Chapter 830
On August [-]th of the fourth year of Qianning, the battle in Songzhou suddenly became fierce.

Guo Qi, the soldier and horse envoy from the left wing of the Iron Forest Army, led his troops to attack Xiayi County. After the city was broken, because he felt the loss caused by the enemy's resistance, he slaughtered dozens of people below the county magistrate and county lieutenant, as well as hundreds of his family members and party members. Exiled Taozhou.

On August [-]th, Zhen Xu, the soldier and horse envoy of the right wing, led his troops to attack for three consecutive days, ignoring casualties, conquered Chuqiu County, and exiled more than [-] households to Taozhou.

Seeing their actions so violently, the two counties of Ningling and Yucheng dismissed the recruited Tutuan villagers and surrendered in Kaesong.

Du Youyi envoy Xu Hao led his cavalry to Ningling, where he rushed to the east of Xiangyi to scatter Liang general Wang Tan, killing and wounding more than a thousand people.

The main force of Zhezong's Weisheng army besieged Xiangyi and launched an attack.

Songzhou fell completely, and the only remaining Xiangyi County became a military stronghold, losing its economic significance.

"I don't know if I don't fight. If I fight, I will be shocked." Ye Liyulue, deputy envoy of the Tielin Army, has been under a lot of pressure these days. The king handed him the "Top Card of the Forbidden Army", but he didn't dare to play with it.

The Tielin Army had only ten thousand people back then, and they kept dispatching elite soldiers to other ministries to act as backbone veterans and lower-level officers, so as to improve King Xia's control over other troops.But for the Tielin Army itself, it is not a good thing, they can only keep recruiting new recruits to complete the establishment.Fortunately, this process is relatively slow, giving the troops time to bring the old to the new, and the impact will not be too great.

Later, [-] recruits from Shen, Guang, and Shou were recruited at one time to form the right wing, which was a bit big.It has only been two and a half years since the training, and it is almost the same as Liang Ren's Tianwu Eighth Army. As for who can fight, it is hard to say, maybe the Tielin Army will take advantage of morale.

What really improved the combat effectiveness of the troops was the Ruzhou Reorganization Training, which carefully selected [-] soldiers who surrendered and were organized into battalions after they were dispersed. This really brought improvement.

The Tie Lin Army usually trains decently, and Ye Li Yulue is also very tight.But when he actually played, he always felt that he was almost meaningless, which was lower than his expectations.

To put it bluntly, the less wars are fought, the more blood will be seen.This time the whole army is going to camp in Puzhou, and it is estimated that they will not be able to return in a short time. Repeated battles are inevitable. I hope they can be well tempered and don't lose this brand.The Wuwei Army and Tianxiong Army are very unconvinced as the leader of the Tielin Army!
"After the millet and wheat were put into the warehouse, we recruited teachers in Songzhou." Li Tangbin sat in the state government office, surrounded by generals and schoolmasters.

After the end of the Xuzhou War, within more than two months, the Xia Army made repeated attacks and took down 40 counties in the three prefectures of Bo, Song, and Su, controlling a population of 40 and [-].The fourteen counties of Ying and Cai prefectures have also undergone some cleaning, and the population of [-] million has been recorded, and the control is relatively stable.

But generally speaking, Henan's population and economic losses are too serious, and it is urgent to recuperate.

After the wheat is ripe in August, Li Tangbin will seize the favorable opportunity to launch a new round of offensive and break into Puzhou.

"Where does the capital want to attack?" Zhang Guihou, the commander of the capital, asked.

He has a good complexion, and he is also devoted to King Xia, and he doesn't want to be him anymore. This is all due to Zhu Quanzhong.

"In September, the left and right Wuwei armies will march eastward. It's hard to say which battalion they will go to." Li Tangbin said: "Maybe they will be subordinate to the Puzhou camp, and the force will be much looser. I have made up my mind to attack Danzhou first. Here Even the enemy states of Cao, Yun, Yan, and Xu have key positions, and obtaining them will facilitate future advances in the three towns to the east."

Now the situation is becoming clearer.

According to the news just received, thousands of cavalry troops from Qingzhou have arrived in Yanzhou, and there may be more troops coming in the future.

Zhu Wei has 7 soldiers, Zhu Jin has 34 soldiers, Wang Shifan has [-] soldiers, Zhu Zhen has [-] soldiers, Zhang Tingfan has [-] soldiers, and Zhu Quanzhong has about [-] soldiers. When it comes to Wei Bo's [-] martial arts master who is vaguely hostile, there are a total of [-] horses.

These are all the yamen army or foreign town army of various feudal towns, full of combat effectiveness. Although there is a lot of water in them and there are many recruits, the number is really amazing.

In terms of the population, territory, and amount of money and food they control, they have far exceeded Zhu Quanzhong's heyday.The only advantage is that these forces are not integrated in the hands of a group, otherwise it would be a monster far surpassing Liang Jun.

Fortunately, Li Ke used the 15 elite soldiers who had been fighting bloody battles all year round to stop him, otherwise the world would be too difficult to fight, no one would surrender, even if there was only one soldier in his hand, he wanted to make a comeback.

"Suzhou is surrounded by Huai people in the south, east, and north. Yang Xingmi's primary target must still be Suzhou." Li Tangbin said: "This man is very ambitious. I heard that he is still attacking Du Hong in Ezhou recently. After Dinghui arrived in Anzhou, he just started somewhat restrained."

Ding Hui led [-] people all the way to the city of Anzhou. The Huai people sent troops to help, but they were defeated and more than [-] people were killed or injured.Surround the spot to fight for aid, and won the first battle. Dinghui's Youguo Army still has combat effectiveness.

"If General Feng's fight is not going well, we can go south from Danzhou to attack Xuzhou to relieve his pressure." Li Tangbin said: "If the fight goes well, then we can attack Caozhou and force Zhu Zhen to express his opinion."

Everyone nodded.

The enemy army is powerful, but their hearts are not in the same place. They have their own ghosts and schemes, which gives them a chance to defeat them.

Zhu Zhen may not be an enemy, but he must first express his position.If you insist on not speaking, you will be killed.

"There is another benefit in capturing Shanzhou." Li Tangbin said: "If you threaten Yun and Yan, the siege of Puzhou will be resolved by itself."

Puzhou was besieged for a long time, and some people broke through the siege to deliver news.

The city is still strong, but there is not enough food and grass.The Flying Dragon Army even slaughtered a large number of mules and horses early in order to reduce food consumption.Everyone else in the city is fine, Shao Lun, He Gui, Du Guangyi and others will die as soon as they die, Li Tangbin doesn't care.But if something happened to Liang Hanyong and made the king's daughter a widow, Li Tangbin would not have the courage.

"The various ministries that have returned to the river to rest and reorganize will also go out in mid-September. At that time, they will go to the Zhengzhou battlefield. The threat from the flanks from Bianzhou is not a concern." Li Tangbin said again: "Zhu Quanzhong has the most soldiers, but he is the most deadly. Sorry for the big waves."

In the direction of Zhengzhou, after the Tiande Army received reinforcements, it launched a massive attack.

In early August, he was defeated by Zhu Youyu in Wansheng Town and lost more than a thousand troops.On the ninth day of August, he defeated Liang general Zhu Youwen in Zhongmu County, and took advantage of the situation to attack Bajiao Town, where Zhu Quanzhong repelled him.

In the direction of Huazhou, the Zhen Guojun stormed Yangwu and conquered it.Then he attacked Suanzao County and failed to attack the city for seven days. Liang Jiang Hua Wenqi led an army to help, and the Zhen Guo army retreated to Baoyang Wu.

The Zhongwu army and Jianrui army continued to besiege Wei's family. Zhu Youlun led an army to help, and the cavalry army was severely damaged, losing more than [-] soldiers.

The Tiande, Zhenguo, Zhongwu, Jianrui, and Tieqi armies still have more than 3 cavalry, and the Liang people still have about 10,000 yajun troops, plus Xiangyong, [-]+ soldiers and horses, it is difficult to eat for a while, but Liang people attacked everywhere, desperately trying to break the squeeze and blockade on them, but they were always in a state of seesaw and failed to succeed.If the stalemate continues, with the consumption of money, food and materials, it will definitely become more and more difficult.

According to Cai Songyang, envoy of the Tiande Army, Zhu Quanzhong now focuses on protecting Huazhou.He couldn't keep Songzhou, and he didn't want to.

This strategic choice is actually very easy to understand and communicate with Weibo.

In addition, it will be late August soon, and the Xuzhou camp will launch a large-scale "autumn harvest offensive", that is, to grab the grain in the field.Even if they can't grab it, Liang Jun can't harvest comfortably, and maybe he can take the opportunity to wipe out some Liang Jun troops.

"Understand the general strategy, let's go back to prepare our equipment and train our troops." Li Tangbin ordered: "First, the general's rations have been raised, this is the most important thing."

At night in Puzhou, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Liang Hanyong personally led two thousand soldiers out of the city. After half an hour of bloody battle, he finally repelled the bandits and rescued He Gui.

"If General Liang didn't try to rescue him, Gui would die." After returning to the Wengcheng, He Gui, who was almost exhausted, held Liang Hanyong's hand and almost cried.

"Why did General He say that?" Liang Hanyong sighed: "Last month when I went out to fight in the city, I was wounded and fell off the horse. It was General He who carried me back. They are all my brothers, so there is no need to say more."

He Gui nodded, and the two helped each other into the city.

Shao Lun patrolled the city, and Du Guangyi stepped forward to greet him.

"I just saw the gang of sand moraine thieves." Liang Hanyong said suddenly.

Du Guangyi was startled, and asked: "Isn't Tuoba Renfu serving as a general in Qingzhou?"

Liang Hanyong nodded and said: "Qingzhou soldiers have come, it must be that Wang Shifan has agreed to send troops. Now the three towns of Yun, Yan and Qing have united."

He Gui's complexion is not very good.

Zhu Jin and Zhu Wei combined [-] soldiers, and they were still arresting people in Puzhou, driving them to attack the city and die.Sometimes just to consume the defenders' arrows, thousands of strong men and women can be driven to attack the city.Even if they can get out of the siege this time, there will not be many people left in Puzhou.In its heyday, a large county with a population of more than [-] people has been so ruined, what can I say.

"How dare they?" Du Guangyi frowned and said, "Yesterday, the Yunren military academy was tortured. Didn't it mean that the king is in full swing in Henan and is already collecting counties in Songzhou? Aren't these people afraid?"

"What's the use of being afraid? Back then, Zhu Quanzhong was also very powerful, so he still did it right?" He Gui said, "However, I think Zhu Jin and Zhu Wei might have to escape from the siege."

"That's right." Liang Hanyong agreed with He Gui's point of view, saying: "Thieves get along with each other with benefits, and they will definitely go away with benefits in the end. If King Xia's army goes straight to Yanzhou, Zhu Jin will be the first to retreat. Zhu Wei can't do it alone, and he will definitely run away. As for Wang Shifan, hehe, Zhu Jin and Zhu Wei didn't work hard, so why should he force himself to stand out? A loose guy is bound to be broken."

"If only [-] to [-] soldiers and horses come, I'm afraid it's not enough." He Gui said again: "It's better to have [-] troops."

Inside and outside Puzhou City, there are still nearly 4 defenders, including more than [-] soldiers from the right wing of the Feilong Army, less than [-] soldiers from Puzhou, and [-] soldiers from Yunzhou.If Li Tangbin only brings [-] to [-] people, it is really not enough, because Wang Shifan's joining is not considered.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty has 30 soldiers and horses. After the summer and autumn harvests are over, you can conscript masters and countrymen, and the military rewards are sufficient. It is not difficult to mobilize [-] troops. If you take all the Song and Shan states, you can get through It’s also very fast on the way to Puzhou.” Liang Hanyong said: “I’ll wait for the end of all hardships, and it’ll be September.”

He Gui and Du Guangyi were also very excited after hearing what Liang Hanyong said.If there is no more hope, I am afraid that the sergeants will borrow their heads.For the three towns of Yun, Yan, and Qing, it is best to wipe out their main forces in one battle. In this way, it only takes a few months to calmly collect the empty counties.

Victory may not be too far away.

(End of this chapter)

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