Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 851 The Conqueror

Chapter 851 The Conqueror

The beam gate opened first, and a large group of soldiers rushed in.

The Zheng gate opened for the second time, and another 1000 people went in.

Wang Tan was so angry that he wanted to kill Shi Yan again and resigned.

This guy hooked up with Zhang Guibian and Xie Yanzhang in private, and even encouraged some soldiers to open the Liangmen first, and let Xia's army enter the city.

The question of who opens the door first is very important.

But it's too late now, Shi Yanci has slipped away somewhere, it's not so easy to kill him.

Wang Tan stood beside the road resentfully, waiting for Xia Jun's soldiers to pass by.

"Are you Wang Tan?" A general rode over and asked.

"The guilty general is Wang Tan." Wang Tan replied.

Before King Xia pardoned him, he was indeed one of the criminals.

"I will send someone to take over the gate of the city. Today we will clean up all the remaining thieves in the city, and King Xia will enter the city tomorrow. Send all your soldiers out, hurry up." Niu Li flicked his horsewhip and left.

Tianxiong's soldiers filed into the city, and no one gave Wang Tan a second look.They kept walking and went straight to the killing place in the city.

Wang Tan wanted to say a few words, but no one paid any attention to him, so he could only summon the soldiers and head towards Wei's gate.

Zhu Youwen, Zhang Lang, and He Delun led their troops to break through the obstruction of a few rebels, and soon arrived at Wei's Gate.

The soldiers of the Guangsheng Army heard the changes in the city, and some people followed suit, escaped from the barracks, and started looting houses.Some people took off their armor, rushed into the houses, or returned to their own homes.The rest stayed in the barracks at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Zhu Youwen sent people to make a rough calculation, and there were nearly 3000 people left, and they were immediately taken away to the west of the city in the direction of Liangmen and Zhengmen.

Along the way, they encountered many soldiers from the Shenjie Army and Tianxing Army, and they appealed to the commanders Wang Tan, Hua Wenqi, and the Chongjie envoy Shi Yanci to rebel and lured Xia soldiers into the city.

Zhu Youwen was very anxious when he heard this, and said: "General Zhang, General He, you wait to lead the troops to Liangmen, and I will go to Zhengmen myself. Don't let the Xia thief enter the city. Otherwise, everything will be over."

"Follow the order." Zhang Lang took the order and left without saying a word.

He Delun hesitated for a while, and followed suit.

The two of them took some soldiers from the Shenjie Army and Tianxing Army who were sheltered on the road, with a total of more than [-] cavalry, and marched towards Liangmen.

With a resolute expression on his face, Zhu Youwen led another [-] soldiers of the Guangsheng Army towards Zhengmen.

The army marched forward for more than three hundred steps, just as they saw Zhengmen from a distance, they encountered a part of the left wing of the Tianxiong army advancing in the wall.

"Shoot!" The soldiers in front bent their bows and shot without an order from the officer.

In the dim situation, it is impossible to see clearly, and it is completely based on feeling, and the arrow will be released as soon as the hand is raised.At this time, we must pay attention to precision. Over long distances, everyone has armor on their bodies, and it is difficult for bows and arrows to shoot through, so they must be shot accurately.

This is a big gap between veterans and recruits.

Veterans shoot fast, accurately, and powerfully, while recruits move slowly and their arrows are weak, and often shoot at the chest and abdomen protected by armor, unable to go straight to the door, causing damage.

This round of rushing shots by the Tianxiong Army caused dozens of casualties in the Guangsheng Army.Those arrows seemed to be shot right in the face, obviously they didn't aim very much, but they hit each one accurately, extremely tricky.

"Kill!" The riflemen stepped forward with their spears, shouting and clamoring.

The Guangsheng Army had just been crushed by the arrows and was a little confused. When they came back to their senses for a while, the Tianxiong Army had already rushed in front of them, and they were directly defeated.

"Don't retreat!" Zhu Youwen swung his epee and slashed at a sergeant who turned around and ran away.As a result, the strike was not very accurate, and he rushed to cut off the neck, and finally cut it on the shoulder.

The man screamed loudly in pain, and subconsciously thrust his sword forward, which was blocked by Zhu Youwen's iron armor.

"What a thief!" Zhu Youwen yelled, swung the epee, and wanted to cut him off for the second time.

"Huh!" A spear pierced through the air, hit Zhu Youwen, and directly nailed him to the ground.

"Zhu Youwen is dead! Don't you want to descend quickly?" Under the night sky, Wang Jiao took down another spear and shouted angrily.

Zhu Youwen was not dead yet, he was shot in the shoulder blade and lay on the ground unable to get up.But it makes no difference whether he is dead or not. Everyone thinks he is dead. One of the soldiers of the Guangsheng Army collapsed, and the other knelt down to beg for surrender. The scene was very spectacular.

When Zhang Lang and He Delun led their troops to the vicinity of Liangmen, they also encountered the Tianxiong army entering the city.

The two sides didn't say anything else, and went straight to the kill.

The sergeants in the guard capital were more tenacious in fighting, and they did not retreat as easily as the Guangsheng army.After all, Zhu Quanzhong often rewarded them with money, silk, wine and meat, and captured enemy town officials to play with their wives and daughters. He didn't say he was grateful to the Zhu family, but it was absolutely impossible to "fire two shots and be worthy of the emperor".

More than 2000 sergeants fought brutally on the street, people fell down constantly, and the casualties increased sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Zhang Lang, hurry up and die!" There was a loud shout from the city gate, and Zhang Guibian came to kill with more than 200 soldiers.

Seeing reinforcements coming from the enemy, Liang Jun's morale was frustrated and his position was a little loose.

"General He, hurry up and charge the cavalry to drive out the thieves." Zhang Lang shot three arrows in a row, targeting the officer of the Xia army who was carrying the flag on his back, and in the night, he shot all the arrows and killed three martial arts students in a row.

"The streets are narrow, I'm afraid I can't rush up." He Delun hesitated.

"Come on!" Zhang Lang shouted angrily, bent his bow and set his arrow again, and killed one person.

He Delun left in a hurry.

After a while, the sound of horseshoes began to sound, getting closer and more urgent.

"Pfft!" "Boom!" "Wow!"

Hundreds of cavalry charged up, killing Liang Jun directly from behind.

"Good thief!" "Bastard!" "Does He Delun want to rebel?"

After hearing a series of scolding voices behind him, Zhang Lang turned pale with fright. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a horse rushing in front of him, and a long spear picked it up.

Zhang Lang only felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and the armor was like paper and could not provide any protection, so he was picked up by Ma Qiang.

"Zhang Lang is dead! Don't fight!" He Delun shouted while riding on the horse.

"Zhang Lang is dead, stop beating him!" someone shouted.

All the sergeants in the guard capital let out a burst of mourning, but no one stopped. Instead, they fell into a state of hysteria, fighting with the Tianxiong Army and the Desheng Army until they died.

The Shenjie Army and Tianxing Army who had been kidnapped took the opportunity to slip away and disappeared into the night.

A second group of sergeants poured in from the beam gate.

Xie Bin, the envoy of the right wing of the Tianxiong Army, personally led the team, and a total of two thousand infantry came in, surrounded the remaining guards and sergeants, and charged repeatedly.

Compared with the fierce battles at Liangmen and Zhengmen, there was almost no resistance in the direction of Caomen.

The soldiers of the Tianxing Army killed each other, and those who were unwilling to surrender or were unable to surrender in time were wiped out, and the remaining thousands of people marched to the city in line.

After them, Wang Jianji, the governor of the Tianxiong Army, led a thousand cavalrymen into the city, and searched the streets for Liang soldiers who were running around.

Li Renjun, the deputy envoy of the Tianxiong Army, led [-] infantry into the Song Gate, and went straight to the north of the city, firmly controlling the inside and outside of Yacheng.

At this point, Bianzhou City can basically be said to be completely under control.With the exception of a few areas still fighting, the streets were filled with the presence of conquerors, marking the change of hands of the entire city.

People in Bianzhou are not deaf and blind, so they naturally heard the sound of fighting on the street resounding all night.

For many years, even during the most rampant period of the Cai thief, no one was able to approach Bianzhou, let alone capture the city.Xia Jun's entry into the city was the first time in the life experience of many Bianliang people, and their emotions were complicated and unspeakable.

But they are all obediently hiding at home.Even if a few brave youngsters wanted to raise their knives and go out to fight with the Xia people, they were firmly held down by their family members.There are so many people outside, it doesn't count if you go out to die, and you also hurt your family, what's the matter?

After dawn, the battle was basically over.

Liang Jun's prisoners were escorted out of the city by teams, and there were clerks outside to count them.

Liang Jun, who was early anyway, also lined up out of the city, waiting for the next order.

The Tianxiong army went in with tens of thousands of people last night, and they didn't stop at all after dawn, and they came to mobilize the whole city.Search from house to house to see if there is Liang Bing or Jiang Zuo hiding in the house.

They checked very carefully, and even went through the boxes and cabinets, even the cellar.

Don't tell me, I really caught a lot of broken soldiers.Those who resisted were killed on the spot, and those who obeyed were escorted out of the city for unified screening.

This is a required step.

King Xia gave them one day, if one day is not enough, then two or three days.He can afford to wait, the only requirement is safety, don't let remnant soldiers suddenly come out when he enters the city, if something happens, more than [-] people inside and outside the city of Bianzhou will be buried with him.

"Last night at midnight, Zhang Guibian opened the city first, and the first commander of the Tianxiong Army, a thousand people entered first. Wang Tan opened the Zheng Gate again, and the first commander, a thousand people followed. At the third quarter of the ugly hour, Hua Wenqi opened the Cao Gate, and the Tianxiong Army Thousands of riders enter the city..." In the camp outside the city, Chen Cheng was introducing last night's battle to Shao Shude who had finished training his martial arts.

"The first to open the city first." Shao Shude said: "In this battle, Zhang Guibian, Shi Yanci, and Xie Yanzhang will lead the battle."

"Of course." Chen Cheng replied without any objection.

Zhang Guibian took the lead in opening the city, of course it was the first achievement.

Shi Yanci contacted Wang Tan, and also rescued Zhang Guibian and Xie Yanzhang, which was also the first achievement.

Xie Yanzhang was even more remarkable. He led the soldiers to capture the inner city and saved the most important treasury. He also contributed a lot.

"How many people were captured?" Shao Shude asked again.

"The statistics have not been completed, but there are still tens of thousands of people." Chen Cheng replied.

Anyway, the sergeants are mainly from the second army of Shenjie and Tianxing, and the number of Guangsheng army is less, adding up to about 7000 people.

Calculated in this way, more than 4000 people from the three armies of Shenjie, Tianxing, and Guangsheng should have been beheaded last night, plus nearly 3000 troops from the Guards, Chongjieshi, and other miscellaneous troops.

"The order was issued to reorganize the surrendered troops into the Guangsheng Army, envoy Zhang Guibian and deputy envoy Xie Yanzhang. The cavalrymen of the Desheng Army were also organized into the Guangsheng Army, and He Delun served as the envoy of Youyi."

"Decree that the two armies of Shenjie and Tianxing will be merged into the Shenjie Army. Wang Tan will be the envoy and Hua Wenqi will be the deputy envoy. If they dare to complain, they will be arrested and killed."

"Decree that the three armies of Yicong, Feng'an, and Tianzhu came to Bianzhou to accept reorganization."

"Biao Shiyan resigned as governor of Songzhou."

After issuing a series of orders, Shao Shude waited outside the city for two days.

On the sixth day of October, surrounded by his own soldiers, he entered the city in style.

King Xia finally arrived at his loyal Bianzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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