rushing forward with overwhelming force.But he didn't think it was scary. On the contrary, he thought that as long as he stood firm and cooperated with each other in the form of a group, even if he didn't form an formation and was separated by the cavalry and scattered, he could defeat them.

But most warriors in the Central Plains are not like this.

These people are not weak. When Wang Jiao fought with them head-on, he narrowly escaped death several times. They are all elite professional fighters, and anyone can kill anyone.But when they saw the cavalry, their morale dropped a bit first, and then they quickly formed an formation, with their spears facing outward like hedgehogs, and drove away the approaching cavalry with their infantry bows.

But what happened to Xue Yantuo?Their infantry formation made the warriors of the Central Plains laugh out loud when they saw it. The formation was not in formation, loose and loose, and they would disperse as soon as the cavalry rushed, but they could kill the Turkic cavalry.

There must be a reason for this.Perhaps, when dealing with the frontal charge of the cavalry, the infantry may not necessarily need to form a tight formation.

It's a pity that he couldn't prove it, and no one dared to let him prove it, because the infantry in the Central Plains have been doing this since ancient times.

"Let's go!" Wang Jiao greeted, and retreated slowly with more than a hundred people. The Wei people didn't dare to chase and kill them, but just watched from afar.

"General, are you going to Henan again after a while? I go to Wei people to graze horses every day, and I really can't get excited." Gao Youqing didn't have a saddle under his crotch, but he was very stable on the horse, and he had a playful smile on his face. Wang Jiao even saw him walking He also looked like this when fighting people, as if he couldn't get nervous at all.

"Should be going." Wang Jiao said: "Li Gongquan is crazy and conceited. We have suffered so much for him, so he should restrain himself. Since Heyang is safe, we probably want to transfer to the south again. I heard that Zhu Youyu is going to To attack Sishui, General Fan does not have many men, and he has repeatedly called for soldiers, and someone must go."

After Weibo General Shi Renyu led his army back, Yamen General Li Gongquan drove over with his troops.

This guy's attitude towards Xia Jun is not very friendly, even hostile.Wang Jiao didn't know Li Gongquan, nor did he know what his plans were.Could it be another general with an overall view, worried about Wei Bo's future, and wants to attack Heyang?But Luo Hongxin probably didn't give the order to attack. Is Li Gongquan intentionally creating a conflict and provoking border provocations?An Lushan in the Xuanzong Dynasty liked to do this, and it ruined the credibility of the court.

On a small mound two miles away, Li Gongquan quietly looked at Xia Bing who was leaving, and suddenly smiled.

"It's been a while since I've been here, and I've been 'drilling' with the Xia people, how does the army feel?" Li Gongquan asked.

Everyone's faces were ashen.

Weibo is rich and rich, with all kinds of rare and rare toys, and there are many beauties, which are the most depressing for people's will.Sometimes I want to get up early today to practice martial arts, but I just can't get up when I lie on the bed with a white and tender beauty in my arms.

What is a long time of peace?That's it.

Fortunately, Wei Bo's atmosphere is not too bad. There are many people who practice martial arts among the people, and the people's customs are also aggressive. It doesn't make the martial arts people completely put on airs, they can only line up and not fight to the death.

The peace has been going on for a long time, the people are not used to war, and there has been no beacon fire for a hundred years. This is the current situation when the Anshi rebels entered Henan.However, now Henan bandits can fight and have been trained.

Wei Bowu people also need such a training object.They have a good foundation, as long as they are not quickly perished in the way of being overwhelmed by Mount Tai at the beginning, and after a long period of sawing, their combat effectiveness will soon be improved.

Li Gongquan has a sense of crisis and ambition. He understands the general trend of the world and has a clear understanding of Wei Bo's situation.

Li Ke used to toss endlessly in Youzhou.In the twelfth lunar month, Liu Rengong was defeated in Shunzhou, thousands of people were captured and beheaded, and more than ten thousand Khitan and Xi people were surrendered.A while ago, they went south quickly again, and the soldiers pointed directly at the remaining rebels in Ying and Mo Erzhou, with a momentum like a rainbow.

This thief, the next target should be Cangjing Lu Yanwei, there is no doubt about it.Once he succeeds, he will be on the border with Weibo. By then, he will tame Chengde Wang Rong and go out of Texas to attack the wealthy Beizhou. His life will definitely be ruined-Li Ke's military discipline is not very good.

"We still need to strengthen ourselves." Li Gongquan shook his head and said, "Weibo six states can't rely on anyone, they can only rely on themselves. Only with self-improvement, the thieves will not be able to attack. Even if they attack, we will be invincible. But as long as there is still fighting power, there is room for bargaining."

"You are right." Everyone responded one after another.

"The Xia people have been fighting for many years, and now they are strong and their soldiers are very sharp. They are good opponents." Li Gongquan said again: "You don't have to be discouraged. The foundation is not bad, the only difference is a breath, the breath that can withstand the critical moment You are not as crazy as the Xia people, as cruel as the Xia people, as desperate as the Xia people, you are always able to stand up at the beginning, but you can’t get up at the end, and your achievements fall short.”

In the recent small-scale conflicts, Xia and Wei faced each other, and they were able to fight back and forth at the beginning. Even the Wei Bo warriors were able to cause heavy damage to Xia's army. It can be seen that they are also familiar with military formations. Excellent, but in the end, he couldn't hold on and was defeated in the end.

To put it bluntly, the persistence is not enough, and the inability to endure long and hard battles has something to do with morale and character.

"Dutou, there are rumors in the army that we are going out of the town to fight against the Xia people. Is it true? Is it false?" someone asked.

"Luo Shuai has this intention, but he hasn't made up his mind yet," Li Gongquan said.

The military academies were in an uproar. It turned out that the rumors were true?

Li Gongquan also expressed grief and indignation, shaking his head and sighing.

In Weizhou city, Li Zhen was brought into the mansion full of dust and dust.

Luo Hongxin felt dizzy when he saw him, and asked, "Why is Dr. Li coming again? Isn't it enough to send so much money, food and war horses?"

"Luo Shuai, your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. I came here this time for the sake of your family." Li Zhen laughed.

"Absurd!" Luo Hongxin reprimanded: "Li Gongquan has [-] soldiers stationed in Weizhou, so that Xia's tens of thousands of soldiers dare not go south. It's the utmost benevolence to help here, what else do you want?"

"Don't get angry, Shuai Luo, and pay attention to your body." Li Zhen said with a smile on his face, "Before leaving, the King of Liang had a word to build up his virtue to conquer the Central Plains. They were all wiped out. Now that there are horse-grazing rivers and Huai Rivers, if Bianzhou is conquered, will Wei Bo be far behind?"

Luo Hongxin bowed his head in thought, and remained silent for a long time.

Li Zhen looked at his words, and immediately stepped up his efforts, saying: "Liang Wang said again, the sixth brother is someone I respect, and he gave me food and horses to deal with Shao's bandits. I am very grateful. Shaowei's nephew is very brave. , the talent of the sky, the Luo family will have successors. I only hope that Zhu and Luo will always form an alliance and fight against Shao's bandits together."

Luo Hongxin stood for a while, feeling a little tired, so he sat back and frowned, "What does King Liang want to do? With the current situation in the town, it may not be easy to send troops."

In fact, Luo Hongxin is not stupid, of course he can see the threat from Shao Shude.But the problem is that it is risky to transfer sergeants out of the town to fight, and we have to guard against it.

Luo Hongxin's reaction was completely within Li Zhen's expectations. He lowered his voice and said, "Luo Shuai, the King of Liang sent me here not to ask Wei soldiers to go out to fight, but to tell Luo Shuai a secret matter." .”

"Oh?" Luo Hongxin became interested and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Zhen looked around in embarrassment.

Luo Hongxin realized, waved his servants and staff to go out, and said, "Speak."

"Luo Shuai. The king of Liang found out that Shao Shude colluded with the generals of Weizhou in private. When Liang Hanyong left Pu and returned to Heyang, he used false tactics to attack Guo, captured Weizhou, killed Luo's family, and promoted others as festivals. An envoy," Li Zhen said.

Luo Hongxin's face changed suddenly, and after a while, he asked suspiciously again: "Who did he conspire with? Li Gongquan or Shi Renyu?"

"I don't know." Li Zhen said.

Luo Hongxin didn't believe it, because Li Zhen's words didn't make sense, and he couldn't convince him.But then he thought that since last year, his health has been worsening day by day, and there are undercurrents surging in the town, and it is very possible that someone has a different heart, and he suddenly became uneasy.

The son is only 21 years old, this age is really difficult to convince the public.The most deadly thing is that he has not made any meritorious service. With Wei Bo's tradition, it will not be very smooth to become a Jiedushi.

Alas, if Shao Shude hadn't been so ambitious, he could have made friends with him.He sent a sentence, coupled with Luo's arrangement and management, it is not a big problem for his son to take over smoothly.

It's a pity that this person has annexed too many vassals and towns. In the eyes of the Hebei warriors, he is simply the number one villain in the sky.The most important thing is that he was born in Lingxia, representing Guanlong warriors, which is even more annoying.

"Luo Shuai, the bandit Shao has used the trick of attacking Guo. The story of Wang Gong is not far away." Li Zhen reminded.

Luo Hongxin hesitated.There is no basis for Li Zhen's statement, but Shao Shude has indeed had a bad record in this regard, so he has to guard against it.

"Then Liang Hanyong won't be allowed to excuse me." Luo Hongxin said after making up his mind.

He originally had good intentions, he not only helped Zhu Quanzhong, but also sold Shao Shude a favor, it can be said that he has ridden the fence to the extreme, now it seems that this is also risky?
"Luo Shuai's eyes are as bright as a torch." Li Zhen praised: "But this may only treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"What's the explanation?"

"There are people with different ambitions in the town, and they haven't been eliminated yet."

"Why did sir teach me?"

"It's better to let Liang Hanyong borrow the way, and then see who he associates with, and then find a chance to hunt him down."

"Not right!" Luo Hongxin subconsciously refused.

It would be too extreme and too dangerous to do something like this. If it was self-defeating, it might even make people turn the tables.

"That's all." Seeing that Li Zhen wanted to say something more, Luo Hongxin waved his hand and said, "I'm ordering the Bozhou defenders to stand in solid formation, and no excuses are allowed. It is absolutely impossible to ambush Liang Hanyong."

Li Zhen was helpless.

But the trip was not fruitless.At least, Liang Hanyong couldn't run away, and the conflict with Zhu Xuan was a foregone conclusion, and they would definitely meet each other at that time.With the joint efforts of Zhu Xuan and Zhu Zhen, Liang Hanyong will lose his skin even if he is not dead.

This guy is really annoying.Taking Puzhou as the base, attack everywhere, it is impossible to defend against.This time Zhu Xuan led the army to expel, Hua and Cao Zhuzhen waited in strict battle, and Wei Bo closed the door again. Where can Liang Hanyong go?There must be a conflict with Zhu Xuan, and when there is a conflict, many things will never go back.

(End of this chapter)

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