Chapter 804 Withering
At dinner time, Xiao Fu urged his auxiliary soldiers to distribute steamed cakes one by one.

"Doctor Xiao, please stay." Kang Yanxiao coughed and said.

Xiao Fu asked his servants to continue to supervise the distribution of water, and stayed in Kang Yanxiao's tent, and sat down with Zhang Mazha.

"Doctor Xiao, now that things have come to an end, don't be sloppy. Is there a way out?" Kang Yanxiao asked.

Xiao Fu was silent for a while, and said: "General Kang is about to contribute to this matter."

Kang Yanxiao waited for this sentence, and asked: "How to contribute?"

"How many people can General Kang win over?"

"There are still a hundred people."

"Too few." Xiao Fu sighed: "Maybe with a hundred people as the backbone, they clamored loudly and coerced more sergeants to participate?"

"It's a bit difficult." Kang Yanxiao said: "General Pang Du still has prestige. There are rumors in the army that Shao Shude wants to send all his troops to Yinshan, Shaqi, and Qingtang. The poor mountains and rivers, the bandits are rampant, and he will never be able to see his family again. The sergeant was terrified, suppressed his uneasiness, and wanted to fight Xia Bing to the death."

"I don't think this ambition to fight to the death is very solid. After Xia Bing made a fierce attack, it might be vented." Xiao Fu said, "What is Zhu Yougong thinking?"

"I think he's still hesitating." Kang Yanxiao said, "He's patrolling the camp, and he's very diligent. This person still has feelings for King Liang. After all, he's been a adopted son for so many years. Once he returns to his real name, he betrays King Liang. , must be scolded by the people of the world, I'm afraid I don't dare."

"Why do I feel that he has a strong heart for fame and fortune?" Xiao Fu asked suspiciously.

"It's true, but it's true that he's still hesitating." Kang Yanxiao said, "And he seems to have sensed an undercurrent in the army. He's patrolling the battalions with his own soldiers, eating and sleeping with the soldiers, worried They messed up."

"Zhu Yougong is also capable. His name is adopted son, but he is actually a servant. Why can't he think about it?" Xiao Fu sighed.

Kang Yanxiao couldn't say anything.

People are different.If everyone in the world only proceeded from the perspective of self-interest, it would be very easy to judge their trade-offs.But in fact not necessarily.Zhu Yougong certainly cannot be said to be loyal to the King of Liang, but he has not made up his mind because of the burden of the name of his adopted son.I believe that as the situation changes, he will eventually make a decisive decision.

"Don't act rashly, let's see the situation tomorrow." Xiao Fu sat for a while, and then he was about to leave, and said before leaving.

"That's the only way to go." Kang Yanxiao nodded.

That night, Pang Shigu and Zhu Yougong didn't sleep well.The former is worried about the rebellion by the sergeants, while the latter is undecided whether to make a rebellion.The suffering is evident.

On the fifth day of May in the fourth year of Qianning, the general attack on the Kuangwei Army officially began.

Shao Shude boarded the high platform as usual, overlooking the entire battlefield.

After a night's rest, Sergeant Xia fed Ma Teng.The king of Xia personally supervised the battle, and all the soldiers fought bravely to be the first.

The Jianrui Army and the Zhongwu Army took the lead in the attack, attacking from the east and west, while the Wuwei Army feigned an attack from the south to divert it.

"Are you feeling better?" Shao Shu asked, holding Wang Yu's hand.

"It can even cut off the thief's head." Wang Yu said with a smile.

Of course, the truth is far from easy as he said.My family knows about my own affairs, the disease is eroding the body, and the strength is slowly losing. Wang Yu clearly felt that if he rode straight at the well-prepared thief, he would really die, although this would not be too far away up.

"Your Erlang is smart and brave. He studied and practiced martial arts with the son, and he will be my son's pillar in the future." Shao Shude said with a sigh.

The eldest son Shao Chengjie has many "partners" around him, and after careful investigation of their identities, they all have a lot of background.For example, Wang Jichuan, the second son of Wang Yu, an envoy of the Dingyuan Army, Li Yixian, the second son of Li Duo, the capital of the Shunyi Army, Gao Renhou, the second grandson of Gao Renhou, the Jiru Jiedu envoy of the Eastern Capital, Li Xiu, the son of Li Chong, a former military student of the Tianxiong Military Academy, etc. .

Shao Shude promised that those who fight with him will be rich, and those who are kind to him will be rewarded generously, and he has been practicing it for many years.

The old fellows will be rewarded with titles in the future, their eldest son will inherit the family business, and another son will become acquainted with the eldest son, so it will not be too bad in the future.

Even foreign generals who have been deprived of power have benefits.

After Li Fan resigned from the Shaanxi Provincial Envoy, he was rewarded with a hundred horses, three thousand pieces of money, and ten thousand pieces of cloth. Shao Shude also gave one to Lingzhou Bieyuan and one to Wuchang, and recorded his two sons as officials, and they were divided into Youzhou Records. Things, Yanzhou Sima.

Gao Renhou led the battle of Luoyang and won a complete victory. Because his eldest son died, his 17-year-old eldest grandson, Gao Xian, became the order of the Lu family in Guozhou, and his second grandson practiced martial arts and literature by his elder son.In the future, when the eldest son inherits the big position and needs to employ people, wouldn't these honorable children who grew up with him have an extremely advantage?

For martial arts students, he is even more partial.In the battle to encircle and suppress the Changzhi Army, the Tianxiong Army suffered a lot of losses. If there are any battalion-level lieutenant generals and Marquis Yu who die in battle, one of their sons will be enrolled in the palace to study.If there is no heir, one person from the clan will be selected to enter the palace, and a child from the clan will be selected to inherit the incense.

There are already dozens of "Youth Legion" around Shao Chengjie.Each of these small ones can draw out an old one, and the collection is an extremely huge energy.Otherwise, how could Shao Shude play so safely with women in Jinxian Temple?It's possible for the princess to set this lascivious nest on fire.

Violent cheers suddenly erupted outside the front camp.Shao Shude and Wang Yu turned their heads to look, but saw dozens of Wuwei soldiers climbed onto the wall.

But they were soon driven out.Pang Shigu dispatched troops and generals to personally oversee the battle, beheaded more than ten defeated soldiers in a row, and finally saved this section of the wall and killed dozens of Xia soldiers.

"The battle of trapped beasts." Wang Yu smiled, and said, "The attack on the stronghold is so easy, the morale of the thieves is not high."

"Pang Shigu already has the will to die." Shao Shude said, "It's almost here."

He is willing to surrender the enemy's officers and generals, but not everyone.He doesn't have this interest in a loyalist like Pang Shigu, so he might as well help him.

"Two days after tomorrow, the Luoyang battalion army will arrive one after another. Your Majesty can move to the east and meet with Zhu Quanzhong." Wang Yu said, "If he can be captured, the matter of Henan will be settled."

"I'm afraid Quanzhong won't come." Shao Shude said helplessly, "Looking at what this person does, he can bend and stretch, he never cares about face, he probably wants to run away."

Zhu Quanzhong is really thick-skinned.He recognized Wang Chongrong as his uncle and Zhu Xuan as his elder brother. When he wanted to ask Li Keyong, he was humble and courteous, and when he killed him, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.Calling Luo Hongxin, the envoy of Weibo Jiedu, the "sixth brother". Historically, in order to form an alliance, daughters were married off when they were around ten years old. When one died, the second was married. Zhou, together with Luo Shaowei, killed [-] government soldiers.

This person doesn't know how to write face.It might be a bit difficult to catch him.

The intermittent siege battle lasted all day, and after nightfall, they even attacked a few times before stopping the troops.

That night, there was an undercurrent in the Kuangwei army.

The corpses of the comrades who died in battle and the cries of pain from the wounded robes all tormented their restless hearts.

The fear of death gradually overwhelmed the fear of being dispatched to a foreign land, and there were whispers everywhere in the army, and the officers couldn't suppress it, and maybe they didn't even bother to suppress it.

At this moment, it was almost as if someone raised their arms.

Pang Shigu stared wide-eyed, and led his soldiers to patrol back and forth, carefully staring at every corner of the camp.

As soon as there is a sign, they will be executed immediately, and the methods are so cruel that people shudder.Similarly, it also aroused the rebellious psychology of the lieutenant soldiers.

No matter how good Liang Jun is, no matter how obedient he is, he will be compared with other feudal towns.But they are warriors after all, unruly warriors after all, they are good at making trouble, and they cannot be suppressed by harsh punishments.

In the early morning of the sixth day of the lunar new year, the war started again without any suspense.

Guo Shaobin, Zhang Yun, Zhao Lu, and Zhao Yan put all their strength into it. The two armies of Jianrui and Zhongwu knew that they could no longer attack like yesterday before they collapsed. Today's offensive was extremely fierce, almost surpassing what they had been on the Yingdong front line. performance throughout the year.

By the afternoon of the battle, there were less than [-] Kuangwei troops in the village, and the battalion was full of wounded soldiers, howling endlessly.

Xiao Fu slipped quietly to Kang Yanxiao's side, whispering secret words.

Kang Yanxiao just came back from the battle at the head of the village, panting heavily, when he heard the words he calmed down and listened silently, saying a few words from time to time, Xiao Fu nodded repeatedly.

At the end of the day, the battle became more and more fierce. The three armies of Jianrui, Zhongwu, and Wuwei repeatedly attacked the wall of the village. Some soldiers of the Kuangwei army did not want to die here, so they fled across the village from the north into the wilderness.

Pang Shigu had just killed the Wuwei army and beheaded a member of the military academy. He was furious when he heard the news, and rushed to the north of the village with a hundred soldiers.

Halfway through the journey, suddenly an arrow shot out and hit his neck.

Pang Shigu's soldiers turned pale with fright, and immediately guarded him.

"You waited for an expedition in a short period of time, but you didn't see your family, you lay on the ice and ate the snow, and you died and wounded on your pillow, what did you get?"

"The thieves have dozens of times as many people, and they are now invincible. Will they all die?"

"The king of Liang has fled back to Bianzhou. Do you want to fight to the death? How stupid!"

Shouts rang out in unison, heard from far and near.

The Kuangwei sergeants, who were sitting on the ground and resting, did not immediately go up to protect their commander, but changed their expressions and listened silently.

"Kill Pang Shigu, King Jiangxia, and we can return home."

"Xia Wang is benevolent and generous, and treats people with sincerity, why should he be suspicious?"

"I'm surrounded by heavy siege now, escape general An Shi? It's better to surrender!"

There are more and more deceptive words, as if they have magical powers, they penetrate into people's minds.

"Shut up!" Pang Shigu scolded with all his strength, with blood froth overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Kill Pang Shigu, we will be saved!" More than a hundred soldiers rushed over with weapons and shouted loudly.

"Isn't that Duyu Marquis Kang Yanxiao? He's rebellious, why should I hesitate?" A sergeant saw Kang Yanxiao in heavy armor rushing to the front, and said loudly.

"Damn, it's done!"

"I don't like Pang Shigu a long time ago!"

"Kill him and you can go home."

"Kill, torture the soldiers, this kind of person should be smashed into pieces."

More and more sergeants rushed forward, their faces were mad and their eyes were red.

The soldiers resisted for a while before being submerged in the sea of ​​people.

Pang Shigu was lying on his back on the ground with a sad expression.Soon, countless knives and axes covered the sky and fell on him almost instantly.

Liangdi's heavy general withered away.

(End of this chapter)

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