Chapter 770
Liang Hanyong came to Puzhou.

He looked up at the bloodstains left in front of the Yongding post, and sighed: "The iron-clad yamen, the flowing Jiedu envoy. Sometimes I don't know whether it is the Jieshuai or the big-headed soldier who is in charge in a town. If you don’t eat well, you will rebel, if you don’t get your rewards, you will rebel, if you don’t see your family for years, you will rebel, if you are jealous, you will rebel, and even if you lose all your money in gambling games, you will rebel. It’s really hard to be a Jiedushi.”

Shao Lun, who was not in a good mood at first, laughed when he heard this, and said: "General Liang said well. If I am lucky enough to be a Jiedu envoy, I will rack my brains every day to serve thirty thousand warriors. I'm afraid they won't be happy, these days are really bittersweet. Now it seems that I can't manage [-] troops, and [-] is enough."

The soldiers in Puzhou should rectify as soon as possible, and Du Guangyi had already explained to him.Three thousand sergeants, strictly trained, don't steal and play tricks.Their own foundation is very good, and they have a lot of war experience. After some practice, they still have the possibility of becoming a strong army.

"Puzhou mutiny, Zhu Xuan was arrested, if He Gui succeeds in seizing the throne, Qizhou will rebel. Zhu Jin's attitude in Yanzhou is also hard to say, alas, I didn't want to tear myself apart with them so quickly." Liang Hanyong was a little depressed.This Zhu Xuan is so ignorant, I didn't even want to touch you, why did you drive us away?It's good now, you have been driven away, is it a loss?

As for He Gui, to be honest, Liang Hanyong doesn't trust him very much.Although he nominally surrendered to King Xia, judging from what he did, he was definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his ambition was not small.

Fortunately, he has no other way to go now, besides relying on King Xia, what else can he do?It is impossible for Zhu Quanzhong to join him for a long time. Zhu Jin won't tolerate him. Wang Shifan's attitude is suspicious. Could it be possible to vote for Weibo?Less likely.So, that's it, don't be too polite to He Gui, just order her around.

"Where does General Liang want to go next? Attack Caozhou? Huazhou? Shanzhou? Do you need me to prepare food and grass?" Shao Lun asked.

"Not leaving for now." Liang Hanyong looked at the west side, and said: "I'm worried that Zhu Zhen will attack in the chaos, so I have to take precautions. Zhu Jin in Yanzhou has not received any news yet, and when he knows about the changes in Yun Town, It will be troublesome if you raise your troops in anger. Don’t leave for now, train in Puzhou. By the way, those horses brought by Zhu Xuan are still there, right?”

"He Gui took more than a thousand horses, but I only got seven hundred." Shao Lun replied.

"It's okay, send five hundred horses to my camp, and prepare a batch of fodder and beans." Liang Hanyong took another five hundred with one mouth, only to hear him continue: "Send another envoy to Yunzhou to inquire about the news. If congratulations Gui succeeded in taking the position, so he offered a batch of money and silk. You can figure out the exact amount. There are still some looted gold and silver wares in my camp. You will send someone to take them down later, pick the right ones and send them to Yunzhou. You can keep it."

Horse mules and even donkeys have always been the most in-demand supplies for the Flying Dragon Army. They are the guarantee of their mobility and they attach great importance to them.

Thanks to the blessings of Li Zhengji and Hou Xiyi back then, there is a good tradition of raising war horses in Laoziqing Town, especially in Qingzhou.The world has changed, and the stars have changed. It has been a hundred years, and the traditions have inevitably changed. The Ma Zheng in the three towns of Yun, Yan, and Qing are not as good as before, and only a few remnants remain.But no matter what, there are still some, that is, the number is not as good as before, and it is not like Hebei that has maintained a considerable scale of government-run horse farms in the past.

Qi Bizhang and Liang Hanyong have been supplying horses and mules in Yun and Yaner towns for a long time. Because of the intense consumption on the battlefield, the number of horses, mules and donkeys in the two towns has been greatly reduced, and they can hardly support the right wing of the Dragon Army. More than [-] soldiers were consumed—fishing in the dry lake, that's probably it.

"General Liang, the number of horses and mules is not enough, which may affect your army's campaign." Shao Lun was very sensitive, and when he heard that Liang Hanyong was about to leave with [-] horses, he immediately understood, and went on to say.

"Do you have a solution?" Liang Hanyong was also worried.

He once considered transporting horses on a large scale through Weibo, but firstly, the long-distance transshipment of livestock requires a large amount of food and grass to feed through the prefectures and counties, and secondly, whether the Weibowu people will rob is also a problem. can give up.

"Of the three towns of Laozi and Qing, Qingzhen has the most mules. If you can go in and loot them, you will gain a lot." Shao Lun suggested.

"No, this will affect the war against Liang. Making enemies in vain is something a wise man would not do." Liang Hanyong immediately rejected Shao Lun's bad idea, saying: "Maybe you can spend money to buy it."

Shao Lun was a little embarrassed because he didn't have that much money.

Liang Hanyong saw Shao Lun's face and understood, so he could only say: "Take this matter slowly, there is no rush. Yunzhen and Quanzhong have been fighting for many years, and the state and county are broken, which is understandable. Let's get things done first. It's a critical moment, Mr. Shao must stand firm. Xia Wang's momentum is so good, more and more people will vote in the future, and more and more people will grab credit. Can you seize the opportunity? But it’s up to the envoy himself.”

A small governor of Puzhou can't even compete with Jiedu envoys, so it's time for Shao Lun to abandon his unrealistic fantasies.Helping King Xia to firmly guard the bridgehead of Puzhou, and being a nail in the towns of Yun, Yan, Qing, and Wei is a steady credit.When the world is settled, it can be put on the table to say meritorious service.

Opportunities don't come often, so be sure to grab them.

"I understand. From now on, only training soldiers and horses, persuading farming and mulberry, and delivering supplies will definitely live up to my father's expectations." Shao Lun said.

Liang Hanyong smiled.This Shao Lun, in the end, still regarded himself as the righteous son of King Xia, and he nodded slightly, which made people laugh.

Before the news of what happened in Puzhou spread to the surrounding towns, the left wing of the Flying Dragon Army led by Qi Bizhang had already entered the boundary of Suzhou.More precisely, they captured Linhuan County, Suzhou.

Linhuan County, located in Linhuanji in the southwest of Suixi County, was once the location of the front of the Huaihai Campaign.

The county originally belonged to Bozhou. In the fourth year of Yuanhe, Fuli County and Qixian County in Xuzhou, Hong County in Sizhou, and Linhuan County in Bozhou were analyzed and placed in Suzhou.Therefore, there are four counties in Suzhou, Linhuan County is located in the west, Bozhou is located in the north, south and west, respectively, Yongcheng, Chengfu, and Mengcheng counties, and Lisuo Fuli County in Suzhou is in the east.

Today is the sixth day of February, and Qi Bizhang is sitting in the Linhuan county government office with a big horse and a golden knife.

Officials and Tu people from the four counties of Chengfu, Yongcheng, Linhuan and Mengcheng all gathered here, trembling.They didn't want to come, but after the county seat was breached, what can they do?
The county magistrate and county magistrate came to Chengfu County. The master and county lieutenant died in battle after breaking the city, and they had not had time to find someone to take over.

The magistrate of Yongcheng died in the siege battle, and the master committed suicide. The county magistrate acted as the county magistrate. Bianzhou called for help.The county lieutenant did come, but also in a panic.

Linhuan County has the most people, because the Feilong Army took it without much effort.

There was an accident in Mengcheng County. Thousands of flying dragon troops were besieging. The Liang people were determined to resist. Qi Bizhang lost his troops and lost his generals. He lost a nephew and two clan children. Heartbroken.Every soldier is very precious, and more than 1000 people die at a time, which is really pitiful.

In addition to county magistrates, there are local influential local tyrants.

The group of local tyrants is very magical.They filled the vacancy that the imperial power did not go to the countryside, and called the wind and rain in the local area, with great energy.They are the most conservative group, but sometimes they are the most opportunistic group, bringing their own horses, knives and guns, and their children to serve a certain warlord, fight for them, and gain wealth.

After Zhu Quanzhong took control of Bian, he appointed a large number of local generals and local tyrants, such as Shi Shucong, Li Si'an, Liu Han, Kou Yanqing, Liu Qi, Zhu Hanbin, etc., trying to localize his military and political group. After all, he and a group of old brothers are mostly outsiders— —Even if there are a few locals, they are also from the lower class, and their influence is limited.

Qi Bizhang also invited some local tyrants to come to Linhuan to discuss matters, but there were very few people who responded, and only a few who had a lot of gambling came, which made him a little dissatisfied.

"You all look like mourning concubines, and I get angry when I see them." Seeing their disheveled and anxious looks, Qi Bizhang was furious: "You, come here and pour me wine."

With a bitter face, Father Cheng walked up slowly and poured wine for Qi Bizhang.

"You guys are lucky, can't you tell?" Qi Bizhang took the wine bowl, drank it down, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and said with a sneer: "You can take a look, I broke the city father It's been a few days in the three counties of Yongcheng, Linhuan, and Yongcheng, but someone came to drive me away?"

Everyone immediately pretended to be thoughtful and nodded frequently.

In fact, everyone understands the truth.The soldiers have all gone to the front line, the hinterland of Bian Song Dynasty is empty, and the prefectural city may have stronger defenses, but it is hard to say about the county-level cities. Some of them have only three to five hundred county town soldiers. If they temporarily recruit local villagers, they can make up two thousand About, but what if it's too late to collect?
The Flying Dragon Army is mounted infantry, and moves quickly. Often before the news spreads, more than 1 people will arrive at a certain place quickly, and they will attack the city with only a few hundred county town soldiers with lightning speed. Yongcheng and Linhuan are like this.Because the news had passed, Mengcheng made preparations in advance, and it could actually be defeated with a hard fight, but there must be heavy casualties, so there is no need for that.

During the war years, even civilian officials were not ignorant of military affairs. In fact, they still knew the actual situation very well.There are more than 1 people in the Feilong Army. If King Liang doesn't prepare tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, he may not be able to drive them away.

But they still dare not take refuge in peace of mind, there is no other reason, they are afraid that you will leave!

It was not the first time that the Flying Dragon Army broke into the hinterland of Bian Song Dynasty, nor was it the first time to break through a city, but they all left in the end, and they had no plans to stay and operate for a long time.May I ask, in such a situation, apart from deserters, bandits, or a few children of local tyrants who intend to gain wealth, who would seriously seek refuge with you?Aren't you afraid of being liquidated?
"May I ask General Qibi, when will your army leave after conquering the three lands? I will also prepare food, grass and draft animals." Someone couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

As soon as the words fell, everyone focused on Qi Bizhang.

"I'm not leaving." Qi Bizhang threw the wine bowl on the table and said, "You give me some strength to work. The craftsmen have been collected, and I will ask you for anything that is lacking in the future. If I can't hand it over, I will be I want to kill someone. I want to see where Zhu Quanzhong dispatched troops to drive me away. I used to be scorned as a bandit, but now I am a local bandit."

Everyone felt a little relieved, but they still didn't believe it.If Shi Shucong comes back from Yingzhou, your goal has been achieved, you can pat your ass and leave, but we will be miserable.

Qi Bizhang knew what they were thinking, and stared, as if he was going to have a fit.

Everyone bowed their heads one after another, not daring to talk nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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