Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 871 One-stop operation is as fierce as a tiger

Chapter 871
Zhu Xuan sat with his legs curled up in the dilapidated ancestral hall, talking eloquently.

There are more than [-] soldiers inside and outside the ancestral hall, just like believers, listening to his preaching carefully.

"What was our Yun town like before?" Zhu Xuan said: "After Zhu Quanzhong was entangled by the Shao bandits, the border was narrowed. Every spring, the shogunate persuaded the farmers, and in the summer, they went to the counties to compare the crops of the people, and the weeds never went away. Those who see it will grow like a cloud, and those who see it grow like a cloud will be rewarded with wine and tea, so they will win the people's sentiments, and there will be no shortage of money and food."

Everyone nodded slightly.

May I ask, what is it like to live in a feudal town governed by Wufu?
Generally, there are two types.One is to entrust everything to "Mao Jizi" and "big local households" to help them manage. Wufu only asks for money and food, and doesn't ask for anything else.

The second is partial or deep participation in local governance.

Considering that not all warriors are educated, their governance is very simple and rude.

Just like what Zhu Xuan said, in spring, let everyone get busy with farming and don't delay.

In summer, the warriors went to the countryside to various states and counties to inspect the growth of the crops in the fields.See good growth, give property.

In fact, not only Yunzhen, but also Zhang Quanyi did the same thing back then.

Public whipping and rewards of wine, meat and silk, you choose one.Anyway, the warriors rode their horses and watched all the way, and it was clear whether the wheat seedlings in the field were growing well or not.

The warriors even tried the case, which was extremely simple and rude.

During the Five Dynasties, when An Chongrong tried a case, his parents came to accuse his son of being unfilial, so he drew his sword and threw it on the ground, telling his parents to kill his son.The old man trembled and said "I can't bear it", but the mother picked up the sword and chased and killed her son.An Chongrong asked them to stop, and after careful questioning, he learned that his son was not unfilial and his mother was a stepmother, so he ordered them to get out of the hall, and when his mother turned to leave, he shot her to death with a bow and arrow.

With such a painting style, there is no F to say, and there is no way to complain.

"Yun Town is the Yun Town of our Wufu in Yunzhou. The money, food and goods are all our own. We can talk about how to divide them among ourselves, but we can't let outsiders divide them." Zhu Xuan continued: "Li Silang, you are an officer. Occupying the position of the Pingyin Order, one person receives two shares of money and food, if Shao thief comes, will there be such a good thing?"

"No." Li Silang replied.

It is all warriors who rule the country, so the phenomenon of warriors occupying officials is of course very serious. It is common for one person to hold both military and political positions. Some officers participate in local governance, and some do not. But no matter what, the two salaries are To get it.

Back then, Duan Xiushi held several positions by himself, so he made a statement to the court, saying that he only received one salary, and the saint was very moved.

But Duan Xiushi is a minority after all, and most martial arts still value money very much.A county magistrate spends three to five hundred dollars a year, who is willing to give up?

"Jin San, although you are a sergeant, you received a lot of rewards in addition to a few festivals last year. If the Shao thief came, would there be such a good thing?" Zhu Xuan asked again.

"No." Jin San replied.

Although ordinary sergeants can't occupy the official position, but with the atmosphere of this year, the Jiedushi will not treat everyone badly.Normally, rewards are fixed for several festivals, and rewards will be added from time to time, even if there is no war.

In those feudal towns in Hebei, the warriors were even more rebellious, and it was inconceivable that they would not be rewarded. They were replaced every minute, and another sensible Jiedushi was elected in the army to benefit all the warriors.

Why does Wufu in Yunzhen hate Zhu Quanzhong?Because he is too strict in management, he controls all the money and food in his own hands, and does not allow warriors to interfere in local political affairs unless he is appointed.

The sergeants under the tent were not allowed to join forces to fight for pay, otherwise the military law would be practiced - he had a high prestige and created Liang Jun by himself, and he would not easily accommodate Wufu, which was very annoying.

Shao Shude and Zhu Quanzhong were almost carved out of the same mold.

They did not inherit the old army of feudal towns, but rebuilt their own troops from nothing.

Therefore, for Wu Fu in Yunzhen, Shao thief is also very annoying.

Cutting off people's wealth, such as killing their parents, if you don't say anything, fight him to the end, unless-unless you really can't beat it.

"The Shao thief is like the imperial court, desperately trying to seize Yunzhou." Zhu Xuan said with a smile: "In the past, Hebei Shengjiao was not as good as it was, and the two taxes that the imperial court could collect were very limited, and sometimes they couldn't even collect them. The wealth saved , It’s all our own. Now we are the three towns of Heshuo, and we have to fight against the Shao bandits who robbed us of our money and food.”

"Marshal, what do you think we should do?" Someone said with a look of resentment.

Zhu Xuan felt very relieved when he heard the word "Marshal", and said with a smile: "Yun Town has [-] warriors, counting family members, this is more than [-] people. You still have relatives and friends, half of Yun Town supports us of."

Speaking of this, he sighed again, and said: "There are still too few soldiers. I brought more than a thousand cavalry from Qingzhou, but this meeting is still in Qizhou. Let's split up and call for help. No matter what It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been a soldier before. Our Yun town has a strong military style and a good foundation. Let’s pull up the team first. On the other hand, Shao’s bandit has only been killed for seven or eight days, and his foundation is not stable. The local officials are still from Yunzhou. Go to contact more. Don’t let go of the local wealthy families. Let’s work together to create a big scene for Shao thief behind his back. At that time, his army’s morale will be in turmoil, and he will definitely be untenable, so he can only retreat in despair.”

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and felt that what Zhu Shuai said was right, he could indeed cooperate with Yanren and Qiren, and give Shao thief a hard time.

Zhu Xuan looked at the crowd with a smile, and said some other precautions, and then they dispersed, and they split up.

Of course, he is a sensible person, but he is not as simple-minded as ordinary martial arts.In fact, in his opinion, the current situation is already very bad.

The bandit Shao's surprise attack on Yunzhou and beheading Zhu Wei was truly a stroke of genius.Afterwards, without stopping, the troops were divided into various places, and the warriors of Yunzhen who were scattered in various places were swiftly encircled and suppressed-they were the foundation and soil of Yunzhen's "independence".

Shao thief's methods are so dark and cruel, it can be seen that he doesn't have a good opinion of Yunzhen Wufu.

He would rather recruit soldiers from the Liang army than the soldiers from Yunzhen. Doesn't that explain the problem?He is rooted in Duanyun Town.

"Damn it, what can you do if you just do it?" Zhu Xuan slapped his thigh and said angrily, "The Shao thief is not superhuman, so you can be afraid of him."

On the frozen post road after the snow, people shouted and neighed, and it was very lively.

Zhu Quanzhong rode on a steed, looking into the distance.

Jing Xiang, Li Zhen, and Jiang Xuanhui were three confidantes who surrounded him. These were his only counselors and confidants - Wei Zhao stayed in Weizhou to manage various affairs.

Wang Yin, Wang Yanzhang, Zhu Youliang, Han Qing, and the newly arrived Zhu You were in various camps. They were now the only "generals" around Zhu Quanzhong.

More than 7000 steps are all his capital now.

"Living under the fence and looking at people's faces, life is hard." After walking for a while, Zhu Quanzhong suddenly sighed.

Several cronies were silent.

King Liang is in a bad mood recently.News came from the south that Shao thief had raped Princess Zhang Hui and wanted to take her to Tangchi to have fun.

Jing Xiang still remembers the scene at that time. Liang Wang's face turned green, and he almost killed someone in a rage.

Recently, news came out suddenly that this was false, Shao thief did not go to Guangchengze at all, but went to Yunzhou, raided and broke the city at Zhengdan night, killed Jiedu envoy Zhu Wei, and now he should be with Yanren, The people of Qi kept pestering each other.

But Liang Wang was not at all happy when he heard the news.Because Shao thief lives and sleeps in the palace every day, thinking about it with his toes, he knows what happened to his family and his family.

This hatred is inseparable!

Fortunately, King Liang is still sensible and knows not to be blinded by the love of his sons and daughters. The most important thing now is to get rid of the predicament of relying on others and get a piece of land.

No matter how enthusiastic sixth brother Luo is, it is only temporary, and he may not support them for a lifetime.Furthermore, Sixth Brother's health is getting worse and worse, there are undercurrents in the town, and people connect with him from time to time.If the sixth brother passes away, and the warriors will hold public elections again, will the new Jiedushi still support them?Not necessarily.

So, after some deliberation, King Liang made a decision to go east to Bozhou and take chestnuts from the fire.

Luo Hongxin had nothing to do with this. In fact, he didn't care much about it. He just asked Bozhou to provide money, food and equipment to facilitate Liang Jun's actions.

So, they dispatched, and now they are only a few miles away from Liaocheng County, where Bozhou is located.

"Keep working harder. When we arrive in Bozhou, we will have hot meals and hot soup." Zhu Quanzhong picked up his mood, galloped his horse back and forth, and said loudly, "After taking a rest in Bozhou, we will wait for the opportunity. Yunzhou is rich and prosperous. , has now been taken by the Shao thief, let's kill it, and let you take the wealth and women."

When the sergeants heard this, their morale was boosted and their pace picked up.

Jingxiang closed his eyes.

Once upon a time, the king of Liang strictly restrained the soldiers, not to hurt the people, and those who disobeyed the order would be beheaded, so the soldiers and people of Liang were virtuous.

But at this time, they openly publicized that there are rich women in Yunzhou who can be robbed to boost morale.

But he also knew that King Liang had no choice.

Luo Hongxin only let them have enough food, and occasionally gave them some goods, which was far from enough.

It was okay for a short time, but if it dragged on for a long time, the sergeants ran away if they couldn't keep it together-no money, and you still want me to fight and die?
These more than 1 people are the capital for King Liang to stand up in the end. He cherishes it very much and is absolutely unwilling to lose it.Therefore, going out to grab territory is inevitable, sooner rather than later.

Go west to grab Heyang, dare not.Because Xia Thief's Tianxiong army has passed, this army is powerful, and the past is tantamount to humiliating itself.

I didn't dare to go south into Huazhou.Because they had just been chased away by the thief Cai Songyang, they were afraid.

Then the only way is to go east, first go to Bozhou to supply, then go south across the Yellow River, and advance to Yunzhou. For the time being, this is the only way.

Bozhou will arrive soon.

The governor's attitude was lukewarm, food and grass were given, some equipment was given, but money and silk were not.

Zhu Quanzhong didn't take it seriously, and personally led people out of the city south to the north bank of the Yellow River to investigate the enemy's situation and inquire about news.

(End of this chapter)

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