Chapter 77 Fuping
On the sixth day of the second lunar month in the first year of Guangming, the sage issued an edict in Xingyuan's mansion to order soldiers and horses from all over the world to hunt down thieves.

After the "message group sending" ended, regardless of whether others received it or not, surrounded by his followers, he went south to Xichuan to avoid disasters and play.

At the same time, because Huang Chao sent the envoy to press for food and grass, and asked for too much, the Jiedu envoy Wang Chongrong in the Daqi River felt unbearable, so he did not stop, cut the messenger directly, and jumped to the Tang side again.This official of Da Qi, even after less than a month, makes people laugh and cry.

Huang Chao was furious when he heard the news, so he supplemented Zhu Wen, who was stationed in Dongwei Bridge, with men, horses, equipment, and fodder, and ordered him to go eastward to Tongzhou to attack Wang Chongrong, who was shameless and jumped repeatedly.

Zhu Wen is also politically savvy, and he knows that there are many pseudo-Tang officials who are now watching the Daqi court to see how they deal with Wang Chongrong.If it is not handled well, the impact will be very bad.Therefore, this battle must be fought well, Wang Chongrong must die, or at least be submissive.

A war seems inevitable.

In the farmhouse in Fuping County, Feng Yin had just finished cooking his muscles and bones and was about to eat breakfast.

The farm area is not small, about [-] hectares, and it has attracted nearly a thousand farmers to cultivate the land. It is also a relatively powerful farm in Fuping County.Not only economic strength, but also the military force composed of Zhuang Ke.

Because the owner, Li Kan, had already taken his son to Xingyuan Mansion to follow the emperor, now the farm is basically taken care of by Feng Yin and a housekeeper surnamed Li.Feng Yin was in charge of the private army, and Butler Li was in charge of other affairs. They were helping each other to get through this turbulent time together.

"Langjun, the Hedong Army will be coming soon. This army is in chaos, will Zhuangzi be looted?"

"Don't worry, madam." Feng Yin smiled and said, "Tree - Shao Jun envoy of the Tielin Army just fought a big victory in the south of Huayuan County five days ago. With four thousand against five thousand, the bandits were defeated and captured. The thief will still be alive, surrender to Li Tangbin, and now we are heading towards Fuping, and we are almost there."

"It's good to win the battle, but this Zhuangzi..."

"The Tielin Army will be stationed near Zhuangzi, and Zhuge Shuang will also come here. With a hundred courage from the Hedong Army, they will not dare to come and ask for trouble."

"Lang Jun, you mean the small school you came to yesterday..."

"Well." Feng Yin nodded and said, "That is the messenger of Tie Linjun."

"That's good." Liu Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face: "Since Shao Junshi is an old acquaintance of Langjun, he should be able to restrain the sergeant and not waste Zhuangzi too much."

"The military discipline of the Tielin Army is still acceptable." Feng Yin recalled carefully, and said, "When it was still Tielin Capital, there were very few incidents of harassing the people, whether in Jinyang or Yangqu County. Donations are unavoidable, if the sergeants want to reward money and food, someone has to come out."

"As long as the money and food are considered conscientious, I'm afraid—" Liu sighed, "I have to tell the two young ladies not to show their faces outside, lest the sergeants see them and forcefully snatch them."

Feng Yin shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to these crap.Chang'an fell, hundreds of officials suffered, and the secret school of Yin fled in a hurry, leaving his wife and children, but unlucky, met with thieves and died unexpectedly.Fortunately, I took advantage of the chaos to pick up Congmei, otherwise I would have been taken away as a thief's family.

After eating the soup cake, Feng Yin went to an open space at the west end of Zhuang, where the Liu brothers were training Zhuang Ke.

There were more than [-] trainees, and they had some basic skills. After being directed by the officers of the Shence Battalion, they have made great progress, and now they look decent.

Feng Yin's hands were a little itchy, and when he was about to go off the court to make a gesture with the Liu brothers, there was a sound of horse hooves in the distance.When I looked closely, there were dozens of fully armed cavalrymen, one of them was carrying a big flag and wrote "Xia Suiyinyou observes and disposes of Zhuge", and there was a smaller side behind it, "Tielin Army Envoy Shao".

Well, the Tielin army, who just won the battle, has arrived in Fuping.

Feng Yin and the others stopped training and carefully stepped to the side of the road.With the guy in his hand, don't let these big bosses get it wrong.

After the leading cavalry, it is the brigade of infantry.Perhaps because of the victory, the morale of these people looked good, their eyes were bright, and their spirits were high.The most amazing thing is that there is no noise on the way, which is unbelievable to Feng Yin.

"General Feng." Shu Qi left the group and rushed towards them.

Feng Yin took a closer look and saw that it was Fan He, the deputy general of Shao Shude's personal soldiers, and said, "How is General Fan?"

"I didn't get a chance to fight, it's not good." Fan He smiled and said, "Li Tangbin's team collapsed before the battle was fought. It was very sloppy. Duke Lu Yu was still scolding yesterday."

Hearing what Fan He said, one of the generals in the infantry team took the lead with a shudder, and then blushed to the bottom of his ears, almost dripping blood.

"The place has been arranged. It's in the village. It's clean and comfortable, and it won't disturb the general's Yaxing's study of military books." Feng Yin knew what Fan He meant by coming here on purpose, so he replied, "I will call Shao Jun to be satisfied."

Fan He nodded, and at the same time was a little emotional.This Fengyin, when I went to Xiazhou last time, was quite natural in front of the military envoy, not at all restrained.When the results of the Huayuan County battle came, and then deterred by the momentum of the victorious division in front of him, he lowered his posture subconsciously, which made people sigh.

Man, it's really hard to keep your heart.

Zhuangzi arrived soon.

Shao Shude followed behind Zhuge Shuang and said, "Commander, since Wang Chongrong has already made a move and has sent envoys to contact him, we might as well help each other to fight against the bandit army."

"Where are Wang Chongrong's soldiers?" Zhuge Shuang asked.

"The main force is in Hezhong Mansion, but there are also thousands of people in Hexi." Shao Shude replied.

"With Hezhong Town, plus the Yizhao and Zhu Mei troops of the Hedong Army, and our Tielin Army, there are nearly 50,000 people." Zhuge Shuang said: "Forget it, the soldiers in Hezhong Town can't be counted. Wang Chongrong's purpose Still protect yourself."

After winning the battle of Huayuan County, Zhuge Shuang's views on Chao's army also changed.Coupled with the news that Wang Chongrong is anyway, his confidence has been restored, and he feels that he can cooperate with Zhu Mei and Wang Chongrong to gain a firm foothold in the northeast of Jingzhao Mansion and wait for an opportunity.

The two entered Zhuangzi one after the other, surrounded by a large group of personal soldiers and entourages.

Shao Shude took the opportunity to thank Feng Yin, but seeing that he was very worried and didn't know what he was thinking, he didn't say much and went to his residence.

"Military envoy, there is an envoy from Hexi County." Shao Shude had just sat down, and before he had time to take a breath, Fan He came over to report softly.

Hexi County is to the west of the Yellow River, near Heyang, Shaanxi Province in later generations, and is a county under the jurisdiction of Hezhong Prefecture.Wang Chongrong stationed 4000 people here as an outpost to defend the river.On the other side is the Hedong County, where Wang Chongrong is located.

"Let him in."

The messenger came in quickly. It was a military academy with a very respectful attitude. He knelt down on one knee and said, "Deputy General Wang Ding of the Hezhong Ya Army pays tribute to the envoy Shao Jun of the Tielin Army."

"Why did you come to see someone?"

"Hezhong Wang Dashuai heard that Tielin's army was in Huayuan's army to destroy the thief army Li Tangbin's unit, so he sent the last to come here to meet the thieves."

"Wang Shuai really looks down on someone." Shao Shude laughed, and naturally he didn't take Wang Ding's words seriously: "Today, Tielin's army is only [-] people, and Wang Shuai has [-] people. How can we compare? The other, Jinyang Yizhao and Daizhou Zhu. Mei, there are no less than [-] elite soldiers under the tent, why don't you look for them? Marshal Zhuge has fought for many years, and he is the benefactor of Shao, so it is uneasy and good-hearted that you come to look for this alone."

"The commander only values ​​heroes." Wang Ding said: "Yizhao, Zhu Mei, and Zhuge Shuang are all mediocre people, and they are not enough. If the general agrees to capture Tongzhou (now Dali, Shaanxi) and rush to Hexi, Wang Shuai is willing to provide food, grass, Golden silk and beauty Ji presented each other."

Tongzhou was attacked by Zhu Wen once before, and now there are more than [-] people left behind.

"This is to teach me to walk away with Commander Zhuge behind my back and help you defend Luoshui and Tongzhou." Shao Shude sneered and said, "Needless to say, Commander Zhuge has already planned to join the Hedong Army in Fuping, and then do it again. Let’s talk about it. When I go back, I will tell your commander that Fuping will go to Hexi quickly, but it will only take a few days. If your commander is in trouble, you can just send an envoy to the commander Zhuge for help, why should you come to Shao?”

Wang Ding didn't know what to say.This year's generals have money, food, and beautiful women, but they still haven't voted. No matter how you look at it, there is something strange about it.

"A certain person heard that Huang Chao sent Zhu Wen and Huang Ye to advance along the Wei River eastwards, intending to attack the middle of the river. Where are they now? How many soldiers are there?" Shao Shude asked.

"Zhu Wen has more than [-] soldiers, Huang Ye has [-] soldiers, and thousands of navy soldiers have arrived at Huayin at this time." Wang Ding replied.

"Fan He, bring the picture." Shao Shude ordered.

Fan He acted according to his words and laid a map on the case.

"Walking along the Wei River, is this to take advantage of the navy to seize Fenglingdu? Or go up against the Luo River, first to Tongzhou, and then to Hexi?" Shao Shude said to himself.

Wang Ding couldn't answer this.Zhu Wen and Huang Ye did not divide their troops at this time, and they could not see the intention of the bandit army.

But Shao Shude probably already figured it out.Huang Chao went all the way north from Guangzhou, almost penetrating the whole world, and then took Chang'an, forcing the saint to flee to Sichuan.This power really scared many princes who had never fought against it.Zhu Wen and Huang Ye led more than 40,000 people and came in such a menacing manner that it is understandable for Wang Chongrong to panic.

Huayin goes eastward via Dingcheng and Yehuquan for more than 30 li, and there is a ferry at Weijin Pass, where the Wei River enters the river.The navy transported troops here to cross the north, that is, into Yongle County, Hezhong Prefecture (now southwest of Ruicheng County).Or go four miles east to Tongguan, you can cross the river directly to seize Fenglingdu.

In the other direction, Huayin is [-] miles north, along Luoshui, and you can reach Tongzhou.This place is in the hands of the Chao army, and it can be used as a base to attack Hexi, and then cross the river to attack Hedong County.

If Zhu Wen and Huang Ye acted separately, going all the way east, all the way north, and launched a pincer attack, Wang Chongrong would really have a headache.

That makes sense!
"Let's go, go with a certain commander to see Commander Zhuge, the matter still needs to be decided by the commander himself." Shao Shude pointed at Wang Ding and said.

(End of this chapter)

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