Chapter 827
The life of the Khitan tribe is definitely not satisfactory.

Strictly speaking, before conquering Shiwei, Qi, Xi and some Tatar tribes, the life of the Khitan people was not even as good as that of the Xi people, because they raised too many horses.

Yes, keeping horses is very uneconomical.But the environment of the grassland is harsh, there are vendettas and killings at every turn, and it is impossible to raise fewer horses. Therefore, all tribes raise a lot of horses, but the Khitans especially have a lot of them.

Taking Liubuxi as an example, there are generally two cows and ten sheep for one horse, but the ratio of Khitan is 2:2:10.The quality of the grasslands in the northeast is better than that in the northwest, and the terrain is also diverse. The Khitan people also raise goats, so the ratio is roughly 2:2:10:1, and the number of war horses is significantly more.

Considering the background of Yili Jin's family of Yelushi, the Diela tribe also built a public pasture and raised more horses.

It is entirely conceivable that the horses ate up the resources that should have been used to raise sheep, leading to a decline in the living standards of the people.But don't worry, as the saying goes, when the neighbors stock up on food, I stock up on guns, and the two brother tribes, Diela and Yishi, can go out and grab it!Moreover, their successful robbery led to the rest of the tribes, and the entire eight tribes of Khitan became aggressive and brutal. The people raised more horses and liked to fight and plunder. They captured a large number of slaves and organized them into slave tribes, specializing in production.

When the war broke out, the slaves also had to go to battle, and if they performed well, they could gain status and become herdsmen of the Khitan Eight Tribes, with their own property.

Yue Liduo boarded a small hill, resting her chin and looking down the hill.

Someone was trimming the horseshoes, someone was shoeing the horses, and someone was training the horses.

She can mend horseshoes, but has not tried horseshoeing yet.Most of the war horses on the prairie had to be shoed, but she knew that not many people in the Central Plains did this, and they only shoed their horses in border counties where there was a need for long-distance raids.

The black horse looked lazily at its kind down the mountain. With its size, it would definitely stand out from the crowd when it rushed down.

Yue Liduo took out a broomcorn cake, and the black horse put his head close to it, chewed it and ate it.

There is already a lot of harness on the black horse, the most conspicuous is a birch bow, which is also a traditional Khitan bow.

The bow is made of birch, and the whole body is wrapped with birch bark.The center of the bow body is elliptical, and the two sides gradually become rhomboid, and then flattened to the two ends.The bow pouch and quiver are all made of deerskin, which she made by herself, and there are more than ten chiseled arrows inside.

It is not a false statement that the bow is the head of all soldiers, and the Khitan women also have bows and arrows at their waists.

There was a sound of horseshoes down the mountain.

The guards of the pro-army have already started to practice. They are carrying out various horse fighting weapons and conducting charge training.

Iron swords, iron knives, iron spears, iron forks, and iron knuckles are common horse fighting weapons used by Khitan warriors, and they are rather messy.According to Gao Siji, who defected here, knights in the Central Plains mainly use horses, with uniform regulations and tacit cooperation.

"If you ride a big man like you, and you are equipped with a horse, if you have ten thousand riders, it must be amazing to charge." Yue Liduo stood up, patted the black horse lightly, and said: "It is possible to command tens of thousands of warriors to charge on horseback. He is worthy of being my Yue Liduo's man."

Uh, Abaoji can barely meet this standard.

The black horse turned its head and sniffed in Yue Liduo's hands. Seeing that there was nothing to eat, he turned his head away again, not even bothering to look down the mountain.

Although Khan Shen Dejin's guards were also wearing armor, they didn't look like their previous masters.

It is armed to the teeth, horse face, chicken neck, horse body armor, rear, parasite, helmet, wart armor, face curtain, and horse outfit. The knight only has three orifices outside, riding a tall horse, and With lightning speed and powerful impact, it summons the thick and long horse lance to the enemy.

The sound of horns sounded down the mountain.

Yue Liduo turned her head to look, and saw tactics were being practiced over there.

Hundreds of knights with leather whips, wooden pedals and no armor first stepped forward to shoot arrows and harass them. After chasing and killing them as the enemy, these weak knights fought and retreated, leading the enemy into the ambush in advance, and then a wonderful scene Appeared: A large number of elite knights in armor rode war horses, freely passed through the mountains and forests, and accelerated towards the ambushed enemy.

The classic Khitan traditional tactics have been tried and tested against the Shiwei people.

"Okay, don't watch it." Yue Liduo patted the black horse, jumped on it, pulled out the dagger beside the saddle, gestured twice, and rode away with a smile.

In the past 20 years, the war in the Central Plains has become more and more intense.

She often participates in important military affairs with her husband, at least she knows the area of ​​Youzhou well.

Li Keju, Li Kuangwei, Li Kuangchou, Gao Siji, Li Keyong, and Youzhou have changed several Jiedu envoys.And every change means a decline in one's own strength.

My husband once said that if he had a choice, he would not go to fight Shiwei or Tatar, but would go south to Youzhou.Winning Youzhou is better than Shiwei, Liubuxi and even Bohai.

He was crazy to want to go south to Youzhou.It's a pity that the behemoth is not weak enough, I don't know if there is a chance this time.If tens of thousands of Yan soldiers can be wiped out in one battle, then the event will be settled.

Yue Liduo wanted to see thousands of people bowing down and cheering her, even if she only borrowed her husband's prestige.Just like five hundred people from Shiwei once knelt and kowtowed in front of her, there is nothing more intoxicating than this.

Must succeed this time!

On July [-]th of the fourth year of Qianning, the Khitan Eight tribes of Yili Jinyelufu Guzhi and Tarma Sushali Yeluyi led more than [-] riders southward to the Tulu Bubu pasture next door, waiting for the eight tribes to gather.

A military speculation involving tens of thousands of people going south to Youzhou is about to begin.

"Greetings to General Yang and Pei Suishi." King Xi went to Zhuzhou without the slightest hesitation, and brought thousands of men to kneel on the ground.

Now that he has taken this step, he has no way out.

The Khitan wanted his life, and the Xi people who stayed in the east did not want to see him go back.I heard that the Khitan people are already looking for a candidate for the new King Xi, alas, it's all a shame.

"This is your soldier?" Yang Yue looked at those barbarians who had no armor, and thought that this was too bad, similar to the tribes on the grassland in the west.It's not even as good, after all, some of the Gaochang Uyghurs in Heishui City still wear armor, and Liu Buxi is really dead.

"General Yang, they are all warriors who are used to fighting." Qu Zhu got up and smiled, "As long as the general leads his troops to expel the Khitan, Liu Buxi is willing to serve the general to the death and never betray him."

Before Yang Yue could speak, Pei Guan, who had come all the way from Heyang day and night, coughed and said, "King Fengcheng doesn't know King Xia?"

Go to wake up and plead guilty immediately.

Yang Yue's complexion was not very good, she sat aside and was too lazy to talk.Pei Guan came with King Xia's military order, and all the Han generals received the order one after another, and they no longer planned to attack Khitan.

Khitan is known as "30 riders", and 15 died.Can't fight with this little soldier?

He intends to march to the flat pine forest in the northeast on the grounds that "the general will not accept the order of the emperor outside", but few people listen to him, so there is nothing he can do.

"King Fengcheng hangs around the old city of Huaihuang all day long, what is the proper way? How to lure all the ministries to slander and strengthen his strength? More than [-] accounts are really too little." Pei Guan said.

"May I ask my envoy, where does King Xia want our troops to move?"

"Let's go to Ruyuan first. There is a place called Tanshan near the old city of Yuyi, with lush water and grass, and set up a tooth tent there. Don't worry, the Golden Sword Army is there, and you will be well protected."

"You should obey your fate." Qu Zhuying said.

"On the other hand, the King of Xia has always loved grassland warriors. I heard that your son is extremely brave in sweeping assassinations. How about going to Luoyang with your family to listen to orders in front of King Xia's tent?" Pei Guan said again.

Qu Zhu hesitated a little, but after meeting Pei Guan's scrutinizing gaze, he immediately bowed his head and obeyed.

This is to take hostages.Finally, it was for saving face, and the eldest son's family was not allowed to go there, but if there was a choice, Qu Zhu would rather keep the second son, Sao, by his side, and send the eldest son, Su Zhi, to the Central Plains.

"That's right." Pei Guan smiled, and said: "King Fengcheng, don't worry, King Xia's benevolence will definitely allow your department to return to the flat pine forest."

"Supreme Khan is really a great savior for us who are oppressed by Khitan. Seeing Khan is like seeing a relative." Qu Zhu complimented.

In fact, after he came to Huaihuang Town, he found that this place was not bad, not worse than the flat pine forest.It is even more valuable because it is closer to the Central Plains.But he has no choice now, he can do what others say, what can he do?
Standing in the tent, Wang He thought secretly.

After King Xia's special envoy Pei Guan came, he revealed some rumors in his words, saying that Huaihuang, Yuyi, and Ruyuan were not going to be left to the Yanbei tribes, and they wanted to "arrange their own people".

So the question is, who is our own?

King Xi's going to Zhu has been ruled out. Is Zangcai Wang's family counted as one of his own?Or are the subordinates of Yulin Palace, Woyang Palace, and Hongyuan Palace the King Xia's own?

Wang He thought about it and felt that he was not very optimistic.Alas, why is it so difficult for Mrs. Wang to change her pasture?
Pei Guan didn't know Wang He's wild thoughts, but he knew that King Xia had ordered Tuoba Jin to lead his troops east to Yanbei to listen to the order before departure.Obviously, the Tuoba family has worked hard for many years, and has gained the trust of King Xia, and has gradually been regarded as one of their own.

Another interesting thing is that Tuoba Yichang, who was brought up by Tuoba Pu since childhood, is likely to be prosperous.He will take some young children of the Tuoba family in Xiazhou to Yanbei. If his aunt is more capable, the young man's future will be limitless. Ba Yichang treated him as his own child.

Just now when he went to Zhu and said that King Xia was the savior of Xi, Shiwei and other tribes, Pei Guan just wanted to laugh, he was obviously the savior of the Dangxiang people.An ethnic group that was oppressed by Tubo and defected to the Tang Dynasty had a difficult life and was divided internally. Seeing that it was about to expand to Yanbei, what is this not a savior?
The interests of the nobles of the party are basically tied to King Xia.The future heir of the Notoshi clan of Hengshan will be the son-in-law of King Xia, and the eldest son will also take the daughters of Nayori, Muzang and other rich families as concubines. This is simply a posture of resting with the country.

Liubu Xi?It's too late, and it's too late.

"Train your troops well." Pei Guan finally added another sentence: "You don't need to worry about the conquest of Khitan. When the time comes, some officials from the military government will come to your ministry to read the transfer order. As soon as the tiger and wolf divisions from the Central Plains arrive, Has the little Khitan become a powder yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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