Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 778 Mind and Situation

Chapter 778 Mind and Situation

"Brothers Liang Jun, Xuzhou is being attacked by Yan soldiers. If you wait for your family members to die or leave, why don't you go back and repel the thieves?"

"My family members were killed, and we all feel the same way. Te Fanger has a way out. You go, we won't chase."

"If you don't leave, your children will be taken away as slaves, your wives and concubines will be humiliated by others, your garden will be burned, and your crops will be trampled. What's the use of it?"

"Gao Shuai is benevolent and righteous. All the prisoners he captured will be released without any humiliation or harm. You can inquire about each other."

After the war ended, the army led by Shi Shucong recovered Qi County.

The Feisheng army mobilized thousands of people, and with the cooperation of tens of thousands of peasants from the Tutuan, they attacked for three consecutive rounds and captured the city of Qixian County, showing their strong combat effectiveness.

A part of the Feilong army went to the rear of the Liang army, dismounted and rushed to kill, and was repelled by the Liang army, losing hundreds of soldiers.Then they simply continued to go south, intercepting the transportation channel from Wokou to Qixian County, but it seemed that Shi Shucong didn't care too much. He carried a month's worth of grain and grass with the army. Even though the grain road would be cut off, he was still in Suzhou. In the hinterland, it is not difficult to raise money, but if it is not possible to raise money, the army will go to another place to eat, and those horsemen will not be able to stop them.

The only trouble is that people leave the camp every day, mainly the recruited Bozhou Xiangyong.

Before dispatching troops, Shi Shucong recruited 2 brave men from Xu, Su, and Bo prefectures, half of whom were from Bo.Today, after a series of battles, more than one-third of them have been killed or injured, and some have fled these days. There are only 5000 people left in this meeting.Shi Shucong sacrificed harsh punishments and killed a wave of deserters, and only then did this terrible trend be curbed.

At the same time, he also caught a lot of unlucky ghosts who spread rumors in the army, especially those who spread the rumor that Bozhou was occupied by Xia Bing, and all of them would be severely punished to serve as a warning to others.

But it is unavoidable that the combat effectiveness of Bozhou Xiangyong has been greatly reduced, and the morale of the army has been severely disintegrated.

Shi Shucong was aware of the situation. When attacking Qi County, he deliberately drove the Bo people to attack fiercely, and the Feisheng army followed them, and finally won the victory.

Bozhou people have more casualties, it is better than Xuzhou and Suzhou people have more casualties-and this idea came out of Shi Shucong's mind, which in itself has explained a lot of secret things, maybe he hasn't realized it yet, or Aware but unwilling to admit it.

For the Xia people, the fall of Qi County was expected.Because the Bo people who guarded the city had no will to fight, they were already worthy of him if they didn't rush to disperse. Maybe a few backbones of the Flying Dragon Army and temporary recruits played the backbone role, but they were eventually wiped out.

The city fell, and a large number of knights were still active in the wild.He just bullied Shi Shucong, who had few cavalrymen, and shouted everywhere to disintegrate the morale of the army, which made his head grow bigger.

Shi Shucong just inspected the city.The auxiliary soldiers are repairing and polishing equipment, boiling water and cooking, and the Tutuan villagers are repairing the damaged city. Everything is in order.But the soldiers were whispering and whispering to each other. When they saw the officer approaching from a distance, they stopped for a while, and when the officer left, they returned to their old ways.

Shi Shucong wanted to say that Yan Bing just came to plunder, and did not attack Xuzhou city, but would anyone believe it?
I'm afraid there are not many, because this is in line with people's cognition: Liang Jun and Taining Army have been fighting for many years. Is it weird that Jin does this?

The soldiers and generals who followed Uncle Cong to patrol the city all had worried expressions on their faces.

They don't worry about their families, and in fact not every warrior does.A warrior who has been on the verge of life and death all year round, his true thoughts are very different from ordinary people.

Women are just their playthings, it doesn't matter if it's theirs or someone else's, just grab it and use it, and don't care too much about other details.A child is just a tool to carry on the family line. If it is gone, go out and grab a woman and let her have one. If it doesn't work, you can adopt a son.

Every general's personal soldiers are from the vested interest class. They eat and drink well, have a lot of rewards, and get promoted very quickly.They are not very worried about their family members, but it is hard to say for ordinary soldiers. Some people don't worry or care, but some people care. That's the problem.

There were internal disagreements. Some people were eager to go back to defeat Yanbing and protect their homeland. Some people didn't care, but they didn't mind returning to the army.It is easy to fight the Yan people, or it is easy to fight the Xia people, they can still tell the difference.

A military chaos often does not require many people to participate. Out of 1 people, more than a thousand people rebelled, and it is normal for the vast majority of people to sit on the sidelines, not to mention that far more than a thousand people are affected right now.

"If Zhu Jin's soldiers are under his command at this moment, I'm afraid they are already in chaos." When he walked down the wall, Shi Shucong suddenly laughed at himself and said, "King Liang has ruled the army for so many years. After a while, the atmosphere in the army is acceptable."

Everyone didn't know what he meant when he suddenly mentioned Liang Wang's rule of the army, but they still echoed.

Shi Shucong shook his head, his face full of melancholy.

In his view, the war between Xia and Liang had entered its final stage.After this year, King Liang was Shi Pu after the battle of Wukang Town, passively beaten, and Xuzhou was besieged twice in three days.Shi Pu had the help of Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin and even Li Keyong, who would help King Liang?

Yang Xingmi?He was still thinking about Xu and Su.Luo Hongxin?It's rare to see him like that, and Wei Bing's combat effectiveness is really hard to describe.

Xiongwei and Feisheng Second Army, of course there are still a large number of sergeants who are loyal to the King of Liang, but their hearts are also easy to change, just like Shi Shucong's heart.

There was a curl of cooking smoke in the city, and the sergeants sat on the ground, waiting for the meal.

Fortunately, there is enough corn, rice, pancakes, and pickles, but there is too little meat, and it is difficult to obtain it locally when fighting outside.The hinterland of Xuanwu has also suffered serious disasters in the past two years, and the cultivation of the people has been greatly affected. If Luo Hongxin and Yang Xingmi had not provided a lot of money and food support, it is estimated that King Liang would have to impose further heavy taxes.

Xu and Su prefectures were attacked and harassed by Xia soldiers more often because they were close to Tianping and Taining towns.Many people went south to cross the Huai River and fled into Chuzhou and Yangzhou under the control of Yang Xingmi.There are even many people who feel that Jiangbei is not safe, and drag their families to Jiangnan to find a peaceful place.

After six or seven years of fighting with the Xia people, until now, the military defeat is not too tragic, because Liang Bing's combat effectiveness is strong enough, and the morale is not too low, but the losses suffered inside are actually great.The discipline of the Fan Qimen brought by the Xia thief was obviously worse than that of the Feilong army, and the damage they caused was even more tragic.

The more Shi Shucong thought about it, the more helpless he became. He lost to the cavalry in the past few years!
"Dutou, the Xia people sent an envoy over here. He called himself Pei Guan and said he had something important to discuss." The general came over and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry about it for now." Shi Shucong ordered: "If he leaves, it's fine. You personally arrange for someone to cruise outside at night. If he still comes, then quietly pick him in. I'll listen to what he has to say."

Surrender is not enough, but Shi Shucong doesn't mind hearing what the Xia people want to do.

"Master Yang and Zhao Yan have left Chengfu County." In the camp outside Suzhou city, information was sent over one after another.

Chengfu County was once attacked by the Feilong Army.Qi Bizhang summoned the officials of the three counties in Linhuan and ordered them to go back to conscript soldiers. After the father of the city ordered them to go back, he reversed and called up the recruited Tutuan villagers to guard the city.

The Yongcheng Order sent more than 3000 people. When the second batch was conscripted, they encountered riots and were killed.The rest of the officials fled and did not dare to do anything again.

Linhuan County, which is the resident, recruited 5000 people.But not many recruits were recruited, not because no one was willing to serve as soldiers, but because the young and strong either fled or were already in the army. There were not so many people, and in the end only more than [-] people were recruited.Qi Bizhang organized them into an army alone, named "Maqianzhi", to put it bluntly, to supplement auxiliary soldiers, but most of them couldn't ride horses, so they could only do some chores.

Yang Shihou and Zhao Yan have a lot of troops, a total of 6000 people, both on foot and cavalry, and well-equipped, but there are too many recruits, and combat effectiveness is a problem.And judging from what they mean, it seems that they are not in a hurry to move forward. They are currently marching in the direction of Yongcheng County in the northeast under the banner of regaining lost ground, instead of pointing directly at Linhuan, which is closer to Suzhou. It can be seen that they do not have a firm will to fight. .

"It is reported that Zhu Quanzhong can't sit still anymore, and plans to mobilize the elite of the Changzhi Army and the main force of the Tianwu Eighth Army to go south."

He actually got this news from a prisoner, but he couldn't confirm it, because it was all rumors in the army. It was hard to say where the source came from and whether it was accurate, but he had to guard against it.

In the previous war with the Liang people, the north was the key point, and the battles in Heyang and Luoyang were extremely intense. Now the center of gravity seems to have shifted to the south, where a large number of troops are gathered. With Lao Zhu's suspicious character, it is normal to be worried. Eat defeat.

"Shao Lun, the governor of Puzhou, and He Gui, the governor of the Tianping Army, launched a rebellion. Zhu Xuan, the governor of the prison, was furious. Zhu Jin threatened to attack Yunzhou to avenge his cousin."

This news was learned by Gao Renhou from the captured Liang Jiang Shencheng.It took nearly 20 days for such crucial news to be learned, and it was still learned from the captives, which was enough for people to judge that there was something wrong with Wei Bo.

The tens of thousands of people in Liang Han's department can't move!
"General Qibi, has the news been sent out?" Gao Renhou asked.

"Multiple messengers have been arranged, and they will be sent to Xiangcheng quickly." Qi Bizhang's face was serious, and he sighed, "Why do you say that Zhu Quanzhong's luck is so good? The southern line has already collapsed, but Yang Xingmi stormed Lishan and Pingjing Waiting for the pass, another elite soldier was sent to infiltrate Shen and Guang, looting everywhere, and creating panic. Shi Shucong marched westward again, threatening the flanks of Weisheng's army, and finally pulled him back to Suzhou, and bad news came from Yunzhen. Zhu Jin's influence in Yunzhou is not less than that of He Gui, or even greater. There are three brothers Zhu Wei in Qizhou, and even that idiot Wang Shifan of Qingzhou threatened to help Zhu Jin. On the other hand, Zhu Zhen is Aren't you going south too?"

In the current battle situation, many forces have already participated, and it is not a unilateral fight between Xia and Liang at all.In fact, the situation is linked, and others are not wooden, they just watch.If you wait until you defeat Zhu Quanzhong, you may be able to recruit his [-] troops, and then send these experienced and powerful Liang soldiers to attack the towns of Yun, Yan, Qing, Wei, and Yang. You think he will be stupid to this extent?
After the hardships, the imperial court has suppressed the rebellion all the time. How did the feudal towns that were not the target of the imperial court's counter-insurgency respond?Take the initiative to join the rebels!
"Wang Shifan is really stupid." Gao Renhou laughed and said, "Our Qizhou is still occupied, what's the matter?"

"He scolds the king every year." Speaking of this idiot, Qi Bizhang couldn't help laughing, and said, "Even someone as generous as the king is furious at Wang Shifan."

Shao Shude is generous in the eyes of the world, as can be seen from his preferential treatment of prisoners.But he really didn't want to pardon Wang Shifan, this guy scolded people too hard, he was just a fool.

"I heard that Qian Liu has broken through Yuezhou and captured Dong Chang. He is currently cleaning up the remaining counties in eastern Zhejiang. He has been intimidated by the military, sealed off officials and made wishes, and married. If he can free his hand, he can give Yang Xingmi a shot from behind Son, the situation is much better." Gao Renhou said again: "Now Yang Xingmi is recruiting township warriors from An, Huang, and Qi prefectures, besieging Anzhou day and night, and almost no one can stop him. Give him some more time, and Anzhou will run out of food. Breaking is inevitable."

Like Tang and Deng Sui, the Huaixi states were poor as hell.Last year, I recuperated for a year, and then I had some capital to recruit soldiers, food and grass to support the Zhejia army to launch an offensive on the southern front.But in the final analysis, there are too few people, too little money and food, and there is not much surplus food in Anzhou. If the siege continues for a long time, I am afraid that the tragedy of cannibalism will break out.

Wei Bo and Huainan have actually joined the war, and Xia's army is one against three.Objectively speaking, Zhu Jin was helping Zhu Quanzhong when he wanted to attack Yunzhou, but he was not to blame for this matter.So blame Du Guangyi and Liang Hanyong who participated in the planning?It didn't seem appropriate, and they had no choice but to fight back.

Zhu Jin's current attitude is still ambiguous, but if the operation is not good, it is possible to become Xia Jun one to four.

If you want to have a serious one-on-one, that only exists in fantasy, and Gao Renhou and Qi Bizhang are also very helpless.

"This battle, the more I fight, the more I feel like Zhu Quanzhong attacked Zhu Xuan back then?" Qi Bizhang, who had been silent for a long time, said something.

Gao Renhou laughed when he heard this.

When Zhu Quanzhong and Zhu Xuan competed for Huazhou, he took the first step and took it first. Then he set the target as the Tianping Army and started to attack.But with fighting, the enemy is fighting more and more, it is no longer one-on-one, it has become one-on-three, and later it is one-on-four or even one-on-five. Historically, it took ten years of fighting to eat these three Fanzhen.Then he swung his troops eastward to attack Ziqing Town, because Wang Shifan was in the east and others could not provide effective assistance, so Zhu Quanzhong quickly won in a one-on-one situation.

"We're not in a hurry for this battle. The more enemies jump out, we'll take care of them together." Gao Renhou said this with confidence, and Qi Bizhang looked at him with admiration.

If the towns of Bian, Yun, Yan, Yang, Wei, and even Qing and Jin hold a group, their strength will greatly exceed that of Xia Jun. This heroism is indeed extraordinary.

"That's right, before they are fully united, hurry up and defeat them one by one. The longer the delay, the harder it will be to fight." Qi Bizhang said.

At this time, Liang Jun has lost a lot of battles, lost a lot of territory, and his morale is low. All kinds of methods can be used.But if they see that with the help of other towns, it is possible to persevere, their morale will rise, and it will be much more difficult to fight again.

(End of this chapter)

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