Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 857 Growing Up

Chapter 857 Growing Up

With a thousand armored cavalry as the vanguard, followed by thousands of light and heavy cavalry, the Jin army rushed towards the Khitan army.

Li Ke rode out on a fast horse, holding a frighteningly large riding bow in his hand, and fired several arrows in succession, hitting every one of them.

The soldiers quickly chased him up and surrounded him to protect him.

Li Ke yelled at each other, found the right opening to shoot left and right, and killed two more people.

Simply amazing!

Generally speaking, in horse archery, six out of ten are considered a master. Lao Li shot all five arrows. No wonder even the prairie chief was quite afraid of him at the time: he shot down the wild geese in the sky with one arrow, and hung them on the willows. A horsewhip that swings slightly on the branch can also shoot from a distance, even taking into account the wind speed and lead!

Is Shao someone afraid of the thick-faced and dark-hearted foster brother Shao?
"He who dares to look back will die!" Li Keyong emphasized it again, pulled out the iron gun from the sheath, and shouted loudly-this kind of strange weapon is popular throughout the Jin army, similar to the iron bone that is popular on the grassland.

The rampaging army crashed into the Khitan formation.

Shi Yan brandished a long pole horse, and swept the last few people in a row, all dressed in horses and horses, he was unstoppable.And there are too many people around, even if you want to rely on mobility to swim, you can only carry it hard.

The result of carrying it hard is to be rushed away.

Countless Khitan knights fell from their horses and were cut in half.The Tielin, Tuzhen, Tuqi and other troops quickly followed up, killing the Khitan people on their backs, and thousands of cavalry in the front scattered and fled.

Yelu Fugu only stood on a high slope, looking at the battlefield with some surprise.

Yeluyi stood behind him, silently calculating.

The performance of the cavalry of the Jin army also exceeded his expectations, which brought his understanding of armored cavalry and heavy cavalry to a new level.

It's not that the Khitan has no heavy cavalry, and the eight ministries have their own iron smelting industry. The development is fast and slow, but the overall situation is not bad, and they are considered to be superior to their peers on the grassland.Therefore, among the more than ten thousand cavalry of the guards under his command, there are also many heavy cavalry, but no armored cavalry.Now it seems that the role of armored cavalry cannot be underestimated when the cavalry is charging head-on.

Of course, it is not impossible to deal with this kind of cumbersome cavalry.

In fact, the farther west one went, the less the warriors of the steppe liked this monster.Like the Tatars, they have always believed in fighting to win, and they will kill you with light cavalry in the middle distance.

But in the east, probably because of the heavy farming, fishing and hunting habits, nomadism did not occupy a dominant position. Therefore, like the Central Plains, more emphasis was placed on heavy cavalry and armored cavalry.

Yeluyi is not a pedantic person, he does not believe that Tatars and Shiwei people don't like armored cavalry after seeing them, and any type of arms has its role, so it cannot be neglected.

He needs artisans, more artisans, the more the merrier!

"Kill!" Li Ke swung his iron and slammed it hard on the face of a Khitan chief, who was bleeding profusely and fell to the ground screaming.

Li Keyong laughed heartily, with a tyrannical killing emotion pouring out of his body, riding on a steed, bowing from left to right, shooting continuously, shooting from the prone position, and even his special skill from the back. A combined enemy, I don't know how many people were killed by him.

Li Luoluo led the Tielin army on a rampage, and Ma Chan's blade was almost dyed bright red.

A Khitan chieftain rushed forward, he was actually a rare spear cavalry.Li Luoluo was bold and careful. After avoiding the stabbing with his superb riding skills, he clamped the enemy's gun under his armpit with force.In the blink of an eye, the horse was abandoned, the saber was drawn out and the enemy fell to the ground screaming.

This father and son are really desperate!
But you have to admit that they can greatly boost morale and make the sergeants burst into super combat effectiveness.

The clamoring infantry also followed up, and a few Khitan cavalry who were dizzy and disoriented were knocked off their horses, and their bodies were dismembered.Those who were a little farther away were shot by a volley of infantry, and all the people and horses turned into hedgehogs.

The Jin army is also well-trained, and the formation was not too scattered during the charge, and the officers were still shouting loudly, restraining the troops, and maintaining the battle formation-these junior officers and veterans with subjective initiative are the most important part of an army. Priceless fortune.

There are also a large number of scattered teams cruising around the army formation, dozens of people, using strong bows and crossbows, wandering and shooting the enemy cavalry.Even after getting close, he dared to step forward to fight.

Guochao crossbowmen did not purely manipulate crossbows from the beginning.In fact, they usually carry Modao and epee to fight in battle.Modao and crossbow, you really can't tell which is the main weapon and which is the secondary weapon.

This style is similar to that of infantry. There is no such thing as a comfortable unit that only needs to shoot arrows and launch crossbows in the Guochao, and there are no professional archers and crossbowmen in the army. Under the "Flower Team" military system, everyone is a part-time job, everyone is a generalist, and no one can escape face-to-face close combat. Death is the first, followed by archery and fighting skills are better than most people.

Nearly [-] cavalry moved forward, directly shattering the last possibility of the Khitan people turning defeat into victory.

Yelu Fugu only made a decisive decision and ordered to retreat.

Yelu Yiduo glanced down the mountain, and the thousands of cavalry who fought were beaten and fled. The loss this time was not light.

He didn't think that sending his bodyguards to the end would change anything, as they would still lose.At most, the defeat is a good look, and the Jin soldiers are not allowed to break through in one charge, but if they charge two or three times, they will collapse sooner or later.

"We will change our tactics in the future." Yeluyi caught up with Fu Guzhi, and said, "Try to avoid going head-on, choose a wide battlefield, and take advantage of riding and shooting."

"Yeah." Fu Gu is not a fool, he has already seen the problem.In today's battlefield, there are rivers (White Wolf Water), forests, and various hills. The terrain is not too open, which is conducive to fighting head-on, not conducive to wandering and fighting.

Miscalculated!I wanted to weigh the opponent's weight head-on, but the weight was too heavy, and the scale was directly broken.

I have been used to going smoothly in the past few decades, so I should take it as a warning.

Seeing that Feng Gu only accepted his own suggestion, Yeluyi was very happy, and said, "The people of Jin will not stay here for long. It is very troublesome for them to dispatch a large army, no more than our grassland cavalry coming and going like the wind. Next time, bring more The Xiren and Bohai slaves who are stronger than infantry, we ride horses and attack the garrisons in Yingzhou, and run away, destroying their crops, taking away their cattle, sheep, and Dingkou. Those who have been captured will be pushed to the area of ​​Linyu Pass, where they will graze outside the pass.”

In today's battle, the invincible Khitan cavalry suffered a setback. Instead of extinguishing Yeluyi's ambition to go south, it seemed to add fuel to the fire, strengthening his determination to go south.

The money, food, equipment, armor, craftsmen, and Dingkou in the Central Plains had a fatal attraction for him.

In comparison, the conquered grassland tribes are like yellow-faced women, which are disgusting, while Zhong Yuan is as charming as his beloved Yue Liduo.

The army fled, covering the mountains and plains.

Li Keyong stopped, laughed loudly, and asked his subordinates to continue chasing.

But his face turned dark again soon, because some infantrymen were fighting for the horses, cattle and sheep left behind by the Khitans.

This breaks military discipline!It's time to fix it.

He brandished his horsewhip and beat up several sergeants who were scrambling for livestock, and then ordered the military commander Yuhou to clean up the military discipline, beheading more than ten people in a row, which calmed down the gang of bastards.

Duan Duan had a big victory, but as a result, he was in a bad mood. The more Li Ke thought about it, the more angry he became, he kicked a stone away from his feet, and returned to the town of White Wolf Garrison.

"Your Majesty!" Gai Yu bowed and bowed, hesitated again and again, and said, "Bianzhou City is broken."

"What?" Li Keyong was startled, and quickly asked, "Have you caught Zhu Quanzhong?"

Gai Yu has a strong desire to complain, is Zhu Quanzhong the point?

"Zhu Quanzhong fled to Huazhou, conscripted a lot of soldiers into the army, lost another game, and then led his troops north to Weibo." Gai Yu replied.

"It's a pity that this thief ran away!" Li Ke said through gritted teeth.

In the change of Shangyuanyi, three hundred of the men he brought over were killed, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

Among the 300 people, there were old men who followed him to Tatar, cronies of Shatuo's three tribes, clan members, and new generals. Almost all of them were elites.

Although more than ten years have passed, it still hurts my heart every time I think about it.This is also the main reason why he has always been reluctant to join forces with Zhu Quanzhong. There may be a tacit understanding that is not so obvious, but he will never join forces with this dog thief.

Seeing that the lord's mind was not there, Gai Yu decided to take some strong medicine. He only heard him say: "The king of Luxia Xia paraded the army, and the three armies shouted 'Long Live'. Shude accepted it calmly and rewarded all the armies."

Well, this is the art of language.

Obviously it was Shao Shude who rewarded the money and silk first, and the soldiers were so happy that some of them shouted "Long live" without any choice of words.But when it comes to Gai Yu, the taste changes completely.

The few things I said are true, but switch the order, tsk tsk.

Sure enough, Li Ke became very silent as soon as he heard it.

Others are shouting long live, what do you think?Li Keyong suddenly felt that he was living in a muddle. He was in his forties and didn't know what his goal was. He was being pushed away by his subordinates. He was subjectively inactive and completely passive.

Shame on you!
"Withdraw the troops after chasing and suppressing the remnants of the enemy." Li Keyong ordered.

"Where to withdraw?"

"Jinyang." Li Keyong said: "It's been a long time since the soldiers have been fighting, it's time to go home and have a look."

Li Keyong didn't say what to do after returning to Jinyang, and Gai Yu didn't ask.But he knows, there is a play!

"Send envoys to Zhenzhou and Cangzhou to discuss major plans with Wang Rong and Lu Yanwei." Li Keyong then ordered: "Wei Bo...Wei Bo also send envoys there."

Gai Yu was overjoyed.

The protagonist can let go of his dislike for Luo Hongxin and win him over more. This is definitely a big change.

An irreverent thought popped into his mind: King Jin has finally grown up.

Immediately, he extinguished this idea. King Jin was extremely brave, good at boosting morale, and won many battles. How could he think so?
Li Keyong left that night.

Before leaving, the army reported that more than 7 Khitan generals and [-] sergeants were captured, [-] levels of heads were beheaded, and more than [-] cattle, horses and alpacas were obtained.

Li Keyong just hummed, and returned to Youzhou overnight with some cavalry.

Yeluyi is now thinking about Li Keyong, but Li Keyong is thinking about his righteous brother, this world!

(End of this chapter)

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