Chapter 853
The plaque of Prince Liang's Mansion has been taken down and replaced with a brand new plaque of Prince Xia's Mansion.

The soldiers finished their breakfast and put it on the case.

After a long time, Shao Shude put on his robe and went out of the room.

He slept alone last night.

I haven't met a woman in a few months, and there is a lot of spoils in front of me, and I can't get lucky in a short time.He is not very interested in ordinary women without status, so he can only suffer for himself.

Zhang Hui was also invited to have dinner together.

Her father used to be the governor of Songzhou, and the Zhang family is also a wealthy family in Dangshan. She has experienced strict etiquette education since she was a child, and she has an elegant posture when eating.

"Today I'm going to review the troops." After finishing eating, Shao Shude wiped his mouth with a silk scarf and said.

Zhang Hui glanced at him, and there was no worry in her charming eyes.

Yesterday King Xia issued an order to pardon the crimes of Zhu Youzhen, Zhu Youzhang and other Zhu's children - Zhu Youliang, Zhu Youwen and other crimes will not be included.

A big stone fell to the ground in Zhang Hui's heart, and he has no worries since then. Now he is thinking about how to continue to maintain his past life.

Zhu Quanzhong used to dote on her very much, not to mention obeying everything, he definitely held her in the palm of his hand.When he was away from the expedition, Zhang Hui helped to raise some military and civilian affairs in Bianzhou. Once he was called, Zhu Quanzhong would rush back as much as possible, which shows that he is extremely honored.

But Shao Shude is different.He has no intention of admiration for himself, but only a naked desire to conquer and humiliate.It is obviously not acceptable to use the same attitude towards Zhu Quanzhong as before, one has to flatter and flatter him in every possible way, otherwise when his freshness wears off, the situation of the three of them will definitely plummet.

"Follow me around." Shao Shude waved and said.

Zhang Hui got up and sat in his arms, her body was a little stiff at first, but soon relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face, and said softly: "I will obey my orders."

Shao Shude felt secretly refreshed.Obviously this woman in front of you doesn't like you, but she has no choice but to go against her own will and try her best to please you, and even pretend to be enjoying it.After acting for a long time, I am afraid that I will get stuck in it, and I will never be able to return to the past.

Man is a creature that will be domesticated by the environment, which is very scary.You ask, how long has it been since Mrs. Chu thought of Zhang Quanyi?When she was raped at the beginning, she was desperate and secretive, but now she is secretly fighting for favor, especially after giving birth to a child.

It's a pity that he hasn't met a chaste and martyred woman in the northern dynasty where Hu Feng was infiltrated, and he really wants to see one.

Well, the degree of perversion has further deepened.Ever since he often held his bloody head and inspected it carefully without changing his expression, he had stepped into this abyss step by step.

I heard that Shanguo Wang Gong was also a young man with upright views in his early years, but after he had been a martial artist for many years and personally participated in the war to encircle and suppress Huangchao, he became more and more abnormal.

First, someone rebelled and was beheaded by him, and then he suffered from heart disease and couldn't sleep well all night.When there was a little movement outside, I suddenly woke up and suspected that there was a rebellion. As a result, more and more people were killed for no reason, and more and more people rebelled, entering a death spiral.

In the end, he has become extremely cruel. He likes to put the head of his enemy on his desk and appreciate it all the time. Only in this way can he relax his nerves and get a little peace.

Zhao Kuangyin's brother-in-law Wang Jixun is also typical.He is obviously rich, but he likes to rob civilian girls, because it makes him feel more happy.The women who came into the mansion were also abused to satisfy his animal desires.

This is already mentally ill!But Wang Jixun is also from a great family, full of poems and books, he can recite poems and compose Fu, the contrast is so great.

Shao Shude hugged Zhang Hui, trying to restrain the impulse in his heart.

Zhang Hui seemed to be aware of it, stroking his face with his slender hands, and said softly: "Your Highness occupies the pass and Henan Road, and his prestige is as high as the sun. If you say what you say, who would dare to rebel? Warriors are unruly, but they dare not disrespect His Highness. And be at ease."

"The jackal in my heart was almost released." Shao Shude sighed.

In history, Zhu Quanzhong let himself go after Zhang Hui's death, killed people indiscriminately, and purged veterans. His methods were hasty and clumsy, which was not at his previous level.Later, he also played with Zhang Quanyi's family members and let the daughters-in-law sleep one by one. He used to think that this was the historian's intention to slander Zhu Quanzhong, but now that he thinks about it, it's really hard to say.

When Wu Fu's mental illness broke out, it was Liu Rengong who circled five thousand women to play with himself, it was Zhu Wen who killed the general to play with his daughter-in-law unjustly, and it was Li Cunxu who was murdered by an actor after he won the world.

"Let's go to the military parade." Shao Shude put Zhang Hui down, changed into a military uniform under the service of the beautiful woman, and went out.

Rewards will be distributed to the soldiers today.

It is impossible not to reward such a major event as the capture of Bianzhou.It may be possible to suppress it once or twice, but it is destined to lose the morale of the army.This actually eats up one's own safety factor, and the possibility of martial arts rebellion becomes higher. If it is not a last resort, who would play like this.

On the field south of Bianzhou City, tens of thousands of troops stood in the wind, wearing armor and armed with weapons.

Shao Shude left the city on his horse.

His face was extremely gentle, with a vague smile on his face.With a calm demeanor, without anger and prestige, his eyes are full of confidence and ambition, at first glance he is a master worthy of being followed.

Zhang Hui sat in the carriage, opened the curtains and looked at Shao Shude quietly, suddenly smiled, and then became a little worried.

Such a decisive, wise and benevolent martial artist actually has a tyrannical side.She thought of her husband who had run away. They were so similar, they were almost carved out of the same mold.

Hu Zhen, Ge Congzhou, Dai Siyuan, Li Si'an and other generals all came, and even Yang Yanhong and Shi Shucong, who lived idle in Bianzhou City, stood silently aside.

Behind these generals, there is a large group of people, all of them are generals from other states who came overnight, and of course there are many local officials in Bianzhou.

"See you, Your Majesty!" All the demoted officials and generals from Liangdi saluted one after another.

"See Your Majesty!" Zang Dubao, Niu Li, Feng Zangzhi, Zhe Siyu, Meng Zhixiang and other warriors from the Kansai Group also saluted one after another.

Shao Shude rode on the horse and said: "You guys are so strong!"

The three armies of Longxiang, Guangsheng, and Shenjie are nearly 3 people, and there are more than [-] people in the army of Tianxiong, Huguo, cavalry and bodyguards, with a total of [-] cavalry in the wilderness. .

These people all obey their own orders.Where the blade points is the direction of their attack, advancing forward and succeeding one after another without turning their heels.Defeat the stubborn enemy, and hold his generals in front of the steps to interrogate them.

Surrounded by his own soldiers, Shao Shude rode his horse and walked slowly, his eyes scanning the troops.

When passing by the Tianxiong and Tieqi Second Armies, tens of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, and their lances beat the ground rhythmically, with excited and fanatical expressions.

The Bianliang Jiangren of the Guangsheng, Shenjie, and Longxiang armies stood there quietly.

Shao Shude didn't take it seriously, it's not surprising that these troops haven't calmed down yet.

He silently counted the miscellaneous armies currently under his account, Weisheng, Huaining, Zhongwu, Zhongyi, Wuchang, Huguo, Jianrui, Youguo, Guangsheng, Shenjie, Longxiang...

Wow, there are too many to count!

He estimates that there are still 30 to [-] miscellaneous troops distributed in various towns, and they are an extremely large force.

He now fully understands the actions of Zhu Quanzhong, Li Cunxu, and the monarchs of the five dynasties to cut down their vassals.

Can it work without cutting the feudal clan?Certainly not.

But once the feudal clan is cut, the war will be postponed, and even the entire dynasty will be ruined, because the veteran Yuan Cong of his own lineage also has a lot of shady thoughts, and may not go all out to suppress the rebellious feudal town.Even like Guo Wei, he would take the imperial court's forbidden army and fight outside for a long time, holding his own self-respect and unpredictable thoughts.

Cutting the feudal clan and cleaning up the miscellaneous troops may not be easier than conquering the world.After Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty, he could demobilize a large number of troops, but if he arrived in the late Tang Dynasty, he would never dare to do so.

After walking around, Shao Shude rode back to the carriage and got off the horse.

He brewed his emotions for a while, and pretended to open the car curtain, as if treating each other with courtesy.

Zhang Hui got out of the car slowly, and when he saw Hu Zhen, Ge Congzhou and other Liangdi generals, his eye circles suddenly turned red, and he shed a few tears.

Hu Zhen and the others were still embarrassed at first, but they were all silent at this moment, and some people even sighed.

"All the generals are old men of the Xuanwu Army. Some are brave, rigorous, or wise. They have made a lot of contributions under King Liang's tent in the past." Zhang Hui looked at the crowd and said with a sob: "The past It's over, the Xuanwu army has become a thing of the past. King Xia is benevolent and generous. He has fully pardoned the crimes of the Zhu family's descendants and has not implicated the clan. Those who fought against the Xia army did their duty as warriors. There is no right or wrong, King Xia A promise is a thousand gold, he said that if he does not turn over the old score, he will not turn over the old score, so you can rest assured."

Speaking of this, Zhang Hui paused, and then said: "The 20 Xuanwu army was destroyed, and the world was shocked. It can be seen that King Xia's Wentao and martial arts are far superior to his peers, and there is a faint destiny. This is not a crime of war. The talents of the lords, The concubine knows it well, and once explained it to the King of Xia. His Highness was delighted to hear it. The world is full of turmoil and wars are still frequent, and the kings still have a place to use their talents. Don't give up on yourself. The King of Xia has no opinion of the family, so let's do things for His Highness. Henan can't stand chaos."

General Liang listened, some people sighed, some people were full of hope again, and the overall atmosphere seemed to be much more positive.

It is one thing for Shao Shude to say something, but it is another thing for others to say it, and they can completely promote each other.Zhang Hui is here to assist him today. She has a special status. Many people have received her favor, and the effect is not bad.

Local officials and generals also have "morale".Their morale is high, and they are quicker and more beautiful when they work.If the morale is not high, then I can get [-] or [-] points if I can get [-] points. Anyway, the assessment line is [-] points.If a small number of officials are like this, the impact may not be large. If it is enlarged to hundreds or thousands, the impact will be very obvious.

Shao Shude glanced at Zhang Hui approvingly, and said: "I don't know how many people from the Guandong region are the generals in front of my tent. You gentlemen are good at doing things, so don't think too much. Those with me in the early years are now rich and honored. There will be opportunities in the future. You should encourage it."

"Follow your Majesty's order." Everyone said in unison.

Shao Shude nodded, turned around, looked at the sergeants in line, and announced, "I will give you two strings of money and three bolts of silk."

After the messenger sent the message to various places, the cheers of the sergeants reached a new level.

The soldiers of the Tianxiong Army and the Cavalry Army were beaming, and kept shouting: "Wan Sheng."

Shouting and shouting, I didn't know who was wrong, so I yelled "Long live!"

"Long live! Long live!" The sound became more and more orderly, spreading throughout the field.

Shao Shude was a little confused, and immediately ordered the dissolution.

(End of this chapter)

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