Chapter 812 Iron Pan
Wei's blacksmith shop in Xiuwu County sent a special item.

Shao Shude personally took off a piece of lamb chop with the knife, and then began to cut off the fat on it.

The charcoal was burning quietly, roasting the iron pan.After seeing that the temperature of the iron plate was about the same, Shao Shude threw the meat on it.

The fat slowly gathers in the middle, and the golden ribs are full of fragrance, arousing people's appetite.

The big iron plate should be the biggest technological breakthrough of Wei's blacksmith shop in the past few years.

The inability to make large pieces of iron not only restricts the military industry, but also greatly restricts the development of civilian ironware.You see, with an iron pan, the grilled lamb ribs are delicious.

"Boys, open my wine." Shao Shude laughed and sat aside.

Li Zhong took a step forward and continued to barbecue.

Back then, his father cooked meat for King Xia on the Hetao Grassland, and now his son is grilling meat on an iron plate. Both generations of father and son have to trust, which is invaluable.

Chen Cheng and Zhao Guangfeng, who looked like dust, finally arrived in Ruzhou.Guo Yan followed behind the two of them, with a slightly cautious expression, but he gradually gained the air of a big man.

The judge of the Tielin Army who came from the Suizhou era, his qualifications are not comparable to ordinary people.

The Tielin army came, but the princess Zheshi and a group of people still stayed in Lingzhou. "Princess Litong" Zhao Yu gave birth to a son at the end of May, which made Shao Shude's heart rest.

Yesterday, he personally named it "Duanfeng".So far, there have been Siwu (Zhao), Chengjie (Zhe), Mianren (Feng), Guancheng (Zhuge), Huixian (Pei), Mingyi (Zhe), Shenli (Jiang) family), Duanfeng (Zhao family) eight sons, the Shaw family gradually prospered.It should be more prosperous in the future. After all, the scale of Jinxianguan's birth preparation women's army can continue to expand.

This time Dafeng and Zhuge also came with their third and fourth sons. The two sons are ten years old and nine years old. They can continue to receive higher education, including practical education.

The grape wine from Xiazhou was uncapped, and Shao Shude personally poured the wine for Chen Cheng, Zhao Guangfeng, Guo Yu and Xiao Fu.

Just put down the wine jar, thought for a while, got up again and poured a bowl for a certain craftsman standing beside him.

"You are Shishilang from Weicai's family, right? Concentrate on iron smelting, yes, this bowl of wine will reward you." Shao Shude said with a smile: "When I go back, I will reward you with two jars of fine Xiazhou grape wine and two jars of raw Shuofang. Find a car and pull it back by yourself."

Eleven Lang beamed with joy when he heard the words, and thanked him again and again.

"I heard that you tried to manufacture equipment in Ruzhou, how is it compared to martial arts?" Shao Shude asked.

"A certain man was mining Ru coal in Liang County, and made more than ten pieces of equipment, including knives, guns and swords. He even made a collar of armor with others, which is not very good." Eleven Lang replied: "Weapons are fragile and easy to break. , the armor is also easily pierced by heavy arrows."

"Isn't that the same as Guanbei Coal?" Shao Shude frowned and asked, "Why isn't Xiuwu Coal doing this?"

Most of the equipment used by Xia Jun is still smelted with charcoal, and a small part is smelted with Xiuwu coal. The effect is good, at least it doesn't look worse than charcoal smelted.However, we can only use Xiuwu coal and replace it with coal from other places, such as Tongzhou coal, Ruzhou coal, or even Henan Fu coal.

Originally, Wei's blacksmith shop won by quantity, but the quality of weapons was actually not good.Unlike Yeli's who often produce some high-quality goods, Wei Cai's is good at making medium-sized ordnance of moderate quality.And since it is a quantity, if the quality is poor, it means that you are a "relative of the emperor", and this business cannot go on, and you will even be troubled by warriors.

"It should be the same as what the king said, there are many impurities in your coal that are invisible to the naked eye." Eleven Lang replied.

"Have you found these impurities?"

"I saw it when I was burning charcoal. The yellow smoke from your coal is very strong."

"Find a way to collect it and see what it is." Shao Shude said.

"Smoke... how do you collect it?" Eleven Lang was stunned.

Shao Shude thought for a while and said, "For example, if the water in Guangchengze is very cold in winter, the surface of the lake will freeze. Ice is water, and water is ice. If it is hot in summer or boiled with water, the water will turn into ice. Qi. There are traces to follow for any kind of thing, so figure out a way for yourself. If I get something, why should I begrudge a reward?"

Last year's King Xia's reward of 3600 coins was won by Wang Yong, the magistrate of Henan.

He combined his long-term breeding experience, summed up the sublimation, and wrote a book.It is believed that people, livestock, and vegetation all have "bloods", and bloods are divided into various types. Take horses as an example, some bloods can run fast, some bloods grow taller, and some bloods allow horses to run for a long time, not All in one.

He believed that these bloodlines could be refined and fixed to cultivate special-purpose livestock and wheat.For example, horses need to have good stamina and strength, cavalry needs to be tall and fast, and cavalry infantry need to have good endurance and resistance to rough feeding, and there are a lot of different uses of blood listed in the book.

Shao Shude personally reviewed and commented.

Although the content is still a bit rough and even has some mistakes, it is the first time in the world and has pioneering significance in breeding theory. Therefore, Wang Yong was appointed as the winner of the first "Xia King Award" and sent 3600 money Send it to his home and give him a certificate of appreciation as a token of appreciation.

"Follow your Majesty's orders. I'll find a way when I get back." Eleven Lang responded immediately.

The announcement of the King Xia Award was a sensation, at least in the Guanzhong, Guanbei, and Helong areas, everyone with a little bit of news channels knew about it.And because this matter is so rare and the rewards are too generous, it can almost be said to be full of communication effects, and too many people talk about it.

I heard that this year the Xia Wang Award is likely to be awarded to a peasant woman, because she has made considerable improvements to the wool spinning and weaving machines, and has been recognized by Xia Wang. The title of title is even more shocking than that of Wang Yong in the first session - Wang Yong is still a scholar after all.

After Eleven Lang left, Shao Shude greeted everyone to drink and eat meat.

"The Tie Lin Army is about to start reorganization." Shao Shude said, "I will be the military envoy myself, and Ye Li Yulue will be the deputy envoy."

After the reorganization, the senior generals of the Tielin Army consisted of a military envoy, a deputy envoy, Du Yuhou, a Du Youyi envoy, a soldier and horse envoy from the left wing, and a soldier and horse envoy from the right wing.Among them, Du Yuhou is Zheng Yong, and Du Yuyi envoy Xu Hao, these are the former old men of the Tielin Army.

The envoy to the left wing is Guo Qi, and the envoy to the right wing is Zhen Xu. Both of them can be regarded as old men.

The left and right chambers have a deputy envoy of soldiers and horses, Yu Hou, and envoy You Yi. Shao Shude intends to choose a martial arts student with several years of war experience to serve as the envoy.

There are twelve thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry.The infantry has a command for every 2000 people. The specific description is the first command and the second command of the infantry of a certain army...

The cavalry has a command for every 500 people.

The second officer of the command envoy is the deputy command envoy.Below the command is the battalion, team, and fire, each with its own officer.

The Wuwei Army has already started reorganization first.Military envoy Lu Huaizhong, deputy envoy Li Yixian, and Du Yuhou will be transferred to Li Zhong, the commander of the personal army - to be honest, Shao Shude is quite reluctant to leave Li Zhong, he is too sensible.

You Yishi, the capital of the Wuwei Army, was An Xiuxiu, and was in charge of commanding a total of [-] army cavalry.

The envoys on the left and right sides of the Wuwei Army are Han Xun and He Yu respectively.These two people have proved their loyalty in many years of battle, and they have made contributions and hard work. This time, they have also been promoted to "Generals of the Forbidden Army", and the family's prosperity can be expected.

Like the Tielin Army, some of the officials below the soldiers and horses were served by martial arts students, and some were promoted internally.

"When the 6 troops of the Tielin and Wuwei armies were reorganized, we should hurry up to practice and familiarize ourselves with them. The military history files should be merged and merged. These things must not be ignored. Who held what positions, what battles they fought, and where they were stationed. If there is any record to speak of, it is the honor of an army." Shao Shude said.

Obviously, the army that didn't get the serial number belongs to the target of reorganization, and their military history can only be merged into others and become a subordinate part.Those who grab the number must either have deep roots or have made great achievements in battle, so they are qualified to annex others.

For example, the third team leading the reorganization is the Tianxiong Army.This is a troop with a not too long history, but with relatively great military exploits, and it is still Shao Shude's confidant, and the troop merged with them is definitely a bad luck, and it is impossible to turn over.

Chen Cheng, Zhao Guangfeng and the others naturally had no objection, because this matter was also suggested by them.On the one hand, it can strengthen the control over the army, on the other hand, it can slowly digest the surrender of the Liang army, and at the same time, it can bring fresh blood to the army. The benefits are still great.

And these reorganized troops will also be part of the New Dynasty's Forbidden Army in the future, so it is necessary to select the best from the best to ensure the tyranny of combat effectiveness.

"The bedding, blankets, and military uniforms of the new army are slowly changing to woolen fabrics." Shao Shude said again: "I will take the lead in wearing sweaters. You can't just wait and watch. You must bring this trend. The sheep raised by the people in Heyang , more and more year after year, and more wool is produced every year. Since I promised them that they can use woolen cloth to offset taxes, I can’t break my promise. So much woolen cloth, there must be a place to use it.”

"Of order." Several people responded together.

They also saw that King Xia's will to promote wool was very firm, which involved the country.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder every year, it seems that the Sui, Yin and other Guanbei counties that can produce some miscellaneous silk will not be able to do so.In the gardens other than cultivated land, the original mulberry forests have been converted into orchards, but how much money can fruit earn?Perhaps, the solution is to let those farmers who originally reeled silk, spun thread, and weaved silk switch to weaving woolen cloth.

Of course this is not a bad thing.As far as ordinary people are concerned, it is generally impossible for them to wear silk, and it is good to have linen clothes.If wool production is huge and cheaper, people will have another choice.

"I'm going to Heyang in two days, you guys go and have a look with me." Shao Shude said: "Heyang is the most important place for the next battle."

(End of this chapter)

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